Look Behind

While helping to shop for pants that were the right size for a family member, we couldn’t find anything. Of all the variety of pants and the number of tables and shelves with jeans on them, we couldn’t find the right size in their preferred color and style. We looked and looked until we had looked through all the piles. As we were about to leave empty-handed, I had a thought to look behind a stack we had previously looked through and what do you know, there was another stack directly behind the front stack. In there were 2 pairs of jeans the right size. It was a tender mercy to have received the impression to look behind. As I acted on it, not only did we find them, but we also got them on sale.

When have you felt impressed to look behind what you could see in front of you to find that what you were searching for was sitting behind something else?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Handy Paper Towels

When a family member’s sparkling flavored water fizzed over when they were opening it, another family member was quick to come over with a bundle of paper towels to assist with the cleanup. I was extremely grateful for the thoughtfulness of the one cheerfully and willingly helping, all on their own.

And, later as evening came and lights were turned off, while heading to our bedroom, I saw something scurry in front of me. I quickly reached for a light switch to turn the lights back on and noticed a teeny tiny lizard that was moving fast across our hardwood floors in the direction of our carpeted bedroom.

I wanted to catch it before it entered the room as there was no guarantee I would be able to see it if it blended in with the carpet. When I called out, two family members were behind me with paper towels to swoop up the lizard before it got any further. As I was keeping an eye on its location and did not have anything to catch it with nor was I wanting to stomp on it, I was grateful they came right away with paper towels in hand.

When have you been grateful to have paper towels close by to grab or they were handed to you when you needed them?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

Brotherly Kindness

On a very hot and sunny afternoon, our youngest son invited one of our other sons to go on a bike ride with him in our neighborhood and to spend some time together at our community park.

As they were preparing to leave, I was reviewing safety precautions with the boys, and the older brother said, “don’t worry mom, I’ll watch him.” My heart melted with the softness at which he spoke those words and his willingness to care for his younger brother.

Once outside while getting their bikes ready, the younger brother noticed his handle bars were crooked and the older brother happily went over to his bike, adjusted the handle bars and straightened them out. Both boys were cheerful and genuinely excited to spend some time together.

The younger one was happy his older brother accepted his invitation to go for a bike ride to the park and for fixing his bike and the older brother was happy to join him and to help him out. My heart was full. Watching our boys working together, getting along, and showing forth brotherly kindness to one another was a tender mercy.

When has your heart been full observing your children working together, getting along, and showing forth kindness to one another?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Self-Sufficient Kids

Observing and watching my kids accomplish various tasks on their own is such a joy. As we arrived at a bowling alley per the request of one of our children, there was nothing I needed to do as a mom other than ask for a specific lane we wanted and pay for the shoes and the game for each family member.

Each child picked up their own shoes and bowling ball and our youngest set up everyone’s name on the screen.  My husband and I sat back and enjoyed bowling and watching our children play.  It was wonderful spending quality time together.

It is quite exciting for me as a mom to be in a place where my kids are capable and able to do so much themselves. It’s a fun stage as they are proactive, independent, self-sufficient, and take initiative.  Individually, we are all very competitive when it comes to playing games and that has helped us separately improve are skills, in this case—bowling, and as a family, support and compliment one another (win or lose) and build stronger bonds with each another.

Shortly after we began playing, our two youngest boys went together to seek a different bowling ball better suited for our younger one.  It was neat seeing them work together as well as watching our daughter and middle son having fun interacting and taking pictures together.

What are you enjoying and appreciating with your children right now in the phase you and your family are currently?


Protective Honk

One morning, as I was leaving my neighborhood to turn right onto a busy street taking my youngest to school, I was unable to see around a truck that was on my left side, waiting to turn left. Not knowing if any cars were headed in the same direction I was turning, I inched out just a bit when the truck beside me observed my moving forward and honked their horn. I paused becoming aware immediately that it was not safe for me to continue forward.

Most often, when I am honked at while driving, it is not a friendly honk. This honk, however, was a protective honk. It was a tender mercy when the driver saw that I could not see a car coming up fast, they alerted me by honking their horn. I was grateful for the neighborly kindness. I don’t know who was in the truck, but I was grateful that they were not only concerned about where they were going, but also concerned and cared about my safety and well-being.

When have you had someone do something to you in a way that typically would be considered unfriendly; but, in particular instances, they were in fact protecting you, looking out for you and helping you stay out of and clear of harm’s way?

I think of the times when I’m in traffic and I have to break hard because there’s a sudden slow down. I put my hand and arm out to protect my passenger in the event there is any impact. It can catch the passenger off guard not expecting my hand and arm to go out in front of them.

Perhaps when someone is getting your attention to keep you out of harm’s way, their tone sounds like they are screaming and yelling at you when in fact their tone is of worry and concern—panic?

Maybe someone tugs your shirt from behind to pull you back because you’re about to step into the street when a car, you can’t see, is coming.  Or, they pull you back to prevent you from stepping into a hole or getting hit by a tree branch?

Or, somebody flicks your hair, your cheek, arm, back, or leg because you have a bug or mosquito land on you or a spider is crawling somewhere on you?
