What Is A Gift They Would Really Like?

When have you wanted to give someone who had no wish list a gift, but questioned what is a gift they would really like?

Has there ever been someone for whom you wanted to buy a gift, for any special occasion—birthday, valentines, anniversary, Christmas, etc. that did not come right out and express what they wanted nor share a wish list with you when asked directly, leaving you stuck with no idea what to get them and wondering what is a gift they would really like?

I have…. and just recently….until I focused on their from time to time, subtle communications in reference to specific gifts they would really like.  

I love Christmas and the magic of Christmas and the excitement on Christmas day of seeing loved ones open up the thoughtful gifts I personally select for them indicating that I see them and know them

This year was a lot more challenging as I struggled not only to find items for those who provided me with a wish list, but even more so when a list was not given. Nonetheless, I was up for the challenge. I just hoped I would figure it out before Christmas. To which I did. The weeks leading up to that anticipated day, my ears were honed into dialogues with whom I did not receive a list and I reflected on prior conversations I’ve had with them. Before too long, I had a number of ideas of what gifts to get for them between what I picked up on through observation for what they may appreciate getting to what I recollected they had in passing nonchalantly expressed they would really like.

Going from not having any idea to knowing a couple handful of gifts I could get for them was super exciting, though, I kept that knowledge and enthusiasm to myself. I did not want to give away that even though they didn’t come right out and tell me, I knew exactly what they wanted as well as what they may appreciate getting. I was looking so forward to Christmas day to see their reaction. 

One by one, it was a tender mercy that after hours of going in and out of many different stores all throughout the holiday season, I found each item. I was so happy and most especially giddy about one in particular. It was one they had seen on TV that was described to me with great interest when I returned home one evening from being out. 

Just three days before Christmas, as this particular gift item had been on the back of my mind, but I had not gotten around to researching about it, it was a tender mercy that in only going off of the description shared as I had not seen it myself, the exact product they had seen on TV came up right away when I google searched it. I saw that the item was carried in several stores near me which was a relief as my preference is in-store shopping and I was up against the wire, but each store I called was completely out of that item. 

When I returned to the product information online, there was another store I had missed and upon my calling them, it was a tender mercy there was one of that product remaining on their shelf. The employee offered to go get it and hold it for me. Oh, my excitement! I responded with an absolute and delighted yes! Within a 1/2 hour I was in the store picking it up. I marveled and felt such joy and gratitude I had this last minute and most important gift, that wrapped up my gift buying purchases, in my hand. Christmas was a success! Each gift was well-received and appreciated!

When have you wanted to give someone who had no wish list a gift, but questioned what is a gift they would really like and in paying close attention to their subtle mention here and there of ideas, you knew just what to get them?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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