Staying Inside The Lines

As I was taking my kids to school several miles away, it was tempting to doze off as I was feeling a residual tiredness from the insufficient rest I had the night prior, but I kept myself from doing so because I was driving. I knew I could’ve immediately fallen asleep if I closed my eyes. With cognizance, I managed to keep my droopy eyes fixated on the road during the morning commute. Feeling sleepy, it was a tender mercy the couple of times I almost hit a curbside, I didn’t and when I was at a stop light and sensed my foot about to easily slip off the pedal, it didn’t. Each moment that was a close call, I expressed gratitude to Heavenly Father for my safety, the safety of others, my car, and the property of others. 

When have you felt a residual tiredness while commuting and in fighting to keep your eyes open, you managed to stay awake and safely reach your, not far off, destination? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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