Trash Day Reminder

At a time I was wrapped up in a crisis and uncertain to what the future holds, I also felt peace and comfort. I knew I’d face further challenges down the road, yet the particulars were unknown. Even though I was scared and that aspect brought great anxiety and concern, I was reassured through the Holy Ghost that all would be ok. As I was in constant prayer with Heavenly Father, I felt a strength in knowing I was not going through the difficulty alone. I am grateful for the growth and learning I have gained through hardships, at the same time I do not look forward to their impending approach.

This experience was happening simultaneous during an unusual week for me. Half of our family were gone with our oldest son serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and my husband and youngest son at Scout Camp. It was different having only myself and our two middle children at home. The first day it rained hard for hours leaving the day bleak and dreary until dusk when for Family Home Evening (FHE) we went outside and played ladder ball. The second day was filled with preparing, gathering, and organizing necessary forms and information to have available and ready for the next day’s appointments. Also on this day, the three of us enjoyed a free entrée from Chick-fil-A as we dressed up looking like cows.

Although the days were hard and my disposition was solemn, I was grateful for activities we were able to do all together. I put on a smile and actively participated even though I was not at my best. It was no easy feat, but worth the effort.

And then early evening on the third day,  I felt lost contemplating the trial I was experiencing and not having clarity on what was going to happen and what I should do.  My heart was aching and my voice was cracking. Despite having faith and feeling comfort and peace, there was also a void and a sense of uneasiness to what struggles were still to come.

As I sought to find peace from the uncertainties constantly consuming my thoughts, I listened to inspiring messages on “Hi Five Live-Facebook” to ground and anchor myself to our loving Heavenly Father. I also made it a point to go outside. I appreciate nature and going for walks. As I stepped outside to be in a place where I could quietly and outwardly express my pain to Heavenly Father, I noticed right away the neighbor’s trash cans were out. In the midst of my troubles, I felt a joy and a gratitude for the reminder of the next day being trash day.  If I had not stepped outside, I don’t know that I would have remembered. I recognized quickly that this visual reminder was a tender mercy.

I know Heavenly Father was very mindful of me. Not only did he understand and know my hurt and suffering, he also knew my desire to not miss trash day. Seeing the trash cans removed me briefly away from my sadness, and I was filled with immense appreciation. Although I was struggling greatly, I am thankful I did not miss the tender mercy. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know Heavenly Father is aware of me and something as simple as a visual reminder that the next day was trash day was a blessing to me.

When have you recognized in the midst of your trials, a tender mercy that is small and simple yet meaningful to you?


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