Weathering The Storm

Recently, our family took a one-day trip, leaving early in the morning, driving several hours, to attend a registered event and we returned home the same day, late evening. While traveling bright and early, hours before the crack of dawn, we drove through a rainstorm that was going in the same direction we were headed. We left during heavy downpours that had flooded roads at low points. In the darkness of the hour, the areas on the road that were flooded were unknown until we actually drove into it, literally plowing through the water to make it out the other side without getting stuck. It was pretty scary and nerve-racking. As the driver, I was able to steady our car and maintain a forward direction without veering into a concrete wall or losing control later on the road.

Before we left, we had a family prayer together and throughout the drive, I continuously maintained a prayer in my heart. I felt a calm and peace. I knew all would be well and I was confident we would arrive to the location unharmed. The weather didn’t change, however, I was vigilant, gauging conditions, closely paying attention to what was ahead of me and my surroundings as well as watching the vehicles in front of me and around me.

While driving, I thought of the many challenges in life we experience that we have no control over and can not stop, but through prayer, we can receive help to get through the trying times. I did not feel impressed to turn around and go home avoiding driving in the rain. What I did feel and received was strength, comfort, support, and a peaceful assurance we would be ok.

Along the way, I implemented what I felt would be the best course of action to protect our family, staying in the middle lane where the road sat higher and was dryer, changing lanes to avoid and stay clear of puddles, remaining focused and alert, relying on light from other cars to see beyond my own visibility in the dark, slowing down as needed and speeding up when necessary for momentum to not get stuck. As the sky was darkened, I was grateful for the city lights, truck lights, and cars lights that assisted my ability to see large pools of water in our path.

There was rain the entire way to the event, heavy in the beginning and intermittent throughout with occasional light rain and brief moments of no rain. I was grateful when the sun rose and I could see more. I was also grateful for short periods of time when there was light to no rain when I could relax and release the tension in my shoulders and hands from overall having maintained a tight two-handed grip on the steering wheel to not lose control if we hit a bad spot.

We arrived safely as I knew we would. I was grateful for multiple tender mercies from having light along the way, moments of being able to relax, getting to the place on time, and the peaceful assurance that we would be ok while driving through the storm.

When you have experienced the storms of life that you could not control, change, or alter and with divine help you received a comfort and strength that helped you get through it with a feeling of peace and confidence?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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