A Cherished Season

When have you experienced throughout a cherished season of your life, the flow of incredible, enumerable tender mercies from Heavenly Father?

A cherished season of my life, one opportunity in particular, right here, right now, years in the making, a journey, yets, unknowns, and proactivity amidst yearnings. Varied encapsulated moments have led to this treasured gift I am extremely grateful and thrilled exists for me and for you! 

This divinely inspired chapter, a snippet and a cherished season of my life’s journey began over 15 years ago. 

Month’s back, I was interviewed by a producer of a website, The LDS Women’s Project, and asked about how my Tender Mercy Moments blog and Tender Mercy Moments Mini Retreats came to be. In a nutshell, the condensed version, here goes! 

As the second oldest of 10 siblings, I would be asked if my husband and I planned on having a large family too. After my fifth pregnancy, my third being an ectopic pregnancy, I received a very distinct and impressionable impression that my family was complete and Heavenly Father was preparing me for something else.

Days, weeks, months, years, I waited, not knowing, and curious. Along the way, ideas of what that something might be came to mind, of which I proactively acted on, however, one that stands out was short-lived as I quickly experienced burn out and realized it was not sustainable for me long term and the others faded away after no time. 

Fast forward 10 1/2 years, while volunteering at my youngest child’s elementary school as a Copy Pal Liaison, coordinating and organizing scheduling of parent helpers for all grade level teachers to assist them with their copy room needs, a position I had since the school’s opening a couple of years earlier, I was impressed during the first semester of my child’s second to last year there to invite another volunteer to take on the position. The impression, a tender mercy, was a distinct knowledge that what Heavenly Father had prepared for me was now. What it was, I didn’t know just yet, until a couple of months later, that came at the end of January 2018.

Years earlier, in 2000, while my two older and only children at the time were young, during the holidays I attended a progressive dinner. I was awed at each home, decorated so beautifully for Christmas, a season I love and is for me a magical time of year! It was there and then, a desire surged within me to one day host an event similarly in my own home. 

A couple of years later, not long after our family moved to a new home and location, it was a tender mercy an opportunity presented itself in the form of a sign up to host a Christmas Girl’s Night Out (GNO). I continued to host this Christmas GNO for many years to follow minus the year my youngest was born. I was ecstatic, giddy, and on cloud nine! I loved hosting and every minute of preparing a variety of multiple homemade parting gifts for the event months in advance. This event, in and of itself, was a treasured moment and a cherished season of my life.

It was also during my time in this location while attending a Ward Relief Society talent show I came to learn what talent Heavenly Father has given to me. As I sat watching others get up and share their talent of art and music, having neither, I wondered, “What are my talents?” It was a tender mercy it was given to me at that time that my talents are spiritual in nature. 

Back to the latter end of January 2018, I was inspired to start a blog, mind you, writing is not my forte and a skill I struggle with profusely! Nonetheless, I heeded the inspiration. Upon the inspiration to start the blog, I was extremely grateful for the tender mercy that my two utmost desires were fulfilled. The first being, whatever the name of the blog, that it be long lasting, indefinite, one I would never need to rebrand and a name I would love ongoing. And two, I did not want to come up with content. Being creative in that way would be a real struggle, cumbersome, and overwhelming for me. 

After six weeks of trying to figure out the name for the blog, having involved my husband and children, it was a tender mercy, at long last, a name that surfaced, Tender Mercy Moments, felt 100% right, and almost 5 years later, it still does. The fact that the domain tendermercymoments.com was available, in and of itself, was a tender mercy and a testament to me of this, a cherished season of my life, had been prepared for me, for this time.

In addition, tender mercy moments exist and are present for each of us daily. Guaranteed! Heavenly Father is mindful and aware of each of us personally, individually, and uniquely 24/7! The question is, “Do we see His hand in our lives and daily recognize His awareness and mindfulness of us?” There may be one, two, multiple tender mercies, or more that we are not able to get a handle on from Heavenly Father in any given day! It is pretty remarkable! It is a glorious tender mercy there will never be a shortage or lack of content,  nor will I ever need to worry about coming up with content on my own, as content, tender mercy moments, show up every single day. Miracles have not ceased nor will His tender mercies.

After much trepidation, in the summer of 2018, as the blog was well underway, I stepped out of my comfort zone and began to share it with others.

Due to my massive struggle with writing, in the fall of 2019, it was an incredible tender mercy when the inspiration came to begin a Tender Mercy Moments Facebook page and post a daily Tender Mercy Moment Cue. I was elated as it relieved me of the hours I spend writing and publishing a blog entry! As each published post concludes with a question, “When have you … ?” to draw each reader to consider a relatable way they have recognized Heavenly Father’s hand in their own life, a Tender Mercy Moment Cue, a posed question, based on my own personal tender mercy moments in near real time, is posted daily for the reader to reflect on experiences of their own, associated with the cue. 

Combining my love for hosting and my talents that are spiritual in nature, it was a magnificent tender mercy when in the winter of 2019, the inspiration came to host a “Tender Mercy Christmas Girl’s Night Out”, and then the inspiration during COVID to host in February 2021 a virtual, pilot, Tender Mercy Moments “Sweet” Mini Retreat, followed by the subsequent inspiration to host the exceptional and phenomenal “Uncover Your Very Own Tender Mercy Moments” Mini Retreats that I began in June 2022 and I have been hosting every month since. The culmination of many treasured moments have led up to this now extraordinary season of my life, a cherished season of my life most definitely! I love every aspect of hosting and sharing my spiritual gifts with others! I love what I am doing and I am doing what I love! 

It has been a tremendous tender mercy that Heavenly Father has been by my side entirely, through the difficulty of writing and the technology aspect of blogging to my stepping outside of my comfort zone to reach out and share my gifts and talents through the tender mercy moments blog, daily social media Facebook Tender Mercy Moment Cues, and “Uncover Your Own Tender Mercy Moments” Mini Retreats.

When have you experienced a cherished season of your life, a divinely inspired chapter of your life’s journey, and the flow of enumerable tender mercies from Heavenly Father leading up to and during were incredible?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Ready To Go For It And Then…

It was a tender mercy I received a discount, which came as a result of when ready to go for it and then…becoming aware of a lesser expensive option which I paused to research for quality to getting the combination of quality and at a lower cost.

An older car that was handed down and purchased by my husband for our teenage drivers came with only one ignition key. Concerned, if it got lost, having only the one key, I decided to go to the dealership that serviced the make of the car to purchase a second ignition key. I was ready to go for it and then….

It was a tender mercy as I stopped into Lowes to purchase a spare door key for the vehicle, while at the key kiosk, it was brought to my attention that they cut ignition keys also, of which I was not aware, and at a lower cost than having it done at the dealership. Excited, a part of me was ready to go for it and then…the other part of me was somewhat hesitant to jump on board. It was a tender mercy a question to ask came to mind, “Even if the key fits the ignition, will it actually start the car?” The certainty was unknown. I considered, “do I risk it and purchase a less expensive ignition key right then and there in hopes that it works or hold off until I had a definitive answer?” 

I decided to step away and do some research which led me to calling several of the same make dealerships in various locations to find out, with which like information was shared. I learned that the ignition key at a dealership is cut and programmed for the vehicle and is 100% guaranteed, whereas, the ignition keys cut and programmed at, let’s say, a Lowes is not guaranteed to consistently start the car. I also learned of a lower price to program an already cut ignition key at a same dealership in a different community.

With this information I landed back where I began, purchasing an ignition key at the dealership I originally planned, with one difference. Per all of my research, as I shared what I had learned with the employee and asked if they price match or offer discounts, it was a tender mercy the shop manager walked by right then to which I again relayed the information I had obtained and they gave me a discount. 

Not only did my research pay off in that regards, but also with the purchase of new tires for the car. I, likewise, per my experience with the ignition key, researched for a quality tire store and called various stores within the chain in different communities to determine the best tire and cost for the vehicle. It was a tender mercy that though the tire store I selected to go to indicated not having a discount for the tires I was getting, they gave me the discount another store in the chain would have given me had I gone there instead.  

In both instances, it was a tender mercy I received a discount, which came as a result of when ready to go for it and then…becoming aware of a lesser expensive option which I paused to research for quality to getting the combination of quality and at a lower cost.     

When have you been about to precede forward with a purchase and were ready to go for it and then…you became aware of a lower cost that gave you pause to research it and the end result was the purchase of a quality product at a discounted price? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Struggling With Something That Is Really Hard

Struggling with something that is really hard.

I have been struggling with something that is really hard. I have been struggling with writing. 

Why is writing so hard for me? Even though I’ve been blogging for two years now, (my first published post) writing for me has not gotten any easier, if anything it seems to have become more difficult. Why do I blog? Because I have tender mercy moment experiences that I have felt strongly impressed and guided to share with others and the means I have felt impressed to do it is through a blog. 

I definitely appreciate and value each finished blog post, however, what it takes to get to that point is super hard, hours of editing so that my description of my experiences are concise, cohesive, and coherent. Though it takes me a long time to come to a place that I feel comfortable publishing most post entries, I am pleased with the end result, albeit imperfect. 

As I have been struggling a great deal writing out my tender mercy moments, it has been a tremendous tender mercy that I have received divine help.

For days now, despite there being no shortage of tender mercy moments, personal and sacred in nature, I have experienced a lull in not having a tender mercy moment I felt impressed to blog about publicly and considered that maybe my time and season after two years of blogging was coming to an end.

While being in this unusual space of abeyance, it was a tender mercy an impression to post an earlier published entry entered my mind. As I wondered which entry I should repost, it was another tender mercy that of all of my published posts, I was drawn to one in particular from a year and half ago. I don’t know the reason why it was that specific one other than I felt an assurance that it would touch and bless at least one reader. 

Although it felt strange to repost an earlier entry, at the same time it felt right. Ironically, after reposting it, I began listening to a Virtual Couch Podcast episode by Tony Overbay in which it so happened the episode I selected was one he originally recorded eight or nine months earlier and was replaying it for the reason that the relevancy of the message was applicable just as much today as it was back when it was first recorded and there were now new listeners to his podcast whom may not have heard the episode when it first came out, me being one of them.

In addition to that amazing tender mercy, I then recalled how grateful I have been when Jordan Page of funcheaporfree.com has reposted her grandma’s banana bread recipe here and there on her blog. As both Tony and Jordan have been sharing content online for much longer than I, knowing that they too repost prior entries to their site was a comforting tender mercy. 

On this day, it was another tender mercy as a family member reached out to me asking about something they hoped I could send to them, that while looking for it, I came across a book on a shelf in our home that I didn’t even know we had from a class one of our children had taken some time ago entitled, “Mindful Writing”. 

As I browsed through the first chapter, it was a tender mercy I felt additional comfort when I came across several sentences by the author, Brian Jackson, relaying the struggle and challenge it is to write, “Learning to be a good writer is a lifelong process that will challenge you in every new rhetorical situation. I’m still learning how to write, after thirty-five years of doing it and fifteen years of teaching it.” … “Writing—and I ain’t tellin’ you anything new here—is hard. It’s a challenging task.” … “As I said, I’ve been writing and studying writing for a long time, and I still struggle to get my writing where I want it to be.” 

Why did his words bring me comfort? Because for the past two years of blogging I’ve been waiting for my weakness in writing to become a strength and realizing that other writers struggle with writing too was comforting.

When have you been struggling with something that is really hard, waiting for the day when you’ll master it, only to realize and find comfort that others with seemingly more experience than you in a similar discipline struggle too?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Why Am I Struggling So?

While writing up a blog entry, I couldn’t figure out why my post was not coming together and it was troubling me…until I stepped away to take a much needed break. In part, it made sense since writing is not my forte, however, it is something I do on a regular basis and many days I do fine, but today was extremely challenging and a struggle for me.

It was a tender mercy that immediately as I set it aside and moved away from it, one of my children came to me with the exact same question I was stewing over, “Why Am I Struggling So?” only from the flip side. I was intrigued and delighted. 

For them, it was with basketball. On this particular day, they were very pleased with their basketball accomplishments, yet, they brought up how interesting it is that on some days they do well and on other days they don’t do so well. I was curious…what makes the difference? Such as, a bad hair day versus a good hair day, a bad writing day versus a good writing day, a bad workout day versus a good workout day and on and on… 

Per our conversation, these various thoughts came to mind. 

1.  What I was writing was a significant post that had potential to bless the lives of many, and as such, the adversary was working full force to prevent and thwart my efforts from it getting posted. 

2. Einstein had many a bad days, but he didn’t give up and kept going and great things came from his perseverance. 

3. How often do we tackle a project like a renovation and think it’ll be easy, but once we get into it, we find issues—rusted out pipes, mold, termites… etc. Although the repairs and fixing it up is tedious and frustrating, the effort extended results in an amazing finished product. 

4. Perhaps, it opens the door for other good things to happen redirecting and focusing our energy, for the time-being, elsewhere. For instance, in basketball, rather than practicing 3 point shots that, for whatever reason, are not sinking like usual, improving upon lay ups instead. With writing, maybe setting it aside and engage in a completely different activity and area of interest for an essential breather to clear one’s mind. Or, with bad hair days, trying a different hairstyle that may result in discovering an amazing new style that only came to be because of a bad hair day. 

5.  In addition, another family member shared a reminder that there is opposition in all things

As I reflected on each of these points, I had an enlightened perspective when I returned later to my writing. Even though it took longer than most to write up the specific blog post, I did not give up and eventually it came together. 

In a nutshell, my takeaway was that things of great importance and worthwhile may require more painstaking effort and to not give up when something isn’t working out in the moment(s); and, that struggles and “bumps in the road” do not necessarily mean stop doing what valuable thing you are doing, particularly, when it doesn’t feel right to do so, and “throw in the towel”, but rather step away to do something else for a time and then come back and try again.  

When have you been at a point of contemplating giving up on something beneficial you were working really hard on that wasn’t coming together and a conversation with another, right at that time, inspired you to keep going and pressing forward? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.* 

Seeing Myself As Heavenly Father Sees Me

Earlier in the week I was asked by a member of our ward Bishopric if I would be willing to speak during our upcoming Sunday sacrament meeting services. Although I was nervous and apprehensive of my ability to give an adequate talk, I accepted the invitation. 

On that Sunday, following the passing of the sacrament and 30 minutes remaining till the close of the meeting, there were 5 members of our congregation, including myself, who had been asked to speak, three of whom were youth speakers each preceding my turn. Upon the conclusion of their brief and wonderful messages, I failed to look at the clock to check the time as I began my talk. When I closed my remarks, sat down and looked over at the clock, I was mortified when I saw I had finished exactly when the sacrament meeting was to officially end and there was no time at all remaining for the intermediate hymn or the last speaker.  

Immediately, I felt so embarrassed. I wanted to tuck my head, not make eye contact with anyone and run and hide, however, throughout the remaining hour of church, I kept my head held high. I smiled and graciously received the compliments of gratitude for my message and the uplifting, thought provoking words I shared. 

For hours after church, I struggled wondering if I had made a fool of myself. I gave the talk I felt inspired to give and yet I questioned what I could have left out. I felt an insecurity of not knowing how I could have articulated my message in a more condensed way. In fact, that morning I felt prompted to share an additional personal and vulnerable experience to my already prepared talk which only added to length of time I spoke. 

Feelings of embarrassment overtook my thoughts and emotions for a time until I reached out and asked Heavenly Father what He thought of me. It was a tender mercy that as I did so, I saw myself as He sees me, one of His daughters
*who had overcome the fear of speaking after praying constantly for days
*who was prepared and delivered 
*who had the courage to share my talent and let my personality shine
*who genuinely loves and cares about others
*who has a testimony of ministering and the blessings that come when acting on promptings 
*who strives daily to always have the companionship of the Holy Ghost to be with me
*who is a positive example and an inspiration to others 
and the biggest take away I received from Heavenly Father that comforted me the most were these words that came into my mind, “time is measured by man, not God”. 

When have you had an embarrassing moment when you wondered if you had made a fool of yourself and you were able to move past it as you saw a glimpse into how Heavenly Father truly sees you and what He would have you know upon your asking?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Ups And Downs of Motherhood

As the sun rises and sets so is the ups and downs of motherhood.

As my kids begin to venture out on their own, experiencing the independence and freedom of adulting, I’ve questioned if the “how” I’ve parented true principles, wholesome values, moral standards, proper etiquette, etc. throughout their upbringing I lacked teaching them in the most effective and best way. My heart has ached with thoughts of the number of ways I have fallen short as a mom. I’ve been worried and concerned if my imperfect parenting will negatively affect and impact their future choices as they leave home. And, I’ve wondered if they will apply and carry on for themselves or not what goodness they’ve been taught. 

It was a tender mercy that while traveling back home from a family trip, in the quiet of the long drive as I listened to session after session of an online I Am Mom Summit, this message entitled, “Progress Is Enough – Focus on Where You’re Showing up in Life, Not Where You’re Failing” by Kimmy Hughes as well as my takeaway from another speaker’s message that “I am the best parent for my children” caused me to shift gears and think about what, in fact, I am doing right as a mom.  

Whichever direction my kids choose to go or find themselves going, my spirits were lifted as I reflected on ways I have been a good mom. I do not know what all lies ahead or what’s in the horizon, but I do know that I am encouraged and feel better when I focus on what I am doing right as a mom rather than concentrating on my imperfections as a mom. 

When has a positive parenting message replaced your concentration of your failures and imperfections as a mom to a focus of what you are doing right as a mom? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Unwavering Confidence

In taking my car into the dealership for a warranty covered routine maintenance, I did not anticipate and was unaware that one particular service within the “warranty window” would necessitate an out-of-pocket expense. Per my car’s mileage, when asked by a service advisor if I would like to also have this recommended precautionary annual service done that day, I reflected on an experience years earlier with a different dealership when I realized later a suggested service that was offered and I accepted was above and beyond what was essential and truly needed. Based on the excellent condition of my car less than 3000 miles since my last visit, I doubted the necessity of my car needing the service done on this day. 

And, if it did need to be done, I considered going instead to a reliable private owned automotive shop I’ve been to on many occasions and trust. I’ve been pleased with their quality, service, and pricing and prefer to take my car there for repairs when services are no longer covered by a dealership warranty. 

Drawing on these experiences, I was not quick to say ok. When given the dealership cost, I was certain the automotive shop pricing for the same quality service was less. When I asked if the dealership does price matching, I was told they do not price match with “mom-and-pop” shops. When I asked if my warranty would be voided if I had the service done elsewhere, I was told that as long as I had a receipt, it would not be voided. 

After declining the offer, I inquired with the automotive shop their pricing for the service and it was confirmed they were substantially less by 75% the regular dealership cost and 50% less than the sale price the dealership was offering that day. When my car was returned following the covered maintenance and multi-point inspection, it was also confirmed that my car did not yet need the additional recommended service. 

It was a tender mercy that with my prior dealership and automotive shop experience, I knew what questions to ask and I was not persuaded by skillful pressure sales to convince me to say yes on the spot to an unnecessary service and I was able to decline with an unwavering confidence.  

When have you declined a recommended offer with confidence knowing that a suggested service was unnecessary at the time presented and the cost for the equivalent quality service was less elsewhere?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Water Softener

After several years of use, our water softener went kaput and stopped working. When we set it out on the street on trash day, it was anticipated that either the recycling truck or the regular garbage truck would take it away; however, that was not the case.

I happened to be sitting in a front room on both occasions when each of the trucks, at different times, came by. When the recycling truck didn’t take it, I wasn’t too concerned and figured the regular garbage truck would take it. When I saw that the regular garbage truck was also going to leave without taking it, I jumped up, ran out of the house, got their attention before they drove off, found out why they were not taking it and what I needed to do to dispose of it.

I learned that because of the weight of the hardened salt still inside, it was too heavy and they were not allowed to lift anything heavy. The option provided was to either take it to the landfill ourselves or remove the salt with a pressure washer and then set the water softener out with the regular trash pickup the next week.

It was a tender mercy I was in the front room at the time and had looked out the window when they pulled up to see that they were about to drive off without taking the water softener. It was also a tender mercy that I was able to get their attention before they drove off considering the one dumping the trash into the truck was wearing ear phones. In addition, I was able to speak with them directly, on the spot to ask them why they were not taking the water softener and what I needed to do to throw it out when otherwise at the end of the day when bringing the trash cans back inside the garage, we would’ve had no idea the reason it was left behind.

When have you put something out in the trash hoping for it to be taken away and when the garbage truck was about to drive off without it, you were present to ask them about it?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Olive Oil and Garlic Oil

One evening, while tucking one of my children in bed, they casually and gently mentioned their ear was hurting. I had not noticed their disposition and behavior during the day being different than usual and no complaints were heard. I imagine their being absorbed in various activities preoccupied their attention that they didn’t notice the discomfort until settling into bed for the night.

As I looked at the ear, I supposed that maybe they had rested their hand on it supporting their head while sitting in a chair watching television or they had laid on it to take a brief nap resulting in it feeling tender and sore.  As I shared with them this possibility, I asked them to keep me posted on how their ear was feeling in the morning.

All the while we were dialoguing and even after learning of their achy ear, I was still able to maintain speaking with them with my same sweet mom voice so as not to worry them, although inside I was concerned if something more was going on and if I should frequently check on them throughout the night.  I left the room telling myself that I should not get myself worked up and all will be fine. I was confident I would be alerted somehow if I was to be more highly concerned. The next morning no updates were shared, and frankly I forgot. I was grateful as a natural “worry wart” that during the night my mind was not consumed with worry and I was able to sleep.

While tucking them in bed the next night, once again, a casual and gentle mention of the ear hurting was spoken, to which I asked more questions and with no visible sign of a fever or any apparent physical or other concerns, I felt that what may help was an olive/garlic oil solution (better if at room temperature), 1/4 tsp each mixed together, and poured slowly into the ear canal. They agreed. The next day, I followed up and they said the pain had decreased and was minimal to that of the night before. By evening of that night all the pain was gone.

I learned about this home remedy when my older kids were young.  I am so grateful I had this knowledge from so many years ago come to mind and that I had the ingredients on hand which provided comfort and relief during a time of need that helped soothe and heal a tender, sore ear.

When have you been able to apply your education and knowledge to bless and help someone in need, particularly a health remedy, that provided soothing comfort and relief as well as healing?



Disguising Oily Hair

Today my hair needed to be washed. It was clear and visible to me that it was oily, but I did not have time to wash it before my day started. I considered options to hide it and cover it up like wearing a hat, but I didn’t own a hat so that wasn’t going to work or pulling my hair back in a ponytail, but if I did that it would still show it was oily on top.  So I thought of a style that would interweave my hair in a way not covering up my white highlights, but that my oily hair would not be as obvious and it would look clean and beautiful.  I was happy with the results and grateful for a solution to disguise it until I could return home to wash it.

What have you done on those days when you have been unable to wash your hair and you were still able to walk out the door looking nice and feeling good?
