Olive Oil and Garlic Oil

One evening, while tucking one of my children in bed, they casually and gently mentioned their ear was hurting. I had not noticed their disposition and behavior during the day being different than usual and no complaints were heard. I imagine their being absorbed in various activities preoccupied their attention that they didn’t notice the discomfort until settling into bed for the night.

As I looked at the ear, I supposed that maybe they had rested their hand on it supporting their head while sitting in a chair watching television or they had laid on it to take a brief nap resulting in it feeling tender and sore.  As I shared with them this possibility, I asked them to keep me posted on how their ear was feeling in the morning.

All the while we were dialoguing and even after learning of their achy ear, I was still able to maintain speaking with them with my same sweet mom voice so as not to worry them, although inside I was concerned if something more was going on and if I should frequently check on them throughout the night.  I left the room telling myself that I should not get myself worked up and all will be fine. I was confident I would be alerted somehow if I was to be more highly concerned. The next morning no updates were shared, and frankly I forgot. I was grateful as a natural “worry wart” that during the night my mind was not consumed with worry and I was able to sleep.

While tucking them in bed the next night, once again, a casual and gentle mention of the ear hurting was spoken, to which I asked more questions and with no visible sign of a fever or any apparent physical or other concerns, I felt that what may help was an olive/garlic oil solution (better if at room temperature), 1/4 tsp each mixed together, and poured slowly into the ear canal. They agreed. The next day, I followed up and they said the pain had decreased and was minimal to that of the night before. By evening of that night all the pain was gone.

I learned about this home remedy when my older kids were young.  I am so grateful I had this knowledge from so many years ago come to mind and that I had the ingredients on hand which provided comfort and relief during a time of need that helped soothe and heal a tender, sore ear.

When have you been able to apply your education and knowledge to bless and help someone in need, particularly a health remedy, that provided soothing comfort and relief as well as healing?



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