Saved By The Light

Early in the morning, before heading to bed just after midnight, I went to the kitchen to get a cup of water.  On the counter was the cup I had been reusing throughout the day with a paper towel over the top.  As I removed the paper towel and took the cup to the fridge to begin filling it up with water, the water light came on and I saw a spider on the rim. Immediately, I took the cup to the sink to dump out the water and rinse out the cup in hopes of also dumping out the spider. It took a few times of dumping and rinsing before the spider fell into the sink at which time I just got myself a new cup. Had there not been a light on the fridge when I got the water, I would not have seen or known that the spider was there. I am grateful for the light to have spotted the spider.

When have you been grateful that you saw something concerning to you before putting in your mouth (moldy bread, a spider…) or stepping on (a scorpion, spider, snake, fire ants, broken glass…) what was alarming and a danger to you?


First On The Waiting List

As I was trying to find a piece of paper with a password and username for an iPad that had not been used in awhile, I came across a reminder to contact an apartment for my son, serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to be placed on their waiting list so when he returned and headed back to college, an apartment would hopefully be available and he would be able to move into the place he checked out before he left.

As I called the apartment to place him on the waiting list, I learned that he was first in line. Had I not been in search for a password and username for the iPad, I would not have seen the reminder that it was the timeframe to contact the apartment.  I was very grateful that I called them when I did.

When have you been searching for one thing and at the right time you came across an important reminder and was appreciative of the blessing that came from not missing an important date or deadline?


Leap of Faith

It has been a very hard week emotionally as I have struggled with finding answers and solutions to problems I am facing. Last night, I made the decision that I was going to go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple. I was doing all that I could do up to that point from praying, fasting, serving others, reading scriptures, being cheerful, reading and listening to uplifting and inspirational messages and I was still struggling. I was hoping that by attending the temple I would receive this unmistakable and clear answer.

As I sat in the temple, I felt a warmth, a calm, and a peace. I wanted to soak it up and was not anxious to leave. I also knew that I would not receive an answer right then and there, but that the peace I felt was confirmation that Heavenly Father would strengthen me, help me, and bless me.

Upon leaving the temple I still felt sadness and my steps were slow, yet what followed later in the day was the answer.

As I drove home, I thought about how nice it would be if someone would come to my home and bring me a treat, something sweet. I also thought about stopping and treating myself, however, I did not want to spend money on things I already had at home. This past weekend, a family member celebrated a birthday and I overestimated when purchasing the food leaving plenty of leftovers after the party for days of snacking and meals.

Continuing to feel down when I arrived home, I listened to several “Hi Five Live” Facebook posts and I had a surge of energy and a rejuvenation that what I needed to do was take a leap of faith and do what I’ve known I’ve needed to do for a while which was to post a tender mercy moment entry to my blog and I also felt I needed to reach out to my closest friends and share my website with them.

What I needed to do to get out of my slump and through the trials that I was burdened down with were these two things and it made all the difference. It wasn’t someone coming to my home to bring me a treat, although I would not turn it away and would be ever so grateful, but Heavenly Father knew the answer was action on my part.  It was those two acts that my troubles were no longer present or in the forefront of my mind. The weight I was carrying was lifted and I was able to walk with more of a bounce in my steps feeling happiness and joy. As a matter of fact, I took a walk around our neighborhood feeling better than I had all week.

Heavenly father knows what we need and it wasn’t just a matter of listening but action. For I was listening, but pushing aside what I feared doing.  He knew that the way I would feel comfort was posting an entry to my blog and in talking to a friend. He knew better than I knew what I needed. The inspirational messages I had listened to on “Hi Five Live” today helped give me the strength and the motivation to do what I have felt in my heart I’ve needed to do, but have held back because of the time necessary to post an entry, doubting my abilities, and expecting too much of myself. I am reminded “line upon line, precept upon precept”.  I felt like “Jonah” in the sense that the Lord was directing me to do something good, but I was too scared.

Today I pushed past my fears and did not give them a second thought or think twice and acted by adding one more post entry to my blog and I reached out to several of my friends sharing with them my blog site.

For several weeks, I removed myself away from the blog intended to bless and inspire others and I buried my talent.   Although I was seeing and identifying tender mercy moments in my life everyday and recording them, my weaknesses in writing, not being technology savvy, and on and on, were stumbling blocks to my posting entries to the blog and as I paid more attention to where I fell short, I began to feel empty.

Taking a leap of faith and not thinking twice were key elements that got me up and moving after listening to ‎Alan Fullmer on “Hi Five Live” share his amazing talent and his doubts.  His message motivated me to believe in myself and know that Heavenly Father wants me to share my gift with others and to be a light.

When have you known you needed to do something and have been too afraid and scared and you sought for other solutions and answers to your problems, dragging your feet and hiding your talents in the process, until you heard words that motivated you and gave you the strength to do what you’ve known you needed to do all along and it was through action that the weight of the struggles you were carrying were lifted?


Trash Day Reminder

At a time I was wrapped up in a crisis and uncertain to what the future holds, I also felt peace and comfort. I knew I’d face further challenges down the road, yet the particulars were unknown. Even though I was scared and that aspect brought great anxiety and concern, I was reassured through the Holy Ghost that all would be ok. As I was in constant prayer with Heavenly Father, I felt a strength in knowing I was not going through the difficulty alone. I am grateful for the growth and learning I have gained through hardships, at the same time I do not look forward to their impending approach.

This experience was happening simultaneous during an unusual week for me. Half of our family were gone with our oldest son serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and my husband and youngest son at Scout Camp. It was different having only myself and our two middle children at home. The first day it rained hard for hours leaving the day bleak and dreary until dusk when for Family Home Evening (FHE) we went outside and played ladder ball. The second day was filled with preparing, gathering, and organizing necessary forms and information to have available and ready for the next day’s appointments. Also on this day, the three of us enjoyed a free entrée from Chick-fil-A as we dressed up looking like cows.

Although the days were hard and my disposition was solemn, I was grateful for activities we were able to do all together. I put on a smile and actively participated even though I was not at my best. It was no easy feat, but worth the effort.

And then early evening on the third day,  I felt lost contemplating the trial I was experiencing and not having clarity on what was going to happen and what I should do.  My heart was aching and my voice was cracking. Despite having faith and feeling comfort and peace, there was also a void and a sense of uneasiness to what struggles were still to come.

As I sought to find peace from the uncertainties constantly consuming my thoughts, I listened to inspiring messages on “Hi Five Live-Facebook” to ground and anchor myself to our loving Heavenly Father. I also made it a point to go outside. I appreciate nature and going for walks. As I stepped outside to be in a place where I could quietly and outwardly express my pain to Heavenly Father, I noticed right away the neighbor’s trash cans were out. In the midst of my troubles, I felt a joy and a gratitude for the reminder of the next day being trash day.  If I had not stepped outside, I don’t know that I would have remembered. I recognized quickly that this visual reminder was a tender mercy.

I know Heavenly Father was very mindful of me. Not only did he understand and know my hurt and suffering, he also knew my desire to not miss trash day. Seeing the trash cans removed me briefly away from my sadness, and I was filled with immense appreciation. Although I was struggling greatly, I am thankful I did not miss the tender mercy. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know Heavenly Father is aware of me and something as simple as a visual reminder that the next day was trash day was a blessing to me.

When have you recognized in the midst of your trials, a tender mercy that is small and simple yet meaningful to you?


The Power of “I”

For the past couple of weeks, I have been struggling with a particular communication skill which encompasses not only validating the feelings of another individual but also not defending myself in a manner of fight, explaining and giving reason for my choices and decisions that are contrary to what someone else would have me do. Complicated, I know. At least for me, it is.

As I have been pondering and contemplating the struggle and desirous for direction and guidance that can better help me improve my dialogues with others to be more peaceful and calm and so others are not on the defensive or feel attacked by me, I have sought guidance in a number of ways including listening to inspirational messages and podcasts.

Today, I received inspiration in the power of “I”. “I will get back to you in a few minutes”, “As soon as I finish this, I will assist and help you”, “After I get dressed, I will give you my undivided attention”, “I appreciate and thank you for your concern for my well-being, I desire improvement and will care for myself in the way that I know is best for me”, “As soon as I finish brushing my teeth, I’ll be right with you”. These “I” statements allow me to respect and care for myself and my needs as well as show my concern for others.

I have felt stepped on because I have allowed others to step on me. When I have been asked to pause or stop what I’m doing to give to another in the middle of my doing something for myself (getting dressed, concentrating on listening to a speaker in a meeting, keeping track of counting out whatever or measuring out ingredients while cooking/baking, etc.) and I stop at their request, I have felt anger and resentment and that others lack consideration for what I’m doing and where I am at in that moment in time and I have quickly responded with a tone of hurt and frustration.

I desire to be more mindful and aware of myself and how to protect myself so as not to move to those negative emotions but to speak to and address the needs that I have to care for myself as well as being available to care for the needs of others without losing myself in the process.

As I contemplate this inspiration I have received, I feel excitement that I can do better and yet trepidation that in the moment to perform I will fall short. My prayer is that I will implement what enlightenment I have received and I am hopeful and prayerful that it will make a difference in those dialogues that I have felt discouraged when they have turned sour.

I know I cannot change others, but I can change myself and as I have sought prayerfully to know how I can do that, it is a tender mercy this inspiration has come to me. So rather than feel uptight when a call comes in to break me away from what I am doing in the immediate moment and feel the anxiousness of taking the call right away, placing someone else’s urgency above taking care of myself, I can respond via text, “I will call you back in a few minutes”.

I think of a quote that was on a secretary‘s desk in college that stated, “an emergency on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.” When in the middle of a thought or doing something to care for myself and I am approached to stop what I’m doing to give to another, I can in that moment share, “I’ll be with you in just a moment” or I can put up my pointer finger indicating one second so that I don’t experience irritation for stopping in the middle of what I’m doing, but properly caring for myself as well as acknowledging the other individual and that I will be with them momentarily.

In that regards it is a win-win as I take care of myself then I can turn my attention to and care for the needs of others. I am important and they are important and there are times where I don’t need to set myself aside temporarily or indefinitely, but I’m able to tend to my needs and attend to their needs in a fashion that respects both parties. Similar to the concept that without oxygen for myself I cannot assist and help someone else in giving them oxygen.

On numerous occasions, I have felt bullied. I have given in to a strong pull to set aside and move away from caring about my needs to caring for another’s needs. I have allowed and empowered them to step on me and push me around so to speak. With an “I” statement, I believe it will empower me to no longer put aside my needs and feel bullied, and it will help others know that I care for them as much as I care for and respect myself.

When have you struggled for a period of time desirous for situations, that have left you discouraged and heartbroken, to improve and have sought guidance and direction and received enlightenment for something that you could do for yourself that could make a difference in your interactions with others?


Ran An Unseen Red Light

Navigation is no easy feat for me even with GPS and especially on roads I have never before traveled.

When I entered a large downtown city with our family to find our way to our hotel, understanding the path I was being guided to follow was confusing.

With our hotel in sight, I turned left, crossed a bridge overpass approximately the distance of about 20 feet and didn’t realize there was a traffic light before leaving the bridge. My husband was a passenger at the time and shared with me that I had run a red light.

In trying to get to our hotel and not knowing how exactly to get there, I completely missed seeing the light. Fortunately, no cars were coming at us, at least I didn’t see any. And, what could have been a very bad collision if there had been, it was a tender mercy we made it through the intersection unharmed.

I was grateful we made it safely to our hotel that was less than a block away. Looking back, I am struck by how I missed an important light and also thankful for the protection we had in that moment.

When have you had your sights on a destination while driving and a critical sign was completely missed because of your unfamiliarity with where you were and you were protected with what could have been a tragic moment?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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It’s Not Too Late

While I was out and about running errands, I saw that my phone had a very low battery. I would notice it in the store and then I would forget about it when I got out to the car. Time and again, I’d remember just minutes before arriving to the next location. Initially, my thought was,“what’s the point if I only have two minutes or at the longest 10 minutes to charge my phone.” Then I thought, “even if I can only get 1%, 2%, or 5% in a short period of time then it’s not too late—something is better than nothing at all.” The smallest increase was valuable to me to not lose connection with my husband and children while I was out and about.

When have you questioned if a supposedly insignificant action was worth it, and your effort resulted in a better outcome than not trying at all?


Self-Sufficient Kids

Observing and watching my kids accomplish various tasks on their own is such a joy. As we arrived at a bowling alley per the request of one of our children, there was nothing I needed to do as a mom other than ask for a specific lane we wanted and pay for the shoes and the game for each family member.

Each child picked up their own shoes and bowling ball and our youngest set up everyone’s name on the screen.  My husband and I sat back and enjoyed bowling and watching our children play.  It was wonderful spending quality time together.

It is quite exciting for me as a mom to be in a place where my kids are capable and able to do so much themselves. It’s a fun stage as they are proactive, independent, self-sufficient, and take initiative.  Individually, we are all very competitive when it comes to playing games and that has helped us separately improve are skills, in this case—bowling, and as a family, support and compliment one another (win or lose) and build stronger bonds with each another.

Shortly after we began playing, our two youngest boys went together to seek a different bowling ball better suited for our younger one.  It was neat seeing them work together as well as watching our daughter and middle son having fun interacting and taking pictures together.

What are you enjoying and appreciating with your children right now in the phase you and your family are currently?


Package Arrived Early

As we were less than 2 weeks from leaving for our family trip, one of our children ordered some items on line.  The expected arrival was within 3 days before our departure. I prayed we would get them before we left and they came 4 days earlier than the provided range dates.  It was a relief and a comfort to have less to worry about prior to heading out on vacation.

Have you received a package earlier than expected when the timing was important to you?


Task Completed

I was not looking forward to spraying the interior of my house, however, the spiders and bugs are entering in as Spring is here and Summer is quickly approaching.  I am most concerned that I may step on a scorpion and with a family trip coming up, I do not want to return home to an unpleasant surprise as we did many years ago watching a live scorpion scurry across our kitchen floor. I made it a point to take care of the spraying today.  It took a couple of hours to prep (sweep and pick up dead bugs and trash along the floorboard) and spray the interior rooms.

It was a task needing to be done.  I was grateful to be able to do it while my kids were in school and the house was empty allowing the spray to dry undisturbed.  Although is is a task I do not enjoy, it was worth the effort to have peace of mind that I can walk around in my house and worry less about stepping on a scorpion or a spider or crush a bug.

When have you felt gratitude for a task completed, not one that you particularly wanted to do, but in doing so felt a peace of mind?
