Stay Put

Uncertainty if I had come to the right place, I considered going elsewhere instead, yet an impression led me to stay put.

Once I reached my planned destination to purchase a gift for an incredible person’s momentous occasion, due to inclement weather and uncertainty if I had come to the right place, I considered going elsewhere instead, yet an impression led me to stay put. 

As in-person gatherings have become sparse due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, my connection with those I used to see on a regular basis has changed some, in the sense I am not as aware of their to date interests and happenings in their lives. 

When I was invited to attend a special occasion for one of them, I wanted to give them a gift, however, as I pondered what to get them, I was completely blank of ideas. Until, early one morning, it was a tender mercy the perfect gift idea came to me in a dream. 

Days prior to the event, it was a tender mercy an evening opened up for me to be able to go out and buy the gift, to which I was grateful as I did not want to procrastinate up to the day. 

Upon arrival to the store I assumed had the gift item, I paused before exiting the car as doubt struck me that perhaps the store I had come to did not actually have the gift item and where it was a rainy night, I did not want to step out of the car into the rain, go inside the store, and walk aimlessly around looking for it if they did not have it. As I considered driving to a different store, I was impressed to stay put and first look up on my phone whether the item was carried in the store where I was at already, and if not, what stores around me carried it. 

It came up on my search that the store I was at did carry the item, however, at a more expensive price then a couple of other stores in the area. Before deciding to go to one of the other stores, it was a tender mercy I recalled the store I was at had online coupons whereas the other main retail stores near me did not. When I looked up what online coupons may be available, there was a 20% off coupon which would bring the price of the gift item down to a comparable price of the item in the other retail stores. 

With this information, I decided to stay put and go inside the store. As I walked around, I came across a similar, even better, more ideal version of the product I sought to purchase, however, it cost quite a bit more than I had budgeted. Yet, with the online coupon, it was more affordable and an amount I was willing to pay. Before going to the register to check out, being that I had not been in the store for awhile since the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced, it was a tender mercy I decided to roam the aisles as I came across a display rack on the complete opposite side of the store with the exact same item as the one in my hand at a discounted 60% off. I was thrilled. At that price, I went ahead and picked up a second of the same item. 

When I arrived at the register and asked for a price check, the item came up full price, however, when I shared with the cashier that the item was in two different locations in the store, on one side at full price and on the other side at 60% off, an employee, a manager I presume, went to the discounted display rack and approved the purchase at 60% off. Woo hoo! It was a tender mercy I did stay put and not only did the store have the gift, they had an even more ideal and better version of it, and I was able to get two of them, a double gift, for a final price close to equivalent the regular price it sold for in other retail stores.

When have you questioned if you had arrived at the right place for something in particular and as you considered going elsewhere, you felt impressed to stay put and further information confirmed you were in the right place?


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When In Doubt, Throw It Out

As the quality of the hamburger was questioned and the phrase “when in doubt, throw it out” came to mind, fortunately the meat was just fine and there was no harm in eating it.

Whenever the quality of food comes into question, I naturally lean towards following this commonly sound advice, “when in doubt, throw it out”.

On this cold, cold winter day, I was looking forward to making a friend’s homemade chili recipe for dinner, a very simple and easy recipe that is my go-to on days like today:

1 lb ground beef

1/4 to a whole chopped onion (if desired). If using dried onions, reconstitute first.

1 package taco flavoring  

1 16 oz can corn  

1 16 oz can kidney bean  

1 28 oz can diced tomato  

1 15 oz can tomato sauce  

Brown meat and cook onion, then add rest of recipe, simmer 20-25 min.

Earlier in the week as I went grocery shopping with my children, whom one of them, all on their own, made a list of healthy food choices they desired for school lunches and family dinners and took on the shopping, all on their own, with me by their side, it was awesome that included among the ingredients was hamburger. 

In an interest to have warm comfort food on this brrr of a night, I asked my child if I could use the hamburger they originally intended for a different meal to make the delicious chili and they were on board. 

In preparing to cook the meat that had been in the fridge for a few days, after opening the tied grocery bag to get to the produce bag that had the packaged tube of hamburger inside, I pulled out a knife from a knife block to slice apart the packaged hamburger across the middle lengthwise.  

Before cutting into the packaging, I noticed a small hole in the wrapping. I was concerned that the hamburger may be bad. I began to question whether I should cook the meat or not. The phrase, “when in doubt, throw it out” surfaced to the forefront of my mind, but then I considered the possibility that perhaps I incidentally nicked the outer plastic covering with the knife as I had it up against the tube while looking away briefly. 

As I contemplated what I should do, throw the meat out or cook it, I decided that once I split open the tube, if the meat was red and looked fresh then it was good to use and if it was a tainted grey or a faded brown in color, it was bad and I would throw it out in a heartbeat. It was not worth my or my family’s physical health to cook up ten dollars of meat if it was bad.

As all I had to go off of at this point was the fact that there was a hole in the packaging, a repeated question I kept tossing back and forth in my mind was whether it was there at the time of purchase or did it come about by me. In trying to discern between which of the two considerations was the actual case, I felt more so confident it was the later. 

As I began slicing the package open, I stopped to check the expiration date and was relieved it was still a couple days away. Once I had the tube open, it was a happy sight and a tender mercy to see that all of the meat was red and looked fresh.

Time and again, I automatically when in doubt, throw it out, however, on this occasion, it was a tender mercy I felt a peaceful calm that the meat was just fine. It did not feel good to throw it out. What felt good was to cook it and eat it.

Upon cooking the chili, even though doubt creeped in all the while I was browning the hamburger and the chili was simmering, I was able to over and over again not allow my thoughts of doubt to take over and to stay aligned with the stillness of the peace and assurance I felt that the hamburger was just fine and that our family would not be harmed by eating it. We thoroughly enjoyed the yummy chili and we did not get sick. 

When have you questioned the quality of food you were about to prepare to serve yourself and others and though the phrase “when in doubt, throw it out” was considered, you felt a peaceful calm the food was just fine and no one got sick from eating it?


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Questioning Whether To Offer Help Or Not

While waiting to watch one of my children drive away and head off for a several days long, summer adventure in company with many, many other kids all around the same age, I became aware that one of the members of the group was reluctant, hesitant, and nervous to go. As a result, they backed out of attending and no matter what efforts and encouragement was given from others, it didn’t convince them to change their mind prior to the group’s departure.  

Per their decision to stay behind, I considered offering to take them back home, but the idea remained a question, a stupor of thought, with no real clear, definitive and absolute, answer to do so. As I regarded and respected what I imagined the young person may have been going through and knew that arrangements had already been made for a family member to come pick them up, I was not feeling certain whether I should even propose the kindly act or intervene, so I said nothing. Although I was ready and prepared to serve and able to provide transportation to get them back home, I was confused at the reason for the stupor of thought and why extending myself did not feel completely right.  

After everyone left, including myself, another parent stayed with the young person to ensure they were taken care of until their family member picked them up. A couple of days later, I reached out to the parent to follow up on how everything went.  

It was a tender mercy that as I heard the rest of what happened relayed to me, I understood the why I had a stupor of thought. Through a miraculous course of events, totally unexpected and not foreseen by anyone, the nervous participant ended up, several hours after, rejoining the group. Heavenly Father was keenly aware of this individual’s struggles and helped them in a remarkable way to be a part of an incredible summer experience!    

When have you been available and willing to help someone in need, but due to a stupor of thought you held back and learned later the reason why it was not clear whether to have offered them assistance or not?


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It Doesn’t Hurt To Ask

While grocery shopping and walking around the variety of pastries and desserts stacked on tables, I was drawn to the apple fritters. Immediately, my mind was reflective and reminiscent of times during my lunch breaks at a summer job I had between high school graduation and my first semester of college when I savored delicious, mouthwatering, moist fritters filled with real apples from a nearby bakery.  

Upon seeing the apple fritters among the amazing assortment of sweets, I decided to get a package, intentionally selecting one with the latest best-by-date. When I got home excited to experience the nostalgic taste of a fond memory of my early adulthood, they were not what I expected. Rather, the apple fritters were fried and crispy with a hint of visible, but tasteless apple and not the same soft consistency nor fresh apple tidbits throughout I was hoping to enjoy once again. Even though I did not like them at all, I thought someone else in my family might want to try them.  

The day following, I noticed the best-by-date on the packaging was the day preceding my purchase of the apple fritters. I then realized that I had not known what the actual day of the month was when I was shopping and though I selected the latest best-by-date assuming they would last for days, the apple fritters were already old. I was bummed. I considered the possibility of returning them to the store, but was concerned that I would not be able to return them for the mere fact I just didn’t like them. I wondered if with this particular brand, fresh or old, the overall taste would have been exactly the same. I was giving credit and the benefit of the doubt to the brand of apple fritters to justify why I was stuck with them and that the error was on my side for not paying attention that they were outdated before purchasing them. I wanted to believe and told myself there wasn’t actually anything wrong with the apple fritters per se, other than they were not conducive to my taste buds. After all, different brands of chocolate chip cookies taste different. 

Although I didn’t like how they tasted, I debated still eating them anyway if no one else in my family would or just throwing them out and accepting the loss of money wasted. Then the thought entered my mind, “It doesn’t hurt to ask if the store will return them”. Even though I questioned if I could return them for taste alone, it occurred to me that I could bring up the fact they were sold outdated. In going into the store and showing my purchase receipt and the date on the package, it was a tender mercy that even though I had already eaten one, I was able to return them and get my money back. 

When have you purchased food you didn’t realize was already past its best-by-date and although it was probable the food was still edible and fine, but not to your liking, you were able to return it and get a refund?


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As of late, I have felt extremely overwhelmed and challenged by my limited capacity to reach out to more of my family and friends each day. In feeling stretched too thin and the shortage of more hours in a day, it has been a tender mercy that with a prayer in my heart, I’ve come to know, through promptings and impressions of the Spirit, who to reach out to on a given day. 

I’ve also been troubled, wondering with the various activities constraining my time daily, if the simple ways I’ve connected and reached out to those I care about and love have been too small and of little value. 

When I attended an evening session of a Stake Conference, a church meeting, I walked in feeling a heaviness questioning if the quantity and quality of what I give is adequate. Preceding the start of the meeting, I heard the word “grace” come into my mind. Subsequently, the following message also entered my mind. “Allow yourself some grace. You’re doing your best and all that you can. Your family and friends know that you love them. Give yourself grace.” These words from our loving Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost gave me comfort. 

As I sat and listened to the speakers collectively share a myriad of ways we can reach out and bless the lives of others, it was a tender mercy I had received the above message before the meeting began. I was able to recognize that my acts of charity and service were more widespread and had a greater positive impact than I had realized. Although my good deeds are often meager, I saw that my relatively simple acts of kindness are not insignificant. 

I believe the word grace entered my mind at the very beginning of the meeting so that when hearing the talks I would not have doubted further my efforts and good deeds as deficient, lacking, and not enough, but, rather instead, acknowledge the works and service I render are acceptable, adequate, and sufficient.   

When have you felt overwhelmed when you wanted to do more for others, but your capacity to do so was limited and you received comforting words that the good works you’re doing, which may seem small to you, are acceptable, adequate and sufficient?


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Choosing Admiration and Love For Others Above Self Doubt

I looked forward to socializing and having real conversations with friends at a casual event one evening. Although I knew most everyone, I was surprised by my feeling awkward when a friend would stay only momentarily in our dialogue before stepping away to interact and mingle with other friends. When I was reached out to and asked how things were going, it was easy to respond with a deeper than surface answer because of the friendships I had with each, however, when the dialogues didn’t last long and were cut short, I was perplexed. 

Within a few minutes after I shared personal and monumental life’s happenings with different friends, they flittered away mid-conversation roaming elsewhere among the other guests and the food table. I didn’t know whether they were disinterested in what I was sharing or maybe preoccupied and just not fully invested in our conversation because their attention was split among the multiple other activities taking place.    

It was a challenge, yet I didn’t let it distract me. I remained happy and continued to smile. I was able to look past the broken conversations and an uncomfortableness I felt at one point when I observed whisperings and eyes on me, good or bad I wasn’t sure. I didn’t get caught up in the drama nor self doubt my worth or the friendships and connections I have with each one of them. I kept my head held high. Although I interacted with friends the entire time and had one meaningful conversation, I anticipated and expected I would have more-so connected with others than I actually did. 

I could have allowed my feeling lost and alone, even among so many friends, to sink me and turn away and walk out. Instead, I found myself admiring each person I knew, recognizing their individual qualities, their strengths and talents, valuing their personalities, and seeing them for the incredible people they are to me rather than telling myself and believing that no one was interested in me. 

It was a tender mercy I was able to transition from feeling a separation when the conversations ended abruptly to feeling love, admiration, appreciation, and gratitude for each of my friends. 

When have you found yourself moving from a place of self doubt when conversations with friends didn’t go the way you hoped and wanted to feeling an admiration and a love for your friends? 


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