Soon after stepping outside to do some quick yard cleanup, 40 minutes prior to picking up our youngest kids from school, I found myself unable to get back in the house.
The front door had automatically locked behind me and the keypad to get back inside the house was not working. Without my house key and phone on me, I was in a predicament. I went into action right away to find a solution.
Several ideas and options immediately popped into my mind. I first rang the doorbell, not anticipating my daughter who was home at the time would know it was me ringing the doorbell, instead of a solicitor, and open the door. While unsuccessfully finding something small and soft to throw and tap a second story window to get her attention, I stood below it and called out her name. When she looked out the window, I was grateful she heard and saw me and relieved she came to my aid!
Her schedule varies from day to day and it was not only a tender mercy she was home, it was also a tender mercy she was near the window to hear my voice. On top of that, she knew how the front door keypad worked and shared with me what I needed to do in the future. If she had not been home, I would’ve needed to quickly figure out another way, without a phone in hand, for our kids to be picked up from school and had to wait until much later in the evening to get back in the house.
When have you locked yourself out, of your house or car, minutes before you had some place you needed to be and someone was close by to help?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
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