What I Was Not Asking

It was through asking what I wasn’t asking that ended up easing my angst when I have questioned, “Why have I been inspired to share a gift of mine with others through means for which I am not naturally skilled?”

For months, I have questioned, “Why have I been inspired to share a gift of mine with others through means for which I am not naturally skilled?” I have been in a painstaking, uphill battle pushing forward day after day to accomplish what Heavenly Father would have me do at this time, which on numerous occasions I have wanted to back out of doing until I recently had an aha moment that what I was not asking of Heavenly Father was the very key that has contrasted how I am now approaching the intended process for which my gift is being shared. 

As I have mentioned a few times before in previous blog posts, writing and technology are both enormous challenges for me. These are skills that do not come easy for me at all and ones I have struggled with my whole life, albeit I have managed to do well at tasks requiring either or both due to much effort, dedication, and determination on my part and help from others. 

Right now, in this season of my life, I know the Tender Mercy Moments blog is exactly what Heavenly Father would have me to do. Even so, everyday I have felt a great deal of angst as blogging requires utilizing both writing and technology skills. Preceding the steps necessary to publish a post, I have often been frustrated and discouraged mainly with how long it takes me to not only write a blog entry but also daily, simple, one sentence Tender Mercy Moment Cues, each in accordance with my own to date tender mercy moments. 

As such, I have turned my head side to side many of times and said, “I don’t get it.” I don’t get why it is through these areas which I don’t have a knack for that I have been inspired to share with others my gift of being able to see good among situations that are troubling, essentially recognizing tender mercy moments from a loving Heavenly Father who is mindful and aware of you and me throughout life’s journey. So much so, I have asked Heavenly Father on countless occasions if I could just stop blogging altogether. However, like needing to go to the bathroom, it is at times something we may not want to go and do when there are other things we would rather be doing, yet the nudge and urge to go won’t stop. 

Although the direction I have continuously been inspired, line upon line, to go and do doesn’t make sense to me, I trust Heavenly Father. I know He has a purpose and a reason why I am to move forward in this particular way. Even though I don’t know what that is right now, I do know my why I blog and what drives my desire and motivation to keep writing, no matter how difficult. It is to help and bless you, my reader and/or listener, recognize and see His hand in your life and His daily awareness and mindfulness of you.

So far, each time I have leaned towards stopping and have cried hard to Heavenly Father about the extreme difficulty aspects and components of the process have been for me, I’ve received either a positive message from someone right in that moment regarding my blog or added clear inspiration affirming that I am to continue onward as well as frequent spiritual confirmations to stay the course time and again.

One afternoon, as I stood outside, taking in the beauty around me, it was a tender mercy a distinct eye-opening moment changed the how I now approach elements of blogging from photography and writing to publishing each post. The turning point that moved me out of feeling so distressed while blogging was when I asked Heavenly Father what I was not asking. I asked for help to experience joy during the process. Though I value and appreciate very much the final result of each blog entry, for a good majority of the time, energy, and effort spent leading up to that point has not in the least been easy. 

Instead of focusing on how long it takes me to write a post and my deficiencies that have become quite apparent as I’ve placed a lot of pressure to expect more of myself than what I know how to do, I now approach the daunting process not with angst, but with an excitement to what I will learn along the way that will help me to enhance, develop, and improve upon what skills I lack, including that confidence in my abilities will increase. I still don’t get the why I am to share my gift via my weakness in writing and technology, yet I still give blogging my all and do my best. In addition, I am now embracing joy in the process, gratitude for the growth, knowledge and skills I have gained thus far and will continue to gain. 

When have you struggled with the means in which you were inspired to share a gift or talent with others and it was through asking what you were not asking for that ended up easing your angst? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to  receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the post as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Another Side Of The Story

As one of several speakers during a congregational meeting, I did not anticipate my message would extend right up to the close of the hour and be the concluding talk leaving no time for the final speaker. I walked away embarrassed and in dismay. After some time had passed, even though I didn’t know what or how I could have changed anything, I recovered and accepted what had happened and focused on what I had gained from the experience.  

A week later it was a tender mercy when I learned from a member of our congregation their story leading up to that meeting. With information from this individual and others that had been in attendance, the reason for how it went the way it did came together and made sense. I could see clearly that all worked out the way it was supposed to work out. Their was no coincidence. What was an awkward and uncomfortable moment for me I recognized was part of something bigger. As the member shared their experience with me, it provided a clarity I had not fully seen or comprehended and I felt an increased comfort that my talk was intended to go the way that it did.  

When have you experienced a time when the outcome of something you were participating in didn’t go so well and when you later learned from one or more attending the event their personal story, everything made sense and fell into place why things happened the way they did? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

My Uncomely Appearance Was Not A Hinderance

Seasonal allergies, specifically pollen and ragweed, have zapped my energy the past week and a half. When going to a Mindful Parenting group, I did not let how I felt stop me from attending. Considering, the head pressure and heaviness I was experiencing from being congested and not up to being as put together when leaving the house, not to mention I was wearing my unappealing glasses, it was surprising I was ok that my outward appearance was not at its best. I knew that the light, love, and warmth I felt from within could radiate and shine above and regardless of my temporary shabby and crummy physical looks. I was not concerned, caught up, or worried about how others saw me. 

It was a tender mercy that my thoughts did not deter me from going to the parenting class based solely on my outward appearance. In being present, not only was I grateful I was able to contribute helpful insights to the discussion, be supportive and complimentary of all the other moms there; in addition, I walked away feeling blessed, inspired, and uplifted by what they each shared and brought to the class. 

When has your brain been in an “under the weather” kind of fog to where your thoughts did not talk you out of stepping into public to do something good for yourself and others even though you did not look your best? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*


As of late, I have felt extremely overwhelmed and challenged by my limited capacity to reach out to more of my family and friends each day. In feeling stretched too thin and the shortage of more hours in a day, it has been a tender mercy that with a prayer in my heart, I’ve come to know, through promptings and impressions of the Spirit, who to reach out to on a given day. 

I’ve also been troubled, wondering with the various activities constraining my time daily, if the simple ways I’ve connected and reached out to those I care about and love have been too small and of little value. 

When I attended an evening session of a Stake Conference, a church meeting, I walked in feeling a heaviness questioning if the quantity and quality of what I give is adequate. Preceding the start of the meeting, I heard the word “grace” come into my mind. Subsequently, the following message also entered my mind. “Allow yourself some grace. You’re doing your best and all that you can. Your family and friends know that you love them. Give yourself grace.” These words from our loving Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost gave me comfort. 

As I sat and listened to the speakers collectively share a myriad of ways we can reach out and bless the lives of others, it was a tender mercy I had received the above message before the meeting began. I was able to recognize that my acts of charity and service were more widespread and had a greater positive impact than I had realized. Although my good deeds are often meager, I saw that my relatively simple acts of kindness are not insignificant. 

I believe the word grace entered my mind at the very beginning of the meeting so that when hearing the talks I would not have doubted further my efforts and good deeds as deficient, lacking, and not enough, but, rather instead, acknowledge the works and service I render are acceptable, adequate, and sufficient.   

When have you felt overwhelmed when you wanted to do more for others, but your capacity to do so was limited and you received comforting words that the good works you’re doing, which may seem small to you, are acceptable, adequate and sufficient?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Time Stood Still

When our family gathers together for our weekly “Family Home Evening” where each member participates doing one of the following—the song & prayer, scripture, lesson, activity, treat—rotating who does what each week, it can be chaotic and crazy when any one person is tired and cranky.

On one of these evenings as our kids were slap happy and it was getting on my nerves, for a moment, time stood still. Amidst the noise and rowdiness, I captured a glimpse of our togetherness. It was a tender mercy when I observed that everyone was present, participating, and engaged. Despite the noise spiraling around me, for a few seconds it was all tuned out and I captured the love that everyone has for each other. Instead of feeling frustrated, I felt joy.

As the days when our kids will disperse and leave home are getting shorter and shorter, I appreciate, value, and treasure very much our time together. I was grateful for the tender mercy to see beyond the loud commotion and recognize the blessing of our being all together and interacting with each other.

When has time stood still for you and you have captured the joy of being together with your family amidst chaos and commotion?


“How have you noticed Heavenly  Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*


I decompress by getting things off my chest whether that be sharing with my husband or a friend those things that are pressing on my mind and weighing on me, crying out loud to our Heavenly Father in private, or writing them down. And then, from there, enjoying a hobby like walking, reading, window shopping, playing boggle, watching an episode or two of a favorite TV series, or watching a movie.

The past two days I’ve been carrying a lot of weight resulting in anxiety and feeling tense and stressed.  I’ve had difficulty identifying the source until I openly spoke to my husband, while on our date night, what I was feeling and experiencing.  As I opened up, and he listened and shared some insight with me, my tightened chest started to relax and my shoulders loosened. That was the beginning of my being able to decompress.  The next morning, I felt much better after time conversing with my husband and an evening of relaxing and resting.

What do you do to decompress?
