After the place of our family’s residence changed, an action I had previously taken, time and again as a precautionary measure, despite a subtle premonition I disregarded, I was fortunate, circumstances were such, that what occurred, happened in a more ideal location than where it could have occurred.
At our latest interim residence between home moves, there was a little bit of a walk from the parking area and a flight of stairs to bring our groceries up to our place. Quite often, upon checkout at a local supermarket nearby, it became apparent while placing our purchases in a bag that the plastic bags were thin and easily ripped so I would double bag most items.
After we moved into our new place, I did not recognize the continued value of double bagging our purchases to take the groceries only a few steps from our car into our home, however, a subtle premonition I disregarded proved the importance of still double bagging our purchases, that even a short distance and few steps between the car and into the house made no difference when it came to the thin quality of the plastic bags.
On this day in which I disregarded the subtle premonition because I didn’t think it necessary to double bag the groceries and didn’t plan on any bags tearing within the short distance of transporting the groceries from the car into the home, upon my return home from a shopping trip, it was a tender mercy I was unable to park in the garage due to a home project that had been set up inside, for as soon as I lifted a bag with two glass jars of cranberry juice, singly bagged, the bag ripped and one of the jars, almost two, slipped through the torn opening and shattered onto our sloped driveway.
It was a tender mercy that it occurred there versus on the flat surface of our garage floor or worse, inside the house. Despite a subtle premonition I disregarded of a jar(s) shattering and a thought to double bag our purchases, most particularly the glass jars of cranberry juice, it was a tender mercy the occurrence of the breakage was in a location where the cleanup was more ideal.
With the help of hot water I poured atop the spilt cranberry juice to keep the driveway from staining, it was a tender mercy the guidance of the diluted cranberry juice ran downhill and the slivers and shards of shattered glass pooled into a crevice on the driveway and off of the walking surface of the cement. With a handheld garden shovel and a dust pan, I was able to scoop up the larger pieces and with duct tape, dab up the fine glass particles.
When have you disregarded a subtle premonition and despite your inaction, what occurred, happened in a more ideal manner than what could have been?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
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