Reflections After All Was Said And Done

Reflections After All Was Said And Done

When the dynamics among associations I have had with individuals I dearly love and care about changed due to life’s circumstances, I felt a devastating loss. The reflections that came after all was said and done caused my heart to ache and I felt a wrenching void. In one moment life was great, my interactions with them were superb, and then just like that, ever so quickly, everything was different and I didn’t know what to make of the abrupt “overnight” changes. Getting a handle on and processing how my relationships with each would now be moving forward was excruciatingly hard. 

Preceding the fading connections that transpired in just over the course of one week, I had spent valuable and memorable time with each individual on separate monumental occasions.  

With one of them, I knew following a whirlwind of events and the adrenaline rush leading up to their life-altering festivities, I would experience a drop as I supposed our interactions would be less, but I didn’t know the degree or fathom the emotions of loss I would feel. I was happy for the new chapter in their life they were embarking and sad for me at the same time. Another loss came as a total surprise, unexpectedly out-of-the-blue, and another was less shocking, yet still very difficult.  

Would my relationships with any of them ever be the same? Had I truly lost the bond I had with each of them prior to that point? Navigating these waters I had never been through before would have been more rough if I had not had others to help me through it by opening up and being vulnerable in sharing my raw, authentic emotions of hurt and pain. I was supported through my grief and I had an outlet to release off my heart and mind what I had considered and contemplated keeping to myself. Cognitively, I understood and acknowledged that suppressing my feelings would not have served me well. 

In recognizing the discomfort and state I would remain if I stayed closed up and knowing the source of who would have me suffer, I courageously stepped out of my typical default of remaining private and keeping my personal cares and concerns to myself. Through sharing and opening up my feelings with others whom I trusted, I felt an immediate comfort. By doing so, it was a tender mercy that others who have gone before me, been where I am, and have experienced the particular losses that are new to me were present to help me, not just family and friends alone, but also the overall concept shared on a podcast entitled, I See You, and a message shared during an in particular episode.  

This recent hardship was a reminder to me of years ago learning from others the challenge of raising teenagers. When I came into that phase with my children, I had a sense of humor and familiarity of what was happening because of watching and learning from others who had gone through it before me.  

Although I was more so prepared for the teenage years unlike my late experiences, receiving help to navigate through difficult challenges from those who have “been there, done that” was a real blessing and tender mercy!

When have life-altering circumstances separated you away from those you love and care about deeply and as your reflections after all was said and done left you feeling great sorrow and sadness, others who have gone before you and experienced what you were going through were there to help and support you through your pain?


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Time Was Of The Essence

Time was of the essence as purchasing dry ice before the store closed for the night was necessary to keeping ice cream frozen while on a road trip.

Time was of the essence when my husband and I were hoping to be able to purchase dry ice within a very short timeframe between two back-to-back trips.  

Over the course of ten days, the opportunity to go from an anniversary trip that flowed into a conference trip on one side of the USA with my husband per airplane and then turn around immediately upon getting home to travel almost a full day’s distance to a family member’s wedding in another part of the country via a road trip was an exciting week and a half. 

Between both trips, we were up against the clock and only had minutes to purchase needed dry ice before stopping at home long enough to pick up our children, do a few things, switch out our already packed bags for the second trip and leave to make it promptly for the wedding festivities.

As we were preparing for the trips, another family member, residing not far from the wedding location, had asked if we could bring them a favorite ice cream not sold in their local grocery store. In order to transport the ice cream and keep it frozen over the many hours we would be driving, it was necessary to get dry ice, however, our window to do so once flying back from the first trip and getting to the store before it closed prior to heading out again for the second trip was extremely limited. 

Upon our plane landing late evening when returning from the first trip, we had approximately 45 minutes before the store that carried the dry ice would be closing. While waiting for a shuttle to get us back to our car and in route to the store before midnight, we were feeling the time crunch.

It was a tender mercy that traffic at that hour was light and we made it to the store 9 minutes before close and we’re able to get the dry ice. In addition, it was a tender mercy that when we arrived the following day to our destination for the wedding, the ice cream was still frozen.  

When have you barely, when time was of the essence, made it to a specific store to purchase a necessary and much needed item minutes before it closed?


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Putting Aside The “Cares Of The World”

Putting Aside The “Cares Of The World”

After a fast-paced experience to promptly get to the gate my husband and I would be flying out of for a mini-vacation, as we were sitting awaiting our plane to arrive, I was shouldering many “cares of the world”, concerned that all I was temporarily leaving behind would be safe and sound during our time away. Naturally, I am a “worry wart”. Before departing, I wanted to do what all was in my power to prevent, if at all possible, bad things that could happen from happening. 

In route to the airport, we stopped at a store to pick up a gift for someone we would be visiting after we returned. Shortly after leaving the store with a minimal cushion to get to the airport in adequate time, I missed taking the airport exit and had to go what felt like quite a ways out before being able to turn around and head back to the airport. 

When we got to the airport’s long-term parking garage, which was only a short walk to the terminal, we were rerouted to a parking lot further away and needed to be shuttled back to the airport. Before catching the shuttle bus that came soon after we parked, which was a wonderful tender mercy considering time was quickly slipping away, my husband hid the purchases as best he could out of sight. 

Even though they were mostly tucked away, portions of the bags were visible if someone looked inside the car through the tinted windows so to double blur a potential intruder’s vision, we raised the window sunshades attached to the rear passenger doors up. Although our car was locked and we were in a secure parking lot, I knew it was still a possibility someone could break into our car if they wanted.

While sitting in the airport after making it through security and awaiting our plane to arrive with a little bit of time to spare, I wanted to rush back to the car to further secure our possessions and take with us anything that had our address on it so if someone did break into our car, they would not also learn where we live and break into our home too. 

My husband tried assuring me that all would be ok. I knew I could not control nor did I trust the agency of others, but I did however trust that Heavenly Father could give me the peace I needed to not stay worried while we were gone so I prayed and turned my “cares of the world” over to Him. It was a tender mercy that I was able to let go of my concerns completely and go on to thoroughly enjoy our trip away. And, when we returned, all was well. 

When have you been able to put away the “cares of the world” you were concerning about before departing for a trip and go on to fully enjoy a wonderful vacation?


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Stayed Out Of Harm’s Way

Stayed out of harm’s way when tailgated on a narrow, windy, scenic backroad.

While in route to take my children to school via a scenic path to avoid the morning rush hour congestion along a more direct thoroughfare, I became concerned when after turning onto this windy stretch of road, one lane each way, I observed through my rearview mirror a truck following behind me awfully close, uncomfortably close. Not wanting to get hit, I intentionally maneuvered and adjusted my position to stay out of harm’s way so as not to be directly in front of them, but off center, keeping left near the lane divider line to stay as far clear of them as possible. 

With each frequent stop-and-go for a few miles on this curvy, up and down road that was backed up as well, I was extremely nervous as they tailgated me. I was on high alert, extra cognizant, and continuously aware of the driver’s movements. I considered pulling into someone’s driveway or a neighborhood entrance to let them go ahead of me, but worried how long it would take before another driver would let me back in the line of traffic and the possibility of it delaying my kids getting to school on time. As I continually kept an eye on the truck behind me, I prayed that at the four-way stop some minutes ahead, a different driver would fall behind me, separating me from the driver “riding my bumper”. 

Once at the four-way stop, it was a tender mercy that while I continued to go straight, the driver behind me turned left. 

When has a driver tailgated you while on a windy, narrow road and where it was not easy or convenient to pull over for them to get around you, you were able to stay out of harm’s way and relieved when at a traffic stop the driver split off in a different direction and was no longer right behind you?


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Joyful Moments Among The Chaos

A park is a place where one can observe joyful moments among the chaos of children running here and there.

I love teaching my young, energetic, and active Primary class at church. They definitely “keep me on my toes”. Some Sundays are more chaotic than others, yet, oh how my hearts swells and is filled with such joy being able to serve currently in the capacity and calling as their primary teacher. I am awed and fascinated by what all I gain from them and walk away with each week as they willingly help and participate in our class. Through countless tender mercies I have seen and received as a teacher, I have experienced many joyful moments among the chaos.

One that surprised me and I was delighted by was a week when the children were very talkative with each other and seemed disengaged while I struggled to efficiently and effectively articulate and communicate a particular principle and though I don’t know how well they understood any of what I shared, all 8 of the kids present on that day remained in their seats the whole time. Not one got up and ran around. That, to me, was an amazing tender mercy. 

Most recently, as I began a lesson soon after we entered our classroom together and everyone had quickly sat in a chair, one member of our class sat in the “teacher’s chair”.  I was super enthusiastic when I asked if they would be teaching our class that day to which they initially said yes and then declined, however, they gladly accepted the invitation to assist me. 

As they did so, being silly, they presented the material I had given them to share with everyone else in an opposite manner than what I had asked of them. Nonetheless, immediately, I took to their “out of the box” approach and saw that their method was totally awesome and I welcomed and encouraged them to continue. It was a tender mercy that their actions actually enhanced the presentation of the lesson, albeit different than how I had planned, yet, in a very cool interactive way. 

Shortly after this occurrence, as I continued the lesson with an inspired, impromptu, straightforward and simple object lesson, my presentation threw off one of the students and they were upset. As I squatted down to be on their level and lovingly asked about their thoughts and why they were so upset, I was enlightened as they expressed the reason they became distraught. It was a tender mercy I was able to see where they were coming from and communicate with them in a way that cleared up their concern and soothed and calmed them down. I have been edified time and time again as the kids in my class have candidly shared their remarkable perspectives and insights with me. 

Although I come to class well prepared, I never know exactly how the lesson or class time will go as the dynamics and energy level of each child varies weekly. As I continuously pray to Heavenly Father before and during class to help me teach His children in His way, I am ready to adapt and “go with the flow”. Even though class time can be hectic and crazy, I have received guidance and direction through one tender mercy after another and I have been able to experience joyful moments among the chaos. 

When have you experienced joyful moments among the chaos while teaching very active children and through their ups and downs you gained remarkable insights and valuable lessons from them?


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Applying Ice To The Strain Did The Trick

Ice in home refrigerator freezer box

Somehow I strained the bottom arch of my right foot. I didn’t know how, but wow it hurt a lot all throughout the day when walking around from place to place. I could not trace back what may have caused the injury. I wondered if I had run into something or if something had dropped on my foot. To no avail, I could not figure out how and when it happened. There was no visible swelling or sign of bruising, just excruciating pain. 

As I massaged my foot to release the soreness, I was not able to locate the exact spot or the source from where the pain was originating, however, when standing on it, I could feel an intense amount of sharpness. I tried stretching out my foot, hoping it would help to decrease the pain, but that didn’t seem to work either. 

Later in the evening while out on a date with my husband and not knowing with certainty how long I would experience the prolonged sharpness, I was concerned about training my foot to walk incorrectly if I favored staying only on the outside edge of my foot away from the pain, so I tried hard to walk on it normal and endure the discomfort.

In the evening as I headed to bed, I had a thought to apply ice to my foot. As I elevated my leg slightly, resting it above my blankets, I set a double layered ziplock sandwich bag half full of ice to my foot. In doing so a couple of times throughout the night, it was a tender mercy that when I awoke the next morning and stepped down on my foot, the strain was completely gone with absolutely no indication of it ever being present. An amazing miracle! It was baffling how out of the blue the onset of the strain came on and just as incredible how overnight, after applying the ice, it went away altogether.  

When have you had a body strain that came on out of nowhere and being unable to stretch it out or massage the soreness away, it was through applying ice that the sharp pain dissipated altogether as if the strain had never been there at all?


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A Much Shorter Distance Away Than Anticipated

As the time drew near for me to promptly take one of my children to their school’s season opener football game a distance away, I felt so overwhelmed and anxious due to my still being on an important phone call well past when we needed to leave.

I prefer to focus on one thing at a time, yet, not knowing how soon I would be off the call, I began to multitask. From striving to stay attentive and engaged on the call and simultaneously realizing the distance away and time required to get my child to the game before it started, taking into account the path and presumed tail end, heavy rush hour traffic we would be in along the way, I was both working on maintaining my calm and frantically gesturing and motioning to my kids to rush out to the car. It was a real struggle trying to mentally be in two places at the same time. 

Once in the car and no longer on the call, I began to wind down, to relax and take some much needed deep breaths all the while driving on automatic for a good portion of the way, knowing with assumed certainty which stadium the game would be played at based on my recollection of where I had taken one of my other kids a time before. 

Although I had been thinking the football game was on one far end of the city, it was a tender mercy that before we reached a highway split to go eastbound or westbound, it dawned on me that the game may actually be playing at a different stadium in the opposite direction of where I was about to go. Initially, I was planning to branch off to the east until I asked the child I was taking to the football game the name and location of the stadium and they confirmed, with a surety, that the game was in a stadium to the west of us. Pleasantly, the correct location was substantially closer to home and rather than being late, we ended up arriving a few minutes before kickoff. 

When have you left late on your way to an intended destination and being prepared to head one way at a highway split, you realized before branching off that you actually needed to go in the opposite direction to get to the correct location, which pleasantly was a much shorter distance away than anticipated and you arrived early? 


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Rescued From A Bad Dream

A good night’s sleep restored after a bad dream

After a long exhausting day, physically and mentally, I went to bed sooner than usual for me and well before my husband did. In part, my being so tired was attributed to my going to bed real late and getting up super early consecutively for days. 

With the start of a new school year for our children, I had not yet transitioned my sleep schedule accordingly. I was still maintaining the same night owl routine I had been on all summer long and now with school back in session and my weekday beginning before the crack of dawn to drive one of our children to early morning church seminary, I was feeling the toll on my body. With days of less than adequate sleep added to activities that required a lot of mental energy, on this night, in no time flat, as soon as I lied down, my eyes quickly closed and immediately I fell asleep. 

As my husband was settling into bed sometime later, he heard me breathing heavy and observed something was wrong. He gently and lovingly asked me if I was ok, to which I responded “No, I am Not”. I was terrified, sweating, and muttering words in my sleep. Once aroused and broken away from the awful dream, I thanked him for waking me up. It was a tender mercy he had still been awake at that time and rescued me from my panic induced state. 

Once removed and disengaged from the bad dream and prior to wanting to go right back to sleep without a re-occurrence, I prayed the bad dream would not return. I was extremely grateful for the tender mercy that although an image and recollection of what caused me to stir remained, the fear and trauma associated did not and I slept soundly and peacefully the rest of the evening. 

When have you been calmly rescued from a bad dream and while still very tired and desirous to be able to comfortably go back to sleep, after praying that the bad dream would not return, you were able to once again fall asleep right away and you slept soundly and peacefully the rest of the night?


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Searching For Seasonal Water Shoes

As our family prepared to go to a water park for a final summer outing a couple of days before school started back up, one of our children read online the benefits of wearing water shoes. When we got our water shoes out, it was realized that we did not have any that our kids could wear. 

I wasn’t all too keen on getting new water shoes and held off doing so until the evening before going to the water park. I really thought and anticipated I would simply go into just one store where I was sure there would be plenty of water shoes in stock, get them, and be done. However, that was not the case. I was unprepared and not ready for the reality that summer was almost over. Their end-of-season selection was very limited and the sizes we needed were all out. 

My quick errand resulted in several hours of going in and out of store after store until one by one the stores started closing. At each place, in asking store employees if they had any and coming up empty handed, surprisingly, I learned and overheard that other consumers were looking for water shoes too. Sadly, the various stores either did not have any water shoes or ones in the right size or what was available was so over priced and close to the same cost as a discounted water park ticket, it was not worth purchasing a pair for a one day use. 

On a side note, when I left the house, I had quickly stepped into a pair of casual water slip on sandals that were conveniently right in front of me as I entered the garage. Little did I know at the time how beneficial wearing these shoes would be a short time later. On this hot 100 degree day, I had no idea it was going to rain. It was a tender mercy that as I came out of one of the stores into a torrential downpour, although I was drenched immediately as I did not have an umbrella, the shoes I had put on were suitable for the inclement weather. 

After searching for water shoes in store after store after store with no success, it was a tender mercy that in the very last store, I came across a different type of water shoes that I was excited and thrilled about the possibility they could work just as well. There was only one pair left and they happened to be in a size we needed. The alternative water shoes had a clear soft plastic, flexible exterior shell with holes throughout and an interior removable sole. Although the soles were not in a preferred color, I saw that I could be resourceful and easily take the sole out and replace it with a .98 cent flip flop in a preferred color. Wallah! The substitute water shoes were effective and held up the entire day!

When have you conveniently been wearing shoes or an outfit that was suitable for unexpected inclement weather while out and about running errands?

And, when have you been in search of a particular seasonal merchandise that was no longer in stock and you saw potential in an alternative option that worked very well as a substitute? 


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Broken Away From My Laziness

When I initially awoke first thing in the morning and realized I had no set plans scheduled or anything pressing going on during the day, I leisurely continued to sleep longer, well past what was necessary for my body. The second time I awoke 2 hours later, I wanted to again doze off back to sleep even though I recognized the morning was passing by and it was soon-to-be midday. Mentally, I knew it would be better for me to get up, but physically I saw no real need or purpose to do so. It was a tender mercy a call broke me away from staying in bed. 

Normally, on most days, the consistency of calls that come in first thing are random sales calls to which I ignore and don’t bother checking, but rather roll over and go back to sleep. This morning, when my phone buzzed, I felt impressed to see who was calling. It was a family member. Due to the nature of their call and information they were seeking, it required action on my part that necessitated me getting out of bed. 

Receiving their phone call was a tender mercy as it awakened my faculties and gave me the motivation I needed to get up and moving. I was able to truly enjoy the day in a more productive way rather than wasting time being lazy; and, I very much appreciated soaking up some remaining morning sunshine. 

After the family member’s call, several other valuable and spontaneous like moments occurred consecutively one after another till late afternoon. It was a blessing that as I was not in need of down time to rejuvenate or reenergize, having these events happen helped me utilize my day more wisely. 

When has a call to help another in some way broken you away from being lazy on a day you had nothing scheduled or pressing and the incentive or motivation for you to get out of bed was lacking?


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