Best-Laid Plans Even More So Improved Upon

And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed!

Strategizing and coordinating events in the most optimal and efficient way as possible from setting up large group rotation schedules to planning out the best routes to travel when running errands to multiple places all over town is something I thoroughly enjoy. And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed! 

With Christmas only a week away and it being the last day of school for our kids before the winter break, I was concerned about not catching those I wanted to deliver gifts to prior to their possibly leaving town for the holidays. I connected with each via a text message asking if they would be around prior to a specific late afternoon time, allowing a cushion for me to pick up our newly spayed puppy from the veterinary clinic within the designated final two hours before they closed. Ideally, I hoped to arrive within the first hour as I was anxious to get to her as soon as possible and spend the rest of the evening providing her comfort and my undivided love and attention as she began the two week incision healing and recovery process.

As almost everyone, except for a couple, one-by-one, quickly responded to my message, the majority of them shared the same approximate time for me to come by. Their places of residence were in several different neighborhoods stretched out in my community. Strategizing the coordination of how to get to each home within the short available window was a fun, albeit bit tricky challenge for me. When delays transpired that extended the time longer to get from one place to another, I revamped my plan a few times to best optimize the distance I needed to travel and keep within the allotted timeframe. Along the way, when I knew I would arrive later than the originally planned time, I reached out to adjust the time. It was a tender mercy each one kindly obliged to the alteration and indicated they would still be home. 

My plan though well laid out, even so, with a couple homes left to go, it was a tender mercy an unexpected call I received from someone I thought was in a pinch and needed my help further refined my best-laid plan. Immediately, I rerouted and headed their way to assist them and learned just before reaching their place that they did not need my help. As a result of rerouting, I happened to pass a home I was going to deliver to last and saw that they were outside. It was a tender mercy I was able to drop off their gift lickety-split and from there able to deliver the remaining gift and pick up our puppy thirty minutes sooner than I had anticipated.

When have your best-laid plans been further refined and even more efficient and optimal than you had well-devised?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Not Settling For Mediocre

Upon completing a post entry for my blog, one of the finishing touches before it was ready to publish was trying to figure out which picture image to attach that corresponded adequately to the experience I was sharing. I had a couple of options I was considering as possibilities, yet, it wasn’t clear which one I should select. Although I was leaning more heavily towards one of them, neither felt completely right nor connected in the way I’d hoped for or wanted. 

Because I didn’t have anything else to choose from at the time, I decided to move forward and just go with the one I liked to a greater extent and it would have to make do. I was about willing to settle for “just ok” from the limited selection I had until I was abruptly interrupted and needed to take care of another matter. As I stepped away briefly and walked into another room, I observed on a wall a picture to which I immediately knew and felt was the perfect image for the post. It was a tender mercy that in the very moment I was close to publishing and settling for a mediocre image, I was drawn away to then come across an amazingly ideal and fitting image for my blog entry.  

When have you almost settled for a mediocre choice and in the very moment of decision an abrupt interruption guides you to another option that is even better? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Called To The Work

Recently, throughout the day and into the evening while attending with my children and the youth of our congregation as they participated in ordinances in the temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was experiencing a pain in my side and emotionally my spirits were low.  

Upon arrival, one of the youth shared with me that they did not have with them the necessary card to enter the temple. As the rest of the group went ahead, I stayed behind to help them. As we waited until they were issued a new temple recommend, they expressed gratitude that I had remained by their side. For me, it was a tender mercy that they had approached me with their concern and I was able to assist as being engaged in their need took my mind somewhat off of the hurt I was feeling. 

In addition, it was a tender mercy when rather than sitting the entire time paying more attention to what was troubling me while also watching each of the youth one-by-one perform proxy baptisms for the dead and confirmations, I was asked by a temple worker if I was willing to be a “baptistry runner” continuously taking a grouping of completed baptism names from a table to the confirmation desk and then to the office for recording. Although I hesitantly said yes, it kept me occupied and active throughout the duration of our time there. Ultimately, the opportunity to serve helped me. My focus and energy was redirected away from my physical discomfort and feeling emotionally down. It was a wonderful blessing! 

When has a form of pain you were experiencing been unnoticed for a time as you accepted an opportunity to serve others?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Ups And Downs of Motherhood

As the sun rises and sets so is the ups and downs of motherhood.

As my kids begin to venture out on their own, experiencing the independence and freedom of adulting, I’ve questioned if the “how” I’ve parented true principles, wholesome values, moral standards, proper etiquette, etc. throughout their upbringing I lacked teaching them in the most effective and best way. My heart has ached with thoughts of the number of ways I have fallen short as a mom. I’ve been worried and concerned if my imperfect parenting will negatively affect and impact their future choices as they leave home. And, I’ve wondered if they will apply and carry on for themselves or not what goodness they’ve been taught. 

It was a tender mercy that while traveling back home from a family trip, in the quiet of the long drive as I listened to session after session of an online I Am Mom Summit, this message entitled, “Progress Is Enough – Focus on Where You’re Showing up in Life, Not Where You’re Failing” by Kimmy Hughes as well as my takeaway from another speaker’s message that “I am the best parent for my children” caused me to shift gears and think about what, in fact, I am doing right as a mom.  

Whichever direction my kids choose to go or find themselves going, my spirits were lifted as I reflected on ways I have been a good mom. I do not know what all lies ahead or what’s in the horizon, but I do know that I am encouraged and feel better when I focus on what I am doing right as a mom rather than concentrating on my imperfections as a mom. 

When has a positive parenting message replaced your concentration of your failures and imperfections as a mom to a focus of what you are doing right as a mom? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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A Well-Intentioned Thought Interrupted From Being Expressed

There have been so many times and instances while dialoguing with others that right before I speak a well-intentioned, loving thought, there is a distraction or disruption. Through the brief, or even split second interruption, I quickly become aware and realize as the other person resumes the conversation, following the disruption, and provides additional information and context, that my thoughts, though kind, if they had become words, would not have been applicable in a healthy or helpful way for them and would have done more harm than good. I would have been embarrassed and felt quite awkward. It has been a tender mercy on those occasions as I am about to open my mouth to say, albeit, loving and caring words, a sudden disruption has come between the thought and the immediate verbalization of the thought. In those times, I am glad and relieved for the timing of the interruption.

When have you almost shared a caring, well-intentioned thought with someone and an interruption came between your thoughts and verbalizing your thoughts, stopping what could have been a sorrowful, awkward moment for you and a painful, uncomfortable experience for the other person?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Saving Money

Typically, the moment my kids go back to school after summer break, I am giddy to frequent the stores as my kids do not enjoy window-shopping nearly, or at all, as much as I do. This year, however, has been different for me. For the past three weeks since my kids have been in school, I have spent my time at home indoors which is very unusual for me as I enjoy very much being out and about, moving and walking and I am not so fond of the silence in my home when every one is away. I have been organizing and tidying various rooms throughout my home trying to make a dent in the clutter while listening to podcasts and spending time on my blog. As I have taken up this activity, which I thoroughly enjoy and is free, I’ve noticed that I am saving money that I otherwise would be spending. It is awesome.

As of late, I have spent more energy and time thinking about my blog as I’ve gone about cleaning up my home than expending energy and thought into what I want to purchase next and buy for my home or for myself. I want to be more of a saver than a spender, however, guaranteed when I’m out and about and I find something I love at a reasonable price, I buy it.

Not only have I saved money from not going window-shopping, particularly for clothes and accessorizing my home, but I have also saved on groceries. I enjoy a concept and principle that I came across from Jordan Page through During the month of September, I have been implementing her concept to stay within a $25-$50 food budget each week and only purchase fresh foods that will add to what is already in my home pantry, cupboards, fridge, and freezer. I’m not sure how best to explain it so check out her blog. Doing this has been fun. I tried it out a few months back and saved hundreds of dollars.

Recently, while my kids and I stopped briefly at the grocery store to get a few items including milk, eggs, and bananas on our way home from school, one of them asked about getting something they saw and liked.  Although the amount was very little, I shared that if they wanted to buy it they could, but that I would not be buying it, reminding them that right now I’m trying to save money. And, frankly on a side note, as I see all that we have accumulated over the years and I want to declutter, I think to myself, “we do not need more stuff”.  Then I hear, but mom you buy this and that for yourself (sound familiar) to which I responded that it has been at least 3 weeks since I have been shopping for those things. Not only am I teaching them to save money and not spend for something that is not a need, I am also showing by example that I can restrain myself from making those purchases too.

As I have desired to save money, I am grateful for the redirection and joy I have experienced the past 3 weeks as windows have opened up new paths for me to spend my time in ways that have been more meaningful and purposeful.

What ways have you found to save money? What is something you love that you do or have done that is productive, keeps you active, is free, and diverts you away from spending money.


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”