Publicly Sharing A Personal Experience

As I sat down in a Fast and Testimony Sacrament Meeting held the 1st Sunday of the month in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was looking forward to hearing what messages and testimonies would be shared. This is one of my favorite meetings. Time and again, I walk away feeling encouraged and inspired by the personal testimonies of others.

As I was sitting in the pew with our family, I was feeling a burning inside that I needed to get up and share an experience I had a few days prior testifying to the truth that I know Heavenly Father is aware of us individually and personally and how I was guided and led to go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Temple to receive an answer there, specific to what I was needing to hear related to questions and concerns happening in my world at that time.

It was scary and it took a lot of courage to act on the impression and walk up to the pulpit to share in front of a congregation of members, visitors, individuals, and families attending that day revelation I had received personally for me. I had no intention of sharing my experience with anyone and initially sat comfortably listening to the testimonies of others.

On occasion, I have felt that burning inside of me days prior to a Fast and Testimony Meeting and I have known ahead of time that Heavenly Father has wanted me to share my testimony. With a head’s up, I have been able to collect my thoughts and prepare what I am going to say and wear so I can somewhat feel ok as I am shaking and emotional in front of everyone.

On this day, that did not happen. I had no idea I would be one of the many who would have the prompting to get up and share what I had received as personal revelation for myself with everyone. I did not receive the impression until 20 minutes before the meeting ended.

As I watched the clock and listened to the testimonies of others, the minutes were passing by. My heart started beating fast. I was nervous and as I was debating whether to leave my seat, one of my kids began asking me questions breaking my concentration and I began feeling more tense. I waited and as I finally got up, I was the last person to share my testimony.

I am not one who is comfortable being in the lime light or the center of attention and here I was in front of everyone. I prayed Heavenly Father would help me along the way. There was no time to plan ahead what to say other than to speak to my experience and testify to what I knew. Following my testimony and as I departed the stand, I felt a peace. After the meeting, many approached me and expressed their gratitude for my testimony and what I had shared.

When have you received a strong impression to share a personal experience in front of a lot of people and although you were nervous, you knew the prompting came from Heavenly Father and you had faith He would help you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

Be Still

As our kids returned to school after summer break, I knew I would have “mom homework” the first few days. In addition to completing the necessary paperwork for each of them, I had a lot of other worries, concerns, and questions weighing on my mind. During this time, I set aside what I would normally do each day that was spiritually uplifting for me. By midweek, I felt drained. I decided it was a good idea to take a break to find and listen to an inspiring message that would give me a much needed boost.

As I scrolled through a couple weeks of inspirational messages on Hi Five Live, there was one message that stood out to me, however, I was not drawn to it. I skipped over it a number of times, yet felt I should go back and listen to it. Eventually I did. In the message, I remember nothing of what was shared other than the words, “you need to go to the temple” enter my mind. That day came and went. Then the next day came, and into the evening I was reminded that I needed to go to the temple. I made the decision and mentally prepared that night that I would go the next day.

Bright and early, following family prayer, I looked at the temple schedule on our fridge and noticed the temple was not open in the morning during the timeframe I had intended to go. I changed my plans and decided I would do family history work instead to further seek to find something about my husband’s great grandfather several grandfather’s back. I then went on my way to taking my kids to school.

As I pulled into my driveway upon returning home, I received the impression again that I needed to go to the temple. Immediately, I remembered the Bishop of our congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share a couple weeks earlier that more sessions for temple ordinance work had opened up. Right away, while still sitting in my car, I called the temple. I was not the least bit surprised that someone picked up. Although it was last minute, I was able to attend the final Endowment session of the morning. Throughout the session, I listened and waited for a powerful answer I was anticipating I’d receive from Heavenly Father. As I finished the ordinance and I sat in the Celestial room knowing I was to be in the temple, on that day, at that time, I continued to wait. As time passed and patrons began leaving, the room became quiet and still. It was through the quietness and stillness of the room that the message I needed to hear became known. It was, “Be Still”.

As I shared the details of my experience to my husband, he mentioned a phrase I’ve heard many times, “Be Still And Know That I Am God”. The words impacted me tremendously. This answer was applicable to every worry, concern, and question I had. Heavenly Father knew what I needed. I am grateful for the knowledge I have that He is aware of me and loves me and through a number of invitations, I was blessed as Heavenly Father lead and guided me to the temple, a place of peace, to hear the words, “Be Still”.

When have you been guided and led to a place where you have received an answer(s) to questions, concerns, and worries on your mind?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Although I was drawn to post a particular Tender Mercy Moment to my blog, I was contemplating whether I should.  I was hesitant and nervous about being vulnerable. I also felt a darkness and heaviness bear down on me to NOT post. I was confused by the feelings. I was debating whether posting the entry was the right thing to do or not and I considered setting it aside to focus on posting a different one, but I felt a pull to that entry.

I was questioning if my feeling nervous and reluctant was a message to not move forward posting the entry, therefore, the darkness was confirming that thought process. Or, was the nervousness, my feeling inadequate not knowing if the post would be an inspiration to someone else. I began to see it was the latter.

It is hard posting entries and putting myself out to lots of people uncertain how they will respond or react. Yet, I know my Tender Mercy Moments are meant to be shared with others. I have seen and heard many overcome personal fear, and their gift and light has blessed the lives of so many.

Over the course of several minutes as I prayed to know what I should do, the experience was intense. The feeling to not  post was more than I have ever felt before. In a matter of minutes, my mind shifted constantly back and forth wanting to do the right thing, but not knowing what was the right thing to do.

As I was trying to decide how I should proceed, I asked myself the question, “Is the nervousness I am feeling God wanting me to turn away from posting because it is actually a bad thing or is it Satan trying to stop me from doing something that will spread light to a lot of people?” As pressure was mounting to step away, one by one for every thought pulling me away from posting, there was a reassuring image of light, phrases, and stories also entering my mind. I focused my attention and hung onto what I knew and felt was true. The truth countered the lies.

It was a testimony to me that the goodness Heavenly Father has called me to do is significant enough that Satan wanted to stop me. I know now that the number of individuals the blog will bless is a force for good. I didn’t realize that at first as I was confused and trying to discern the right path to follow, but then began recognizing the source of the darkness and heaviness surrounding me. I know Satan wants to disrupt goodness and I felt his influence very strongly.

In this process, I was reminded of the Prophet Joseph Smith‘s experience in the Sacred Grove as he prayed to God seeking to know which church was true and if he should join any of the many churches that were in his area.  The answer to that question would bless the lives of many, many people. Satan knew this. Darkness overshadowed Joseph with such greatness he could not speak and then a bright light dispersed the darkness as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him.

I was able to break through the darkness pressing down on me because of small and simple messages and thoughts entering my mind through a still small voice. I knew what I was receiving was truth. Among the depths of the darkness surrounding me as Satan was trying to deter me from doing what Heavenly Father has inspired and prompted me to do, I was in a place of desire to hear through the Holy Ghost what Heavenly Father wanted me to know.

It is easy at times to listen to others as they discourage you away from doing good. I was teetering not knowing what direction I should go. During the conflict, as I was hugely consumed by darkness, I could see this tiny light. The light was only a flicker and as I made the decision to post the entry, the darkness lifted. I felt that the post was meant for someone. I chose to move forward grasping on to that flicker of light. It was a powerful moment for me. The smothering darkness is real and very influential in a strong and negative way, so much so, it is confusing to know what to believe. I am grateful I was able to hear the still small voice and as I listened, it became clear to me that posting the entry was the right thing to do.

When have you been in a quandary and felt enormous pressure pulling you away from putting yourself out there, yet what you were reluctant to do was the right thing to do?


The Strength Of The Youth

The Strength of The Youth Comes By Following Heavenly Father’s Loving Guidance And Direction.

The strength of the youth to stand for truth and righteousness is admirable. When one of my children came to me to let me know that they broke a rule while my husband and I were out on a date night, it was a tender mercy as I listened to them take accountability and accept responsibility for a choice they had made. Recognizing their wrong doing, as they approached me and addressed their actions, the comfort and safety they felt coming to me was warming as a mom as well as their desire to be honest and truthful.

I felt impressed that there may have been an unawareness of the correlation of our house rule to counsel that was given from a loving Heavenly Father through His Prophets to us. I reminded this child of the blessings associated with keeping Heavenly Father’s commandments and how following His loving guidance and direction we are able to always have His Spirit with us to help and bless us in times we need comfort, strength, protection, guidance, direction, answers to prayers, etc. and that we have agency to choose if we will follow Him or choose a different path. That decision is ours individually to make.

I shared that the house rule still stands and what they choose to do—to follow it or not is up to them. I expressed my thanks for their coming and talking with me. It was a very loving moment between the two of us as the Spirit of truth was spoken and felt.

When have you had a “strength of the youth” experience similar in which one of your children trusted coming to you to disclose a wrong doing and they felt of your love and the Spirit even as counsel was provided?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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