Concurring Prayers For Help Interconnected

A Loving Heavenly Father Orchestrated  Separate Concurring Prayers For Help To Interconnect.

It was a tender mercy when I learned of my friend’s and my separate concurring prayers for help interconnected and I was an answer to their prayer as they were an answer to mine. 

For some time, I have been going to a weekly community Mindful Parenting class. Attending as a parent as well as coming in with a degree in Family Science, I have not only gained good insights and information from other attendees, I’ve also been able to share with the class, in addition to my experiences, knowledge and education I’ve obtained over the course of many, many years of continuous study in a field I love. It has been a rewarding and valuable class. 

Since its beginnings almost a year ago, the class has remained small. Though information about the class has been posted on social media pages, it is not known how many people have actually seen the postings. Recently, the Parenting Coach invited each of us present to expand the outreach and awareness of the class to anyone we knew and felt could benefit from joining the free group. 

I pondered and considered who I could invite. I really wanted to extend a personal invitation to someone, however, I had no idea initially who to contact. I reached out to Heavenly Father, who knows each of us individually—our cares and concerns, hopes and desires—and prayed to be guided to someone who could benefit from this amazing class.

It was a tender mercy that as I did so, a friend of mine I see occasionally in passing came to mind. The impression to invite them came very strongly and I acted in extending the invitation to them. They came to the next class and at the end they shared with me their gratitude for my inviting them as my showing up on their doorstep when I did came at a time they had been struggling and praying for help. 

As I sought in prayer to know who personally I could invite to the class at the same time my friend was praying and seeking help for the struggles they were going through, it was a tender mercy that our separate concurring prayers for help interconnected and we were an answer to each other’s prayers. 

When has someone else’s and your separate concurring prayers for help interconnected and you were an answer for them as they were an answer for you?


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How Do I Combat Feeling So Out of Whack?

An out of whack kind of day!

First, I asked myself the question, why do I feel so out of whack? 

Is it exhaustion after going, going, going for days during a recent vacation? 

Is it overwhelm for the projects and chores in my home needing to be done and the sight and thought of it all has zapped my stamina and energy?

Is it the loss of things I have no control over?

Maybe, it’s all of the above???

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it exactly, but I figured if I talked through the possibilities as to the reasons why I felt so out of whack and then changed my thoughts on how I perceived each, I would maybe begin to feel better. 

As I focused on what I was able to achieve, though it was a struggle moving forward throughout the day considering how “out of it” I was feeling, I felt satisfied with my albeit minuscule, yet, at the same time, monumental accomplishments. 

Picking up the mail that had been culminating for days was simple, however, sorting through it all was cumbersome. 

Driving to drop off and pick up my kids from school was a no brainer (autopilot), yet it required a great deal of physical and mental energy as frequently along the way I was shifting my right foot back and forth between pressing the gas and brake pedal all the while dealing with restless legs and maintaining alertness and attentiveness to the traffic all around me.  

Whatever the cause for my feeling out of whack, it was a tender mercy when at the end of the day I could look back and feel good about the few things I was able to do

Particularly, accomplishing the one main goal I had set for myself for the day. After the tedious effort of trying to locate an important paper for a family member I would have much rather put off for another day, I found myself aimlessly doing it anyway because I was confident it was right where I thought it should have been. When it was not and I was unsuccessful at finding it, I then resolved to go a different route I thought would have been an overwhelming process. I was relieved and pleased that getting a copy of it through an electronic means turned out to be quite simple and much easier than sorting through piles of papers. Completing this task when not having been fully up to it was a rewarding feeling and a welcomed tender mercy.  

On top of that, when redelivering someone else’s mail that had inadvertently been placed in our mailbox, with the help of a kind neighbor providing beneficial information when the homeowner did not answer, my efforts as I forwarded the mail to the addressee felt productive. 

When have you felt good about the things you were able to accomplish on a day you were struggling and felt so out of whack?


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Reflections After All Was Said And Done

Reflections After All Was Said And Done

When the dynamics among associations I have had with individuals I dearly love and care about changed due to life’s circumstances, I felt a devastating loss. The reflections that came after all was said and done caused my heart to ache and I felt a wrenching void. In one moment life was great, my interactions with them were superb, and then just like that, ever so quickly, everything was different and I didn’t know what to make of the abrupt “overnight” changes. Getting a handle on and processing how my relationships with each would now be moving forward was excruciatingly hard. 

Preceding the fading connections that transpired in just over the course of one week, I had spent valuable and memorable time with each individual on separate monumental occasions.  

With one of them, I knew following a whirlwind of events and the adrenaline rush leading up to their life-altering festivities, I would experience a drop as I supposed our interactions would be less, but I didn’t know the degree or fathom the emotions of loss I would feel. I was happy for the new chapter in their life they were embarking and sad for me at the same time. Another loss came as a total surprise, unexpectedly out-of-the-blue, and another was less shocking, yet still very difficult.  

Would my relationships with any of them ever be the same? Had I truly lost the bond I had with each of them prior to that point? Navigating these waters I had never been through before would have been more rough if I had not had others to help me through it by opening up and being vulnerable in sharing my raw, authentic emotions of hurt and pain. I was supported through my grief and I had an outlet to release off my heart and mind what I had considered and contemplated keeping to myself. Cognitively, I understood and acknowledged that suppressing my feelings would not have served me well. 

In recognizing the discomfort and state I would remain if I stayed closed up and knowing the source of who would have me suffer, I courageously stepped out of my typical default of remaining private and keeping my personal cares and concerns to myself. Through sharing and opening up my feelings with others whom I trusted, I felt an immediate comfort. By doing so, it was a tender mercy that others who have gone before me, been where I am, and have experienced the particular losses that are new to me were present to help me, not just family and friends alone, but also the overall concept shared on a podcast entitled, I See You, and a message shared during an in particular episode.  

This recent hardship was a reminder to me of years ago learning from others the challenge of raising teenagers. When I came into that phase with my children, I had a sense of humor and familiarity of what was happening because of watching and learning from others who had gone through it before me.  

Although I was more so prepared for the teenage years unlike my late experiences, receiving help to navigate through difficult challenges from those who have “been there, done that” was a real blessing and tender mercy!

When have life-altering circumstances separated you away from those you love and care about deeply and as your reflections after all was said and done left you feeling great sorrow and sadness, others who have gone before you and experienced what you were going through were there to help and support you through your pain?


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Joyful Moments Among The Chaos

A park is a place where one can observe joyful moments among the chaos of children running here and there.

I love teaching my young, energetic, and active Primary class at church. They definitely “keep me on my toes”. Some Sundays are more chaotic than others, yet, oh how my hearts swells and is filled with such joy being able to serve currently in the capacity and calling as their primary teacher. I am awed and fascinated by what all I gain from them and walk away with each week as they willingly help and participate in our class. Through countless tender mercies I have seen and received as a teacher, I have experienced many joyful moments among the chaos.

One that surprised me and I was delighted by was a week when the children were very talkative with each other and seemed disengaged while I struggled to efficiently and effectively articulate and communicate a particular principle and though I don’t know how well they understood any of what I shared, all 8 of the kids present on that day remained in their seats the whole time. Not one got up and ran around. That, to me, was an amazing tender mercy. 

Most recently, as I began a lesson soon after we entered our classroom together and everyone had quickly sat in a chair, one member of our class sat in the “teacher’s chair”.  I was super enthusiastic when I asked if they would be teaching our class that day to which they initially said yes and then declined, however, they gladly accepted the invitation to assist me. 

As they did so, being silly, they presented the material I had given them to share with everyone else in an opposite manner than what I had asked of them. Nonetheless, immediately, I took to their “out of the box” approach and saw that their method was totally awesome and I welcomed and encouraged them to continue. It was a tender mercy that their actions actually enhanced the presentation of the lesson, albeit different than how I had planned, yet, in a very cool interactive way. 

Shortly after this occurrence, as I continued the lesson with an inspired, impromptu, straightforward and simple object lesson, my presentation threw off one of the students and they were upset. As I squatted down to be on their level and lovingly asked about their thoughts and why they were so upset, I was enlightened as they expressed the reason they became distraught. It was a tender mercy I was able to see where they were coming from and communicate with them in a way that cleared up their concern and soothed and calmed them down. I have been edified time and time again as the kids in my class have candidly shared their remarkable perspectives and insights with me. 

Although I come to class well prepared, I never know exactly how the lesson or class time will go as the dynamics and energy level of each child varies weekly. As I continuously pray to Heavenly Father before and during class to help me teach His children in His way, I am ready to adapt and “go with the flow”. Even though class time can be hectic and crazy, I have received guidance and direction through one tender mercy after another and I have been able to experience joyful moments among the chaos. 

When have you experienced joyful moments among the chaos while teaching very active children and through their ups and downs you gained remarkable insights and valuable lessons from them?


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Responding To An Impromptu Impression That Felt Awkward

While spending time with a new friend a couple of days earlier, they had shared with me an important upcoming therapeutic meeting they would be attending. As evening approached on that specific day, out of the blue I felt inspired to reach out to them and inquire how the meeting went. My initial reaction to the impromptu impression of asking such a personal question was a feeling of awkwardness. I wondered if they would think I was prying into their privacy or if they would know it was coming from a place of genuine care and heartfelt concern. 

I ignored the prompting and it came right back. I knew the feeling I was having was one not to resist or push aside. Over the years I have come to recognize impromptu impressions are promptings to act. With not more than a few minutes of back and forth, “should I or should I not” and knowing better than to second guess the prompting, I went for it and messaged them.

On numerous occasions in the last few weeks I’ve been inspired to visit with them. As I have done so, a friendship and connection has formed and their feeling comfortable to open up to me about the difficulties they are going through has transpired. Our positive interactions, I believe, led to the reason why my text was well received. 

It was a surprising tender mercy that the news and information provided them during the meeting to the possibilities of what they may be facing and the trying times up ahead, understandably overwhelming, I have familiarity and firsthand knowledge of the struggle and am able to provide them varying help along their journey. 

Ironically, at the time of the prompting and right before I sent the text, I was listening to an inspirational message about how our challenges and trials can bless and help another. 

When have you felt awkward about following through with an impromptu impression to reach out to a friend, yet, you knew with certainty it was a prompting to act; and, of no coincidence, your background experience was a blessing to them as they much needed support and help navigating a scary uncertain path?


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I Tweaked It Slightly

In remaking my bed with freshly laundered sheets and a comforter, I was struggling to get the fitted sheet to fit snugly around each of the corners of the mattress. Even after smoothing out the wrinkles and attempting to remove the excess gathering at the top and bottom of the bed, no amount of tugging at the sheet was helping it to form fit properly over all of the corners. 

I thought I lacked strength and arm muscles necessary, but at the same time I was thinking it shouldn’t be so difficult to make my bed. After all, I’ve made my bed countless number of times with greater ease. I was determined to have the sheet fit, even if the stitching at one of the seams ripped in the process. 

As I was about ready to pull the sheet over one of the mattress corners more tightly, it was a tender mercy that before yanking the sheet back with all my might, I realized that perhaps the direction of the sheet was not aligned correctly with the dimensions of the mattress. In appearance, all sides of the mattress looked like the same measurement. I assumed that no matter which way the sheet went on, it should fit, however, that was not the case. When I shifted the fitted sheet 1/4 rotation from one mattress corner to the next, it was a tender mercy that with the slight tweak, the sheet fit snugly. 

This experience got me thinking about other life’s challenges and how a slight tweak may be all that is needed to fit things back into place nicely without forcing or breaking anything in the process such as an object, or relationship, etc?

When have you experienced the frustration of something not fitting properly and a slight and simple tweak solved the problem?  


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Why Am I Struggling So?

While writing up a blog entry, I couldn’t figure out why my post was not coming together and it was troubling me…until I stepped away to take a much needed break. In part, it made sense since writing is not my forte, however, it is something I do on a regular basis and many days I do fine, but today was extremely challenging and a struggle for me.

It was a tender mercy that immediately as I set it aside and moved away from it, one of my children came to me with the exact same question I was stewing over, “Why Am I Struggling So?” only from the flip side. I was intrigued and delighted. 

For them, it was with basketball. On this particular day, they were very pleased with their basketball accomplishments, yet, they brought up how interesting it is that on some days they do well and on other days they don’t do so well. I was curious…what makes the difference? Such as, a bad hair day versus a good hair day, a bad writing day versus a good writing day, a bad workout day versus a good workout day and on and on… 

Per our conversation, these various thoughts came to mind. 

1.  What I was writing was a significant post that had potential to bless the lives of many, and as such, the adversary was working full force to prevent and thwart my efforts from it getting posted. 

2. Einstein had many a bad days, but he didn’t give up and kept going and great things came from his perseverance. 

3. How often do we tackle a project like a renovation and think it’ll be easy, but once we get into it, we find issues—rusted out pipes, mold, termites… etc. Although the repairs and fixing it up is tedious and frustrating, the effort extended results in an amazing finished product. 

4. Perhaps, it opens the door for other good things to happen redirecting and focusing our energy, for the time-being, elsewhere. For instance, in basketball, rather than practicing 3 point shots that, for whatever reason, are not sinking like usual, improving upon lay ups instead. With writing, maybe setting it aside and engage in a completely different activity and area of interest for an essential breather to clear one’s mind. Or, with bad hair days, trying a different hairstyle that may result in discovering an amazing new style that only came to be because of a bad hair day. 

5.  In addition, another family member shared a reminder that there is opposition in all things

As I reflected on each of these points, I had an enlightened perspective when I returned later to my writing. Even though it took longer than most to write up the specific blog post, I did not give up and eventually it came together. 

In a nutshell, my takeaway was that things of great importance and worthwhile may require more painstaking effort and to not give up when something isn’t working out in the moment(s); and, that struggles and “bumps in the road” do not necessarily mean stop doing what valuable thing you are doing, particularly, when it doesn’t feel right to do so, and “throw in the towel”, but rather step away to do something else for a time and then come back and try again.  

When have you been at a point of contemplating giving up on something beneficial you were working really hard on that wasn’t coming together and a conversation with another, right at that time, inspired you to keep going and pressing forward? 


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From Impossible To Possible

After I dropped off my kids at the place where they were departing from and carpooling with others for an outdoor youth activity on a breezy, summer night as the sun was setting and the hot temperatures of the day had subdued slightly, I decided to stay at the drop off/pick up location and remain in my car to soak up and embrace the time I had available to read until my children returned from their outing a little over an hour later.  

While I waited, as a friend walked by my car, I felt inclined to not just wave as she passed by but to open my car door and say hello. As I began our dialogue with a casual inquiry, she was vulnerable and courageous in opening up to me fears and hardships she was facing and challenges that were hindering a family member’s participation in an upcoming summer event and as such they decided prior to the registration deadline to opt out of attending. 

When I asked my friend if she had considered the family member receiving a priesthood blessing, she responded that she hadn’t thought of it and expressed that it was a good idea. As she further opened up to me about her situation, I felt compassion and had empathy for what she was going through and understood the emotions she was describing as years earlier I had experienced similar difficulties and could relate and connect with what she was shouldering. 

It was a tender mercy that as we chatted, I sensed she felt greater peace, comfort, and ease, particularly, with what seemed an impossibility, due to circumstances and struggles, could be a possibility after all with Heavenly Father’s help through the power of a priesthood blessing, and that there was still ample time for the family member to sign up for the summer event if after having a blessing they felt good about going.  

When have you imparted helpful information to a friend who was struggling and the timing of your conveying it to them blessed them? And, when have you been in a bleak situation and received a priesthood blessing that reversed what earlier seemed impossible, to being possible? 


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Teeter Totter

For days, I was experiencing an unpleasant nudging pain inside my body that I knew was associated with stress. On one hand I was super excited and looking forward to amazing occasions upcoming and on the other hand I was feeling a disconcerted apprehension for the nerve-racking occurrences that lie ahead, outside of my control, and directly coincided with each event. I felt like I was on a teeter totter, seesawing from feeling joy and enthusiasm to floundering with concern, worry, and anxiety. 

During the frequent moments of uneasiness, I felt stuck, discombobulated, and overwhelmed. It was all too much and very cumbersome to have the constant fluctuation of feeling elated anticipation and angst toggling back and forth, over and over again. I was struggling to relax and feel at peace. 

Similar to when you plant your feet firmly on the ground while on a teeter totter and the up and down motion discontinues, utilizing breathing techniques, speaking to my emotions out loud, and reciting a scripture phrase that entered my mind, “doubt not, fear not” helped to ground me momentarily as I sought to try to overcome the distress that kept creeping in, however, the undergone tightness in my body was still apparent and persistent. 

It was a tender mercy when I was impressed to get off the “teeter totter” altogether for the time being and literally step outside to run an errand unrelated to the occasions and events sourcing the contrasting emotions. It was then that I obtained reprieve and the physical pain eased up. 

When have you been caught between bittersweet emotions causing you distress and as you felt impressed to break away from the source temporarily, your stress ailments subsided? 


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Driving Error

On a heavily pouring rain, wipers full speed, gray and hazy morning while taking one of my children to school, visibility was off and on limited along the way. As such, although I had driven the same path almost daily for months, I realized, after the fact, that I had taken the wrong exit. Upon making a left-hand turn under a bridge with my turn signal blinking, I found myself in a nonofficial outside turn lane needing to merge immediately into the one and only turn lane. I had supposed the lane I was in also turned left and was unaware it did not until I made the turn. It was a tender mercy that when I recognized my error, the vehicle in the proper turn lane was a car length behind me and I was able to swiftly merge in safely.

When has your ability to see while driving been skewed temporarily and upon realizing you were navigating off course, you were able to recorrect safely?


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