Water Softener

After several years of use, our water softener went kaput and stopped working. When we set it out on the street on trash day, it was anticipated that either the recycling truck or the regular garbage truck would take it away; however, that was not the case.

I happened to be sitting in a front room on both occasions when each of the trucks, at different times, came by. When the recycling truck didn’t take it, I wasn’t too concerned and figured the regular garbage truck would take it. When I saw that the regular garbage truck was also going to leave without taking it, I jumped up, ran out of the house, got their attention before they drove off, found out why they were not taking it and what I needed to do to dispose of it.

I learned that because of the weight of the hardened salt still inside, it was too heavy and they were not allowed to lift anything heavy. The option provided was to either take it to the landfill ourselves or remove the salt with a pressure washer and then set the water softener out with the regular trash pickup the next week.

It was a tender mercy I was in the front room at the time and had looked out the window when they pulled up to see that they were about to drive off without taking the water softener. It was also a tender mercy that I was able to get their attention before they drove off considering the one dumping the trash into the truck was wearing ear phones. In addition, I was able to speak with them directly, on the spot to ask them why they were not taking the water softener and what I needed to do to throw it out when otherwise at the end of the day when bringing the trash cans back inside the garage, we would’ve had no idea the reason it was left behind.

When have you put something out in the trash hoping for it to be taken away and when the garbage truck was about to drive off without it, you were present to ask them about it?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Catching Spills

After making chili for a church function, I was unsure how I was going to transport it as I was concerned about it spilling in the car on the floor and the seats. I had a few minutes to figure it out before we needed to leave to be on time. As I asked my husband what we could do, he had a brilliant idea to put the crock pot inside a medium sized stock pot. It fit perfectly and if there was any spilling, it would be in the stock pot rather than in the car on the floor or the seats. It was a tender mercy that in a moment when I was trying to find a quick solution, my husband was standing nearby and thought of one right away. It was an ingenious solution.

When have you been on a time crunch trying to figure out a solution to a concern and it came by way of someone standing close by you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

I Know We Have Them, But Where?

Fall is a fun time of year. There are pumpkin patches, apple orchards, apple cider, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, trick-or-treating, chili cook offs and so many more fun activities to do together as a family.

When my husband was preparing dinner, he had a thought to make caramel apples. He went to the fridge and pulled out the apples and as he began washing and prepping them, he asked me if we had any caramels. I was certain we had caramels. As I looked in the pantry, I found a bag that had only two remaining caramels. I was hopeful and confident that we had more packages, but I did not know exactly where. As I was trying to recall where I have kept them in the past and feeling overwhelmed about checking in multiple places, it was a tender mercy that they were in the first place that came to my mind.

In addition to having the ingredients to make the caramel apples, it was also a tender mercy that as it had been raining all day long, we did not have any extra-curricular activities in the evening. As a mom, driving kids to and fro on bad weather days is stressful and not wanting to go out, it was a tender mercy that on this night we were able to enjoy the comforts of staying in and the fall season eating delicious, juicy, sweet caramel apples.

When has it come to your mind where something you knew you had was located? And, when has the timing aligned nicely that on a bad weather day when you did not want to go out, your evening was free and you were able to enjoy the comforts of staying home spending quality time with family?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Following Prophetic Counsel

When President Russell M. Nelson, the Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints extended an invitation for all women of the church to do a 10-day social media fast and read The Book of Mormon before the end of the year, I had a willing heart to participate, yet I was wrestling and struggling with a couple of things trying to decide what I should do.

I was perplexed when I saw a Facebook page I turned to for inspiration doing the 10-day fast. It frustrated me. I could not understand why when they are a source for good and a light to the world they would remove themselves and shut down for 10 days. Six months earlier they also participated in the social media fast our Prophet encouraged and invited the youth of our church to do. I was bothered beyond bothered six months earlier and worked through those emotions as I recognized their team was inspired and they followed what they felt prompted they should do. So fast forward six months when this invitation was extended to all the women and again they were inspired to participate in the 10-day fast. I was bummed and annoyed, but I worked through the emotions a lot more quickly this time around.

That led me to question whether I should be adding anything to my blog for the next 10 days or not because my blog also publishes to Facebook. A couple of days following the announcement I pondered and contemplated the “letter of the law” versus the “spirit of the law” and re-read President Nelson‘s invitation several times, particularly the words, “I invite you to participate in a 10-day fast from social media and from any other media that bring negative and impure thoughts to your mind.” I personally am drawn to things that are good, but do on occasion get caught up in spending more time than I should on social media. My blog is a source for good and it is uplifting. As I went walking with a friend several days later, I shared with her that I was trying to figure out what was the right thing for me to do—continue blogging or take a break and set it aside for 10 days. Her words confirmed the feelings I had felt when I prayed asking Heavenly Father directly what I should do. The answer I received was that it would be all right for me to continue to blog as I felt impressed and prompted to do so.

I know that when counsel is given and we lack understanding and are frustrated and we want to follow and know for ourselves how to go about doing it, we can turn to Heavenly Father and ask Him.

One other question I asked Heavenly Father was whether I should read The Book of Mormon starting on page 1. I was currently in the book of Helaman. When the announcement came, I wondered if it would be ok if I continued right where I was as my starting point. Following my sincere and heartfelt prayers and studying out what I should do, I felt good about beginning and ending in Helaman.

At the end of the 10-day social media fast, I came to realize a couple of things. One, if I had really wanted to go to the Facebook page mentioned earlier for inspirational messages I could’ve gone to past posts. I didn’t think about that at all until the social media fast had passed. Two, I was humbled by the many others whose uplifting and wholesome Facebook pages I follow also participated in the social media fast. I had no idea because I didn’t search for them during those 10 days. I was amazed that even others who share good information took a break themselves from social media. What I gained the most from the experience was the more concentrated effort I gave to focus on what Heavenly Father wanted me to do to be a light in the world and spending more in-person quality time with others.

It was a tender mercy that I was able to receive an answer for myself from Heavenly Father to how I could personally follow our Prophet’s invitation. I did not have to give up blogging to participate in the 10-day social media fast and I could start right where I was at in The Book of Mormon and read the entire book finishing where I began.

When have you wrestled with and were unsure how to precede with direction given by an inspired leader and you received a personal confirmation from Heavenly Father what was right for you to accomplish and fulfill the invitation you were willing and desired to accept?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

**If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.**

Late Start

It was a particularly rough morning when carpool plans changed last minute. One of our children did not have a ride unless they left with me 15 minutes earlier than their usual departure time, lessening their time to get ready. As I waited on them, leaving several minutes later than I had planned to take one of our other children to school, who arrived 3 minutes before their bell rang, further delays occurred as frustrations arose resulting in what I thought would be a definite tardy for the child whose carpool plans had been altered.

I did not want them to be late. I prayed they would be on time, but the closer it got to the start time, it became apparent they would inevitably be late. Minutes after we arrived and I dropped them off, I received a message from them that on that day it was a late start. Instead of being late, they were early. I was grateful!

My prayer was answered in a different way than my specific plea that we would make it through the lights and turn arrows in a timely manner and traffic would be light. The traffic and intersection lights were not on our side and when I saw that there was no way to get there any sooner but to patiently wait it out, it was a huge blessing and tender mercy when I learned about the late start.

When have you prayed specifically for what you thought would help you arrive somewhere on time and when that didn’t happen and you resigned to the fact that you were going to be late, you learn that your prayer was answered in a different way and you ended up being punctual after all?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

To receive an email when new posts are published, please send your email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com

Past Mistakes

While at a college presentation recently, I was remembering some of my experiences that I had many years ago when I was a college student. Periodically, there is one experience that pops back up over and over, here and there, and eats at me. I made a decision that I have questioned and have wondered if I could go back, would I have done what I did differently. I don’t know? I don’t know if I did the right thing or if I did the wrong thing, but it is something that I have felt guilty about all these years since and I haven’t been able to fully put it behind me.

During the middle of the presentation, I received a message on my phone from a friend I’ve known since childhood, but had not had direct correspondence with in years. As the struggle was taking place in my mind and I glanced down to see my friend’s kind message come through, I was taken back to a specific memory I had with this friend several years back. I opened up to them about a choice I had made that I had not resolved and it had bothered me for over 20 years until I got it off my chest apologizing to my friend for my actions.

My friend warmly received me. As I finally put my wrong to rest, I felt a weight removed. Even after the wrong I had done, this friend still loved and cared about me and saw past my error and saw the person I am truly. I was not my mistake. I am a good person, imperfect, mortal, and am learning and growing like everyone else and I do mess up. In a quick, split second as I glanced at the message and in remembrance of that experience, I heard the words, “Stop being so hard on yourself”.

On my drive home, I pondered on what had just occurred as I kept questioning my long ago decision as a college student. Each time the experience had came up, I continued to feel sorrow and pain. This time was no different. I had been tucking away the pain, setting it aside, ashamed, disappointed, uncertain if I had adequately dealt with it earlier, struggled to forgive myself, and not sure what to do to rid it fully from gnawing at me.

As I reached out to Heavenly Father in prayer on my way home, I thought about my knowledge of the Atonement. I knew I couldn’t change the past, but I could learn from the past to not make the mistake again in the present or the future. I knew Heavenly Father wanted me to be happy moving forward. As I was dialoguing with Heavenly Father, the words “embrace it” came very clearly and distinctly. In that instance, I felt a peace. I sought confirmation of this response. And again, I felt peace. My pain and suffering washed away. All these years later as I have avoided the benefits my choice could have had because I questioned if my actions were right or not, I heard, “embrace it, use what you have done for your good”. In addition to feeling peace, I also felt an excitement.

I responded back, replying to Heavenly Father, “ok, I will embrace it”. I felt joy. My pain had stayed with me long enough and it was a tender mercy both messages I received, “Stop being so hard on yourself” and “Embrace it”, allowed me to release the pain I was holding on to and experience joy.

When have you hung on to a mistake you made long ago and after praying and hearing specific words given to you from a loving Heavenly Father, you were finally able to let it go?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

Be Still

As our kids returned to school after summer break, I knew I would have “mom homework” the first few days. In addition to completing the necessary paperwork for each of them, I had a lot of other worries, concerns, and questions weighing on my mind. During this time, I set aside what I would normally do each day that was spiritually uplifting for me. By midweek, I felt drained. I decided it was a good idea to take a break to find and listen to an inspiring message that would give me a much needed boost.

As I scrolled through a couple weeks of inspirational messages on Hi Five Live, there was one message that stood out to me, however, I was not drawn to it. I skipped over it a number of times, yet felt I should go back and listen to it. Eventually I did. In the message, I remember nothing of what was shared other than the words, “you need to go to the temple” enter my mind. That day came and went. Then the next day came, and into the evening I was reminded that I needed to go to the temple. I made the decision and mentally prepared that night that I would go the next day.

Bright and early, following family prayer, I looked at the temple schedule on our fridge and noticed the temple was not open in the morning during the timeframe I had intended to go. I changed my plans and decided I would do family history work instead to further seek to find something about my husband’s great grandfather several grandfather’s back. I then went on my way to taking my kids to school.

As I pulled into my driveway upon returning home, I received the impression again that I needed to go to the temple. Immediately, I remembered the Bishop of our congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share a couple weeks earlier that more sessions for temple ordinance work had opened up. Right away, while still sitting in my car, I called the temple. I was not the least bit surprised that someone picked up. Although it was last minute, I was able to attend the final Endowment session of the morning. Throughout the session, I listened and waited for a powerful answer I was anticipating I’d receive from Heavenly Father. As I finished the ordinance and I sat in the Celestial room knowing I was to be in the temple, on that day, at that time, I continued to wait. As time passed and patrons began leaving, the room became quiet and still. It was through the quietness and stillness of the room that the message I needed to hear became known. It was, “Be Still”.

As I shared the details of my experience to my husband, he mentioned a phrase I’ve heard many times, “Be Still And Know That I Am God”. The words impacted me tremendously. This answer was applicable to every worry, concern, and question I had. Heavenly Father knew what I needed. I am grateful for the knowledge I have that He is aware of me and loves me and through a number of invitations, I was blessed as Heavenly Father lead and guided me to the temple, a place of peace, to hear the words, “Be Still”.

When have you been guided and led to a place where you have received an answer(s) to questions, concerns, and worries on your mind?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

To receive an email when new posts are published, please send your email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com