Oh, WOW!!! It stunk bad as I was going about doing good with a pure heart, following clear and unquestionable divine inspiration from Heavenly Father, opposition to that which is good, that I did not see coming, indirectly showed up and rocked my world.
I was shocked and taken aback the opposition was even happening, especially in my geographical area, yet, here it was before me, of all places. In my naivety and oblivion, innocence and ignorance, as I began to receive pieces here and there of conversations had behind my back, though heartbreaking, I was open and receptive to the hard, to understand what I didn’t understand. I don’t hide away from conflict. It is absolutely uncomfortable, YES, yet, the knowledge gained is valuable and worth it to me for my personal growth.
Suffice it to say, sparing specific details, upon the surfacing of the opposition to that which is good, as I was about sharing my gifts and talents with others, doing what I love and love what I am doing, the perception and perceived notion of the good I was about doing, for whatever reason, was viewed negatively. I was astounded.
When the opposition came forward, it came on with force, and mentally and emotionally weighed heavily upon me, so much so, that I took my anguish to Heavenly Father. The many tender mercies that followed lifted my spirits. Despite the opposition to that which is good, I regained my footing to continue onward doing what I love and love what I am doing with joy and gratitude, knowing my heart was pure and in the right place.
Upon the onset of the opposition, my questioning myself if the reference of character that came up and of concern to others of me was true, it was a tender mercy I received a sacred assurance from Heavenly Father that I was not who I was described to be.
Downtrodden for several days, the upcoming Sunday, I struggled to go to church, yet, it was a tender mercy I felt a strength to attend. Throughout Sacrament Meeting, all the while my emotional and mental state was waned, the talks given resonated and coincided with the inspired direction I had received to share my gifts and talents with others, and it was a tender mercy the confirmation and assurance I felt to carry onward doing the good I was inspired to do. Also, all the while my emotional and mental state was waned, I found myself numb as I sang a hymn, mouthing the words without knowing what I was singing. As the chorus began, it was a tender mercy a line of the song clearly stood out and I heard it amidst the sorrow I was feeling and the fog that had encompassed me, “We will heed not what the wicked may say, But the Lord alone we will obey”. Upon hearing these words, I was assured that the divine direction I had received was right despite opposition to the good I was doing.
Following Sacrament Meeting, I was headed to a specific Sunday School class, when per a tender mercy, I was rerouted to attend a different class, for which again, all of the messages presented were a strong confirmation to me of the divine inspiration I had received from Heavenly Father which buoyed my brokenness.
And then BOOM, right after church, again, the opposition to that which is good I was doing came on strong with a heaviness that was hard to bear. Desiring to feel a peace, comfort, and solace, I spontaneously headed to a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In route, I prayed to have someone—an earthly, mortal, safe person I could talk to apart from Heavenly Father. Within confusion to comprehend what was happening and seeking to know what was next for me, it was a tender mercy I heard Heavenly Father say to me, “I’ll help you”[to do the good I have inspired you to do]. Upon my arrival at the temple, it was a remarkable tender mercy my prayer for someone I could talk to was answered.
The roller coaster ride is not yet over, however, from the strong opposition to that which is good coming my way, experiencing the emotional lows as I fall subject to criticism, there have also been many tender mercies of emotional strength more powerful from Heavenly Father.
When have you received hard opposition to that which is good you were doing, and a greater power and strength from Heavenly Father to not abandon your righteous and divinely inspired direction came by way of continuous confirmations and assurances?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
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