A Reminder Message Kicked Me In Gear

A most effective dental hygiene process was continued after a reminder message kicked me in gear.

When I really thought I was on top of the timing of my next semiannual routine dental cleaning appointment and it turned out I was not, it was a tender mercy a reminder message kicked me in gear to return to maintaining an effective brushing process I had let slip away momentarily out of pure laziness. 

Keeping track of routine appointments and staying on top of my health is important to me, however, when my battery-powered toothbrush stopped working and my semiannual dental appointment was assuredly still a few weeks away, I was not too concerned about the need to change out the old batteries for new ones lickety-split. 

Unfortunately, until I had received the reminder message, I had forgotten that at my last routine appointment earlier in the year, I had upped when I usually schedule for my second semiannual cleaning so that it not be over a holiday break as this year I wanted to leave the date open for the possibilities of what family gatherings may be happening during that timeframe. 

To maintain good dental hygiene, I have found that for me the most effective method, in addition to flossing, is using a spinbrush, a battery powered toothbrush with a spinning head. When at the point the batteries died, I continued to brush my teeth manually. I didn’t want to deal with the hassle and inconvenience of changing out the batteries.

Essentially though, it would have been a very simple and easy task of going into another room to get batteries, twist open the bottom portion of the spinbrush and place two new batteries in for the old ones. That’s it. I just didn’t want to take the time to do it. All the while I wanted to replace the batteries sooner rather than later as I do value and desire very much having healthy teeth, I thought I had enough leeway to put it off one more day and then another.

With my appointment coming up much sooner than I had recalled, there was no more time to delay. It was a tender mercy a reminder message kicked me in gear. I went into action mode and changed out the batteries immediately. 

When have you received a reminder message that kicked you in gear and helped you maintain what’s important to you—your health, etc? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

The Importance Of Being Kind To Myself

A reflection on the importance of being kind to myself came one day as I noticed  when some of my hair that draped in front of my shirt was in the shape of a heart.

The importance of being kind to myself came in a couple of different ways today. One being associated with maintaining my physical health and the other being associated with a shortcoming. 

While attending a Mindful Parenting class earlier in the day, I shared with those present my struggle with setting aside those things I become busy doing to stop and eat. Immediately, a mom sitting beside me handed me a KIND Granola Bar that she had with her in her purse. As I quickly scanned over the granola bar, I initially noted the nutritional value of the ingredients inside and was most excited about the nuts. I really like the health factor of nuts and the energy it provides. 

As the capitalization of the brand name of the granola bar also caught my eye and stood out to me, it was a tender mercy how the word KIND resonated and had a very profound meaning for me in that moment. It was a personal message to me of the importance of being kind to myself. I do things to take care of my intellectual, spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being but not to the same degree for my physical well-being, particularly taking time to eat. I enjoy food. I just prioritize other activities over eating and I don’t multitask both at the same time. It is a conscious effort I have to make to stop and eat. The tender mercy message reminded me to continue to be intentional in this area. 

This profound statement to be kind to myself helped me later in the evening too when I commented on a prompt I posted on my Tender Mercy Moments Facebook group and assumed at the time I sent it that it made sense, but later realized my response lacked clarity in effectively connecting to the prompt.

When I went back to the original post an hour or so after to add a tie in sentence, I was hoping and praying that my friends would return back to the message and reread the revised comment. Though I felt embarrassed for my faux pas, I giggled as I remembered to be kind to myself. It was a tender mercy I was able to accept my deficiency in writing and move forward without letting it set me back as well as trust that Heavenly Father would help in a way that whomever could benefit from my updated response would at some point read it. 

After the two occurrences, I went in search for an inspirational song that spoke to being kind to myself. Over and over again I found myself playing the song “Say Love” by Hilary Weeks. Though the lyrics are about sharing words of love and kindness to others, I recognized how valuable saying words of love and kindness to myself is when I get down on myself in those times I fall short and mess up. 

Another tender mercy moment of reflection on the importance of being kind to myself happened not that long ago while sitting in a parking lot after dropping off my kids at school and I noticed when I looked down in my lap for a moment that some of my hair that had fallen forward over the front of my shirt was in the shape of a heart. 

When have you been reminded in a profound way the importance of being kind to yourself? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Remembering The Kleenex

On the designated day of the week I had set aside to go bulk shopping mainly for one essential purpose and reason, I could not remember when I arrived what that specific item was that I had planned to get. Other household/food items came to my mind, but the #1 product I needed the most was elusive. I could not rack my brain or recall what it was so I prayed that if I saw the item, it would jog my memory.

It was a tender mercy when shortly after my internal prayer I saw a large pile of tissue boxes in a middle aisle and I was elated. That is what I needed more than anything else. I had been going through facial tissues very quickly over several days and I needed to replenish my stock as my seasonal allergies were acting up nonstop. Ironically, it wasn’t my sniffles that reminded me of what I needed above all else, it was seeing the stack of tissue boxes after saying a prayer. 

When have you gone to a store and forgotten what you most intended to get and while struggling to remember, you were pleased as you were reminded of what it was when you saw the product while shopping for other needed items on your list? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*


Only about twice a year do I get my hair cut after a dry winter and humid summer when my hair has become stringy and full of split ends. I don’t do much when I get it cut. Typically, it is cleaning up the split ends, styling the bottom with a point cut to flip the hair out or under, and framing around my face. I like style, but due to my silky hair that holds almost nothing and my skin sensitivities, my haircuts are simple.

I had plans to get my hair cut on a Saturday after I had received a coupon in the mail, however, when Saturday came, it wasn’t until my husband mentioned my interest in doing it that day that I remembered. I was grateful for the reminder. Not only that, I was also grateful to check in on an app before arriving giving myself more time to get things done at home then sitting waiting for my turn.

As the hairdresser was cutting my hair, she took her time and was very detailed. I did not mind at all. I was appreciative of the extra care she was giving to my hair. As I observed another hairdresser moving quickly through her patrons and one patron seeming surprised with how fast she finished, my hairdresser spoke to her to slow down. I enjoyed the time my hairdresser took with my hair and was also grateful for the insights she shared on how I could have less shine where I don’t want it and more shine and conditioning where it will provide lift to my straight silky hair.

When have you appreciated having any of the following—a coupon when getting your hair cut, a reminder from a family member when you had a plan to treat yourself, a short wait time, a hairdresser who spent quality time on your hair, and/or a helpful tip shared with you?
