More Deliberate Quality Time With One Another

An opportunity as a family to spend more deliberate quality time with one another came when we temporarily stepped away from our screens to observe the Air Force Thunderbirds as they flew by our area.

Over the course of two months since the Covid-19 quarantine, being home together as a family has been wonderful. However, even though we have all been together during this time, much of our weekday hours in close proximity to each other has been spent separately engaged with school assignments via distance learning, employment from our home office, and various hobbies, mostly by means of screen time. As such, when an opportunity early afternoon came up to spend more deliberate quality time with one another away from our screens, I embraced and relished the moment.   

A couple of days prior, I heard that the Air Force Thunderbirds would be flying overhead near our area, at a specific time, on this day, to recognize and pay tribute to our front line responders, healthcare and essential workers for all that they have done during the coronavirus pandemic. Thirty minutes before the scheduled fly by, our family stopped temporarily what we were individually involved in doing to go see them. We anticipated the time away from home would be very short. However, it was not until the very minute we expected to see the F-16 Fighting Falcons fly by did we learn that due to inclement weather the time of the Thunderbirds arrival had been delayed 1 hour. 

Upon getting this updated news, we all decided it did not make sense to drive back home 15-20 minutes away to shortly thereafter turn around and return back to the place we considered an ideal location to see the Thunderbirds fly by, per their flight pattern, and instead, we agreed to pass the time by getting lunch together. Even though the mandate to wear a mask inside public places is an easy deterrent for me to have not wanted to go inside an establishment to pick up food, the availability to do so was a tender mercy as we were able to spend more deliberate quality time with one another and break away from screen time for a bit longer.

In addition, when we returned back to our original location and were only able to see a brief glimpse of the Thunderbirds as they flew by, it was a tender mercy we were able to get to another lookout spot within their flight pattern just in time to observe a spectacular 180 view of them before they looped away, and being that the location was a greater distance from our home, we had even more deliberate quality time with one another to which I embraced and relished. 

When have you relished moments in which an event you were attending with loved ones was delayed and the opportunity to spend more deliberate quality time with one another came as a result?


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My Persistence And Perseverance Paid Off

My persistence and perseverance paid off as I sought to resolve what became quite a cumbersome and complex matter days before an approaching registration deadline.

When an assumption that all would be smooth sailing upon registering again for a reoccurring event weeks away after the one over a month earlier had been cancelled, my persistence and perseverance paid off as I sought to resolve what instead became quite a cumbersome and complex matter days before the approaching registration deadline

When the reoccurring event I had paid for was cancelled due to the closures of public gatherings as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was under the assumption, as per a message I received from the organization, that the admission fee for the cancelled event would be transferred to one of two other scheduled dates during the summer months for the same event. However, when I called one week before the registration deadline for the first of the two dates, I was unexpectedly informed that my admission fee had been refunded back to me weeks earlier. 

Upon checking my credit card statement for the refunded amount that was intended to be applied towards the admission ticket for one of those two dates, the refund was not at all actually in my account. 

At first, I took the casual approach of waiting day after day for the refund to show up in my account to which it never did. Two days before the registration deadline for the first of the two dates and the one I preferred over the other, I once again called the organization back. I was advised by a call center representative to send an email to their support team for additional help regarding the situation after the representative had looked into it themselves and was unable to further assist me about the whereabouts of the refund.  

Not knowing how long it would take to hear back from them via a phone call or email message, the very next day, now one day before the deadline, I called the organization back again and asked if I may speak to a supervisor or manager. The representative who answered my call reached out to the organization’s finance department and an individual there determined that though the refund was released over a month earlier, the reason why the transaction had not fully completed to where I received it on my end was that it was stuck in their system. 

When the finance department was unable to do anything more than determine what had happened, they reached out to the back end of their department to expedite the troubleshooting of the matter to “unstuck” the refund for it to then go directly to my account. In the meantime, it was a tender mercy the representative processed the registration for the upcoming event date, one day before the deadline, and I was not held to paying the admission fee twice, but that they would instead bill me the exact amount I had already paid and then once I received the refund in my account, I would pay off the bill. 

In the end, several days later, I followed up once more regarding the issue after receiving a concerning status email that had since already been sorted out. As a result of my calling back, it was a tender mercy I was informed that a request I had asked for on the previous call panned out. I had asked if the organization would be able to reverse the refund from going into my account and have it instead immediately go to pay for the new admission ticket. My persistence and perseverance paid off. It was a tender mercy the time-consuming matter surrounding the refund to register for the next reoccurring event before the registration deadline was fully resolved within days versus weeks.  

When have you become aware of an incomplete financial transaction and as you stayed on top of the issue, your persistence and perseverance paid off and the situation was attended to immediately and resolved? 


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All Squared Away Just In Time

Preliminary processes for a particular procedure were all squared away just in time before circumstances potentially postponed it until a much later date.

As the coronavirus pandemic has quickly altered the course of day-to-day living and many calendared events have been put on hold, it was a tender mercy I was able to finalize and get plans for a particular treatment that would take place incrementally over many months all squared away just in time prior to the office possibly closing their doors for, at the least, a couple of weeks.  

At the beginning of the month, before the coronavirus outbreak, I scheduled a free consultation to go over the details of the treatment. The appointment was set for a Friday morning just over a couple of weeks away. With the rapid progression of the virus, two days prior to the appointment, I called the office questioning whether or not the schedule would hold and they confirmed the appointment.  

The day before the appointment, I happened to be speaking with someone in an optometrist office and learned from them that starting on Monday they would sadly be closing their doors for two weeks as per CDC and local government recommendations and that others with like health practices were encouraged to do the same. Hearing this news and information was a tender mercy as it prepared me to be more deliberate in my decision that would come into play the next day. 

Upon arriving at the appointment, I was surprised when I was stopped as soon as I opened the door and understandably required to have my temperature taken before being allowed to fully come inside the office. Though spring allergies were in full bloom and I was experiencing the impact, it was a tender mercy I did not have a temperature and was permitted to proceed with the appointment. In the office’s attempt to maintain a healthy environment for all their patients, the waiting room was empty as appointments were spread out to conform to social distancing practices.  

At the completion of the consultation, I approved the treatment layout and was ready for it to begin. Before making a final decision on one specific payment plan, I wanted to confer with my husband first, however, he was on a business call at work and unable to be reached. 

With the office closing mid-afternoon, just over an hour away and no guarantee they would be open for sure Monday morning, I wanted to have the payment and preliminary processes taken care of before leaving so treatment could begin as soon as possible rather than delayed for sometime later on down the road. 

It was a tender mercy I was able to touch base with my husband within minutes and everything that was essential to get the ball rolling was all squared away just in time before the office closed for the day and prior to their possibly closing their doors for, at the least, a couple of weeks.

When have you come to know ahead of time about a possible delay in a procedure you preferred to have taken place sooner rather than later and you were able to get what needed to be done all squared away just in time prior to its potential postponement?


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Almost Burnt To A Crisp

The cookies were expected to be almost burnt to a crisp after being forgotten about while they were baking, however, once returning to the oven after being reminded of them, the cookies were only slightly overcooked.

It was a close call. The last batch of cookies I was baking almost burnt to a crisp when I stepped away for a time and completely forgot about them.

What would normally be a structured, planned out day gathering together with a congregation of families, just like that, due to an unprecedented turn of events, the day became very casual and laid back.

As Spring Break was coming to a close, I received word that not only would school be out for another week as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, but also that all church worship and other activities held in our church building would be cancelled for sometime to come.

With the hype of the virus spreading and crowds of people going to the store for supplies, it seemed a great opportunity to assess where our family stood with what food and nonfood items we had on hand.  

As I organized our fridge to better see what all we had in it as well as to rearrange and place all fresh items in the back and any older food items to be used up first in the front, I came across a couple of ready-to-bake cookie packages to which the sell-by date on them had recently passed. Not wanting to waste what I considered was still good food, I baked up all the cookies.   

Minutes after placing the last batch in the oven, per my desire to have myself and our children join my husband who was outside prepping our seasonal vegetable garden, I observed how much time remained till the cookies would be done and noted that I had plenty of time to help some before the timer went off. 

I stepped away for what I intended would be only for about 15 minutes. But, as I became fully engrossed in planting seeds with the family, I lost track of time and completely forgot all about the cookies. And, being that I was outside, I unfortunately never heard the oven timer go off. However, it was a tender mercy a random thought reminded me that the cookies were still baking. 

As I quickly ran back inside to remove the cookies from the oven, I was prepared to see the entire batch almost burnt to a crisp, but it was a tender mercy that when the timer went off, the oven automatically turned off as well and the cookies were only slightly overcooked. 

When have you completely forgotten about food you had in the oven as you became engrossed in another activity while it was baking, yet before it almost burnt to a crisp, a random thought reminded you of the food and upon your quick return to the oven, the food was only slightly overcooked? 


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Missed An Important Deadline

Upon missing an important deadline to register for an event, fortunately, the registration was still open for a late fee.

Typically I would be bummed if I missed an important deadline, however, recently when I did just that, missed an important deadline, I was not bothered. 

For months now, occasionally here and there, I have mentioned to our family about an opportunity taking place during a general timeframe for a couple of family members to participate in an event that is held multiple times during the year. However, a strong interest had not been expressed fully by them, therefore, I felt no urgency or pressure to look into registering them for it. Ironically, the day I felt impressed to look into the details of when the closest upcoming one would take place and the timing of when to register, the deadline had just ended the day prior. 

Considering that I would normally be bummed and disappointed if I had missed an important deadline, it was quite uncharacteristic of me to have felt so at ease and not bothered at all about missing the registration deadline. As the family members had not been set on any one of the available dates in particular, per se, I was not stressed or anxious in the least. Though, as I casually shared with one of them that the general timeframe I had brought up from time to time, now only a little more than a month away, was at this point completely out of the question, they were surprised that I had not looked into registering them sooner as I am not a usual procrastinator and often speak to giving oneself a cushion when planning things out. But, for whatever reason, I had not felt compelled or inclined to look into it any sooner than on the day that I did.

Despite the closest date being no longer a possibility, so I thought, as I continued to look into further information about the event, it was a tender mercy I saw that the window to register for the upcoming one was still open albeit a late registration fee would be added to the admission ticket. In looking at the other dates for the event happening a couple more times later on in the year, it turned out that the date to which I just missed the registration deadline by less than 24 hours was the most ideal date of them all. Oddly, as cost-conscious as I am, I was okay and comfortable with paying the late fee.

When have you missed an important deadline to register for an event and then learned that the registration was still open for a late fee to which you were willing to pay?


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Somebody Else Will Do It, Right?

When an opportunity has come up to help someone in need, have you thought, “somebody else will do it, right?“

When an opportunity arose to help someone in need, what trumped my actions was the thought, “somebody else will do it, right?”

As I was briefly browsing Facebook posts, I saw a friend’s request asking for any resources that could help them with a specific challenge they were facing. When looking through the already provided suggestions in the comments, even though I did not see the resource I would recommend, I did not quickly respond, in fact, I did not respond at all. 

I questioned if my recommended resource was even all that applicable to their particular situation and where I did not have the direct source link to post it in the comments right then, I opted to pass up the opportunity to add my suggestion, reasoning that somebody else will do it, right?

It was not long after I saw a follow-up post from this friend where they had compiled a list of all the references they had received so as to share them with others who may be interested as well. It was a tender mercy that though I hedged providing a resource, I was happy to see that my suggestion, which I was grateful was given to my friend by someone else, was on the list.

Several days later, I once again saw a request from another friend, friend B, reaching out on a community page seeking to find a consultant with a specific network marketing company for to purchase desired products from them and at that very same time I had a friend, friend C, who happened to be hosting an online party selling the very goods my friend B was wanting to get. Neither of them knew each other. 

At first I postponed doing anything and sat back for a number of days thinking once again, somebody else will do it, right? I was certain that either somebody else would respond to my friend B’s request guiding them to a consultant or that surely a consultant would see their message and respond to it. However, after a few days passed, I reached out to my friend B to see if they were still looking for a consultant and when I shared with them about the friend who was hosting the online party, friend B was interested in being connected with friend C. 

I had not been in contact with my friend hosting the party in years and was unsure if the cell number I had for them was still their number. As I felt uncomfortable texting them in the event it was not their number anymore, I felt it safer to call the number instead. After a few rings, it was a tender mercy my friend C picked up and we had a wonderful conversation catching up with one another. And, it was a tender mercy that I was able to help both friends and connect them with each other.

When have you hedged helping a friend out thinking somebody else will do it and sure enough somebody else did as well as when have you been able to connect two of your friends together who did not know one another and each had something that could help the other? 


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Matter Of Fact Plan Of Action

When plans changed unexpectedly, I did not skip a beat as a revised matter of fact plan of action transpired.

When my original plan for getting our kids to school changed unexpectedly, I did not skip a beat as a revised matter of fact plan of action transpired. 

On this winter morning, once we were all in the car ready to go, I started it up and noticed the tire pressure light was on. At first, I assumed the light was indicating a decrease in tire pressure attributed to the cold 37 degree weather, but as I recalled a prior tire incident, I immediately felt inclined to walk around the car and quickly glance at each of the tires before driving away. 

In doing so, I saw that one of the back tires appeared low. While accessing the condition of the tire, it was a tender mercy that right at that time, my husband had just stepped out of the house to leave for work and observed what I was doing. He came over immediately to assist. As I knew I would not be able to go directly to a shop to get the tire repaired before getting my kids to school on time, right away, I knew what to do. I decisively and proactively, without hesitation, went into Plan B action mode. 

While my husband was using an air compressor to add air to the tire, I shared with him my matter of fact plan of action to take our younger kids to school in the car used by our teenage drivers who were not using it at the time. It was a tender mercy the car was available as a backup and the worries I would have had about the possibility of the low tire going flat at any point during the approximate one and a half hour roundtrip commute was alleviated. And, as there was a concern on this very cold day whether the heater in the backup car worked, it was a tender mercy it did and we were warmed up fairly quickly. 

Though I had plans to take our car in to have the tire repaired preceding a scheduled meeting I would be facilitating not long after returning home from dropping off our kids, after calling the shop and learning of the lengthy wait time, due to the tight time constraint, I once again moved forward with a revised matter of fact plan of action to instead go to the shop following my meeting and before picking up our kids from school. 

By that time, it was then early afternoon and over the course of several hours since my husband had added air to the tire, the tire pressure had dropped from 35 psi to close to 15 psi. Although I was quite nervous about the slow leak causing the psi to drop so significantly and worried if the low tire pressure would hold up long enough to get to the shop 20 minutes away, it was a tender mercy the tire was not yet altogether flat. 

In hopes of being able to make it to the shop without getting a flat, I attempted to fill up the tire using the air compressor, but I didn’t know how to use it and when I looked up a YouTube video for a demonstration, it wasn’t any help either. So, I placed the air compressor and an extension cord in the trunk of my car and prayed and prayed and prayed that first and foremost I would make it all the way to the shop without losing anymore air. And secondly, if I did lose more air, I was prepared and prayerful that someone along the way would be able to help me.

Before leaving our home, I examined the tire once again and saw where a heavy duty nail of sorts had become lodged in the tire. Despite my naivety of how physics works, I was hopeful and optimistic that as the tire rotated around and around while in route to the shop, the pressure on the nail as it butted up against the pavement over and over again would lock and seal any air from escaping till I got to the tire shop. 

Along the way, although I felt anxious, I tried really hard to keep my mind focused on trusting in the Lord and staying relaxed. It was a wonderful tender mercy that not only did I make it safely to the shop without getting a flat tire, it was super amazing where now that I only had 1 hour before I would need to leave to pick up my kids from school that a garage bay was open and available when I arrived and I was able to pull right in before several other customers came in following behind me and my tire, which was discovered to have also had a screw in it too, was fixed right away for a very minimal charge. 

All in all, it was a tender mercy that before leaving home to take our kids to school, I became aware of the tire that was low before it became a full-fledged flat tire.

When have you had an experience to which you became aware of a situation before it resulted in something more so problematic? And, when have you had plans change unexpectedly and you were able to proactively with decisiveness move instantaneously forward with a revised matter of fact plan of action? 


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One For Me And One For You

With most all shopping carts being used by other patrons, it was a tender mercy that when you and another shopper not far behind you entered the store, there were still two available carts, “One For Me And One For You!”

“Yay, one for me and one for you!” was my quiet expression of gratitude when walking into a store full of shoppers and seeing that the only cart left by the entrance/exit was available for me as well as spotting an unattended cart nearby for another shopper that came in not far behind me whom was also desirous of having a cart. 

Post Christmas and New Years as the holiday break was coming to a close, I went to a particular store to return a couple of Christmas presents that did not work as intended and to purchase a few end-of-season clearance and regular priced gift items. Once inside, I noticed a long checkout line and the number of available carts had dwindled down to one. It was a tender mercy that when I arrived, there was at least one remaining shopping cart by the entrance/exit. 

As I settled my personal belongings and returns into the cart and was preparing to step away, I observed another shopper that had come in soon after I did looking for a cart. Though I could have kept the last cart for myself as per the phrase “first come, first serve”, I was willing to give it up to them, however, I too needed a cart. 

With a very sore shoulder from overextending one of my arms a few days earlier, carrying anything caused uncomfortable pain so going into the packed store and being able to snatch up the last available cart near the entrance/exit was a welcomed tender mercy for me. 

Yet, I didn’t want the much older shopper than I to be without a cart so I scanned the area from where I was standing and it was a tender mercy I saw an isolated cart close by in a section between racks of clothing and shelves of merchandise. I turned to the other shopper with an expression of elation, optimistic that we would each have a cart, “one for me and one for you.” 

However, not knowing if the cart with an article of clothing on the seat was being used by someone who may have gone into a nearby toilet room, as I approached the restroom to see if it was vacant or not, an individual stepped out and did not claim the cart when asked and no one else was nearby so it was assumed it had just been randomly left behind. It was a tender mercy we each now had a cart. 

When have you gone into a store and there was a limited quantity of something you and another shopper desired and you were grateful that with what remained there was “one for me and one for you”, meaning one for each of you? 


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The Least Invasive Necessary Medical Treatment

The Least Invasive Necessary Medical Treatment To Heal A Wound Effectively And Adequately Was Applied

As I watched a loved one slip and fall and incur a gash just below one of their kneecaps while they were running in the airport, I prayed that the least invasive necessary medical treatment could be applied to effectively and adequately heal the wound. 

Our family was very excited to greet and welcome a loved one flying home for the holidays. Upon entering the airport, while some of us, including myself, began to head towards baggage claim, a couple of other family members, not knowing exactly where we were meeting the loved one, in competition with each other, took off and raced away in a different direction. 

The moment they split off from the rest of us, I stopped and stood in place dumbfounded by what I was observing unfold. On one hand, I considered their actions of “running” and leaving the group as foolish. On the other hand, I saw that their competitive nature with one another was in all fun and they were innocently enjoying themselves and bonding together. 

Despite the later thought, my look of dismay continued when one of them tripped and fell. While they struggled briefly to get back up on their feet, it was a tender mercy the other family member was right beside them and immediately reached out to help as the injured family member landed awkwardly. 

As I watched the whole occurrence transpire, though I was thoroughly frustrated, annoyed, bothered and upset, I did not say anything out loud to them. It was a tender mercy I resisted any urge to call them out for their actions, instead, I remained silent. I could see that the one injured was experiencing frustrations of their own for what just happened and there was no need for me to say anything at all as I knew my saying anything would make things much worse. 

Initially, when I first saw the bloody wound, the gash site appeared to me as only a scrape. Upon closer examination by myself and another family member after it had been cleaned up, it was realized and agreed that the injury was not just a surface cut but a deeper wound requiring medical attention. It was decided that the best course of action was to take the family member to an urgent care to have the gash looked at by a physician after picking up the loved one when they arrived and before returning back home. 

Despite the frustration I felt inside, especially it being the day before Christmas, I quietly attended to caring for them by bringing out wet and dry paper towels from a nearby restroom to apply to the wound as needed. I also calmly spoke to the reality of their possibly needing stitches at the same time concurring with their desire to not want them and encouraging them to pray as I was praying for the least invasive necessary medical treatment to adequately and effectively be applied to heal their wound. 

When the doctor examined the wound, he shared that though stitches were an option if we wanted to go that route, the bending of the knee while walking and such may cause the stitches to split apart. It was a tender mercy when the doctor also shared that the gash could just as easily heal by keeping it clean, applying vaseline so the wound does not crust over, bandaging it with a non-stick pad and a hurt-free wrap 2 to 3 times a day. Our prayer for the least invasive necessary medical treatment was answered. 

When have you observed a loved one become injured and your prayer for the least invasive necessary medical treatment to be applied for adequate and effective healing of the wound was answered?


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Visiting The Sick And Afflicted

Visiting The Sick And Afflicted Despite Existing Challenges

Visiting the sick and afflicted is no doubt a special experience especially observing how being with them lifts their spirits, yet the initial going to them and not knowing what to say or do for me is quite uncomfortable.

Having on this day, twice the opportunity to visit the sick and afflicted, it was a tender mercy I didn’t let my own inadequacies get in the way, but I made it a point to go see them despite my anxiousness.  

Though I was super apprehensive of going to the hospital for reasons I don’t know and can’t exactly put my finger on to visit a friend who had been admitted days earlier, with steady intention I set out to go and see them, deliberately staying ahead of my nervousness and reluctance so as not to let my anxieties take hold.

Even though the process to get from point A to point B was an ordeal of sorts from confirming their exact location among the many hospitals in the area, navigating my way around the hospital campus maze until personally guided to a garage closest to the main hospital, circling several flights up a multistory paid covered parking garage before finding an empty parking space, walking down 9 flights of stairs upon learning the elevator did not work, and asking directions to their room once inside the hospital, I remained resolute in going to visit them albeit how anxious I felt each step along the way. 

It was a tender mercy that once I arrived in their room all nervousness, anxiety, and uncomfortableness I had pushed through washed away and we had a wonderful visit. 

Prior to visiting them, I had reached out via text message to another friend I felt the nudge and impression to contact and let them know I was thinking of them and asked how they were doing. As I was entering the hospital I received their reply, “Ok. Having a rough day…”

I did not know what to say back to their vulnerable response, but I also didn’t want to leave them hanging. And, being that texting expressions from the heart is a challenge for me as I am a much better verbal communicator than a written communicator, it was a tender mercy as I pondered what I could offer that was comforting, immediately in my mind, I was impressed to go to their home, two small cities away from me, and give them a hug. 

Incredibly, it was a tender mercy that I happened to be in their town for an appointment that afternoon and when I drove straight to their home afterwards, I showed up at the perfect time. As they opened the door, I said I was there to give them a hug. I was warmly received and right after, spontaneously, as they desired to go out, we went for a drive around town, stopped to get them a soda, and visited for a time at a nearby park. My knock at the door, hug, and visit came at a time that was greatly valued and very much appreciated by them. 

When have you been apprehensive of visiting the sick and afflicted due to your own anxieties and you were able to push through your nervousness and reluctance to bless and be with them in their time of need?


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