Unsure Of What To Do

I was concerned. I had many questions and was unsure of what to do.

As I approached our cluster mailboxes to pick up our mail, lying on the sidewalk up against the mailboxes were two packages out in the open addressed to a resident I did not know. I was concerned. I had many questions and was unsure of what to do.

How long had they been there? Were they dropped off that way intentionally by the postal worker that left moments earlier or placed there by a resident for whom the packages were not addressed and inadvertently placed in their mailbox? Is it illegal to pick up mail that does not belong to me, that was not in my mailbox, and deliver it to the resident and leave it on their doorstep if they did not answer? Or was it best to leave the packages right where they were with hopes the intended resident would get them and they wouldn’t walk off with someone for whom they didn’t belong? 

For minutes, I paced back and forth trying to decide what to do. I was unsure of what to do. I wanted to do something. I just didn’t know what. 

It was a tender mercy the then thought came to my mind to go to the sales office in our community and ask if they could notify the resident and let them know of the packages for them sitting on the ground outside the cluster mailboxes. 

Once inside the sales office, as I began to share with the employee at the front desk the name and address of the resident on the packages, it was a tender mercy an individual in the sales office heard the name or address or both as it was spoken and came over to the front desk. Amazingly, the packages were for them. They shared that they had been awaiting the packages and didn’t know of their whereabouts. The timing of my entering the sales office and the resident being in there also was amazing.   

When have you come upon a concern or a sensitive situation that you were unsure of what to do and guidance that came to your mind led to a remarkable happy ending


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Joyful Moments Among The Chaos

A park is a place where one can observe joyful moments among the chaos of children running here and there.

I love teaching my young, energetic, and active Primary class at church. They definitely “keep me on my toes”. Some Sundays are more chaotic than others, yet, oh how my hearts swells and is filled with such joy being able to serve currently in the capacity and calling as their primary teacher. I am awed and fascinated by what all I gain from them and walk away with each week as they willingly help and participate in our class. Through countless tender mercies I have seen and received as a teacher, I have experienced many joyful moments among the chaos.

One that surprised me and I was delighted by was a week when the children were very talkative with each other and seemed disengaged while I struggled to efficiently and effectively articulate and communicate a particular principle and though I don’t know how well they understood any of what I shared, all 8 of the kids present on that day remained in their seats the whole time. Not one got up and ran around. That, to me, was an amazing tender mercy. 

Most recently, as I began a lesson soon after we entered our classroom together and everyone had quickly sat in a chair, one member of our class sat in the “teacher’s chair”.  I was super enthusiastic when I asked if they would be teaching our class that day to which they initially said yes and then declined, however, they gladly accepted the invitation to assist me. 

As they did so, being silly, they presented the material I had given them to share with everyone else in an opposite manner than what I had asked of them. Nonetheless, immediately, I took to their “out of the box” approach and saw that their method was totally awesome and I welcomed and encouraged them to continue. It was a tender mercy that their actions actually enhanced the presentation of the lesson, albeit different than how I had planned, yet, in a very cool interactive way. 

Shortly after this occurrence, as I continued the lesson with an inspired, impromptu, straightforward and simple object lesson, my presentation threw off one of the students and they were upset. As I squatted down to be on their level and lovingly asked about their thoughts and why they were so upset, I was enlightened as they expressed the reason they became distraught. It was a tender mercy I was able to see where they were coming from and communicate with them in a way that cleared up their concern and soothed and calmed them down. I have been edified time and time again as the kids in my class have candidly shared their remarkable perspectives and insights with me. 

Although I come to class well prepared, I never know exactly how the lesson or class time will go as the dynamics and energy level of each child varies weekly. As I continuously pray to Heavenly Father before and during class to help me teach His children in His way, I am ready to adapt and “go with the flow”. Even though class time can be hectic and crazy, I have received guidance and direction through one tender mercy after another and I have been able to experience joyful moments among the chaos. 

When have you experienced joyful moments among the chaos while teaching very active children and through their ups and downs you gained remarkable insights and valuable lessons from them?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Alert And Attentive

I had a remarkable experience on this bright and sunny, 100 degree day that involved several tender mercies that culminated into one big miracle.   

While my children and I were driving a relative distance from home to take one of them to EFY also known as Especially For Youth, we had hopes that we would get to the campus location within the check-in time frame. A third of the way there I recognized on my dash the tire light had come on and I felt a need to stop and check the air pressure in each of my tires. 

Ironically, the day prior as I came out of church I had a fleeting and subtle thought to check them, yet it came and went without a second thought and I did not act on it. Just looking at the tires, they appeared fine, however, in using a tire-pressure gauge, one of the tires only had a 20 psi reading so I knew there was a slow leak. When I examined the tire, I found a nail puncture in the tread.   

As I processed my options and what to do in my situation, not knowing with certainty how I should precede forward, the idea came to my mind to 1) place duct tape over the nail puncture, 2) pray and have faith that we would make it the latter 2/3rds of the way up to EFY safely, and 3) seek help to change out the tire once we got to our destination. I shared my plan with Heavenly Father and asked that if it was not ideal to continue in that manner that I be guided otherwise. 

Simultaneously, I was thinking about a scriptural account I had just recently read in the Book of Mormon of the brother of Jared who presented stones to the Lord that became a light source for the Jaredites as they traveled in barges to the Promised Land. I believed the duct tape would prevent the tire from going completely flat.  

It was an incredible tender mercy that although we did not have any duct tape in our car, we had clear packing tape that I used and the adhesive stuck well. As we were ready to get back on the road, it was another tender mercy when I was impressed to call my husband to which he recommended I stop at the nearest gas station to fill the tire up with air. 

Immediately, I went into laser focus mode and actively kept an eye out for any place that had an air pump and this prepared me to not miss and pass up an ideal stop a short distance up ahead that wasn’t available again along our route for another 50+miles.

Within minutes, it was a remarkable tender mercy that 4 mile markers or so further up the road there was a car dealership that serviced our specific car’s make. Amazing! I was immensely grateful for the convenience, ease, cost-effectiveness, and timeliness of the dealership being in our path. A technician filled up the tire at no cost, exceeding slightly the recommended amount, and then advised that I stop and look for a place to keep it filled up if the tire light came back on again, which it never did.  

Upon our arrival at the campus location, it was a miraculous tender mercy that the packing tape was still intact and the air pressure held steady overall, with a loss of only 2 psi, but still resting above the recommended amount and it continued to hold steady the rest of the day. Before our departure home, I went to a nearby dealership, like the one earlier, and the small amount lost was restored.

Throughout our entire drive back home, the air pressure stayed constant even after the tape had melted away from the scorching hot pavement. And, with a reapplication of the packing tape, the air pressure continued to remain steady still into the late afternoon of the next day when I was able to get our car into the shop to have the tire repaired and patched up. 

My prayer was more than answered. We not only made it safely round trip, it was also not dire for me to have had the tire fixed while on the road or swapped out with a spare prior to our return home.   

When have you experienced car troubles while driving and not knowing exactly what to do, your move to action on your first thoughts, prayer and faith, in addition, following sound recommendations and advice from others helped you get to your destination safely as well as to a place to have your car repaired?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Surprise Package Delivery

Normally when I come home, I pull into our garage and enter the house through the garage door, however, today I parked in the driveway to briefly run inside, take care of a few things, and quickly head back out again. In coming through the front door I noticed a package on our porch that I was not expecting or anticipating. Considering that all other family members were away for the day and being unaware a package would be arriving, it was a tender mercy that I had walked in through the front door on this particular day and noticed the package as I was rushing inside the house.  

When have you returned home and walked inside through a door you don’t usually enter from and saw by chance, on that particular day, a package you never knew was coming had been dropped off in front of your door?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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I Need Help

It has been a joy to be a teacher to a class of junior primary children at church. On one particular Sunday, the portion of the lesson I felt strongly I should focus on most was that “Jesus wants little children to come to Him so He can bless them”. Each child matters to the Savior. As I imagined the love and gentleness He showed each child individually when He was here as He interacted with them, sat with them, and “took them up in His arms”, I wanted so badly for the kids in my class to feel that same love from Him for them as if He were in our classroom Himself.  

I didn’t know exactly how to go about teaching the lesson nor precisely what I could share so they could feel the Savior’s love for them. I needed help so I prayed and asked Heavenly Father for inspiration. Although I approached class with a general plan and had put different items in my church bag prepared for any which way the lesson may go, I had no idea ahead of time specifically what I was going to do. 

Through prayer and seeking help, it was a tender mercy I received divine guidance and direction over and over again throughout the class time. I was able to adapt quickly and shift gears frequently to adjust to the children’s shortened attention spans and in the moment, one by one inspiration came to my mind and miraculously the lesson came together smoothly and the Savior’s love for each child was felt.

When have you desired to be an “instrument” in Heavenly Father’s hands to help others feel of His love and the Savior’s love for them and your prayer was answered?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Where Do I Start My Search?

When searching for a “needle in a haystack”, where do I start?

In helping a family member look for a temporary place to stay for a few months in a large city out-of-state, it was quite daunting and overwhelming to even know where to begin. As I sat and looked at the map of the city, I prayed for guidance and direction to know where to start.

Following my prayer, the first thing that came to my mind was to reach out to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Institute of Religion office in that area. From there, I was directed to a housing website with a page listing over 40+ apartments/condos. As I viewed their geographical locations, I felt impressed and led to 2 separate complexes within close proximity of each other. Immediately, my search was narrowed down substantially.  

And, even more so, when the first complex I looked into not only had an apartment unit that was conducive and suitable to the needs of the family member and offered fantastic amenities ideal to their interests and what they love doing, it was also move-in ready. Within a few days the family member had visited the place, liked it, signed a lease and the contract was approved. 

It was a tender mercy I was able to find something so quick and with directness. It was amazing! Not only that, it was a tender mercy the entire first month’s rent had already been paid for by the previous tenant and the security deposit was waived as I had called while a promotional offer was going on.  

When have you taken on something so big you did not know where to start and after seeking divine help, everything through to completion turned out incredibly well and came together relatively fast? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Ups And Downs of Motherhood

As the sun rises and sets so is the ups and downs of motherhood.

As my kids begin to venture out on their own, experiencing the independence and freedom of adulting, I’ve questioned if the “how” I’ve parented true principles, wholesome values, moral standards, proper etiquette, etc. throughout their upbringing I lacked teaching them in the most effective and best way. My heart has ached with thoughts of the number of ways I have fallen short as a mom. I’ve been worried and concerned if my imperfect parenting will negatively affect and impact their future choices as they leave home. And, I’ve wondered if they will apply and carry on for themselves or not what goodness they’ve been taught. 

It was a tender mercy that while traveling back home from a family trip, in the quiet of the long drive as I listened to session after session of an online I Am Mom Summit, this message entitled, “Progress Is Enough – Focus on Where You’re Showing up in Life, Not Where You’re Failing” by Kimmy Hughes as well as my takeaway from another speaker’s message that “I am the best parent for my children” caused me to shift gears and think about what, in fact, I am doing right as a mom.  

Whichever direction my kids choose to go or find themselves going, my spirits were lifted as I reflected on ways I have been a good mom. I do not know what all lies ahead or what’s in the horizon, but I do know that I am encouraged and feel better when I focus on what I am doing right as a mom rather than concentrating on my imperfections as a mom. 

When has a positive parenting message replaced your concentration of your failures and imperfections as a mom to a focus of what you are doing right as a mom? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Not long ago, I was asked by someone if I would help them in a way they very much needed. I felt compassion and recognized that their need was of great importance, however, I did not have the skill set to be able to help them.

Worried about taking on something that was not a natural ability for me but one that would require a lot of effort and time and would be extremely stressful, I was very concerned with how to gently turn them down without it causing concern or impacting negatively our association with each other.

I felt a lot of anxiety and pressure weighing on me. I didn’t quite know what to do. I fretted for days and prayed, seeking an answer to know what I should to do to maintain my health and happiness at the same time not creating any unfavorable distance between us when I was unable to individually fulfill their need.

It was a huge tender mercy when one morning while out, I was guided to an amazing person I have become acquainted, who has the essential skills. Why I didn’t think of them sooner, I don’t know, other than I believe the timing was not a coincidence.

I felt the stirrings of the Spirit prompt me to provide their information to the one needing help. I felt joy and relief. I was extremely grateful for this answer to my prayer and happy I was able to be a conduit in redirecting this individual to another person who was better able to give and provide adequately what was needed in a manner I could not. It felt good to be able to help them in some way while also not taking upon myself unhealthy stresses. 

When have you lacked a particular skill that was needed by someone asking for your help and you were able to be a conduit redirecting them to another person you had been guided to who had that essential skill?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Publicly Sharing A Personal Experience

As I sat down in a Fast and Testimony Sacrament Meeting held the 1st Sunday of the month in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was looking forward to hearing what messages and testimonies would be shared. This is one of my favorite meetings. Time and again, I walk away feeling encouraged and inspired by the personal testimonies of others.

As I was sitting in the pew with our family, I was feeling a burning inside that I needed to get up and share an experience I had a few days prior testifying to the truth that I know Heavenly Father is aware of us individually and personally and how I was guided and led to go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Temple to receive an answer there, specific to what I was needing to hear related to questions and concerns happening in my world at that time.

It was scary and it took a lot of courage to act on the impression and walk up to the pulpit to share in front of a congregation of members, visitors, individuals, and families attending that day revelation I had received personally for me. I had no intention of sharing my experience with anyone and initially sat comfortably listening to the testimonies of others.

On occasion, I have felt that burning inside of me days prior to a Fast and Testimony Meeting and I have known ahead of time that Heavenly Father has wanted me to share my testimony. With a head’s up, I have been able to collect my thoughts and prepare what I am going to say and wear so I can somewhat feel ok as I am shaking and emotional in front of everyone.

On this day, that did not happen. I had no idea I would be one of the many who would have the prompting to get up and share what I had received as personal revelation for myself with everyone. I did not receive the impression until 20 minutes before the meeting ended.

As I watched the clock and listened to the testimonies of others, the minutes were passing by. My heart started beating fast. I was nervous and as I was debating whether to leave my seat, one of my kids began asking me questions breaking my concentration and I began feeling more tense. I waited and as I finally got up, I was the last person to share my testimony.

I am not one who is comfortable being in the lime light or the center of attention and here I was in front of everyone. I prayed Heavenly Father would help me along the way. There was no time to plan ahead what to say other than to speak to my experience and testify to what I knew. Following my testimony and as I departed the stand, I felt a peace. After the meeting, many approached me and expressed their gratitude for my testimony and what I had shared.

When have you received a strong impression to share a personal experience in front of a lot of people and although you were nervous, you knew the prompting came from Heavenly Father and you had faith He would help you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

Be Still

As our kids returned to school after summer break, I knew I would have “mom homework” the first few days. In addition to completing the necessary paperwork for each of them, I had a lot of other worries, concerns, and questions weighing on my mind. During this time, I set aside what I would normally do each day that was spiritually uplifting for me. By midweek, I felt drained. I decided it was a good idea to take a break to find and listen to an inspiring message that would give me a much needed boost.

As I scrolled through a couple weeks of inspirational messages on Hi Five Live, there was one message that stood out to me, however, I was not drawn to it. I skipped over it a number of times, yet felt I should go back and listen to it. Eventually I did. In the message, I remember nothing of what was shared other than the words, “you need to go to the temple” enter my mind. That day came and went. Then the next day came, and into the evening I was reminded that I needed to go to the temple. I made the decision and mentally prepared that night that I would go the next day.

Bright and early, following family prayer, I looked at the temple schedule on our fridge and noticed the temple was not open in the morning during the timeframe I had intended to go. I changed my plans and decided I would do family history work instead to further seek to find something about my husband’s great grandfather several grandfather’s back. I then went on my way to taking my kids to school.

As I pulled into my driveway upon returning home, I received the impression again that I needed to go to the temple. Immediately, I remembered the Bishop of our congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share a couple weeks earlier that more sessions for temple ordinance work had opened up. Right away, while still sitting in my car, I called the temple. I was not the least bit surprised that someone picked up. Although it was last minute, I was able to attend the final Endowment session of the morning. Throughout the session, I listened and waited for a powerful answer I was anticipating I’d receive from Heavenly Father. As I finished the ordinance and I sat in the Celestial room knowing I was to be in the temple, on that day, at that time, I continued to wait. As time passed and patrons began leaving, the room became quiet and still. It was through the quietness and stillness of the room that the message I needed to hear became known. It was, “Be Still”.

As I shared the details of my experience to my husband, he mentioned a phrase I’ve heard many times, “Be Still And Know That I Am God”. The words impacted me tremendously. This answer was applicable to every worry, concern, and question I had. Heavenly Father knew what I needed. I am grateful for the knowledge I have that He is aware of me and loves me and through a number of invitations, I was blessed as Heavenly Father lead and guided me to the temple, a place of peace, to hear the words, “Be Still”.

When have you been guided and led to a place where you have received an answer(s) to questions, concerns, and worries on your mind?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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