Maintain The Course

Halfway into my travels to go explore and visit an out-of-town festival, I received a notification that it was scheduled to end before I arrived. Prior to leaving my house late afternoon, I found no information with an end time listed. I assumed the festival would run until early evening being that it was a weekend and we were on summer daylight hours. Regardless of the untimely and surprising message, I stayed the path leading to the event believing I may still be able to observe a tail end portion of it. I arrived 20 minutes after the supposed end time and the festival was still going strong. 

I could have turned around and returned home when I got the news, instead I maintained my course and continued forward. It was a tender mercy the festival was still in full swing. It was a wonderful experience being in attendance and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the beauty of another place within our state. Even if I had missed the festival, the drive there and back was very calming, relaxing, and nice.   

When have you maintained your course and continued forward towards an event a short distance or miles from home even after learning it would be over before you got there and upon your arrival, it was still going strong?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Teeter Totter

For days, I was experiencing an unpleasant nudging pain inside my body that I knew was associated with stress. On one hand I was super excited and looking forward to amazing occasions upcoming and on the other hand I was feeling a disconcerted apprehension for the nerve-racking occurrences that lie ahead, outside of my control, and directly coincided with each event. I felt like I was on a teeter totter, seesawing from feeling joy and enthusiasm to floundering with concern, worry, and anxiety. 

During the frequent moments of uneasiness, I felt stuck, discombobulated, and overwhelmed. It was all too much and very cumbersome to have the constant fluctuation of feeling elated anticipation and angst toggling back and forth, over and over again. I was struggling to relax and feel at peace. 

Similar to when you plant your feet firmly on the ground while on a teeter totter and the up and down motion discontinues, utilizing breathing techniques, speaking to my emotions out loud, and reciting a scripture phrase that entered my mind, “doubt not, fear not” helped to ground me momentarily as I sought to try to overcome the distress that kept creeping in, however, the undergone tightness in my body was still apparent and persistent. 

It was a tender mercy when I was impressed to get off the “teeter totter” altogether for the time being and literally step outside to run an errand unrelated to the occasions and events sourcing the contrasting emotions. It was then that I obtained reprieve and the physical pain eased up. 

When have you been caught between bittersweet emotions causing you distress and as you felt impressed to break away from the source temporarily, your stress ailments subsided? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Adjustable Pre-Purchased Park Tickets

Over Spring Break, our family traveled out-of-town to visit several theme parks. During the week, Monday through Friday, we had pre-purchased tickets to a different park each day leaving the weekend for one day to drive back home and, before our kids returned to school, another day to recoup our exhausted energy after many long days of nonstop fun. 

Our days were packed full from sunrise to sunset. After 2 solid days of walking a lot and standing in lines, tiredness and sore feet set in and an unexpected occurrence derailed our plans for Wednesday. It was a tender mercy we had the flexibility to extend our trip one more day and fit in a day to relax midweek. The much needed break was essential allowing us to rest, leisurely prepare lunches and snacks for the latter half of the week, take it easy and enjoy a slow-paced day of napping, reading, and pool time. It was also a tender mercy that our purchased park tickets were able to be altered and switched to another day and the rearrangement at the end of the week did not set us back any to get home in time when school started back up.    

When have you experienced a change in your travel plans and you had the flexibility to extend your trip an additional day(s) and a pre-purchased ticket for something planned on the day that was derailed was able to be altered and changed for another day within the timeframe of your vacation?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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System Is Down

With a little less than a week remaining before Christmas and our kids still in school a few more days prior to Winter break beginning, there were so many stores I still wanted to go to for last minute Christmas presents. On this day, my goal was to be in and out of each store as quickly as possible. I was on a mission. I knew exactly what gifts I was looking to buy. It was just a matter of which store carried them. 

At one of the earlier stores I entered, I walked briskly from one end to the other quickly gathering up in my arms the presents. When I reached the register to check out, there was a line forming and growing longer and longer. I was several shoppers back when it was announced that the system for all registers throughout the store had shut down. In that moment, the line stopped moving for awhile. Over the span of about 45 minutes, the system went back up briefly and shut down again after only one person was partially through checkout and this repeated over again a number of times. 

As this happened near the lunch hour, I still had a few hours before my kids were out of school. It wasn’t urgent for me to visit other stores and because I didn’t have anywhere else I absolutely needed to be, I felt relaxed. It was a tender mercy I arrived with plenty of time to not be up against the clock and the delay resulting in me slowing down for a brief period was a good thing. It was nice taking an unexpected break to read messages on my phone and soak in the quite calm I was experiencing opposite the hustle and bustle of the season. It was also a tender mercy that where I was standing in line to wait, there was a shelf on one side of me and a clothes rack close by on my other side where I could set the gifts down resting my arms, shoulders, and back from the heaviness of the weight of the articles I was holding. On top of that, not only was each item I purchased on sale, it was a tender mercy I was also given an additional 30 percent off at checkout for every single item. 

When have you experienced benefits during an unexpected delay while shopping?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Sabbath Day

I enjoy and look forward to the Sabbath day. For me, it is a time of rejuvenation and a tender mercy to have an entire day set aside to connect with Heavenly Father in a more deliberate way. Focusing on specific ways of feeling closer to Him and the peace that is felt away from the hustle and bustle of everyday activities. I enjoy attending church, listening to and hearing the messages, feeling the Spirit, receiving answers to prayers and validation of His love and care for me.

I enjoy afternoon naps, taking walks, transcribing my son’s missionary letters and emailing them to friends and family. I enjoy the relaxation of cooking and making a new recipe without a time constraint or need to pick up kids or go to appointments. These are all things that I do on the Sabbath day that is calming and relaxing as well as drawing closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father and feeling of their love for me. What do you do on the Sabbath day?

I love that it is a day of rest, a day that I’m not doing chores and mundane tasks like laundry, grocery shopping, yard work and that I can fully take in with gratitude and appreciation what I have through moments of pondering and absorbing the beauty around me.

Is the Sabbath day a day of rest for you? Is it a day you look forward to each week? When and how have you felt Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s love for you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”