Aside from selecting a like, love, or care emoji on Facebook posts, rarely do I comment on a post. However, the palpitation to respond to a particular post led to an exhilarating moment weeks later as I opened up my Facebook App and the first post in my feed was a video announcement with the tag line, “And The Winner Is…” It was Me!
Weeks earlier, as I scrolled through my Facebook notifications and tapped on a “Ripples of Change: A Collaboration For Good” post from Leta Greene and read her invitation to share an experience of being seen and/or seeing someone else, my heart began pounding hard, an indicator for me to respond. A specific experience I had a few years earlier and published here on my blog entitled, “Weak In Appearance; But, In Fact, Strong” popped out for me. Not often do I respond to posts in the comments, however, I felt a strong prompting to share this particular blog post experience of my seeing someone and their seeing me.
A bonus for those who shared an experience was being added to a drawing that would be held at the end of the month for the book, “I SEE YOU” by Julie Lee. I have followed Julie’s AMAZING podcast, “I See You” almost from the time she started the podcast 100 episodes ago. Though it was my pounding heart that led me to share my experience, the possibility I may be drawn to receive her book was an awesome plus!
As individuals shared their experiences in the comments associated with the post, each received a grateful response followed with a confirmation they had been added to the drawing, however, to my shared experience, I received no reply. Ironically, I was unsure if the experience I felt strongly prompted to share had been seen. As I began to then see experiences being shared as a new post versus in the comments of the original post, I wondered if perhaps it was meant for me to have shared it as a new post too.
I felt prompted to follow up about it. At the same time, I felt embarrassed I was even concerned in the first place. It seemed silly to be worried whether my post was seen or not, yet, rather than ignore and push aside the uncertainty, I uncomfortably reached out to Leta and expressed my lack of surety whether I posted it accurately. She replied back with an apology she had missed it and shared that I was entered in the drawing.
At the end of the month, out of curiosity, I looked to see who won Julie’s book. Where no mention of a winner was posted, I didn’t think more of it after that. Then over a week later while on a mini trip out-of-state, on the morning of the only free day I had amidst events and planned activities that preceded and followed that day, when I opened up Facebook, the very first post in my feed was a video with the tag line “And The Winner Is…” posted live by Leta the evening prior. As I viewed the video, I was elated to see and hear my name drawn as the winner of Julie Lee’s book. I was giddy. I immediately sent a thank you to Leta.
It was a tender mercy it so happened Leta’s residence was approximately 30 minutes from where I was staying and I would be able to pick up the book directly from her. As we corresponded with one another to coordinate a time for me to come pick up the book, it was a tender mercy she felt impressed to connect me with Julie herself whose residence in the opposite direction was likewise approximately 30 minutes from me and in addition, I have many warm, nostalgic ties to where she lives. It was so incredibly cool to visit Julie in-person, alongside with my husband, and receive a personalized signed copy of her book from Julie herself!
Wow! An incredible tender mercy that derived from my having acted on the prompting to share my experience of being seen and seeing another to feeling impressed to inquire whether my posted experience in the comments had been seen.
When have you felt awkward, yet prompted to follow up on something you were impressed to submit, which involved being added to a drawing for a free gift, that appeared to have gone overlooked and your inquiry led to a very cool, “And The Winner Is…” moment with you being declared the winner?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.