Best-Laid Plans Even More So Improved Upon

And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed!

Strategizing and coordinating events in the most optimal and efficient way as possible from setting up large group rotation schedules to planning out the best routes to travel when running errands to multiple places all over town is something I thoroughly enjoy. And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed! 

With Christmas only a week away and it being the last day of school for our kids before the winter break, I was concerned about not catching those I wanted to deliver gifts to prior to their possibly leaving town for the holidays. I connected with each via a text message asking if they would be around prior to a specific late afternoon time, allowing a cushion for me to pick up our newly spayed puppy from the veterinary clinic within the designated final two hours before they closed. Ideally, I hoped to arrive within the first hour as I was anxious to get to her as soon as possible and spend the rest of the evening providing her comfort and my undivided love and attention as she began the two week incision healing and recovery process.

As almost everyone, except for a couple, one-by-one, quickly responded to my message, the majority of them shared the same approximate time for me to come by. Their places of residence were in several different neighborhoods stretched out in my community. Strategizing the coordination of how to get to each home within the short available window was a fun, albeit bit tricky challenge for me. When delays transpired that extended the time longer to get from one place to another, I revamped my plan a few times to best optimize the distance I needed to travel and keep within the allotted timeframe. Along the way, when I knew I would arrive later than the originally planned time, I reached out to adjust the time. It was a tender mercy each one kindly obliged to the alteration and indicated they would still be home. 

My plan though well laid out, even so, with a couple homes left to go, it was a tender mercy an unexpected call I received from someone I thought was in a pinch and needed my help further refined my best-laid plan. Immediately, I rerouted and headed their way to assist them and learned just before reaching their place that they did not need my help. As a result of rerouting, I happened to pass a home I was going to deliver to last and saw that they were outside. It was a tender mercy I was able to drop off their gift lickety-split and from there able to deliver the remaining gift and pick up our puppy thirty minutes sooner than I had anticipated.

When have your best-laid plans been further refined and even more efficient and optimal than you had well-devised?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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