Almost Trashed It

I am so glad I realized I almost trashed it before it was too late!

Phew! Oops! That would have been bad to have thrown out my recently purchased dremel kit. I am so glad I realized I almost trashed it before it was too late!

In an effort to help one of my children with a interest of theirs, I purchased a small dremel kit. It is one I spent time to look up the closest store to me that carried one and compare cost and product capability before landing on the one to get.  

Upon my child attending an event to showcase and offer to others what they had designed and created, I put the dremel kit in a plastic grocery bag and placed it in the car to take with us, just in case, while there, it may come in handy. Unexpectedly, the date of the event was rescheduled until the weekend following. My focus then shifted elsewhere, thinking little about the kit that I had left in the car.

The next evening, after returning to our residence upon picking up one of our older children from their place of residence to then pick up one of our other children and my husband from home to then altogether attend a holiday venue, while awaiting for both to come out to the car, I cleaned it out to prepare to take it the dealership for an oil change the next morning. After I gathered up all the loose trash and placed it in a bag that was behind the passenger seat, my plan was to throw it in an outdoor dumpster for a garbage collector to take it away, however, as the child already with me went inside our residence, I too went with them and brought the trash in with me and set it in our kitchen trash can. 

At some point while out enjoying the holiday venue, it was a tender mercy I realized that I may have inadvertently thrown out the dremel kit I had just purchased. I quickly asked of my child who takes out the trash and my husband to not take it out before I had a chance to check the bag I thought was a trash bag, which may have actually been the dremel kit bag of which I had added to it the trash. It was a tender mercy they did not take the trash out or put it outside for to be taken to the dumpster and that I had not myself, as earlier planned, taken it to the dumpster, for sure enough, I did accidentally throw away the dremel kit and was able to retrieve it before it was unretrievable. 

When have you realized you may have inadvertently thrown out something you intended to keep and almost trashed it before it was too late? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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A Timely Approach

Prior to taking it on, a timely approach of a qualified individual came your way.

When have you wanted something done a certain way, so you did it yourself rather than the challenge and aggravation of explaining the what and how to someone else, and prior to taking it on, a timely approach of a qualified individual came your way and relieved you of the task that would have taken you much longer and perhaps less effectively done, if by you?

As my husband and I had drywall work being done in our home, though instructions were provided as to what we wanted done, after the contractors left and it appeared they supposed their work was complete, as the area had been cleaned up indicating such, my husband and I saw that a specific portion we were excited about was incomplete, to which we gathered may have likely been a communication misunderstanding due to a language barrier and instructions were not fully understood.

As we desired to have the task done before the painters arrived the following day to tape, mud, and paint, we decided to take on the incomplete work ourselves. Not having the appropriate tools for the job, we improvised. It was a tender mercy my husband had a pocket knife accessible which he used to carve away and remove a section of the sheetrock we wanted cut out.

The next step was to frame the area cut out with a metal wrapping around the edges. It was a tender mercy we found thrown out, leftover metal scraps that had been used for the sheetrock edges already completed. Problem was, we did not have a tool to cut the long metal pieces to size nor the specific staple gun nails to secure the metal framing in place. 

My husband and I decided we would make a trip to get what was needed to complete the project ourselves, an estimated three hour to and fro travel time to get the tools we hoped would do the job and the time it would take to complete the project.

Upon our departure, as we were walking out to our car, it was a tender mercy the contractor who installed the metal framing around the sheetrock edges, and was unaware of the instructions we had given the drywall contractor, pulled up to our home. They had left their ladder behind by accident and came to pick it up.

It was a huge tender mercy this specific contractor came when they did, a timely approach, and were able to take care of completing the project for us right then and there. In just a few minutes they cut the metal to size, framed it around the opening, and nailed it down.

When has a timely approach of a more qualified individual relieved you of a task that would have taken you much longer and perhaps been less effectively done if by you?


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Unsure Of What To Do

I was concerned. I had many questions and was unsure of what to do.

As I approached our cluster mailboxes to pick up our mail, lying on the sidewalk up against the mailboxes were two packages out in the open addressed to a resident I did not know. I was concerned. I had many questions and was unsure of what to do.

How long had they been there? Were they dropped off that way intentionally by the postal worker that left moments earlier or placed there by a resident for whom the packages were not addressed and inadvertently placed in their mailbox? Is it illegal to pick up mail that does not belong to me, that was not in my mailbox, and deliver it to the resident and leave it on their doorstep if they did not answer? Or was it best to leave the packages right where they were with hopes the intended resident would get them and they wouldn’t walk off with someone for whom they didn’t belong? 

For minutes, I paced back and forth trying to decide what to do. I was unsure of what to do. I wanted to do something. I just didn’t know what. 

It was a tender mercy the then thought came to my mind to go to the sales office in our community and ask if they could notify the resident and let them know of the packages for them sitting on the ground outside the cluster mailboxes. 

Once inside the sales office, as I began to share with the employee at the front desk the name and address of the resident on the packages, it was a tender mercy an individual in the sales office heard the name or address or both as it was spoken and came over to the front desk. Amazingly, the packages were for them. They shared that they had been awaiting the packages and didn’t know of their whereabouts. The timing of my entering the sales office and the resident being in there also was amazing.   

When have you come upon a concern or a sensitive situation that you were unsure of what to do and guidance that came to your mind led to a remarkable happy ending


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Undoubtedly Watched Over and Cared For

My ignorance of a traffic pattern I was unfamiliar with could’ve had a catastrophic, “did not know what hit us” outcome. Fortunately, it was a tender mercy that in my oblivion, we were undoubtedly watched over and cared for!

No! No! No! No! In my ignorance, one of my children and I were undoubtedly watched over and cared for!

While in route with one of my children for them to attend an activity in a new area, my ignorance of a traffic pattern I was unfamiliar with could’ve had a catastrophic, “did not know what hit us” outcome. Fortunately, it was a tender mercy that in my oblivion, we were undoubtedly watched over and cared for!

As I came off of a main thoroughfare to enter onto another main road, two turn lanes veered off to the left in a snake-like manner. As I remained in the far right turn lane with my eyes fixated towards the intersection lights up ahead, I was unaware that off to my right side was another signal light specific to a small section I had not recognized as a break in the through traffic that stopped occasionally for oncoming vehicles prior to proceeding onward up to the intersection. 

I was oblivious to this light, having not noted it until out of my peripheral line of sight as I was midway into this unrecognizable intersection of sorts, did it dawn on me that I may have gone through a red light. As a traffic-abiding citizen, I was stunned and shocked that I may have done just that, run a red light. In that moment, I felt panic as I quickly scanned every angle around me, left, right, front, and back for cars coming towards me from either side or head on. 

As I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw the car that had been to my left had stopped, confirming I had indeed run a red light. In that split second, my mind processed my options, back up or continue forward. I continued forward. To me, what was thought to have been a straight shot from one major intersection to another became apparent in an almost catastrophic way that was not the case. It was a tender mercy that during the time of day I traveled along that roadway, it was not rush hour traffic. Additionally, due to it being summer, traffic was light. In my oblivion, my child and I were undoubtedly watched over and cared for and protected. 

And to that, stretching a bit the concept of watched over and cared for, upon meeting a new friend in this area, in our dialogue, they shared an amazing authentic food establishment recommendation, for which it was a tender mercy this named place, Sol Agave, only in a few locations far and wide, was in close proximity to our temporary residence. 

The food was excellent and being such, as my husband raved to the owner of our very much liking the food, per their gratitude, it was a tender mercy we were unexpectedly given a specialty virgin drink, on-the-house, to top off a super all around rewarding eating experience from the presentation and quality of the food to the ambiance and service. As simple as it was, I felt watched over and cared for as I appreciate when eating out, trying new places, and being that this place, not located everywhere, came up in the dialogue and was close by our temporary residence was a tender mercy. 

As a side note, another incredible restaurant my husband learned of while we were on a cross country road trip weeks earlier that came as a tender mercy after spending the night in a hotel off the side of the road in a town with no place open to get food that evening or breakfast served in the morning due to COVID was “Hidden Cuisine”.

When have you been undoubtedly watched over and cared for whether via protection during moments of oblivion to an unfamiliar traffic pattern, recommendations for services when new to an area, or in any other way?


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“And The Winner Is…”

When I opened up Facebook, the very first post in my feed was a video with the tag line “And The Winner Is...”

Aside from selecting a like, love, or care emoji on Facebook posts, rarely do I comment on a post. However, the palpitation to respond to a particular post led to an exhilarating moment weeks later as I opened up my Facebook App and the first post in my feed was a video announcement with the tag line, “And The Winner Is…” It was Me! 

Weeks earlier, as I scrolled through my Facebook notifications and tapped on a “Ripples of Change: A Collaboration For Good” post from Leta Greene and read her invitation to share an experience of being seen and/or seeing someone else, my heart began pounding hard, an indicator for me to respond. A specific experience I had a few years earlier and published here on my blog entitled, “Weak In Appearance; But, In Fact, Strong” popped out for me. Not often do I respond to posts in the comments, however, I felt a strong prompting to share this particular blog post experience of my seeing someone and their seeing me.  

A bonus for those who shared an experience was being added to a drawing that would be held at the end of the month for the book, “I SEE YOU” by Julie Lee. I have followed Julie’s AMAZING podcast, “I See You” almost from the time she started the podcast 100 episodes ago. Though it was my pounding heart that led me to share my experience, the possibility I may be drawn to receive her book was an awesome plus!   

As individuals shared their experiences in the comments associated with the post, each received a grateful response followed with a confirmation they had been added to the drawing, however, to my shared experience, I received no reply. Ironically, I was unsure if the experience I felt strongly prompted to share had been seen. As I began to then see experiences being shared as a new post versus in the comments of the original post, I wondered if perhaps it was meant for me to have shared it as a new post too. 

I felt prompted to follow up about it. At the same time, I felt embarrassed I was even concerned in the first place. It seemed silly to be worried whether my post was seen or not, yet, rather than ignore and push aside the uncertainty, I uncomfortably reached out to Leta and expressed my lack of surety whether I posted it accurately. She replied back with an apology she had missed it and shared that I was entered in the drawing.

At the end of the month, out of curiosity, I looked to see who won Julie’s book. Where no mention of a winner was posted, I didn’t think more of it after that. Then over a week later while on a mini trip out-of-state, on the morning of the only free day I had amidst events and planned activities that preceded and followed that day, when I opened up Facebook, the very first post in my feed was a video with the tag line “And The Winner Is…” posted live by Leta the evening prior. As I viewed the video, I was elated to see and hear my name drawn as the winner of Julie Lee’s book. I was giddy. I immediately sent a thank you to Leta. 

It was a tender mercy it so happened Leta’s residence was approximately 30 minutes from where I was staying and I would be able to pick up the book directly from her. As we corresponded with one another to coordinate a time for me to come pick up the book, it was a tender mercy she felt impressed to connect me with Julie herself whose residence in the opposite direction was likewise approximately 30 minutes from me and in addition, I have many warm, nostalgic ties to where she lives. It was so incredibly cool to visit Julie in-person, alongside with my husband, and receive a personalized signed copy of her book from Julie herself! 

Wow! An incredible tender mercy that derived from my having acted on the prompting to share my experience of being seen and seeing another to feeling impressed to inquire whether my posted experience in the comments had been seen.

When have you felt awkward, yet prompted to follow up on something you were impressed to submit, which involved being added to a drawing for a free gift, that appeared to have gone overlooked and your inquiry led to a very cool, “And The Winner Is…” moment with you being declared the winner?


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Much Appreciated Heads-Up Alert

During extreme winter weather conditions, the difficulties and challenges our family could have faced were prevented or reduced as we were given a much appreciated heads-up alert on multiple occasions.

Throughout a week that included snow days, freezing temperatures, icy road and school closures, rolling blackouts, and water outages due to extreme winter weather conditions, the difficulties and challenges our family could have faced were prevented or reduced as we were given a much appreciated heads-up alert on multiple occasions. 

The first much appreciated heads-up alert came from a friend hours before our water shut off, notifying myself and other friends via a group text message of a community nearby that would soon be without running water as power outages were impacting the function of water plants. I figured it was just a matter of time before our community would likewise lose water and being one who learns from the experiences of others what to do or not to do, in the event our water shut off too, our family filled our tubs so we would have water to flush our toilets. 

It was a tender mercy that we were prepared as that afternoon and for several days after, our water flow went from an intended slow trickle for to keep our indoor pipes from freezing to no running water at all. Throughout the duration of time till our water came back on and the boil alert for our neighborhood was lifted, it was not only a tender mercy we had plenty of water bottles in our food storage to get us by for drinking, brushing our teeth, and washing our hands, but also mid-week, two days after our first snowfall, more snow fell and we were able to top off our tubs with snow. 

The second much appreciated heads-up alert came the following day. When I took our puppy out into our snow covered backyard to go potty in her designated area, it was a tender mercy I saw that our neighbor was in their backyard at the same time for as I said hello and asked how their family was doing, the news of water damage to their master bedroom due to a pipe break and mention of covering outdoor water faucets prompted my husband and I to immediately cover our outdoor faucets to which we had not thought to do before then. 

As my husband went about and first removed the garden hoses from our outdoor faucets before he covered them in hopes of preventing our pipes from freezing, unfortunately, one of our faucets was already frozen, however, it was a tender mercy I had hot water in a pot on our stove ready for my kids to make hot chocolate if and when they decided to go back out to play in the snow which was then used instead to successfully unfreeze the faucet and remove the garden hose before the water faucet was wrapped with a towel. 

A third much appreciated heads-up alert came by way of a contractor, hours after our water came back on at the latter end of the week. While he was at the home of the same neighbor whom I had spoken with days earlier, it was a tender mercy he observed that our home was flooding. When he came pounding on our door to inform us, it didn’t register to me that the water was originating from our home as the interior of our home was all dry and well inside, but rather I thought water from the neighbor’s home was rushing over and pooling up against the exterior of our home. That was not the case. A pipe overhead in our garage had separated and water was gushing down from the ceiling. As we were completely unaware of the happenings in our garage, it was a tender mercy that in addition to the contractor coming over to let us know about the flooding he observed, the damage to the ceiling wall and the objects below the downpour were minimal, and the living quarters of our home were unaffected. 

Upon our seeing the “waterfall” for ourselves, right away, my husband shut off the water main to our home and though once again we were without running water, it was a tender mercy it was short lived as our waiting on a plumber to come turned out to be unnecessary. The next day as I went into our attic above the garage to assess any water damage that may have occurred there, it was a tender mercy there was none. Also, it was a tender mercy I saw the pipe that had separated and it was in an accessible unfinished open space. Not only that, it was a tender mercy my husband had the tools and skills to repair it himself rather quickly, and in no time our water was back up and running. 

When have you received a much appreciated heads-up alert that prevented or reduced greater impact that could have occurred during circumstances you had no control over?


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Best-Laid Plans Even More So Improved Upon

And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed!

Strategizing and coordinating events in the most optimal and efficient way as possible from setting up large group rotation schedules to planning out the best routes to travel when running errands to multiple places all over town is something I thoroughly enjoy. And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed! 

With Christmas only a week away and it being the last day of school for our kids before the winter break, I was concerned about not catching those I wanted to deliver gifts to prior to their possibly leaving town for the holidays. I connected with each via a text message asking if they would be around prior to a specific late afternoon time, allowing a cushion for me to pick up our newly spayed puppy from the veterinary clinic within the designated final two hours before they closed. Ideally, I hoped to arrive within the first hour as I was anxious to get to her as soon as possible and spend the rest of the evening providing her comfort and my undivided love and attention as she began the two week incision healing and recovery process.

As almost everyone, except for a couple, one-by-one, quickly responded to my message, the majority of them shared the same approximate time for me to come by. Their places of residence were in several different neighborhoods stretched out in my community. Strategizing the coordination of how to get to each home within the short available window was a fun, albeit bit tricky challenge for me. When delays transpired that extended the time longer to get from one place to another, I revamped my plan a few times to best optimize the distance I needed to travel and keep within the allotted timeframe. Along the way, when I knew I would arrive later than the originally planned time, I reached out to adjust the time. It was a tender mercy each one kindly obliged to the alteration and indicated they would still be home. 

My plan though well laid out, even so, with a couple homes left to go, it was a tender mercy an unexpected call I received from someone I thought was in a pinch and needed my help further refined my best-laid plan. Immediately, I rerouted and headed their way to assist them and learned just before reaching their place that they did not need my help. As a result of rerouting, I happened to pass a home I was going to deliver to last and saw that they were outside. It was a tender mercy I was able to drop off their gift lickety-split and from there able to deliver the remaining gift and pick up our puppy thirty minutes sooner than I had anticipated.

When have your best-laid plans been further refined and even more efficient and optimal than you had well-devised?


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What To Do? What To Do?

What To Do? What To Do? Each evening, we have enjoyed well spent, quality hours of fun together eating a Christmas treat and playing a game.

What To Do? What To Do?

As my children are getting older, I still want Christmas to be a magical time of year. I LOVE Christmas. It is magical for me and I don’t ever want that to go away. With the Christmas season upon us, I so wanted to come up with activities our two kids still at home would enjoy doing all together as a family during the days leading up to Christmas day. The question was “What To Do? What To Do?” I spent a lot of time thinking about what to do without any answer coming to me, until the answer came through a series of events and then I could barely contain my excitement and giddiness to share the idea, first with my husband and then our kids. 

A couple of days prior to the first of December while on a drive with one of my children, I asked them about our Christmas traditions and which ones they liked and would like to continue to carry on this upcoming Christmas season. As I went down the list, the activities our family has done in year’s past did not so much interest them any longer, except for one, ice skating. Desiring to come up with more than just that one activity our children, who are not so little anymore and will be leaving home all too soon, would enjoy was a challenge. 

During our dialogue, it was a tender mercy I was prompted to ask them if they like games to which they said yes in a casual kind of way and it was expressed again what they, as of late, had brought up several times before of a game we did not have that they were interested in playing. Traditionally, every year for Christmas our family has unwrapped a new game. Of the number of games we have, most have only been played once or not at all as we gravitate to our favorite top go-to games—Ticket To Ride, Settlers of Catan, Boggle, Apples To Apples, Rook, and Phase 10. 

Though following our conversation I was still unsure what to do that would engage our children to enjoy the spirit of the holiday all season long up through Christmas day and my prayers to know what to do continued, the prompting kickstarted what became a fully formed idea that began on December 1. 

On this mid morning Tuesday, it was a tender mercy I felt impressed to reopen an email I had received from our women’s Relief Society organization at church about an upcoming homeless care kit collection service activity. Even though I would be unable to attend the activity, I wanted to help out. Upon my also going to our Relief Society Facebook page to see if there was a list of what was needed to then gather what items our family had on hand to donate to the cause and deliver them to the Relief Society President that afternoon, the first thing I saw as I opened up Facebook was a friend share on their Facebook stories the #LightTheWorld calendar. Not realizing as the day began that it was December 1st nor was I at all aware the #LightTheWorld countdown would be happening again this year, grateful to not miss the opportunity to start with day 1, it was a tender mercy I saw the post when I did and the first day of the countdown was about donating to a charity to which it so happened I was in the process of doing.  

From there, it was a tender mercy I was prompted to open up another email from our ward Bishop regarding an Angel Tree to which I wanted to help out in that way as well. As I began taking an inventory of what gifts for what ages I already had on hand from purchases I have made over the years and saved specifically to give for birthdays and Christmas, I discovered an unexpired sealed box of cordial cherry chocolates from last Christmas.  

While in route the few minutes away from my place to drop off the items for the homeless service project with plans of returning home right after, it was a tender mercy that per the series of events above, a spontaneous, on the spot, impression as to what activity to do that would suit our family well dawned on me. It was to do a 25 day Christmas countdown in which each day one family member would secretly wrap a Christmas treat of their choosing and a second family member would likewise secretly wrap a game of their choosing from our current selection of games or the purchase of a new game and then a third family member would unwrap the treat and the fourth family member would unwrap the game and we would spend the evening eating the treat and playing the game. Every day after, up through Christmas day, we would rotate who did what. I was super ecstatic about this splendid idea and could not wait to share it with our family. 

After delivering the items, I straightaway drove to a store nearest me to purchase the very game my child had most recently, here and there, requested. Originally, I was going to drive to a store further away because it was where I had seen the game days earlier, yet it was a tender mercy that I felt impressed to go to the store just up the street from me and being that they too had the game, I saved a lot of time not sitting in rush hour traffic and money for gas had I traveled 4x the distance to the other store.  

Once home, I couldn’t wait to gather our family together to share the idea with them. With giddiness and enthusiasm, I began by asking them what day it was. One of our children responded with December 1. They then asked if we were doing the #LightTheWorld countdown. It was remarkable this child remembered it from the Christmas past and I happily shared that we, without initially being aware, participated in Day 1 and then I proceeded to excitedly present the activity idea that had come to me. 

It was a tender mercy that everyone was on board and where I had hoped that one day we would take the time to play our other games, now was that opportunity. Also, it was a tender mercy that the 25 day countdown idea came on December 1. As we began the countdown that evening, the child wanting the new game was pleased when they opened up the first wrapped gift to see the game of their choosing and that it would be the first one we played, and our other child opened up the wrapped cordial cherry chocolates.

It has been an incredible Christmas season thus far. Our 25 day Christmas countdown has been a daily event everyone has looked forward to with joy. When I asked my children, “If we didn’t have any gifts on Christmas day and this is all we did, would they be ok with that?” They said yes. Each evening, we have enjoyed well spent, quality hours of fun together eating a Christmas treat and playing a game. 

When has an answer to a prayer in which you desired to know “What to do? What to do?” come by way of a series of events? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Compensated For The Substantial Oversight

Despite the ordeal that ensued upon our realizing our online order we had picked up was incomplete, without any hesitation from the restaurant manager, we were more than compensated for the substantial oversight.

While on a family trip visiting loved ones, it was decided one evening that we would all have dinner together via carryout from a local restaurant that was between both of our places of residence. Despite the ordeal that ensued upon our realizing our online order we had picked up was incomplete, without any hesitation from the restaurant manager, we were more than compensated for the substantial oversight.

Shortly after we pulled into the curbside takeaway parking spot upon our arrival at the restaurant, an employee brought out our food in a large paper bag with handles and additional bread upon our request. Before leaving, we scanned over the items in the bag to confirm it was our order and off we went. Approximately 20 minutes later, we arrived at our loved ones home excited to spend quality time together all the while eating warm and delicious food.

Well, it so happened that when I removed all the food from the bag and placed it on the kitchen countertop, only half of our order was in the bag. I looked over each item laid out multiple times just to be sure. Yep, we were missing half of the food we had ordered. 

Right away I called the restaurant to let them know what all we were missing and to ask if there was a second bag with our name on it that was not brought out to our car. The employee that answered the phone was as shocked and surprised as we were about our only receiving half the order and nope, there was not a second bag. 

As the employee then transferred me over to speak to a carryout employee, while on hold, my call was dropped. This happened several times. Eventually, after calling back again and again, I was transferred to a manager who more than compensated us for the substantial oversight of our not receiving all that we had ordered. Together with the food we had not received that was reordered, it was a tender mercy the half of our order that we had already received was also reordered, on the house. 

As I headed back to the restaurant to pick up our full order, it was agreed that while I was away the food I had just laid out and was still warm would be consumed as the round trip and wait time for the reordered food to come out would be a length of time, which ended up being about an hour and a half post the time we had initially picked up what we thought was the entire order. Also, on my way out, a family member suggested I ask the manager if they would be willing to compensate us dessert for our troubles.  

While driving back to the restaurant, I was super frustrated that we had not realized we were missing the other half of the order before we left the restaurant and that we were now not able to eat all together at the same time. Urg! I was not happy! I wanted to unleash my unhappiness at someone, fortunately, it was a tender mercy I worked through my heightened emotions in the car and was able to appropriately communicate what I was irritated, annoyed, and bothered about with my husband over the phone upon my arrival at the restaurant and I did not take my anger and lash out at anyone. Rather, what I did was express my gratitude  for the substantial compensation we were given. 

Once back at the restaurant, I went inside to speak to the manager in person. It was a tender mercy that when I asked about their compensating us with dessert, they did not hesitate to do so. Not only was it a tender mercy that we received all over again, on the house, the half of our order we had initially picked up, but it also didn’t hurt to ask about dessert not only once but twice when what was first given only accommodated a third of our party and when I asked if we could get a quantity for our whole party, they graciously obliged, as well as when the food was brought out the second time and in addition to a side dish that was missing, which the carryout employee went back inside and brought it out, another item that mistakenly appeared to be lacking was generously compensated for with double that item. 

When have you placed an order that arrived incomplete and the business more than compensated you for the substantial oversight of what all had been missing upon delivery? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Conflict Of Interest

When faced with overlapping opportunities to separately bond with a couple of people I care about, as to a conflict of interest, I was not capable of effectively bonding with each of them individually at the same time.

When faced with overlapping opportunities to separately bond with a couple of people I care about, I opted to multitask and interact with them simultaneously. However, as to a conflict of interest, I was not capable of effectively bonding with each of them individually at the same time. 

During a call with one of them in whom I felt strongly impressed to reach out to that I had not phoned in a very long time, the other one followed up with me about a place they had asked earlier if I would take them to that was closing soon. In that instance, I was faced with a conflict of interest. 

Both individuals are important to me. On one hand, I was not ready just yet to end the pleasant and engaging phone conversation I was having with the one and on the other hand I wanted to take the other, sooner rather than later, to where I had previously agreed I would take them. So, I decided to stay on the call with the one via earphones at the same time as taking the other where they wanted to go.  

Not knowing the call would last as long as it did before saying our goodbyes, most of my undivided attention all the while out and for a time after returning back home resided with the one on the call while only split second moments of dialogue here and there were had with the one I was with in person. 

Although it was a tender mercy I acted when I did on the prompting I received to reach out to the one per a phone call, I felt horrible that in my decision to multitask, I was not then fully present with the other. Internally, I felt such sorrow and remorse.   

All throughout the call, I observed the countenance of the one I was with and sensed they had concerns. Upon the close of the call, I reached out to them and asked about their experience while we were out. The emotions they expressed I gathered as much. Though it hurt deeply to hear them verbally share them out loud, I did not hedge or skirt around my actions when called out for it

It was a tender mercy that as I took personal accountability and ownership for my actions and apologized to them as well as expressed my own frustration and disappointment for not being solely present for them, a distance between us that was created as I tried multitasking was lessened. 

When have you experienced a conflict of interest that involved people you care about and your expression of sorrow and remorse to the one you let down by not being fully present for them helped heal a distance that had been created as a result of your actions? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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