Task Completed

I was not looking forward to spraying the interior of my house, however, the spiders and bugs are entering in as Spring is here and Summer is quickly approaching.  I am most concerned that I may step on a scorpion and with a family trip coming up, I do not want to return home to an unpleasant surprise as we did many years ago watching a live scorpion scurry across our kitchen floor. I made it a point to take care of the spraying today.  It took a couple of hours to prep (sweep and pick up dead bugs and trash along the floorboard) and spray the interior rooms.

It was a task needing to be done.  I was grateful to be able to do it while my kids were in school and the house was empty allowing the spray to dry undisturbed.  Although is is a task I do not enjoy, it was worth the effort to have peace of mind that I can walk around in my house and worry less about stepping on a scorpion or a spider or crush a bug.

When have you felt gratitude for a task completed, not one that you particularly wanted to do, but in doing so felt a peace of mind?
