Cake Carrier

Once the 8×8 cake one of my children had baked late at night for a school project, due the following day, cooled and prior to flipping it out of the glass pan onto another surface to then decorate it with the required details, the question became what to transfer it onto to be able to transport it without messing up the design. 

As I was contemplating the use of a cardboard box with sides used to hold water bottles and lining it with aluminum foil and then crumbling up additional foil to fill in any gaps to eliminate sliding, it dawned on me we had an 8×8 plastic container, with a lid, full of brownie bites. 

It was a tender mercy that I had recalled the package of brownie bites I had purchased days earlier for an event. I transferred the mini brownies to a gallon sized ziploc freezer bag and voila we now had a great way to secure and best support the cake, keeping the decorations from shifting outside of their designated and specific locations, as well as cover it and the cake fit perfectly in the container.

When have you wanted to deliver an item(s) from one place to another snugly and you recalled having a bin, container, envelope, etc. on hand that was a perfect fit?


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It Doesn’t Hurt To Ask

While grocery shopping and walking around the variety of pastries and desserts stacked on tables, I was drawn to the apple fritters. Immediately, my mind was reflective and reminiscent of times during my lunch breaks at a summer job I had between high school graduation and my first semester of college when I savored delicious, mouthwatering, moist fritters filled with real apples from a nearby bakery.  

Upon seeing the apple fritters among the amazing assortment of sweets, I decided to get a package, intentionally selecting one with the latest best-by-date. When I got home excited to experience the nostalgic taste of a fond memory of my early adulthood, they were not what I expected. Rather, the apple fritters were fried and crispy with a hint of visible, but tasteless apple and not the same soft consistency nor fresh apple tidbits throughout I was hoping to enjoy once again. Even though I did not like them at all, I thought someone else in my family might want to try them.  

The day following, I noticed the best-by-date on the packaging was the day preceding my purchase of the apple fritters. I then realized that I had not known what the actual day of the month was when I was shopping and though I selected the latest best-by-date assuming they would last for days, the apple fritters were already old. I was bummed. I considered the possibility of returning them to the store, but was concerned that I would not be able to return them for the mere fact I just didn’t like them. I wondered if with this particular brand, fresh or old, the overall taste would have been exactly the same. I was giving credit and the benefit of the doubt to the brand of apple fritters to justify why I was stuck with them and that the error was on my side for not paying attention that they were outdated before purchasing them. I wanted to believe and told myself there wasn’t actually anything wrong with the apple fritters per se, other than they were not conducive to my taste buds. After all, different brands of chocolate chip cookies taste different. 

Although I didn’t like how they tasted, I debated still eating them anyway if no one else in my family would or just throwing them out and accepting the loss of money wasted. Then the thought entered my mind, “It doesn’t hurt to ask if the store will return them”. Even though I questioned if I could return them for taste alone, it occurred to me that I could bring up the fact they were sold outdated. In going into the store and showing my purchase receipt and the date on the package, it was a tender mercy that even though I had already eaten one, I was able to return them and get my money back. 

When have you purchased food you didn’t realize was already past its best-by-date and although it was probable the food was still edible and fine, but not to your liking, you were able to return it and get a refund?


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Slow Leak

After I arrived at the car dealership for a routine tire rotation and learned that my timing for when the service was to be done was unexpectedly off and I opted to wait for the next regular maintenance to take care of it, the thought came that since I was already at the dealership I might as well have the pressure in each of my tires checked. 

As the weather had been fluctuating up and down for quite some time, I assumed the reason my tire gauge light came on was because the tires needed air. As the tires were checked, I was informed that the pressure in one of the tires was lower than the rest. Upon examination, it was identified that a nail in the tire was causing a slow leak. 

It was a tender mercy that through a quick and easy complimentary service, the slow leak was discovered and I was able to drive immediately to a tire shop nearby for a price less than what was quoted by the dealership to have the tire patched and repaired right away before it went completely flat in an inconvenient and/or dangerous place. 

When have you gone in for a routine visit (car, doctor….) and separate from the purpose of your visit, you casually requested a look at something else and an issue was caught early enough and treated before a more serious, catastrophic experience occurred? 


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A Well-Intentioned Thought Interrupted From Being Expressed

There have been so many times and instances while dialoguing with others that right before I speak a well-intentioned, loving thought, there is a distraction or disruption. Through the brief, or even split second interruption, I quickly become aware and realize as the other person resumes the conversation, following the disruption, and provides additional information and context, that my thoughts, though kind, if they had become words, would not have been applicable in a healthy or helpful way for them and would have done more harm than good. I would have been embarrassed and felt quite awkward. It has been a tender mercy on those occasions as I am about to open my mouth to say, albeit, loving and caring words, a sudden disruption has come between the thought and the immediate verbalization of the thought. In those times, I am glad and relieved for the timing of the interruption.

When have you almost shared a caring, well-intentioned thought with someone and an interruption came between your thoughts and verbalizing your thoughts, stopping what could have been a sorrowful, awkward moment for you and a painful, uncomfortable experience for the other person?


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Inside Out

I was bummed when a new, thick thermal sock that was originally smooth on the outside came out of the dryer with a frayed liked appearance. It was the first time I’d washed the socks after they had been worn since recently purchased. I had made a point to separate laundry items with velcro from the socks. When I pulled the socks out and saw that one of the socks in the pair was fuzzy, I was concerned that what I tried to prevent happened anyway. Although seemingly small and insignificant, it was a tender mercy to me when the thought to turn the sock inside out entered my mind. I was delighted to see that the sock was not ruined after all. It was just inside out. 

When have you been bummed by an appearance that something was destroyed when in fact it was only inside out, upside down, or turned around, etc…?


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Close Call

When leaving to take a son to early-morning church seminary (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) while still dark outside, it was foggy with very little visibility to see very far in front of me as I was driving.

After dropping him off and returning back home, I had an impression to slow down, more so than my already driving just under the speed limit. My thoughts turned to the possibilities of what could be ahead in the fog preparing myself in the event that there was another vehicle in front of me or a person crossing the street or walking along side the street. Soon after the thought came and I slowed down, a deer darted in front of my car. I was startled. I was able to move off slightly to the right and avoid any collision.

It was a tender mercy I received the impression and thought when I did to slow down. It protected me and the deer from harm.

When have you had a thought or impression while driving to slow down, stop, or alter your course and it protected you from harm?


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When I Couldn’t See

When I got in my car and I was preparing to head out, I first applied make up to my eyes and noticed I could not see with my left eye. I realized that my contact had popped out.

Months ago, I had a thought to put contacts in my purse. Today, it was a tender mercy when I needed a contact, I had one available in my purse. It was also convenient that I could reach inside of my purse to get a replacement contact for the one that I had lost instead of getting out of my car, unlocking my house, and going back inside. I was able to more easily leave because I had a contact with me and it was pretty amazing that I could see better with the new contact than I could with the one that fell out!

When has an earlier thought or impression that you followed through with blessed and helped you days, weeks, months, or years later?


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I Know We Have Them, But Where?

Fall is a fun time of year. There are pumpkin patches, apple orchards, apple cider, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, trick-or-treating, chili cook offs and so many more fun activities to do together as a family.

When my husband was preparing dinner, he had a thought to make caramel apples. He went to the fridge and pulled out the apples and as he began washing and prepping them, he asked me if we had any caramels. I was certain we had caramels. As I looked in the pantry, I found a bag that had only two remaining caramels. I was hopeful and confident that we had more packages, but I did not know exactly where. As I was trying to recall where I have kept them in the past and feeling overwhelmed about checking in multiple places, it was a tender mercy that they were in the first place that came to my mind.

In addition to having the ingredients to make the caramel apples, it was also a tender mercy that as it had been raining all day long, we did not have any extra-curricular activities in the evening. As a mom, driving kids to and fro on bad weather days is stressful and not wanting to go out, it was a tender mercy that on this night we were able to enjoy the comforts of staying in and the fall season eating delicious, juicy, sweet caramel apples.

When has it come to your mind where something you knew you had was located? And, when has the timing aligned nicely that on a bad weather day when you did not want to go out, your evening was free and you were able to enjoy the comforts of staying home spending quality time with family?


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Heartfelt Emojis

There was a moment in the day that it entered my mind to send a love emoji to my husband and so I did. I noticed that minutes prior, he texted me love emojis. Somehow I had missed his when they came through, however, I thought it was neat that within that same approximate time frame not only was he thinking about me, but I likewise, was thinking about him.

When have you had experiences and moments where within a small window of time almost simultaneously, if not simultaneously, you were thinking of someone you love and likewise they were thinking of you?



A Tote Bag

As I entered a store to purchase a few things, not enough to want to get a cart, but more than what my hands could juggle, I was looking for a basket and in that moment, in the front of the store I saw a tote bag.  It was ideal and a perfect way to carry and hold the items that I came in to get. It was fascinating to me that in the moment I thought about a basket, I immediately saw the tote bag which was much easier for me to carry the products in than even a basket.

When have you had a thought of wanting something that would be helpful for you to accomplish a task you are setting out to do and in that moment, right in front of you, is an item that will work nicely…not what you had in mind, but even better? 😊
