Though cheesy, perhaps an unpopular product, hence the marked down price, I became super excited, one, for the potential of what I saw as an awesome gift and two, the marked down price. Again, though maybe a cheesy gift, I did not talk myself out of taking action to purchase several and allow doubt and negativity to override the exuberant joy I felt for whom all I could give the gift.
As I went to the store for a kitchen accessory, a decorative bowl to place on my kitchen counter for fresh fruit, though I found nothing that caught my eye in that regards, it was a tender mercy there was something else that did catch my eye, a 90% off lettuce crisper bowl. Immediately as I saw it, those whom I could give the bowl to as a gift entered my mind, including for someone hosting a BBQ I would be attending, of which I considered a cool tender mercy that what I brought could be placed in the bowl and not worry about remembering to get the bowl at the end to bring back home.
Once I had the bowls in my shopping cart, I don’t know, but the thought that it may be tacky to give only the bowl, I went in search for a prepackaged spring salad kit the recipients would like for to include with the bowl. It was a tender mercy I was drawn to one of the many options, in the quantity I wanted to get, and also on sale.
A morning following, I felt an impromptu strong impression to deliver them. It was one thing to be moved to purchase the lettuce crisper bowls and salad kits and feel excitement at the time as I thought of each person to whom to give the gift, it was another thing to deliver them. Though doubt and hesitancy creeped in, it was a tender mercy the intrusive emotions and invasive thoughts did not talk myself out of taking action and following through.
Additionally, inside each bowl, I added ripe vine tomatoes. It was a tender mercy I was able to share my abundance of tomatoes I purchased at Sam’s Club in bulk for a less comparable cost than a single tomato from the local grocery store, of which the quantity was more than what my family and I would be able to eat before they went bad.
Though nervous about delivering what may have been thought of or considered a cheesy gift, I did not pass up the draw I felt to purchase them nor talk myself out of taking action to give them to each individual that entered my mind. Subsequently, it was a tender mercy the gift was well received by all.
When have you not talked yourself out of, second guessed, or backed away from taking action to do a good deed despite opposition to do so?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
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