From Impossible To Possible

After I dropped off my kids at the place where they were departing from and carpooling with others for an outdoor youth activity on a breezy, summer night as the sun was setting and the hot temperatures of the day had subdued slightly, I decided to stay at the drop off/pick up location and remain in my car to soak up and embrace the time I had available to read until my children returned from their outing a little over an hour later.  

While I waited, as a friend walked by my car, I felt inclined to not just wave as she passed by but to open my car door and say hello. As I began our dialogue with a casual inquiry, she was vulnerable and courageous in opening up to me fears and hardships she was facing and challenges that were hindering a family member’s participation in an upcoming summer event and as such they decided prior to the registration deadline to opt out of attending. 

When I asked my friend if she had considered the family member receiving a priesthood blessing, she responded that she hadn’t thought of it and expressed that it was a good idea. As she further opened up to me about her situation, I felt compassion and had empathy for what she was going through and understood the emotions she was describing as years earlier I had experienced similar difficulties and could relate and connect with what she was shouldering. 

It was a tender mercy that as we chatted, I sensed she felt greater peace, comfort, and ease, particularly, with what seemed an impossibility, due to circumstances and struggles, could be a possibility after all with Heavenly Father’s help through the power of a priesthood blessing, and that there was still ample time for the family member to sign up for the summer event if after having a blessing they felt good about going.  

When have you imparted helpful information to a friend who was struggling and the timing of your conveying it to them blessed them? And, when have you been in a bleak situation and received a priesthood blessing that reversed what earlier seemed impossible, to being possible? 


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Morningside Revelation

After an early morning dream and around the time I would naturally awaken, I abruptly awoke from my sleep when a very clear and distinct message entered my mind shedding more light on an impression I had received the previous day as to what I was to do in a specific situation. As I exercised trust and followed through with the impression, my actions were questioned by a second party. It was a tender mercy that the personal revelation given me post event provided a clarifying confirmation that my following and acting on the impression in the manner I did was the right thing to do for me. 

When have you received an impression and/or a clear and distinct message via personal revelation guiding and confirming to you what to do for you in a particular situation? 


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In The Nick Of Time

While traveling in the quiet stillness and darkness of the early morning hours with very few cars on the road, it was a complete and utter surprise as I was coming out of an ascending loop on an interchange overpass, anticipating an effortless shift into a lane over that merged into the freeway I was getting on, I was caught off guard when in my blindspot, another driver, coming in from the freeway heading in the same direction as me, was likewise and simultaneously shifting into my lane to take the descending loop to transfer onto and enter the interstate I just left. 

It was a tender mercy that in the very moment we were about to cross into each other’s lane at the same time, same place, I had deliberately looked back over my left shoulder and saw the car beside me and avoided, in the nick of time, a near collision. 

And, then again when I needed to change roadways for the last leg of the drive and the navigation directions were confusing, it was a tender mercy I figured out where I needed to turn off just in the nick of time, narrowly taking the correct highway junction exit necessary to get to my destination before I passed by it. 

When have you closely avoided a near collision because you looked over your shoulder before switching lanes and/or you narrowly took an exit you needed to take in the nick of time? 


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Good Samaritan

When a wooden board from our neighbor’s worn out, sun beaten, brittle fence fell down, I observed my independent, proactive, and service-oriented youngest son gathering up essential tools—a handheld battery powered drill, a hammer, screws, and nails—to repair their fence. All on his own, he took it upon himself and was desirous to fix their fence for them.  

From the sidelines, it was a tender mercy for me to have seen him in action, the joy in his demeanor, and smile on his face as he was a willing and cheerful good Samaritan, serving our neighbors.

In the process of his working to drill the board back in place, I overheard the wife, who while attending to their dogs in their backyard and realizing someone was on the other side of their fence, curiously and gently ask, “Excuse me, may I help you?” to which my son confidently replied, “I just noticed that one of your fence pieces was broken and I am fixing it so it doesn’t fall again”. She responded, “You are amazing!” A few minutes later her husband came out to assist and eventually she also came out again with their young daughter and expressed gratitude, appreciation, and admiration for my son’s sweetness in helping them in the way he did. 

This interaction, in and of itself was a tremendous tender mercy too as my son and I met this amazing and friendly family for the first time since they moved in, surprisingly 2 years earlier. Although I was thoroughly embarrassed and apologetic that our welcoming them to our neighborhood was long overdue, attributing it to our comings and goings and differing schedules, it was a blessing that through my son’s act of service, this opportunity to introduce ourselves to one another occurred.   

When have you experienced the joy of observing your child(ren) taking the initiative to help and serve others all on their own? And/or through a a direct or indirect involvement in a service opportunity, you met an amazing new friend(s)?


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Alert And Attentive

I had a remarkable experience on this bright and sunny, 100 degree day that involved several tender mercies that culminated into one big miracle.   

While my children and I were driving a relative distance from home to take one of them to EFY also known as Especially For Youth, we had hopes that we would get to the campus location within the check-in time frame. A third of the way there I recognized on my dash the tire light had come on and I felt a need to stop and check the air pressure in each of my tires. 

Ironically, the day prior as I came out of church I had a fleeting and subtle thought to check them, yet it came and went without a second thought and I did not act on it. Just looking at the tires, they appeared fine, however, in using a tire-pressure gauge, one of the tires only had a 20 psi reading so I knew there was a slow leak. When I examined the tire, I found a nail puncture in the tread.   

As I processed my options and what to do in my situation, not knowing with certainty how I should precede forward, the idea came to my mind to 1) place duct tape over the nail puncture, 2) pray and have faith that we would make it the latter 2/3rds of the way up to EFY safely, and 3) seek help to change out the tire once we got to our destination. I shared my plan with Heavenly Father and asked that if it was not ideal to continue in that manner that I be guided otherwise. 

Simultaneously, I was thinking about a scriptural account I had just recently read in the Book of Mormon of the brother of Jared who presented stones to the Lord that became a light source for the Jaredites as they traveled in barges to the Promised Land. I believed the duct tape would prevent the tire from going completely flat.  

It was an incredible tender mercy that although we did not have any duct tape in our car, we had clear packing tape that I used and the adhesive stuck well. As we were ready to get back on the road, it was another tender mercy when I was impressed to call my husband to which he recommended I stop at the nearest gas station to fill the tire up with air. 

Immediately, I went into laser focus mode and actively kept an eye out for any place that had an air pump and this prepared me to not miss and pass up an ideal stop a short distance up ahead that wasn’t available again along our route for another 50+miles.

Within minutes, it was a remarkable tender mercy that 4 mile markers or so further up the road there was a car dealership that serviced our specific car’s make. Amazing! I was immensely grateful for the convenience, ease, cost-effectiveness, and timeliness of the dealership being in our path. A technician filled up the tire at no cost, exceeding slightly the recommended amount, and then advised that I stop and look for a place to keep it filled up if the tire light came back on again, which it never did.  

Upon our arrival at the campus location, it was a miraculous tender mercy that the packing tape was still intact and the air pressure held steady overall, with a loss of only 2 psi, but still resting above the recommended amount and it continued to hold steady the rest of the day. Before our departure home, I went to a nearby dealership, like the one earlier, and the small amount lost was restored.

Throughout our entire drive back home, the air pressure stayed constant even after the tape had melted away from the scorching hot pavement. And, with a reapplication of the packing tape, the air pressure continued to remain steady still into the late afternoon of the next day when I was able to get our car into the shop to have the tire repaired and patched up. 

My prayer was more than answered. We not only made it safely round trip, it was also not dire for me to have had the tire fixed while on the road or swapped out with a spare prior to our return home.   

When have you experienced car troubles while driving and not knowing exactly what to do, your move to action on your first thoughts, prayer and faith, in addition, following sound recommendations and advice from others helped you get to your destination safely as well as to a place to have your car repaired?


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Unused Gift Card Balance

Often times, after using a gift card and not spending all that is on it right away, I put it in my purse and forget about redeeming the remaining balance with later purchases.

Today, it was a tender mercy that after my husband and I had been shopping and we were at the register ready to pay for our purchase with a credit card, all of a sudden I remembered the store gift card I had in my purse. Although it had very little left on it, I was so pleased to zero it out and not have the money forgotten about and unused. 

When have you been at a register ready to checkout and you remembered a store gift card you had with you that had a remaining balance on it?


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Time Saver

As I was walking out of the supermarket and almost to my car with the mini shopping cart of groceries I had just purchased, it was a tender mercy an item I had not thought about earlier that I needed for the following day’s holiday dinner came to my mind. 

I debated waiting until the next day to return to the store to buy the particular item, but upon weighing the pros and cons of doing so, it made more economical and logical sense to save time and gas and go back inside and get the item while I was already still at the store rather than holding off until the next day and trying to fit in another trip to the grocery store with all the other festivities taking place. So, after placing the food I had just bought into my car, I briskly walked back inside right then and there for the additional one other item. 

I figured that although it was somewhat inconvenient, it would have been more so if I had made it all the way home and then had the thought of what was needed.

When have you thought of an additional item you needed as you were exiting the store and you were grateful you thought of it while still at the store in the parking lot versus getting all the way home and it coming to your mind?


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Walked In At The Right Time

While at a Krispy Kreme store one evening waiting for my children to get free donuts for each “A” they had received on their recent report cards, I noticed a bunch of people gathered together in a group off to the side of the registers and figured they were observing a demonstration on how the donuts were made. 

As my children also looked over in the direction where the people were standing, one of my kids spotted someone they recognized among the crowd and asked me if I knew them. Upon my scanning who all was there, sure enough, I identified a friend of mine who when she saw me, came over to say hi and I learned that what brought her into the donut shop with her family was a sign outside the store that when lit up means hot fresh donuts are being handed out. I had no idea. It was the first I had heard this additional way Krispy Kreme gives out free original glazed donuts. 

Not only did each of my children receive donuts for their grades, but also by being in the store at the right time, they were given another hot fresh donut for free and I was given one too. It was a tender mercy that my friend was present and shared with me the reason so many people were in the store at that time when I had previously been unaware and was oblivious prior to her coming up to me.

When have you walked into a local business at the right moment and learned about a freebie item they were giving out specifically on that day or during that certain timeframe that you had not known about prior to your arrival? 


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Another Side Of The Story

As one of several speakers during a congregational meeting, I did not anticipate my message would extend right up to the close of the hour and be the concluding talk leaving no time for the final speaker. I walked away embarrassed and in dismay. After some time had passed, even though I didn’t know what or how I could have changed anything, I recovered and accepted what had happened and focused on what I had gained from the experience.  

A week later it was a tender mercy when I learned from a member of our congregation their story leading up to that meeting. With information from this individual and others that had been in attendance, the reason for how it went the way it did came together and made sense. I could see clearly that all worked out the way it was supposed to work out. Their was no coincidence. What was an awkward and uncomfortable moment for me I recognized was part of something bigger. As the member shared their experience with me, it provided a clarity I had not fully seen or comprehended and I felt an increased comfort that my talk was intended to go the way that it did.  

When have you experienced a time when the outcome of something you were participating in didn’t go so well and when you later learned from one or more attending the event their personal story, everything made sense and fell into place why things happened the way they did? 


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Free Limited-Time Opportunity

On a Saturday evening as our family arrived at a trampoline park for our children to enjoy a discounted youth night, it was a tender mercy that as we entered the facility I happened to notice information posted about 1 free hour of jumping for students who had straight A’s on their recent report cards. The reward was expiring close to the end of the month, less than a week later. 

Being that this was not a place we frequent often due to the relatively expensive, regular admission pricing, our kids, whom each had received straight A’s, were excited and looking forward to returning again within a few days to enjoy the free hour of jumping, especially since one of our children had been working really hard on being able to do a backflip from the ground. The opportunity and timing for them to practice in this location was ideal and extremely helpful for them to improve upon a skill they’ve desired to attain and achieve, transitioning from a trampoline to a padded firm surface and then to the ground. 

The day we went back, we arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes before close. In addition to our children getting 1 free hour to jump and receiving the required socks at no cost, they were also given the extra 15 minutes for free as well. Had we not been at this gym the weekend prior, we would not have known about the trampoline parks amazing free limited-time reward for good grades. 

When have you experienced a free limited-time opportunity that was amazing as a result of coming across it while attending an activity, running an errand, or just out and about? 


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