Circulation Of Blessings

As communities around our city rallied around the needs of a couple families who tragically lost a loved one, a circulation of blessings occurred, for the grieving families and for each who served them in one way or another.

As communities around our city rallied around the needs of a couple families who tragically lost a loved one, a circulation of blessings occurred, for the grieving families and for each who served them in one way or another.

Though the intent and focus of the service rendered was for the grieving families, I was awed while I partook in one of the many opportunities to give a little financially to these families, and joy followed upon what I realized was a circulation of blessings, as giving to these families, in turn, resulted in individual blessings for all, myself included. 

It was quite a remarkable moment as I considered the circulation of blessings taking place, how giving to the grieving families also blessed, in a variety of ways, those who gave, no matter how small or great their proceeds. From fundraisers such as donut sales, truck vendors, GoFundMe, a carnival covered overwhelming financial expenses, thoughtful and personalized art given provided emotional support and strength.  

These gestures of kindness were given out of love. At the same time, as residents came together to help the mourning families, I observed beautiful benefits that transpired for the givers as well, which included exposure to community member’s gifts and talents, fresh eyes on new businesses, and also, character growth and refinement such as compassion, etc. 

The circulation of blessings for me personally as our family provided a little financially, included multiple tender mercies, very simple, yet, meaningful. 

For one, feeling immense gratitude for the generosity of a food truck owner giving all proceeds to the two grieving families and joy for my willing desire to help, when I approached a food truck window to pay for what I had ordered and handed the cashier cash for the amount I owed, they adjusted the amount for less. What I did not know before then is that the food would have cost more if I had paid with a credit card. It was a tender mercy I had paid with cash versus a credit card as paying a tacked on credit card fee would not have gone to the grieving families and would have removed more out-of-pocket from our family budget that could be applied for other essentials.

Also, not only was it a tender mercy I was on top of when the food truck would open and the convenience of having a meal already prepared and ready to eat, as I was not up to making something, but also the timing of the food truck hours coincided as an escape to temporarily step away from existing chaos in our home.

Additionally, as I have an appreciation for eating at food establishments that are new to me, it was a tender mercy this was a great opportunity and reason to not only help the grieving families, but also become acquainted and support a startup local business. 

On top of that, as I went to the bottom of a hillside where I understood the food truck to be located and found no one there, it was a tender mercy I was familiar with a road up and around to the upper hillside versus cautiously reentering and driving back home via the main thoroughfare, as along the upper path I fell upon the food truck. 

When have you observed a circulation of blessings that came as individuals rallied around the needs of another and the extension of kindness bestowed and what you could give to help, in turn, brought about blessings for you, as well? 


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Did Not Talk Myself Out Of Taking Action

Again, though maybe a cheesy gift, I did not talk myself out of taking action to purchase several and allow doubt and negativity to override the exuberant joy I felt for whom all I could give the gift.

Though cheesy, perhaps an unpopular product, hence the marked down price, I became super excited, one, for the potential of what I saw as an awesome gift and two, the marked down price. Again, though maybe a cheesy gift, I did not talk myself out of taking action to purchase several and allow doubt and negativity to override the exuberant joy I felt for whom all I could give the gift. 

As I went to the store for a kitchen accessory, a decorative bowl to place on my kitchen counter for fresh fruit, though I found nothing that caught my eye in that regards, it was a tender mercy there was something else that did catch my eye, a 90% off lettuce crisper bowl. Immediately as I saw it, those whom I could give the bowl to as a gift entered my mind, including for someone hosting a BBQ I would be attending, of which I considered a cool tender mercy that what I brought could be placed in the bowl and not worry about remembering to get the bowl at the end to bring back home.  

Once I had the bowls in my shopping cart, I don’t know, but the thought that it may be tacky to give only the bowl, I went in search for a prepackaged spring salad kit the recipients would like for to include with the bowl. It was a tender mercy I was drawn to one of the many options, in the quantity I wanted to get, and also on sale. 

A morning following, I felt an impromptu strong impression to deliver them. It was one thing to be moved to purchase the lettuce crisper bowls and salad kits and feel excitement at the time as I thought of each person to whom to give the gift, it was another thing to deliver them. Though doubt and hesitancy creeped in, it was a tender mercy the intrusive emotions and invasive thoughts did not talk myself out of taking action and following through. 

Additionally, inside each bowl, I added ripe vine tomatoes. It was a tender mercy I was able to share my abundance of tomatoes I purchased at Sam’s Club in bulk for a less comparable cost than a single tomato from the local grocery store, of which the quantity was more than what my family and I would be able to eat before they went bad. 

Though nervous about delivering what may have been thought of or considered a cheesy gift, I did not pass up the draw I felt to purchase them nor talk myself out of taking action to give them to each individual that entered my mind. Subsequently, it was a tender mercy the gift was well received by all.

When have you not talked yourself out of, second guessed, or backed away from taking action to do a good deed despite opposition to do so?


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Responding To An Impromptu Impression That Felt Awkward

While spending time with a new friend a couple of days earlier, they had shared with me an important upcoming therapeutic meeting they would be attending. As evening approached on that specific day, out of the blue I felt inspired to reach out to them and inquire how the meeting went. My initial reaction to the impromptu impression of asking such a personal question was a feeling of awkwardness. I wondered if they would think I was prying into their privacy or if they would know it was coming from a place of genuine care and heartfelt concern. 

I ignored the prompting and it came right back. I knew the feeling I was having was one not to resist or push aside. Over the years I have come to recognize impromptu impressions are promptings to act. With not more than a few minutes of back and forth, “should I or should I not” and knowing better than to second guess the prompting, I went for it and messaged them.

On numerous occasions in the last few weeks I’ve been inspired to visit with them. As I have done so, a friendship and connection has formed and their feeling comfortable to open up to me about the difficulties they are going through has transpired. Our positive interactions, I believe, led to the reason why my text was well received. 

It was a surprising tender mercy that the news and information provided them during the meeting to the possibilities of what they may be facing and the trying times up ahead, understandably overwhelming, I have familiarity and firsthand knowledge of the struggle and am able to provide them varying help along their journey. 

Ironically, at the time of the prompting and right before I sent the text, I was listening to an inspirational message about how our challenges and trials can bless and help another. 

When have you felt awkward about following through with an impromptu impression to reach out to a friend, yet, you knew with certainty it was a prompting to act; and, of no coincidence, your background experience was a blessing to them as they much needed support and help navigating a scary uncertain path?


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Good Samaritan

When a wooden board from our neighbor’s worn out, sun beaten, brittle fence fell down, I observed my independent, proactive, and service-oriented youngest son gathering up essential tools—a handheld battery powered drill, a hammer, screws, and nails—to repair their fence. All on his own, he took it upon himself and was desirous to fix their fence for them.  

From the sidelines, it was a tender mercy for me to have seen him in action, the joy in his demeanor, and smile on his face as he was a willing and cheerful good Samaritan, serving our neighbors.

In the process of his working to drill the board back in place, I overheard the wife, who while attending to their dogs in their backyard and realizing someone was on the other side of their fence, curiously and gently ask, “Excuse me, may I help you?” to which my son confidently replied, “I just noticed that one of your fence pieces was broken and I am fixing it so it doesn’t fall again”. She responded, “You are amazing!” A few minutes later her husband came out to assist and eventually she also came out again with their young daughter and expressed gratitude, appreciation, and admiration for my son’s sweetness in helping them in the way he did. 

This interaction, in and of itself was a tremendous tender mercy too as my son and I met this amazing and friendly family for the first time since they moved in, surprisingly 2 years earlier. Although I was thoroughly embarrassed and apologetic that our welcoming them to our neighborhood was long overdue, attributing it to our comings and goings and differing schedules, it was a blessing that through my son’s act of service, this opportunity to introduce ourselves to one another occurred.   

When have you experienced the joy of observing your child(ren) taking the initiative to help and serve others all on their own? And/or through a a direct or indirect involvement in a service opportunity, you met an amazing new friend(s)?


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Pushing Through

Between an unusually stormy and wet spring along with mold, pollen, and ragweed allergies, I had become very sedentary, spending more time indoors for several weeks not expending a lot of energy sufficient to be considered real exercise. After one beautiful, sunny weekend, my friend and I tentatively planned a day later in the week to go walking. As the day drew nearer, it appeared possible we would need to reschedule when in the early morning hours of the night it had rained intensely. Although the forecast showed rain expected to continue throughout the day, it cleared a few hours before we were scheduled to meet up. 

Even though I was ready to enjoy the outdoors and I love walking, it had been a long while since I had been physically active. Concerned with my lack of stamina, I saw the iffy weather as an easy way out. In addition, although I was mentally motivated, I didn’t have much vigor so if the day and time had not still worked for my friend, I would have been alright that our plan to walk didn’t pan out. As she was still available and the weather was nice, we stuck with our plan. 

Doing what was good for my body was oh so hard. I was quite sluggish. Even though I was unable to maintain my same typical and natural fast pace, I recognized the health benefit and value pressing forward would be for me.

Being so out of shape, it was a tender mercy that walking with a friend beside me, I was better able to push through the challenge and struggle of what normally would’ve been a really simple and easy walk for me. While walking and talking with each other, going up and down and around several streets in a neighborhood was doable.

When have you tackled an activity that was good for you, but extremely challenging and the struggle was more manageable with a friend together by your side?


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Time-filler Conversation

It was a beautiful, sunny day at the theme park as our family was enjoying one ride after another smoothly and with such ease. The lines were in constant motion, moving much faster than what was indicated on the posting outside of the ride. We were on a roll until we arrived at a ride that initially indicated a 50-minute wait time. Based on the other rides with overestimated wait times, we thought it would really only be like 30 minutes. However, due to some sort of delay, the wait time ended up being around 2 hours. 

It was a tender mercy that soon after we got in line, the couple in front of us and my husband and I began talking with one another. We had a very nice dialogue that expedited the long wait as our focus was on our conversation rather than our standing in a line that was hardly moving for a long period of time. It was a pleasant way to pass the time away and a nice distraction from fully experiencing the heat, sore feet, and boredom.  

When has sparking up a conversation with others while standing in a line for a long period of time lessened your uncomfortableness associated with waiting and passed the time away much more quickly?


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Choosing Admiration and Love For Others Above Self Doubt

I looked forward to socializing and having real conversations with friends at a casual event one evening. Although I knew most everyone, I was surprised by my feeling awkward when a friend would stay only momentarily in our dialogue before stepping away to interact and mingle with other friends. When I was reached out to and asked how things were going, it was easy to respond with a deeper than surface answer because of the friendships I had with each, however, when the dialogues didn’t last long and were cut short, I was perplexed. 

Within a few minutes after I shared personal and monumental life’s happenings with different friends, they flittered away mid-conversation roaming elsewhere among the other guests and the food table. I didn’t know whether they were disinterested in what I was sharing or maybe preoccupied and just not fully invested in our conversation because their attention was split among the multiple other activities taking place.    

It was a challenge, yet I didn’t let it distract me. I remained happy and continued to smile. I was able to look past the broken conversations and an uncomfortableness I felt at one point when I observed whisperings and eyes on me, good or bad I wasn’t sure. I didn’t get caught up in the drama nor self doubt my worth or the friendships and connections I have with each one of them. I kept my head held high. Although I interacted with friends the entire time and had one meaningful conversation, I anticipated and expected I would have more-so connected with others than I actually did. 

I could have allowed my feeling lost and alone, even among so many friends, to sink me and turn away and walk out. Instead, I found myself admiring each person I knew, recognizing their individual qualities, their strengths and talents, valuing their personalities, and seeing them for the incredible people they are to me rather than telling myself and believing that no one was interested in me. 

It was a tender mercy I was able to transition from feeling a separation when the conversations ended abruptly to feeling love, admiration, appreciation, and gratitude for each of my friends. 

When have you found yourself moving from a place of self doubt when conversations with friends didn’t go the way you hoped and wanted to feeling an admiration and a love for your friends? 


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