Trash Day Reminder

At a time I was wrapped up in a crisis and uncertain to what the future holds, I also felt peace and comfort. I knew I’d face further challenges down the road, yet the particulars were unknown. Even though I was scared and that aspect brought great anxiety and concern, I was reassured through the Holy Ghost that all would be ok. As I was in constant prayer with Heavenly Father, I felt a strength in knowing I was not going through the difficulty alone. I am grateful for the growth and learning I have gained through hardships, at the same time I do not look forward to their impending approach.

This experience was happening simultaneous during an unusual week for me. Half of our family were gone with our oldest son serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and my husband and youngest son at Scout Camp. It was different having only myself and our two middle children at home. The first day it rained hard for hours leaving the day bleak and dreary until dusk when for Family Home Evening (FHE) we went outside and played ladder ball. The second day was filled with preparing, gathering, and organizing necessary forms and information to have available and ready for the next day’s appointments. Also on this day, the three of us enjoyed a free entrée from Chick-fil-A as we dressed up looking like cows.

Although the days were hard and my disposition was solemn, I was grateful for activities we were able to do all together. I put on a smile and actively participated even though I was not at my best. It was no easy feat, but worth the effort.

And then early evening on the third day,  I felt lost contemplating the trial I was experiencing and not having clarity on what was going to happen and what I should do.  My heart was aching and my voice was cracking. Despite having faith and feeling comfort and peace, there was also a void and a sense of uneasiness to what struggles were still to come.

As I sought to find peace from the uncertainties constantly consuming my thoughts, I listened to inspiring messages on “Hi Five Live-Facebook” to ground and anchor myself to our loving Heavenly Father. I also made it a point to go outside. I appreciate nature and going for walks. As I stepped outside to be in a place where I could quietly and outwardly express my pain to Heavenly Father, I noticed right away the neighbor’s trash cans were out. In the midst of my troubles, I felt a joy and a gratitude for the reminder of the next day being trash day.  If I had not stepped outside, I don’t know that I would have remembered. I recognized quickly that this visual reminder was a tender mercy.

I know Heavenly Father was very mindful of me. Not only did he understand and know my hurt and suffering, he also knew my desire to not miss trash day. Seeing the trash cans removed me briefly away from my sadness, and I was filled with immense appreciation. Although I was struggling greatly, I am thankful I did not miss the tender mercy. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know Heavenly Father is aware of me and something as simple as a visual reminder that the next day was trash day was a blessing to me.

When have you recognized in the midst of your trials, a tender mercy that is small and simple yet meaningful to you?


Self-Sufficient Kids

Observing and watching my kids accomplish various tasks on their own is such a joy. As we arrived at a bowling alley per the request of one of our children, there was nothing I needed to do as a mom other than ask for a specific lane we wanted and pay for the shoes and the game for each family member.

Each child picked up their own shoes and bowling ball and our youngest set up everyone’s name on the screen.  My husband and I sat back and enjoyed bowling and watching our children play.  It was wonderful spending quality time together.

It is quite exciting for me as a mom to be in a place where my kids are capable and able to do so much themselves. It’s a fun stage as they are proactive, independent, self-sufficient, and take initiative.  Individually, we are all very competitive when it comes to playing games and that has helped us separately improve are skills, in this case—bowling, and as a family, support and compliment one another (win or lose) and build stronger bonds with each another.

Shortly after we began playing, our two youngest boys went together to seek a different bowling ball better suited for our younger one.  It was neat seeing them work together as well as watching our daughter and middle son having fun interacting and taking pictures together.

What are you enjoying and appreciating with your children right now in the phase you and your family are currently?


Overflowing Abundance Of Blessings

I met up with my youngest child and his school class today to tour a cavern. I was grateful for simple directions to the location. It was a tender mercy I did not get lost or turned around. How many times do you rely on GPS for directions and you find yourself in a completely different place than where you intended?  I’ve had that happen to me time and time again. Today, I was grateful that was not the case. I had a little bit of familiarity with where I was in the beginning to navigate with more confidence in myself than in GPS, and then I relied and trusted in the correctness and assistance of GPS the rest of the way.

It was a beautiful, scenic drive along a route with little traffic and my steering wheel had no pulling and tightness. I am not a fan of congestion or traffic and so the smoothness and easy flow of the drive was a tender mercy! My steering wheel for the past couple weeks has, on and off, tightened while turning. This morning, it happened briefly; but the entire drive to the cavern and back, it was a tender mercy there were no issues.

Preceding the approximate 45 minute drive, one hour before leaving, my right leg was acting up and was very restless. When I experience this discomfort, napping relieves it. After I dropped my children off at their respective schools, it was a tender mercy I had time to take a nap, resting my body before making the drive and I had no further problems with my leg.

And, it was a tender mercy there was a discount on the ticket price for school chaperones! I was happy for the discount. It was still pricey, but less, by several dollars, than an otherwise very expensive entrance fee ticket to the cavern.

A highlight of the field trip was the tender mercy of being able to spend time with my son at the cavern, particularly right now as he enjoys having me join him on his field trips. It was a fun and memorable experience with him!  He was very loving, kind, and considerate of me. He alerted me and kept me safe from bumping my head while passing through a tight place. He saved me a seat on a bench a couple of times in areas where we could sit down and listen to the tour guide rather than remain standing. He saved me a place next to him at a picnic table with his friends at lunch time. He expressed and showed his love for me throughout the tour and gave me hugs. I am grateful I was able to join him and share this special time together.

I had been to this cavern two years earlier with one of my other children. I wasn’t thrilled about returning with the mindset, “been there, done that”, but I wanted to be with my youngest and have the experience of being with him. In the end, I enjoyed very much the tour and was grateful I had returned as there was a lot I had forgotten. It was a fabulous afternoon, even if a bit cold and windy. The time with my youngest was valuable and priceless and worth the pricey ticket to revisit the cavern with him.

Yesterday, I was experiencing a lot of doubt, fear, and concerns and it was a tender mercy those doubts, fears, and concerns were lifted on my way home as I chose to listen to a CD, “Say Love” by my favorite music artist, Hilary Weeks. Her music spoke to my heart and provided a strength I was lacking yesterday. Today, I felt the Spirit and a renewed calm and peace.

It was all in all a very pleasant drive to and from the cavern and an all-around very good day with multiple tender mercies and I am truly grateful!

Do you have days that are complete flops and you feel depleted, lacking energy, strength, and stamina and then you receive an overflowing of blessings that give you renewed faith and courage to face life’s challenges? How do you work through those difficult times? I tell myself to put one foot in front of the other and keep taking baby steps forward, one step at a time, even if it is a shuffle and I can barely pick my feet up. As I serve myself (like brushing my teeth), and others (making a simple family meal heating up a can of soup), I am actively doing something to keep myself afloat. What do you do to keep yourself up and going between those not so good and good days?

I am grateful for the knowledge that each day is a new day and there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. The amount of time in darkness may be unknown, but the light will come if I keep moving forward. It is this knowledge I have preceding the hard times and a hope I hang onto during really hard times that helps me get through the bleakest of moments. If I did not already have that belief prior to the challenges, getting through the challenges would be even harder.


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

Sabbath Day

I enjoy and look forward to the Sabbath day. For me, it is a time of rejuvenation and a tender mercy to have an entire day set aside to connect with Heavenly Father in a more deliberate way. Focusing on specific ways of feeling closer to Him and the peace that is felt away from the hustle and bustle of everyday activities. I enjoy attending church, listening to and hearing the messages, feeling the Spirit, receiving answers to prayers and validation of His love and care for me.

I enjoy afternoon naps, taking walks, transcribing my son’s missionary letters and emailing them to friends and family. I enjoy the relaxation of cooking and making a new recipe without a time constraint or need to pick up kids or go to appointments. These are all things that I do on the Sabbath day that is calming and relaxing as well as drawing closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father and feeling of their love for me. What do you do on the Sabbath day?

I love that it is a day of rest, a day that I’m not doing chores and mundane tasks like laundry, grocery shopping, yard work and that I can fully take in with gratitude and appreciation what I have through moments of pondering and absorbing the beauty around me.

Is the Sabbath day a day of rest for you? Is it a day you look forward to each week? When and how have you felt Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s love for you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

On Board

Every member of our family—mom, dad, and three children (two teenagers and a pre-pre-teen)—was excited to go on a family camping trip. It was a tender mercy how well everything came together. Every one packed their own bags and participated in giving meal ideas. Everyone was happy and looking forward to a great Spring Break! It was way awesome! The location and the site was incredible! The weather was ideal during the day, not too hot and not too cold. Although the evenings were very cold, we were prepared with necessary blankets and bedding. The meals were yummy! Everyone assisted and helped with setting up camp, taking down camp, preparing the planned meals, working together, and playing together. Although there were a few bumps and squabbles, it was definitely a very pleasant and memorable family trip!

When has your family gone on an outing/trip/vacation where every member was on board, participating in the planning and preparing and happy to go?


Find a Penny, Pick It Up, All Day Long You’ll Have Good Luck

On a particularly difficult, disappointing day, I was struggling. Needless to say, I was not having a happy day. I continued throughout the day performing the tasks, going through the motions that were necessary, feeling gloomy.

Upon leaving a store, it was a tender mercy I noticed in a parking spot down on the ground a bright, shiny, gold penny. Immediately, as I continued walking forward past the penny the phrase, “find a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck” entered my mind. I turned back around to pick it up as a car was pulling in before I could get it. At that point, I smiled. The irony.

I considered, by not picking it up would I forfeit good luck or could I still experience happiness and joy despite my circumstances and disappointment of that day? I reflected on a pill trial in which some participants were given an actual pill, let’s just say Ibuprofen. Other participants were given a placebo pill but were not told that it was a placebo pill. For both groups of participants, their symptoms went away. True, in fact, the medicine, Ibuprofen, worked. Likewise, the placebo pill seemed to work as well. The difference was one was a medicinal relief, the other was a relaxed mind believing in the pill’s effectiveness to relieve the symptoms—pressure, headache, or whatever the symptom may have been.

As I considered this analogy, although I did not have the penny in my hands, I saw the penny, thought of the phrase and that changed my outlook. It changed how I felt. The gloominess I was experiencing was altered not because I picked up the penny, the gold shiny penny, it was the phrase. My mental mindset shifted as I drove away. It was a tender mercy the difference seeing that penny made for me.

Yes, my day began with my feeling discouraged, downtrodden, and disappointed and the penny was a blessing and a tender mercy coming at a time that shifted the way I was feeling. I began to think and feel better. It is those moments of light, coming from a bright and shiny penny, I was grateful for on this particular day.

When has an item or object brightened your day when you were feeling gloomy?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”