Fast Sunday

I missed fasting on Fast Sunday. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to which I belong, Fast Sunday is most often the first Sunday of the month. I lost track of time and didn’t realize that the first day of the new month fell on Sunday. Fast Sunday is a time when we go without food and drink for a period of 24 hours and the money we would spend on those meals go to help the needy. Throughout the fast, we pray for something specific, for a reason, for a purpose, a meaningful reason and purpose like added prayers and blessings for someone who is sick and/or for ourselves to overcome challenges, difficulties, struggles, hardships, trials that we may be experiencing and facing.

Because I missed fasting on Fast Sunday, I decided that I would fast later in the week. By mid week as I was preparing for my day and listening to inspirational messages, I heard the word fast and I was reminded that I had not yet fasted. I decided right then and there that I was going to fast, however, I was not feeling well nor had I pondered and thought about a purpose and a reason to fast. Physically, I needed food and water and knew I probably shouldn’t fast, but mentally I prepared myself and told myself I could do it.

I decided to pray and ask Heavenly Father. The answer to my prayer was to wait until the weekend to fast. When I got up from my prayer, I felt really good about the answer, but I doubted if I received and heard the answer correctly. As I got up, I looked at my phone and saw that there was a text message from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints missionaries serving in our area. They were asking if they could teach someone a lesson in our home on Sunday, a few days later. 

I reached out to my husband to ask him about his schedule and he asked me what time they would be coming and if it would be after I finished my fast. I’d shared with my husband earlier that I wanted to fast later in the week, but I never told him when I was going to do it. His question was a confirmation to the answer I had received. It was a tender mercy that I had received that confirmation and all worries, concerns, and doubts left. It was a blessing that I knew with certainty and with confidence that I had heard and received the answer correctly and that waiting until the weekend to fast was the answer to my prayer.

When have you questioned an answer to a prayer and you later received a confirmation that helped you know for certain that you heard exactly what you thought you heard?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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