Say What?

Say what? How is it that doing good for another could adversely affect oneself and possibly others?

Say what? How is it that doing good for another could adversely affect oneself and possibly others? 

Unlike other impressions I have received for to take action immediately, on this occasion, I did not feel an urgency to right then and there stop what I was doing, rather, to go and do once I was dressed and ready for the day, at my own steady pace, and before an appointment I was scheduled to be at a couple hours later. I felt Heavenly Father was mindful of me that I not cut short or rush the care I needed to give to myself, of which was a tender mercy. His mindfulness of me, and the minimal window between said events and timing for the recipient, fell perfectly aligned.

I was impressed to deliver a very specific treat to a friend. It was a treat I would first need to go the store to get. I started out at one store that did not carry it and then onto another store. While in the first store, with the treat not yet in hand, I texted my friend to find out if they would be home during the limited timeframe I would be available to come by. As I awaited their reply, I was confident the treat would be at the next store and I trusted my friend would be home to receive it. It was a tender mercy both were affirmed, the specific treat was at the second store and my friend responded they would be home after having just finished running errands. 

Upon arrival at my friend’s home, I was invited inside. As a precautionary measure out of respect due to the prevalence of a COVID-19 variant, I sat a length apart from my friend on their couch. During our brief dialogue, they shared with me that they had recently been in contact with someone who had COVID. 

Slightly thrown off, “say what?” was my internal response and the following internal question, “How is it that I was impressed to bring my friend a treat if Heavenly Father knew they had been in contact with someone with COVID, that in turn, being exposed, I could get it and/or pass it on to another person?” It made no sense. I was not so much concerned for myself, however, concerned for an individual I was about to meet at my appointment who was headed a few days later on a trip to another country. 

Though it did not make sense why I would be impressed to bring them a treat if doing so would bring about potential harm to myself and others, it was a tender mercy I was eased with a realization that all around me were persons who had either had it, were exposed, or asymptomatic, no one immune, each susceptible, for which I felt a peace to not let the gravity of fear take hold and that all would be fine. It was a tender mercy the news did not set me back and I returned my focus to the joy of service rather than projection of the unknown future. 

When have you felt impressed to do something kind for someone, and with it, you learned, post follow-through, of potential harm that could come to you or others as an outcome, of which your “say what?” concern was replaced with peace of mind? 


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Not To Go Back

Conflicted whether to travel onward to our destination for punctuality sake or turn around to go back home and get the peppermint bark, I felt impressed to travel to the gathering and not to go back home.

To Go Back Or Not To Go Back?

As the holiday season was right around the corner and about to enter full swing, my Christmas shopping began, an unusually late start for me from past years, but this year was different from years prior, nonetheless, within the limited weeks ahead to finish before Christmas day, I was grateful I was getting started now over last last minute procrastination. 

Along with gifts, I was drawn to purchase several 24-ounce tubs of peppermint bark, one for our family and the others to have on hand in preparation for potential holiday gatherings up and coming. In route to one of these gatherings, I realized I did not have the tub I purposefully laid out to bring with me. As I pondered and contemplated, conflicted whether to travel onward to our destination for punctuality sake or turn around to go back home and get the peppermint bark, I felt impressed to travel to the gathering and not to go back home.  

I also considered the option that once we arrived and my family entered to attend the gathering that I would return home to get the peppermint bark and bring it back to the gathering, however, per the travel distance round trip, in addition to logic that it would not be feasible, for a significant portion of the gathering would be coming to a close not long after my return to rejoin my family, I also felt impressed it was important for me to remain present at the gathering and not to go back home. 

I was so looking forward to and grateful for the opportunity to share these goodies with others beyond our own family unit. As our family Christmas countdown was quite simplified this year, focused on one holiday experience together each day, I was also hopeful and desirous to share the peppermint bark with others outside our abode, the least I felt I could do as my current involvement outside of our home was none.

Though discouraged upon the realization I had not grabbed the peppermint bark, especially since I placed the peppermint bark purposefully with my other belongings going with me, to ensure the treats would not be left behind, and yet, they were still inadvertently left behind, my good intentions unfulfilled, it was a tender mercy I also felt confident and impressed there was another plan. Upon a desire within me to give the treat to someone, I asked Heavenly Father, “If not for this gathering, than for who?” 

On my way to the gathering, it was a tender mercy my disappointment was immediately replaced with acceptance for whatever other plan was in store and an encouraging personal narrative, a pep talk of sorts, internally ensued, acknowledging my heart and good intentions, comforting words entering my mind, “Give yourself grace. Your heart is in the right place”, and knowing the less-than thoughts I had of myself, Heavenly Father did not have the same of me. It was also a tender mercy as the thought about what I would say to someone if they felt as I did if they did not bring something and would not want to eat what others brought if they had not contributed anything, I’d say, “Don’t worry about it! Please enjoy what all is here. There is plenty!” As I would invite and encourage them to join in and partake, I gave this same message to myself. 

Upon my question to Heavenly Father, “If not for this gathering, than for who?”, it was a tender mercy I was impressed to take the peppermint bark to a funeral luncheon a few days later for a beautiful, active, gung ho, full of life, vivacious, 83-year-old dear friend I had not known for very long who had passed away a few weeks earlier. Perhaps the peppermint bark was one of my friend’s favorite treats and a happy memory would surface for those at the luncheon mourning her loss and feel of her presence, that she was near, and bring a smile upon their face and joy for her memory. Though I don’t know if this imagined possibility for the impression to take the peppermint bark to the luncheon was the reality and actual reason, I felt gratitude, peace, and joy for this opportunity to offer and share some holiday cheer during a time of hardship and loss.

When have you left your home and failed to take with you something you intended to bring with you, though conflicted, you felt impressed not to go back and get it?


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Handling A Challenge Head On

Time and again, when I have gone about handling a challenge head on, the outcome of my efforts have been nothing short of a tender mercy.

How do you handle challenges? For me, I recognize if I do not handle a challenge head on, my challenges don’t go away, they just linger in the background and it is stress I don’t want weighing on me. So, how do I go about handling a challenge head on? I proactively take some kind of action to do what I can to work towards a resolve that will improve the circumstances I find myself up against. 

Between my college years, my transportation to and fro where I lived and the job I had was by bus. The bus stop closest to the office building where I worked was several blocks away. Each evening after work, I could either take my time walking to the bus stop and wait a length of time for a later hour bus to arrive or I could run as fast as I could to catch a scheduled bus that was departing just minutes after I got off work.

Desiring to get home sooner rather than later, I didn’t think twice or doubt my ability to accomplish a desired goal of getting on the earlier bus. I went for it and took off running. The result of my determination and believing I could do it paid off. Every time I made a run to catch the earlier bus, it was a tender mercy I got to the door of the bus just seconds after it arrived and before it departed.  

Today, while simultaneously listening to something through my earbuds that were plugged into my phone that was placed in a front pocket of my shirt and attending to replenishing our puppy’s food and water dish, as I leaned over her water bowl I had just filled up and was setting down, my phone fell out of my pocket and landed in the water. 

Though my natural split second inclination would be to freeze and assess the situation, it was a tender mercy I immediately pulled my phone out of the water. After wiping dry the front side of my phone and the exterior of my case, enclosed tightly around my phone, I also noticed moisture that was trapped between the phone and the case. It was a tender mercy I was able to remove the case quickly, wipe dry the interior of the case and the backside of the phone, and as I took to handling the challenge head on, my new phone, not more than a few weeks old, was still fully functional. 

And then, not long after, as I was just about to take our puppy out to go potty, before I could get to her, she peed on the kitchen floor directly in front of me. Right away, as I took to handling the challenge head on and went into a one man attempt to swiftly get her outside to finish up any business she still had remaining, and prior to, loosely lay paper towels over the area that was wet so other family members would not unknowingly walk in it while we were outside, it was a tender mercy my husband entered the kitchen at that very moment and offered to take her outside and I was able to stay back to clean and sanitize where she had peed before anyone else came into the room. Time and again, when I have gone about handling a challenge head on, the outcome of my efforts have been nothing short of a tender mercy. 

When has the outcome of your efforts been nothing short of a tender mercy as you have gone about handling a challenge head on? 


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Rest Assured, All Is Well

Prior to receiving the impression, “rest assured, all is well”, concern enveloped my entire being as I observed what our puppy may have ingested.

Just like that, as my undivided attention turned momentarily away from our puppy, when I returned my focus to her, prior to receiving the impression, “rest assured, all is well”, concern enveloped my entire being as I observed what our puppy may have ingested.

While our family was hanging out watching TV, our four month old puppy was playing with her toys, when out of the corner of my eye I observed her chewing something suspicious. I quickly got up off the couch and knelt down by her side. When I looked in her mouth, I saw that she was chewing on some polyester stuffing from one of her toys that had ripped apart. I attempted to pry open her mouth, however, fear that she would clamp her teeth down on my hand as I reached into her mouth, I stopped any attempt and immediately called on one of my children, who has with such ease been able to sweep her mouth and remove a variety of questionable things she has been caught chewing on. Within the split second it took for them to get to her, they were unable to find the stuffing anywhere in her mouth. 

I was so frustrated with myself that I did not have the skill and courage to get it out of her mouth while I had an eye on it and I was very concerned she had swallowed it. What did it mean if she had? I sat back down on the couch, no longer engaged on whatever was on TV, but fully invested in researching and seeking to know what to do if she had swallowed it. I read of the possibility it could cause intestinal blockage and to get her to a veterinarian immediately OR it could come out in her poop within 24 hours and in the meantime to observe if she showed any signs or symptoms of illness. 

As a first time puppy owner, I was clueless and had no idea the seriousness, if any, I was up against. Do I lean towards a more assertive action and take her to the veterinary hospital, as the veterinary clinic was closed, or the passive approach to wait it out with hopes she had no digestive issues and it would come out the next morning?

While uncertain what action to take and not wanting to become anxious, it was a tender mercy I felt “rest assured, all is well”. Simultaneously, I was prompted to go where she had been chewing on the polyester stuffing and run my hand along our carpet, a color tone the stuffing blended in with easily. As I got down on my hands and knees and brushed my hand over the area, it was a tender mercy I found the polyester stuffing that had been in her mouth. I was relieved she had spit it out and not swallowed it. 

Several days later, I observed her biting a hole in the corner seam of a fabric covered sand bag, up against our back door to keep the winter cold air out of our kitchen. As a quick remedy, I tied off the hole with a twist tie and flipped the bag upside down to hide the corner from her and hoped she would not be able to access it. Unfortunately, one afternoon as I left her resting unattended in the kitchen while I took a phone call in another room with better reception, she managed to remove the twist tie and further increase the size of the hole. 

When I returned to the kitchen, sand was spilt out on the floor beside the bag and the wire twist tie was missing. Though I was concerned she may have chewed and swallowed the twist tie, I refrained from becoming panicked, just yet. As the thought entered my mind of whether or not to make an emergency call to a veterinarian to have her checked out, it was a tender mercy I felt a peaceful calm that it was not necessary. I felt confident and rest assured, all is well and that I would find the twist tie. 

After I swept up the spilt sand and continued sweeping in the kitchen where she goes to hang out and chew on the treats we give her, next to the towel she lies on while enjoying her treats was the twist tie wire. It was a tender mercy that though she had chewed some of the paper off of the twist tie, the entire wire piece had not been ingested by her. I was relieved and grateful that during these two health scare instances, I received the impression that rest assured, all is well. 

When have you experienced a health scare instance of a loved one and you received a much like impression that rest assured, all is well? 


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What I Was Not Asking

It was through asking what I wasn’t asking that ended up easing my angst when I have questioned, “Why have I been inspired to share a gift of mine with others through means for which I am not naturally skilled?”

For months, I have questioned, “Why have I been inspired to share a gift of mine with others through means for which I am not naturally skilled?” I have been in a painstaking, uphill battle pushing forward day after day to accomplish what Heavenly Father would have me do at this time, which on numerous occasions I have wanted to back out of doing until I recently had an aha moment that what I was not asking of Heavenly Father was the very key that has contrasted how I am now approaching the intended process for which my gift is being shared. 

As I have mentioned a few times before in previous blog posts, writing and technology are both enormous challenges for me. These are skills that do not come easy for me at all and ones I have struggled with my whole life, albeit I have managed to do well at tasks requiring either or both due to much effort, dedication, and determination on my part and help from others. 

Right now, in this season of my life, I know the Tender Mercy Moments blog is exactly what Heavenly Father would have me to do. Even so, everyday I have felt a great deal of angst as blogging requires utilizing both writing and technology skills. Preceding the steps necessary to publish a post, I have often been frustrated and discouraged mainly with how long it takes me to not only write a blog entry but also daily, simple, one sentence Tender Mercy Moment Cues, each in accordance with my own to date tender mercy moments. 

As such, I have turned my head side to side many of times and said, “I don’t get it.” I don’t get why it is through these areas which I don’t have a knack for that I have been inspired to share with others my gift of being able to see good among situations that are troubling, essentially recognizing tender mercy moments from a loving Heavenly Father who is mindful and aware of you and me throughout life’s journey. So much so, I have asked Heavenly Father on countless occasions if I could just stop blogging altogether. However, like needing to go to the bathroom, it is at times something we may not want to go and do when there are other things we would rather be doing, yet the nudge and urge to go won’t stop. 

Although the direction I have continuously been inspired, line upon line, to go and do doesn’t make sense to me, I trust Heavenly Father. I know He has a purpose and a reason why I am to move forward in this particular way. Even though I don’t know what that is right now, I do know my why I blog and what drives my desire and motivation to keep writing, no matter how difficult. It is to help and bless you, my reader and/or listener, recognize and see His hand in your life and His daily awareness and mindfulness of you.

So far, each time I have leaned towards stopping and have cried hard to Heavenly Father about the extreme difficulty aspects and components of the process have been for me, I’ve received either a positive message from someone right in that moment regarding my blog or added clear inspiration affirming that I am to continue onward as well as frequent spiritual confirmations to stay the course time and again.

One afternoon, as I stood outside, taking in the beauty around me, it was a tender mercy a distinct eye-opening moment changed the how I now approach elements of blogging from photography and writing to publishing each post. The turning point that moved me out of feeling so distressed while blogging was when I asked Heavenly Father what I was not asking. I asked for help to experience joy during the process. Though I value and appreciate very much the final result of each blog entry, for a good majority of the time, energy, and effort spent leading up to that point has not in the least been easy. 

Instead of focusing on how long it takes me to write a post and my deficiencies that have become quite apparent as I’ve placed a lot of pressure to expect more of myself than what I know how to do, I now approach the daunting process not with angst, but with an excitement to what I will learn along the way that will help me to enhance, develop, and improve upon what skills I lack, including that confidence in my abilities will increase. I still don’t get the why I am to share my gift via my weakness in writing and technology, yet I still give blogging my all and do my best. In addition, I am now embracing joy in the process, gratitude for the growth, knowledge and skills I have gained thus far and will continue to gain. 

When have you struggled with the means in which you were inspired to share a gift or talent with others and it was through asking what you were not asking for that ended up easing your angst? 


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No Longer A Means I Could Rely On

When the bathroom scale was no longer a means I could rely on to check my weight, I felt confident I had a handle on my weight without a scale due the years I had been consistently regulating and maintaining it on a daily basis.

When the battery in my bathroom scale stopped working after years of routinely standing on it to check my weight, it was no longer a means I could rely on to keep myself accountable to my health. 

A few years back, my metabolism plummeted and within a brief period of time my weight skyrocketed. After much research, an ultrasound, blood tests, going to my doctor and hearing of other’s experiences, it was a tender mercy the solution for me that reversed these sudden adverse changes my body was going through came down to a few things— eating breakfast, drinking enough water, and not exceeding a regimented calorie intake relative to my age and activity level. 

As I began doing these overall 3 things consistently, throughout the course of several months my weight gradually dropped down to my ideal goal weight and I gained back my metabolism, albeit not to the same degree as my younger years, but to the degree my feeling constant fatigue dissipated. Since that time, my weight and metabolism have remained stable. 

As my eating lifestyle shifted for the better, I desired to maintain the above adjustments ongoing. The key factor that kept me accountable to my health was checking my weight various times throughout most days other than resting from doing so on Sundays. My reliance on the number on the scale became routine.

Eating breakfast is hard for me. Drinking enough water is hard for me. If I saw that my weight increased when I missed eating breakfast and lacked drinking enough water, I knew I needed to improve at both so as not to return to my metabolism shutting down and my weight rapidly increasing again. Stepping on the scale often helped me to stay on top of doing what was best for my health. 

During the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, the battery in my scale stopped working and I did not have a replacement on hand. With my trips to the store becoming less frequent due to the order and not knowing where to get the exact battery for the bathroom scale, I did not foresee myself replacing it anytime soon. 

For years I have remained focused on regulating and maintaining my health on a day-to-day basis. As such, although I have come to rely on the bathroom scale to keep me in check, it was a tender mercy that the scale now being no longer a means I could rely on was not earth shattering. In fact, upon not having a replacement battery, it was a tender mercy I realized and felt confident I could continue to consistently and diligently maintain my healthy weight even without the scale. 

When have you relied on something that was no longer a means you could rely on and in its absence you realized you could still go on just fine without it? 


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Breaking Away From Negative Thoughts

Breaking away from negative thoughts of my many deficiencies came as I engaged in an activity that for me was fun and therapeutic.

Breaking away from negative thoughts that came as I struggled to grasp the know-how to use a specific technology function on my device was put on hold until after my determination to first get the function up and running.

On this casual, laid back, rainy day as I sat down in a chair in a room looking out at the landscape just beyond my backyard with my device in hand, I was excited to implement the function. I thought it would be a simple and easy process. Unfortunately, it was not. Every so often while on my device working, I had inadvertently come into seeing the steps involved. 

At first, I was confident I could navigate through what I thought I had recalled was the way to set it up. However, as time slipped by, I became stumped and baffled that the how to get it up and running was eluding me.

It was difficult to understand and know why this process to which I thought would be easy had turned out to be quite challenging. Discouragement started to surface and comparison of my weaknesses to the strengths of others on many fronts began creeping into my thoughts and lingering there. I questioned, “Why do simple tasks for others take me so long?” “Why can’t I figure out how to troubleshoot technology or complete supposedly easy processes in a relatively shortened period of time?” As I was bound and determined to figure out how to get the function up and running, comparing myself to others remained at bay.  

After a long, arduous while of not giving up, I finally accomplished what I was trying so hard to do. In the end, I was extremely frustrated, irritated, unrelaxed, and on edge. As I acknowledged my heightened emotions, it was a tender mercy I was prompted to go and do something I enjoyed that was a no-brainer. Breaking away from negative thoughts of my many deficiencies came as I engaged in an activity that for me was fun and therapeutic. I made some yummy no bake cookies I had been craving earlier in the day and wonderful chocolate chip cookies that other family members were craving.

When has acting on a prompting to go and do an activity that for you was enjoyable and therapeutic after working on something that was really hard helped you break away from negative thoughts of your deficiencies?  


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Ignoring A Subtle Prompting

While on a mini vacation, ignoring a subtle prompting resulted in a loss of a useful product, yet fortunately, a backup item had also been brought on the trip.

Although I acknowledged a clear, yet minuscule thought that entered my mind, I quickly reasoned why not to act on it, essentially, ignoring a subtle prompting. 

While on a mini vacation, one evening as I opened a ziplock bag to remove one of many alike loose and unpackaged bathroom items from it before placing the bag securely winged underneath one on my arms momentarily to occupy my hands with something else real quick, I had a subtle prompting to seal the bag closed. I reasoned why not to as I was pretty certain I would not drop it, therefore, I ignored the subtle prompting. 

Well, what do you know, sure enough, the bag in fact, without initially realizing it, had slipped out from under my arm. And everything that was in the bag fell out onto an unsanitary floor. As such, non of the items were now useable, at least per my OCD mindset I did not feel comfortable using something that had touched an unclean surface. Therefore, I tossed all of the contents completely emptied from the bag into a trash can.  

I was so upset and disappointed in myself that I had ignored the subtle prompting, especially being that it was such a simple thing to just seal the bag before placing it under my arm. In the moment I removed my focus from the bag and placed it elsewhere, without my awareness the bag slipped out from under my arm.

Even though I was very frustrated with myself, it was a tender mercy I had also fortunately brought with me several more of the somewhat similar item, individually packaged. And though I was not happy about resorting to what I had brought as a backup, nonetheless, it was a tender mercy I was not without having them with me. 

In addition, as I have many times wondered and asked myself whether I recognize if I have truly received a prompting or not, contemplating on this experience, it was a tender mercy I was able to see that I indeed received a subtle prompting to which I actively and consciously ignored. When the subtle prompting came, I acknowledged it, had a brief conversation with myself in my mind and confident I would not let the bag fall, I opted to not act on the prompting resulting in the loss. 

When have you ignored a subtle prompting to act on doing something so simple and as a result the loss of a useful product occurred, yet fortunately, you had another somewhat similar item to use in its place? 


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Seeing Myself As Heavenly Father Sees Me

Earlier in the week I was asked by a member of our ward Bishopric if I would be willing to speak during our upcoming Sunday sacrament meeting services. Although I was nervous and apprehensive of my ability to give an adequate talk, I accepted the invitation. 

On that Sunday, following the passing of the sacrament and 30 minutes remaining till the close of the meeting, there were 5 members of our congregation, including myself, who had been asked to speak, three of whom were youth speakers each preceding my turn. Upon the conclusion of their brief and wonderful messages, I failed to look at the clock to check the time as I began my talk. When I closed my remarks, sat down and looked over at the clock, I was mortified when I saw I had finished exactly when the sacrament meeting was to officially end and there was no time at all remaining for the intermediate hymn or the last speaker.  

Immediately, I felt so embarrassed. I wanted to tuck my head, not make eye contact with anyone and run and hide, however, throughout the remaining hour of church, I kept my head held high. I smiled and graciously received the compliments of gratitude for my message and the uplifting, thought provoking words I shared. 

For hours after church, I struggled wondering if I had made a fool of myself. I gave the talk I felt inspired to give and yet I questioned what I could have left out. I felt an insecurity of not knowing how I could have articulated my message in a more condensed way. In fact, that morning I felt prompted to share an additional personal and vulnerable experience to my already prepared talk which only added to length of time I spoke. 

Feelings of embarrassment overtook my thoughts and emotions for a time until I reached out and asked Heavenly Father what He thought of me. It was a tender mercy that as I did so, I saw myself as He sees me, one of His daughters
*who had overcome the fear of speaking after praying constantly for days
*who was prepared and delivered 
*who had the courage to share my talent and let my personality shine
*who genuinely loves and cares about others
*who has a testimony of ministering and the blessings that come when acting on promptings 
*who strives daily to always have the companionship of the Holy Ghost to be with me
*who is a positive example and an inspiration to others 
and the biggest take away I received from Heavenly Father that comforted me the most were these words that came into my mind, “time is measured by man, not God”. 

When have you had an embarrassing moment when you wondered if you had made a fool of yourself and you were able to move past it as you saw a glimpse into how Heavenly Father truly sees you and what He would have you know upon your asking?


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Solo Week

For the first time in almost 23 years of marriage and 21 years of being a mom, I recently had an entire week to myself. Initially, I had no idea at all what I would do with my time alone for this was a new experience for me. I was concerned that I would be twiddling my thumbs, but the blankness of not knowing what I would do did not last long. 

It was a tender mercy that one idea after another began flooding my mind from people I could reach out to, projects I could work on, and places I could visit. My week filled up before it began. The ideas did not remain ideas, they became what I went for and accomplished. It was incredible the flow and line up of when the activities occurred from one day to the next. 

My schedule was well-balanced and organized and I felt productive. I attended an out-of-town festival, prepared for an upcoming baby shower, went to church, enjoyed walks, reached out and visited friends, participated in a personal development group, stepped out of my comfort zone to attend a social gathering with multiple families, took a mini day trip to a tourist destination, attended a parenting class, ran family errands, performed ordinance work in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint temple, prepared a lesson for my primary class at church, and worked on my blog. It was a marvelous week of doing what I love and enjoy and having the courage to go out and explore new things on my own.  

When have you had time all to yourself and just when you had no idea what you would do with your alone time, ideas flooded your mind and as you acted on those ideas you felt accomplished and a greater sense of self?


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