
As of late, I have felt extremely overwhelmed and challenged by my limited capacity to reach out to more of my family and friends each day. In feeling stretched too thin and the shortage of more hours in a day, it has been a tender mercy that with a prayer in my heart, I’ve come to know, through promptings and impressions of the Spirit, who to reach out to on a given day. 

I’ve also been troubled, wondering with the various activities constraining my time daily, if the simple ways I’ve connected and reached out to those I care about and love have been too small and of little value. 

When I attended an evening session of a Stake Conference, a church meeting, I walked in feeling a heaviness questioning if the quantity and quality of what I give is adequate. Preceding the start of the meeting, I heard the word “grace” come into my mind. Subsequently, the following message also entered my mind. “Allow yourself some grace. You’re doing your best and all that you can. Your family and friends know that you love them. Give yourself grace.” These words from our loving Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost gave me comfort. 

As I sat and listened to the speakers collectively share a myriad of ways we can reach out and bless the lives of others, it was a tender mercy I had received the above message before the meeting began. I was able to recognize that my acts of charity and service were more widespread and had a greater positive impact than I had realized. Although my good deeds are often meager, I saw that my relatively simple acts of kindness are not insignificant. 

I believe the word grace entered my mind at the very beginning of the meeting so that when hearing the talks I would not have doubted further my efforts and good deeds as deficient, lacking, and not enough, but, rather instead, acknowledge the works and service I render are acceptable, adequate, and sufficient.   

When have you felt overwhelmed when you wanted to do more for others, but your capacity to do so was limited and you received comforting words that the good works you’re doing, which may seem small to you, are acceptable, adequate and sufficient?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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I experienced a spiritual trial I never thought I would ever experience. For over two decades I had been going to a place, a physical place, a beautiful place where I felt joy, happiness, and peace. When I heard of changes that had taken place there, I felt anxiety, fear, and doubt. I was uncertain if and how the changes would affect and impact me. I distanced myself completely away from what had been a good thing for me for so long and lost all zest in going back. 

I kept my feelings and emotions inside until one day I was asked by someone if I would go there with them. My feelings and emotions came to the surface. Speaking out loud helped me work through and process the depth of my anxiety, fear, and doubts. It was a tender mercy when the opportunity to speak to my trepidation presented itself. As I opened up and was vulnerable in sharing my concerns, the underlying reason and cause that I had blocked, came out. Through speaking to it out loud, I felt a comfort being able to get to the core of my worries.

Soon after, although acting on an inspired prompting to go back, I felt an uneasiness and nervousness. As I spent time at this beautiful place, even with the changes that had occurred, it was still a good place and I was able to feel the same joy, happiness, and peace. Throughout the crisis, I never lost my faith in what I believed and in what I knew. A quote I really like by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf is, “Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” Fear held me back and talking about it out loud brought me forward, to continue appreciating what I had enjoyed over the course of so many years.

When have you lost a zeal and zest for something that used to mean a lot to you because of a change that left you “in the dark” and talking through and processing out loud your deep core worries, you were comforted and able to return back to what you once loved doing? 


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Inside Out

I was bummed when a new, thick thermal sock that was originally smooth on the outside came out of the dryer with a frayed liked appearance. It was the first time I’d washed the socks after they had been worn since recently purchased. I had made a point to separate laundry items with velcro from the socks. When I pulled the socks out and saw that one of the socks in the pair was fuzzy, I was concerned that what I tried to prevent happened anyway. Although seemingly small and insignificant, it was a tender mercy to me when the thought to turn the sock inside out entered my mind. I was delighted to see that the sock was not ruined after all. It was just inside out. 

When have you been bummed by an appearance that something was destroyed when in fact it was only inside out, upside down, or turned around, etc…?


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Quickly Adjusting Priorities

While in my own little world listening in on a real-time call simultaneously browsing a store for Christmas gifts, I saw a friend coming up the aisle I was going down. Immediately in my mind I had a thought to put aside the call, that was being recorded, to go talk to her. I considered for a split second staying on the call and turning around to avoid any interaction, yet in that moment, I felt impressed to visit with my friend I hadn’t seen in months at, no less, a store I had only been to a few times and didn’t expect I would bump into anyone I knew. 

Sometimes I prefer to be by myself and avoid contact with others if I need my own personal quiet time or I’m in a hurry.  Although I was content to be unnoticed, it was a tender mercy that I followed the prompting to talk to her. It was wonderful catching up. I’d like to believe our conversation was good for both of us. As I quickly prioritized connection and friendship with her over isolating and distancing myself with a call that could be listened to at another time, I felt increased joy and happiness. I walked away uplifted because I took that time to dialogue with her.

Even though I also left critiquing myself, going over in my mind my weaknesses in our conversation and internalizing how I could have done better, it was a huge tender mercy that I was, in addition, able to acknowledge my strengths. Being aware and conscious that I am a talker and I struggle to articulate and communicate my thoughts well, I walked away frustrated with myself. I was concerned that my enthusiasm and talking about what was happening in my life took over a good portion of the dialogue when what I really wanted was to learn as much or more about her as I shared about myself and I was bothered when I referenced the church, for which I am a member, with the acronym LDS, when she may or may not have known what it meant, instead of saying the full name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Despite doubting myself, I did not dwell solely on my shortcomings, but I also consciously spoke to myself and shared with my husband that I recognized with confidence that my being a high energy communicator and speaking passionately at the same time exuding positive feelings of love, care, and concern for others and the joy of life is a remarkable gift. 

Responding to the prompting to put away my phone and connect with my friend was a tender mercy in more than one way. It was a tender mercy to have had that in person time with her as well as reflect on the kind of friend I want to be and, most importantly, acknowledging to myself and my husband the good friend that I am.  

When have you set aside what you were doing to interact, in person, with a friend and after leaving the dialogue, your disappointments in yourself did not overshadow your recognizing your awesome qualities and gifts?


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Why This Popcorn?

While strolling through the aisles at Sam’s Club, I came across a new brand of popcorn. I felt impressed to get a bag of Black & White Drizzlecorn although I was uncertain as to why I was getting it. After making my purchases and exiting the store, I observed a homeless man and his dog sitting against the wall of the store. As I was putting my groceries in the car, I felt prompted that I should give him something I had just bought. I wasn’t sure what until I saw the popcorn and knew right away that was it. When I took it over to him, the bag was facing the backside. He turned it around and as as soon as he saw the front, he smiled and said thank you.

I didn’t know at the time why I was getting the popcorn, but came to learn later the reason. It was a tender mercy that even though it did not make sense to me to add something to my cart I wasn’t really wanting, I followed the impression and realized it was meant for him.

When have you felt impressed to purchase something you didn’t plan on getting and you learned later that it was meant to bless the life of another?


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Read Now, Listen Later

When taking my car in to get the oil changed and the tires rotated, I was told that the wait time would be an hour and a half. I came prepared knowing that there would be a wait time. I wasn’t sure for how long so I brought reading material with me and things that I could listen to while I was waiting. I had a lot of good things that I wanted to accomplish and do in that timeframe, one was adding to my blog and two was listening to podcasts that were inspirational, uplifting, and educational.

While I was listening to a podcast, I had an impression and a prompting that during that time period I could better use my time by reading from the scriptures. Recently, our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson shared with and invited and encouraged the women of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to read The Book Of Mormon before the end of the year.  I have chosen to follow that counsel.

Finding time to read is challenging. I am on the go constantly running errands, picking up my kids, and doing different activities. Sitting down is not something I do a lot of, however, during this hour and a half the impression came to read my scriptures. I immediately put away the podcast that I was halfway through and chose and elected to read my scriptures. It was awesome!

I had maybe 30 minutes at that point in time, and anything is something that I wouldn’t have normally. I felt it was a wonderful tender mercy to have that impression and prompting to read my scriptures then rather than listen to the podcast because the podcast could be listened to while in the car driving and when I’m walking around and taking care of dishes, laundry and such. It was fantastic—a wonderful tender mercy to have that time allotted to be able to read from the scriptures!

When have you felt impressed to use your time differently and it ended up being a better, more efficient way for you to accomplish your desired goals?


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Publicly Sharing A Personal Experience

As I sat down in a Fast and Testimony Sacrament Meeting held the 1st Sunday of the month in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was looking forward to hearing what messages and testimonies would be shared. This is one of my favorite meetings. Time and again, I walk away feeling encouraged and inspired by the personal testimonies of others.

As I was sitting in the pew with our family, I was feeling a burning inside that I needed to get up and share an experience I had a few days prior testifying to the truth that I know Heavenly Father is aware of us individually and personally and how I was guided and led to go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Temple to receive an answer there, specific to what I was needing to hear related to questions and concerns happening in my world at that time.

It was scary and it took a lot of courage to act on the impression and walk up to the pulpit to share in front of a congregation of members, visitors, individuals, and families attending that day revelation I had received personally for me. I had no intention of sharing my experience with anyone and initially sat comfortably listening to the testimonies of others.

On occasion, I have felt that burning inside of me days prior to a Fast and Testimony Meeting and I have known ahead of time that Heavenly Father has wanted me to share my testimony. With a head’s up, I have been able to collect my thoughts and prepare what I am going to say and wear so I can somewhat feel ok as I am shaking and emotional in front of everyone.

On this day, that did not happen. I had no idea I would be one of the many who would have the prompting to get up and share what I had received as personal revelation for myself with everyone. I did not receive the impression until 20 minutes before the meeting ended.

As I watched the clock and listened to the testimonies of others, the minutes were passing by. My heart started beating fast. I was nervous and as I was debating whether to leave my seat, one of my kids began asking me questions breaking my concentration and I began feeling more tense. I waited and as I finally got up, I was the last person to share my testimony.

I am not one who is comfortable being in the lime light or the center of attention and here I was in front of everyone. I prayed Heavenly Father would help me along the way. There was no time to plan ahead what to say other than to speak to my experience and testify to what I knew. Following my testimony and as I departed the stand, I felt a peace. After the meeting, many approached me and expressed their gratitude for my testimony and what I had shared.

When have you received a strong impression to share a personal experience in front of a lot of people and although you were nervous, you knew the prompting came from Heavenly Father and you had faith He would help you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”


From a distance, I observed a loved one making a choice that displeased me greatly. And it all began with a prompting. I was impressed to be in a certain place at a certain time. As I saw them, I was taken aback by a stark difference I noticed in their appearance. I did not know what to think. I was upset and in shock. My natural reaction was to become fired up and attack. I breathed and asked Heavenly Father, “since you prompted me to see the choice they are making and cross paths with this loved one at this time, what do you want me to do?” As I cooled down and relaxed, I heard, “say I Love You and nothing more.” The words lead me, guide me, walk beside me, came to my mind and I followed Heavenly Father’s lead. I needed and wanted to be shown the way.

The natural man reaction was set aside focusing on Heavenly Father’s knowledge of His child and I just wanted to listen and hear what he would have me do.  I thought about a story shared in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference April 2018. The sailor on the ship not only prayed for help, but acted by getting up and doing what he felt impressed to do.

For me, it was surreal to see a shift, a 180, in the character of this loved one. In one moment there was beauty and light to the next moment a fading of light. Processing what was happening was really hard.

Although I was solemn and felt sad to see the downward shift, I chose to move myself from a place of fury to a place of love. I felt impressed to take them lunch and knowing it would most likely catch them off guard and they may not be pleased to see me, I followed the prompting and witnessed up close, in person the change. There was nowhere for them to hide as I saw them before they saw me. The transformation was heartbreaking. I spoke softly and gently my love for them and shared that I did not want to see their light go away and then handed them the lunch.

I experienced first hand the tender mercy that no matter the choice they had made, it was possible for me to love and show forth love. In an instant, it quickly became clear to me that because of agency, the choice they made was theirs. As I acknowledged that we all learn at different times and in different ways, I also knew that changing ourselves is most effective when we make a decision to do better, not because someone else is telling us to but because we feel it deep inside our core.

At the close of the night I learned that because of my expressions of love when I brought them lunch, this loved one had a change of heart, a softened heart recognizing that the choice they made was theirs and theirs alone and it was hurting themself, altering who they could become and their divine potential. Love made all the difference.

When have you seen changes in a loved one that upset you and you were able to hold off the natural man to seek Heavenly Father’s direction and instead of fury, show forth love?


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