Much Appreciated Heads-Up Alert

During extreme winter weather conditions, the difficulties and challenges our family could have faced were prevented or reduced as we were given a much appreciated heads-up alert on multiple occasions.

Throughout a week that included snow days, freezing temperatures, icy road and school closures, rolling blackouts, and water outages due to extreme winter weather conditions, the difficulties and challenges our family could have faced were prevented or reduced as we were given a much appreciated heads-up alert on multiple occasions. 

The first much appreciated heads-up alert came from a friend hours before our water shut off, notifying myself and other friends via a group text message of a community nearby that would soon be without running water as power outages were impacting the function of water plants. I figured it was just a matter of time before our community would likewise lose water and being one who learns from the experiences of others what to do or not to do, in the event our water shut off too, our family filled our tubs so we would have water to flush our toilets. 

It was a tender mercy that we were prepared as that afternoon and for several days after, our water flow went from an intended slow trickle for to keep our indoor pipes from freezing to no running water at all. Throughout the duration of time till our water came back on and the boil alert for our neighborhood was lifted, it was not only a tender mercy we had plenty of water bottles in our food storage to get us by for drinking, brushing our teeth, and washing our hands, but also mid-week, two days after our first snowfall, more snow fell and we were able to top off our tubs with snow. 

The second much appreciated heads-up alert came the following day. When I took our puppy out into our snow covered backyard to go potty in her designated area, it was a tender mercy I saw that our neighbor was in their backyard at the same time for as I said hello and asked how their family was doing, the news of water damage to their master bedroom due to a pipe break and mention of covering outdoor water faucets prompted my husband and I to immediately cover our outdoor faucets to which we had not thought to do before then. 

As my husband went about and first removed the garden hoses from our outdoor faucets before he covered them in hopes of preventing our pipes from freezing, unfortunately, one of our faucets was already frozen, however, it was a tender mercy I had hot water in a pot on our stove ready for my kids to make hot chocolate if and when they decided to go back out to play in the snow which was then used instead to successfully unfreeze the faucet and remove the garden hose before the water faucet was wrapped with a towel. 

A third much appreciated heads-up alert came by way of a contractor, hours after our water came back on at the latter end of the week. While he was at the home of the same neighbor whom I had spoken with days earlier, it was a tender mercy he observed that our home was flooding. When he came pounding on our door to inform us, it didn’t register to me that the water was originating from our home as the interior of our home was all dry and well inside, but rather I thought water from the neighbor’s home was rushing over and pooling up against the exterior of our home. That was not the case. A pipe overhead in our garage had separated and water was gushing down from the ceiling. As we were completely unaware of the happenings in our garage, it was a tender mercy that in addition to the contractor coming over to let us know about the flooding he observed, the damage to the ceiling wall and the objects below the downpour were minimal, and the living quarters of our home were unaffected. 

Upon our seeing the “waterfall” for ourselves, right away, my husband shut off the water main to our home and though once again we were without running water, it was a tender mercy it was short lived as our waiting on a plumber to come turned out to be unnecessary. The next day as I went into our attic above the garage to assess any water damage that may have occurred there, it was a tender mercy there was none. Also, it was a tender mercy I saw the pipe that had separated and it was in an accessible unfinished open space. Not only that, it was a tender mercy my husband had the tools and skills to repair it himself rather quickly, and in no time our water was back up and running. 

When have you received a much appreciated heads-up alert that prevented or reduced greater impact that could have occurred during circumstances you had no control over?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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