A Timely Approach

Prior to taking it on, a timely approach of a qualified individual came your way.

When have you wanted something done a certain way, so you did it yourself rather than the challenge and aggravation of explaining the what and how to someone else, and prior to taking it on, a timely approach of a qualified individual came your way and relieved you of the task that would have taken you much longer and perhaps less effectively done, if by you?

As my husband and I had drywall work being done in our home, though instructions were provided as to what we wanted done, after the contractors left and it appeared they supposed their work was complete, as the area had been cleaned up indicating such, my husband and I saw that a specific portion we were excited about was incomplete, to which we gathered may have likely been a communication misunderstanding due to a language barrier and instructions were not fully understood.

As we desired to have the task done before the painters arrived the following day to tape, mud, and paint, we decided to take on the incomplete work ourselves. Not having the appropriate tools for the job, we improvised. It was a tender mercy my husband had a pocket knife accessible which he used to carve away and remove a section of the sheetrock we wanted cut out.

The next step was to frame the area cut out with a metal wrapping around the edges. It was a tender mercy we found thrown out, leftover metal scraps that had been used for the sheetrock edges already completed. Problem was, we did not have a tool to cut the long metal pieces to size nor the specific staple gun nails to secure the metal framing in place. 

My husband and I decided we would make a trip to get what was needed to complete the project ourselves, an estimated three hour to and fro travel time to get the tools we hoped would do the job and the time it would take to complete the project.

Upon our departure, as we were walking out to our car, it was a tender mercy the contractor who installed the metal framing around the sheetrock edges, and was unaware of the instructions we had given the drywall contractor, pulled up to our home. They had left their ladder behind by accident and came to pick it up.

It was a huge tender mercy this specific contractor came when they did, a timely approach, and were able to take care of completing the project for us right then and there. In just a few minutes they cut the metal to size, framed it around the opening, and nailed it down.

When has a timely approach of a more qualified individual relieved you of a task that would have taken you much longer and perhaps been less effectively done if by you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Freedoms In The Midst Of Restrictions

Despite orders on a state and national level precluding certain activities from taking place for the time being due to the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many freedoms in the midst of restrictions to which I have enjoyed and valued very much.

For years, I have heeded the spiritual counsel given by modern-day prophets to prepare, alongside with my husband, for any number of potential catastrophic circumstances or devastating situations that may come our way. As such, although schools, churches, parks, and businesses have most recently closed temporarily due to the coronavirus pandemic, I have not felt any anxiety, stress, panic or fear. I have felt at ease. Despite orders on a state and national level precluding certain activities from taking place for the time being, there have been many freedoms in the midst of restrictions to which I have enjoyed and valued very much.   

~It has been a tender mercy that although state and local parks have closed, the nature preserve directly behind our house has been open, where our family has spent time outdoors many of days riding numerous bike trails and leisurely enjoying the walking paths, there and in our neighborhood as the spring temperatures and weather this year have both been ideal and beautiful. 

~Even with church buildings closed, it has been a tender mercy we have been able to continue to worship and have a Sacrament meeting in our home as a family each Sabbath Day.  

~In the wake of many products for weeks being hard to get because of the insufficient supply ratio to the sudden overwhelming demand for them, it has been a tender mercy that all of our essential needs have thus far been adequate due to our efforts to have consistently prepared ongoing for times like now long before the outbreak of the coronavirus.

~Before the stay-at-home order, when I frequented stores on a regular basis as I prefer in-store shopping, I would make frivolous and unnecessary purchases here and there to which the minimal costs for each item pulled together would add up quickly. For me, the money I have saved with “nonessential” businesses currently closed has been a tender mercy. 

~On days preceding the stay-at-home order when family members went off to school and work and the house was very quiet, I wanted to be out and about constantly. With our home now filled with family togetherness 24/7, it has been a tender mercy I have surprisingly not become stir crazy and had the itch to get out of the house. 

~Also, during this timeframe of enclosure, I’ve learned I am more so an introvert than I had ever thought myself of being and it is a tender mercy how content I have been days on end without being phased and feeling any disruption to my core being.

~In addition, it has been a tender mercy that for the first time ever I have not been constantly on the go. The stay-at-home order has opened up a lot of time for me to relax and enjoy so many of my at-home hobbies and the treasured opportunity to spend priceless quality time together as a family.  

When have you treasured the many freedoms in the midst of restrictions that were present for you during times like these? And, what have been those freedoms in the midst of restrictions that you have valued during these times?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

It Was Tasty Nonetheless

Although the consistency of the fudge did not turn right, it was tasty nonetheless.

When the consistency of my first batch of homemade fudge this holiday season did not turn out right, it was a tender mercy an idea to add the overcooked fudge to a hot chocolate beverage came to mind. Although the fudge was dry and crumbly, it was still tasty nonetheless especially when added to the heated drink as it enhanced the richness and yumminess of the hot chocolate. 

It was a tradition in my home growing up to make fudge during the holidays and it had been years since I last made it. For whatever reason, the nostalgia perhaps, I decided to make it once again this year. The recipe I used from an inside label of a can of evaporated milk seemed simple and easy enough, which it was, other than the fact that I overcooked it even though I stirred it for no more than the 5 minute boil time indicated per the recipe instructions. 

Not wanting to waste and throw out the remaining evaporated milk, I went on to make a second batch and decreased the boil time by 1 minute. This batch came out better, yet being concerned it would set too fast while stirring in the final ingredients after removing it from the heat, I did not allow the marshmallows to fully melt before quickly scooping the fudge out of the stove top saucepan into a dish. Even so, this batch also was tasty nonetheless. 

On to batch #3 only because I still had remaining evaporated milk that I wanted to use up completely. There was just enough to make another half a batch. This time I only boiled the fudge for 2 minutes since I was making less fudge in the same saucepan as washed and reused the prior 2 times and it too came out dry and crumbly, yet, as with batch #1 and #2, it was likewise tasty. 

Despite my inability to make fudge that looked good, it was a tender mercy each varied batch was edible and tasty and the idea to add the dry and crumbly fudge to a hot chocolate beverage came to mind.

When have you made a dessert that did not turn out right, yet not all was lost as you realized before dumping the entire messed up batch that it was tasty nonetheless and could be added to enhance another fabulous treat? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

My Doctor So Kindly Stayed Behind To See Me

My Doctor So Kindly Stayed Behind To See Me To Ensure A Pair Of Contact Lenses Fit Nicely In Place Of Needing Reading Glasses And Constantly Rotating Them Out With Sunglasses.

When I stopped into my eye doctor’s clinic late afternoon without an appointment to pick up a pair of special-order contact lenses, it was a tender mercy that though my optometrist was about to leave for the day, they so kindly stayed behind to see me and ensure the contacts were a good fit. 

Thus far, for me personally, I have embraced each approaching phase of aging with humor, adapting and adjusting to the changes as they occur. I often giggle with laughter and say, “here I am, I am here now” referring to that specific stage—white hair, etc, particularly this past year as I have reached the transition stage of now needing reading glasses. 

With having reading glasses comes the challenge of frequently alternating between wearing my sunglasses and reading glasses while out and about to occasionally not knowing which pair is on top of my head and putting on my reading glasses mistakingly instead of my sunglasses and vice versa. 

At a recent annual vision appointment, I considered switching out of wearing my current single vision contact lenses to either opt for monovision or multifocal contact lenses that would replace the need for reading glasses. Over the course of a couple of weeks, I tried both variations with different brands. During one of my return visits, a brand of lenses they did not have in stock was ordered.

It was shared with me that once the contacts arrived, I could pick them up without an appointment and if my optometrist was available on that day, they would see me, otherwise, I could take the contacts home, wear them and see how they fit, and schedule another followup visit a couple days later. 

Several days after I received the message that the contacts were in, I dropped by the clinic to pick them up and when I asked if my doctor was in, the front desk staff shared that they thought my optometrist may have already left for the day and unfortunately the next available opening to be seen by them wouldn’t be until the following week. Although I was told that another optometrist could see me and do a fitting check on the spot, I hesitated not wanting to get a new doctor up to speed on my current eye status and incur any additional financial charges after having already fully paid for consecutive visits tied to my annual visit so I declined. 

Right then, my optometrist’s assistant came out to the front desk and said they were ready for me. Though confused, I followed. I soon learned that my optometrist had still been in the office finishing up paperwork and when they became aware that I was there, it was a tender mercy my doctor so kindly stayed behind to see me beyond the time they had planned to leave for the day. 

When have you had a doctor go out of their way to help you and so kindly stayed behind to see you beyond the time they had planned to leave for the day? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

A Lesser Quality Product Worked Also

A Lesser Quality Product Worked Also To Achieve The Desired Goal—Mailing An Important Document In A Somewhat See-Through Envelope That You Licked To Seal

Mailing a letter is no easy feat for me. The preparation process which includes my doubling checking, detail oriented procedures and then the drive to the post office more than 20 minutes away, depending on traffic, is a real effort that I am too lazy most often to do except for the shipping of Christmas and missionary packages to family members. Aside from that, I hardly ever mail letters. 

On this day, I needed to mail out an important document. In preparing to do so, I wanted to place it in a self-seal letter size envelope and then inside an 8 1/2 x 11 mailer that included automatic tracking. Not having any letter size envelopes on hand, I stopped by the store on the way to the post office to purchase them. As I looked at the pricing between the only two brands of same like envelopes, I selected the box that was the least expensive. 

As soon as I returned to my car, I took one envelope out of the box and noticed the texture was of lesser quality and a thinner material from those I’ve previously purchased. I was surprisingly ok with them although I prefer a higher quality non see-through envelope. It wasn’t until I arrived at the post office, I realized the envelope was even more so not what I had intended and may have been the reason for the price difference. Instead of being the removable self-adhesive seal envelopes I had wanted, I had disappointedly gotten the ones you have to lick to seal them which I thoroughly dislike. Yuck! 

I was frustrated I didn’t more thoroughly check to see if the envelopes were the right ones. I was so mad. I could have easily driven back to the store to exchange the box of envelopes, but I had consciously decided to not give in to my OCD product quality tendency. I opted instead to consider other resourceful ways I could utilize the envelopes in the future and make do with the lick and seal ones. Despite my disappointment, it was a tender mercy that I was mindful that those less than quality factors did not change the result of the mail getting to the addressee which was the ultimate desired goal. 

Considering my dislike for licking an envelope and not having tape on hand to seal it, it was another tender mercy I had wet wipes in my car console. Though they were not as efficient as tongue saliva, I was most definitely grateful for this available option. And, the fact the document was then going inside another envelope, I felt rest assured it would arrive sealed and secure. 

When have you wanted to use a preferred product you didn’t have on hand to complete a task and a lesser quality product you did have worked also in achieving your overall desired goal? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Joyful Moments Among The Chaos

A park is a place where one can observe joyful moments among the chaos of children running here and there.

I love teaching my young, energetic, and active Primary class at church. They definitely “keep me on my toes”. Some Sundays are more chaotic than others, yet, oh how my hearts swells and is filled with such joy being able to serve currently in the capacity and calling as their primary teacher. I am awed and fascinated by what all I gain from them and walk away with each week as they willingly help and participate in our class. Through countless tender mercies I have seen and received as a teacher, I have experienced many joyful moments among the chaos.

One that surprised me and I was delighted by was a week when the children were very talkative with each other and seemed disengaged while I struggled to efficiently and effectively articulate and communicate a particular principle and though I don’t know how well they understood any of what I shared, all 8 of the kids present on that day remained in their seats the whole time. Not one got up and ran around. That, to me, was an amazing tender mercy. 

Most recently, as I began a lesson soon after we entered our classroom together and everyone had quickly sat in a chair, one member of our class sat in the “teacher’s chair”.  I was super enthusiastic when I asked if they would be teaching our class that day to which they initially said yes and then declined, however, they gladly accepted the invitation to assist me. 

As they did so, being silly, they presented the material I had given them to share with everyone else in an opposite manner than what I had asked of them. Nonetheless, immediately, I took to their “out of the box” approach and saw that their method was totally awesome and I welcomed and encouraged them to continue. It was a tender mercy that their actions actually enhanced the presentation of the lesson, albeit different than how I had planned, yet, in a very cool interactive way. 

Shortly after this occurrence, as I continued the lesson with an inspired, impromptu, straightforward and simple object lesson, my presentation threw off one of the students and they were upset. As I squatted down to be on their level and lovingly asked about their thoughts and why they were so upset, I was enlightened as they expressed the reason they became distraught. It was a tender mercy I was able to see where they were coming from and communicate with them in a way that cleared up their concern and soothed and calmed them down. I have been edified time and time again as the kids in my class have candidly shared their remarkable perspectives and insights with me. 

Although I come to class well prepared, I never know exactly how the lesson or class time will go as the dynamics and energy level of each child varies weekly. As I continuously pray to Heavenly Father before and during class to help me teach His children in His way, I am ready to adapt and “go with the flow”. Even though class time can be hectic and crazy, I have received guidance and direction through one tender mercy after another and I have been able to experience joyful moments among the chaos. 

When have you experienced joyful moments among the chaos while teaching very active children and through their ups and downs you gained remarkable insights and valuable lessons from them?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Having A Backup Option In Case

I was really happy when getting dressed for the day that I came across a blouse I especially liked and had forgotten about until I saw it when sorting through my clothes. When I got oil-free makeup remover on the shirt shortly before leaving the house for church, I was concerned, though not for long. It was a tender mercy I had another dressy top and cardigan I could quickly swap out that went well with my skirt without needing to change my entire outfit. 

Before exchanging my blouse, I wanted to try and get what looked like the “grease stain” out while it was still wet. I dabbed the spot with water and even though I had a limited amount of time, I let it air dry. I was worried that if I blow-dried it, the supposed stain would set in. It was another tender mercy the blouse dried very quickly. Once it air dried completely, the spot was still slightly visible so I dabbed it with water again and after it dried the second time around, I did not notice it. If it was still present, my hair was long enough to cover it up. 

Not only was it a tender mercy I had a backup top and cardigan to wear if necessary, in addition, the spot on the blouse cleaned up nicely and particularly fast. 

When have you been concerned when an article of clothing became what appeared stained just minutes before needing to be someplace on time and not only did you have a replacement you could quickly change into if necessary, even better, after dabbing the area with water, the “grease spot” cleared up?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Pause and Resume Again and Again

One of my summer jobs prior to heading off to college after high school graduation and between my 1st and 2d year of college was working in an office with a switchboard. As the switchboard operator and I interacted together and became good friends, I got used to interruptions mid sentence as calls would come in during our many dialogues.

This prepared me with a skill to be able to adjust quickly and adapt well to frequent and constant changes. I automatically shifted gears flowing from one thing to another immediately with ease and was able to “stop on a dime” moving back and forth between projects “without skipping a beat”, like picking up where you left off with a friend you haven’t seen in years as if no time was lost.

With all the splendor and magic of Christmas and a lot of family activities throughout the holidays, on this particular day when I had a project I wanted to finish before I went to bed, stepping away for a block of time all at once for myself was not going to happen. My alone time to do for me was a little here and there which meant I would be unable to finish it in one sitting.

Throughout the day, I was starting, pausing, stopping, and resuming my project over and over again. It was a tender mercy the skills I gained at my job so many, many years ago prepared and blessed me to be able to move back and forth intermittently from one activity to another calmly and swiftly. 

When have the skills you gained in your early years blessed and benefitted you since, time and time again?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*