A Light In The Darkness

When have you been provided a light in the darkness during a time you could not see and needed the light?

Twice this evening, practically back to back, I and another person were separately provided a light in the darkness.  

While traveling in our teenage drivers’ older car to drop off one of my children at a school basketball game, upon our arrival, after parking in a stall to wait and observe their safe entrance into the gym, my hands felt sticky and dirty. As I looked in the middle console of the car for hand wipes, to which there was none, I spotted a flashlight. I was drawn to what was wrapped around the exterior of the flashlight. It was a message that read, “Be Different, Stand Out, Be A Light”.

Once my child was safely inside the gym, as I was about to leave and go back home, I observed a man parked a few stalls away from me to my left, with no cars between us, changing his flat tire. I felt impressed to roll down my window and share with him what a tender mercy that he was able to make it off the nearby highway and into the gym parking lot to change the tire in a safe place rather than being stuck changing it on the highway. He was very appreciative of the wonderful blessing. After that brief interaction, upon my departure, I recognized another tender mercy. As dusk was fast approaching, I noticed that he would have a light in the darkness while he changed his tire as he was parked in a location right under a parking lot light. 

On my way back home, just before I arrived, I heard something fall to the floor near or around the front passenger seat. At this point, the sun had completely set. After I reached our driveway, parked, and turned off the car, I looked for it, but I couldn’t see what it was or where it had fallen. It was a tender mercy that where my light on my phone did not work, I was fortunately aware of the flashlight in the middle console and I had a light in the darkness to find and pick up the object as well as see to gather all my belongings prior to my exit out of the car. 

When have you been provided a light in the darkness during a time you could not see and needed the light


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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