A Cherished Season

When have you experienced throughout a cherished season of your life, the flow of incredible, enumerable tender mercies from Heavenly Father?

A cherished season of my life, one opportunity in particular, right here, right now, years in the making, a journey, yets, unknowns, and proactivity amidst yearnings. Varied encapsulated moments have led to this treasured gift I am extremely grateful and thrilled exists for me and for you! 

This divinely inspired chapter, a snippet and a cherished season of my life’s journey began over 15 years ago. 

Month’s back, I was interviewed by a producer of a website, The LDS Women’s Project, and asked about how my Tender Mercy Moments blog and Tender Mercy Moments Mini Retreats came to be. In a nutshell, the condensed version, here goes! 

As the second oldest of 10 siblings, I would be asked if my husband and I planned on having a large family too. After my fifth pregnancy, my third being an ectopic pregnancy, I received a very distinct and impressionable impression that my family was complete and Heavenly Father was preparing me for something else.

Days, weeks, months, years, I waited, not knowing, and curious. Along the way, ideas of what that something might be came to mind, of which I proactively acted on, however, one that stands out was short-lived as I quickly experienced burn out and realized it was not sustainable for me long term and the others faded away after no time. 

Fast forward 10 1/2 years, while volunteering at my youngest child’s elementary school as a Copy Pal Liaison, coordinating and organizing scheduling of parent helpers for all grade level teachers to assist them with their copy room needs, a position I had since the school’s opening a couple of years earlier, I was impressed during the first semester of my child’s second to last year there to invite another volunteer to take on the position. The impression, a tender mercy, was a distinct knowledge that what Heavenly Father had prepared for me was now. What it was, I didn’t know just yet, until a couple of months later, that came at the end of January 2018.

Years earlier, in 2000, while my two older and only children at the time were young, during the holidays I attended a progressive dinner. I was awed at each home, decorated so beautifully for Christmas, a season I love and is for me a magical time of year! It was there and then, a desire surged within me to one day host an event similarly in my own home. 

A couple of years later, not long after our family moved to a new home and location, it was a tender mercy an opportunity presented itself in the form of a sign up to host a Christmas Girl’s Night Out (GNO). I continued to host this Christmas GNO for many years to follow minus the year my youngest was born. I was ecstatic, giddy, and on cloud nine! I loved hosting and every minute of preparing a variety of multiple homemade parting gifts for the event months in advance. This event, in and of itself, was a treasured moment and a cherished season of my life.

It was also during my time in this location while attending a Ward Relief Society talent show I came to learn what talent Heavenly Father has given to me. As I sat watching others get up and share their talent of art and music, having neither, I wondered, “What are my talents?” It was a tender mercy it was given to me at that time that my talents are spiritual in nature. 

Back to the latter end of January 2018, I was inspired to start a blog, mind you, writing is not my forte and a skill I struggle with profusely! Nonetheless, I heeded the inspiration. Upon the inspiration to start the blog, I was extremely grateful for the tender mercy that my two utmost desires were fulfilled. The first being, whatever the name of the blog, that it be long lasting, indefinite, one I would never need to rebrand and a name I would love ongoing. And two, I did not want to come up with content. Being creative in that way would be a real struggle, cumbersome, and overwhelming for me. 

After six weeks of trying to figure out the name for the blog, having involved my husband and children, it was a tender mercy, at long last, a name that surfaced, Tender Mercy Moments, felt 100% right, and almost 5 years later, it still does. The fact that the domain tendermercymoments.com was available, in and of itself, was a tender mercy and a testament to me of this, a cherished season of my life, had been prepared for me, for this time.

In addition, tender mercy moments exist and are present for each of us daily. Guaranteed! Heavenly Father is mindful and aware of each of us personally, individually, and uniquely 24/7! The question is, “Do we see His hand in our lives and daily recognize His awareness and mindfulness of us?” There may be one, two, multiple tender mercies, or more that we are not able to get a handle on from Heavenly Father in any given day! It is pretty remarkable! It is a glorious tender mercy there will never be a shortage or lack of content,  nor will I ever need to worry about coming up with content on my own, as content, tender mercy moments, show up every single day. Miracles have not ceased nor will His tender mercies.

After much trepidation, in the summer of 2018, as the blog was well underway, I stepped out of my comfort zone and began to share it with others.

Due to my massive struggle with writing, in the fall of 2019, it was an incredible tender mercy when the inspiration came to begin a Tender Mercy Moments Facebook page and post a daily Tender Mercy Moment Cue. I was elated as it relieved me of the hours I spend writing and publishing a blog entry! As each published post concludes with a question, “When have you … ?” to draw each reader to consider a relatable way they have recognized Heavenly Father’s hand in their own life, a Tender Mercy Moment Cue, a posed question, based on my own personal tender mercy moments in near real time, is posted daily for the reader to reflect on experiences of their own, associated with the cue. 

Combining my love for hosting and my talents that are spiritual in nature, it was a magnificent tender mercy when in the winter of 2019, the inspiration came to host a “Tender Mercy Christmas Girl’s Night Out”, and then the inspiration during COVID to host in February 2021 a virtual, pilot, Tender Mercy Moments “Sweet” Mini Retreat, followed by the subsequent inspiration to host the exceptional and phenomenal “Uncover Your Very Own Tender Mercy Moments” Mini Retreats that I began in June 2022 and I have been hosting every month since. The culmination of many treasured moments have led up to this now extraordinary season of my life, a cherished season of my life most definitely! I love every aspect of hosting and sharing my spiritual gifts with others! I love what I am doing and I am doing what I love! 

It has been a tremendous tender mercy that Heavenly Father has been by my side entirely, through the difficulty of writing and the technology aspect of blogging to my stepping outside of my comfort zone to reach out and share my gifts and talents through the tender mercy moments blog, daily social media Facebook Tender Mercy Moment Cues, and “Uncover Your Own Tender Mercy Moments” Mini Retreats.

When have you experienced a cherished season of your life, a divinely inspired chapter of your life’s journey, and the flow of enumerable tender mercies from Heavenly Father leading up to and during were incredible?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Circulation Of Blessings

As communities around our city rallied around the needs of a couple families who tragically lost a loved one, a circulation of blessings occurred, for the grieving families and for each who served them in one way or another.

As communities around our city rallied around the needs of a couple families who tragically lost a loved one, a circulation of blessings occurred, for the grieving families and for each who served them in one way or another.

Though the intent and focus of the service rendered was for the grieving families, I was awed while I partook in one of the many opportunities to give a little financially to these families, and joy followed upon what I realized was a circulation of blessings, as giving to these families, in turn, resulted in individual blessings for all, myself included. 

It was quite a remarkable moment as I considered the circulation of blessings taking place, how giving to the grieving families also blessed, in a variety of ways, those who gave, no matter how small or great their proceeds. From fundraisers such as donut sales, truck vendors, GoFundMe, a carnival covered overwhelming financial expenses, thoughtful and personalized art given provided emotional support and strength.  

These gestures of kindness were given out of love. At the same time, as residents came together to help the mourning families, I observed beautiful benefits that transpired for the givers as well, which included exposure to community member’s gifts and talents, fresh eyes on new businesses, and also, character growth and refinement such as compassion, etc. 

The circulation of blessings for me personally as our family provided a little financially, included multiple tender mercies, very simple, yet, meaningful. 

For one, feeling immense gratitude for the generosity of a food truck owner giving all proceeds to the two grieving families and joy for my willing desire to help, when I approached a food truck window to pay for what I had ordered and handed the cashier cash for the amount I owed, they adjusted the amount for less. What I did not know before then is that the food would have cost more if I had paid with a credit card. It was a tender mercy I had paid with cash versus a credit card as paying a tacked on credit card fee would not have gone to the grieving families and would have removed more out-of-pocket from our family budget that could be applied for other essentials.

Also, not only was it a tender mercy I was on top of when the food truck would open and the convenience of having a meal already prepared and ready to eat, as I was not up to making something, but also the timing of the food truck hours coincided as an escape to temporarily step away from existing chaos in our home.

Additionally, as I have an appreciation for eating at food establishments that are new to me, it was a tender mercy this was a great opportunity and reason to not only help the grieving families, but also become acquainted and support a startup local business. 

On top of that, as I went to the bottom of a hillside where I understood the food truck to be located and found no one there, it was a tender mercy I was familiar with a road up and around to the upper hillside versus cautiously reentering and driving back home via the main thoroughfare, as along the upper path I fell upon the food truck. 

When have you observed a circulation of blessings that came as individuals rallied around the needs of another and the extension of kindness bestowed and what you could give to help, in turn, brought about blessings for you, as well? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Did Not Talk Myself Out Of Taking Action

Again, though maybe a cheesy gift, I did not talk myself out of taking action to purchase several and allow doubt and negativity to override the exuberant joy I felt for whom all I could give the gift.

Though cheesy, perhaps an unpopular product, hence the marked down price, I became super excited, one, for the potential of what I saw as an awesome gift and two, the marked down price. Again, though maybe a cheesy gift, I did not talk myself out of taking action to purchase several and allow doubt and negativity to override the exuberant joy I felt for whom all I could give the gift. 

As I went to the store for a kitchen accessory, a decorative bowl to place on my kitchen counter for fresh fruit, though I found nothing that caught my eye in that regards, it was a tender mercy there was something else that did catch my eye, a 90% off lettuce crisper bowl. Immediately as I saw it, those whom I could give the bowl to as a gift entered my mind, including for someone hosting a BBQ I would be attending, of which I considered a cool tender mercy that what I brought could be placed in the bowl and not worry about remembering to get the bowl at the end to bring back home.  

Once I had the bowls in my shopping cart, I don’t know, but the thought that it may be tacky to give only the bowl, I went in search for a prepackaged spring salad kit the recipients would like for to include with the bowl. It was a tender mercy I was drawn to one of the many options, in the quantity I wanted to get, and also on sale. 

A morning following, I felt an impromptu strong impression to deliver them. It was one thing to be moved to purchase the lettuce crisper bowls and salad kits and feel excitement at the time as I thought of each person to whom to give the gift, it was another thing to deliver them. Though doubt and hesitancy creeped in, it was a tender mercy the intrusive emotions and invasive thoughts did not talk myself out of taking action and following through. 

Additionally, inside each bowl, I added ripe vine tomatoes. It was a tender mercy I was able to share my abundance of tomatoes I purchased at Sam’s Club in bulk for a less comparable cost than a single tomato from the local grocery store, of which the quantity was more than what my family and I would be able to eat before they went bad. 

Though nervous about delivering what may have been thought of or considered a cheesy gift, I did not pass up the draw I felt to purchase them nor talk myself out of taking action to give them to each individual that entered my mind. Subsequently, it was a tender mercy the gift was well received by all.

When have you not talked yourself out of, second guessed, or backed away from taking action to do a good deed despite opposition to do so?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Much Appreciated Heads-Up Alert

During extreme winter weather conditions, the difficulties and challenges our family could have faced were prevented or reduced as we were given a much appreciated heads-up alert on multiple occasions.

Throughout a week that included snow days, freezing temperatures, icy road and school closures, rolling blackouts, and water outages due to extreme winter weather conditions, the difficulties and challenges our family could have faced were prevented or reduced as we were given a much appreciated heads-up alert on multiple occasions. 

The first much appreciated heads-up alert came from a friend hours before our water shut off, notifying myself and other friends via a group text message of a community nearby that would soon be without running water as power outages were impacting the function of water plants. I figured it was just a matter of time before our community would likewise lose water and being one who learns from the experiences of others what to do or not to do, in the event our water shut off too, our family filled our tubs so we would have water to flush our toilets. 

It was a tender mercy that we were prepared as that afternoon and for several days after, our water flow went from an intended slow trickle for to keep our indoor pipes from freezing to no running water at all. Throughout the duration of time till our water came back on and the boil alert for our neighborhood was lifted, it was not only a tender mercy we had plenty of water bottles in our food storage to get us by for drinking, brushing our teeth, and washing our hands, but also mid-week, two days after our first snowfall, more snow fell and we were able to top off our tubs with snow. 

The second much appreciated heads-up alert came the following day. When I took our puppy out into our snow covered backyard to go potty in her designated area, it was a tender mercy I saw that our neighbor was in their backyard at the same time for as I said hello and asked how their family was doing, the news of water damage to their master bedroom due to a pipe break and mention of covering outdoor water faucets prompted my husband and I to immediately cover our outdoor faucets to which we had not thought to do before then. 

As my husband went about and first removed the garden hoses from our outdoor faucets before he covered them in hopes of preventing our pipes from freezing, unfortunately, one of our faucets was already frozen, however, it was a tender mercy I had hot water in a pot on our stove ready for my kids to make hot chocolate if and when they decided to go back out to play in the snow which was then used instead to successfully unfreeze the faucet and remove the garden hose before the water faucet was wrapped with a towel. 

A third much appreciated heads-up alert came by way of a contractor, hours after our water came back on at the latter end of the week. While he was at the home of the same neighbor whom I had spoken with days earlier, it was a tender mercy he observed that our home was flooding. When he came pounding on our door to inform us, it didn’t register to me that the water was originating from our home as the interior of our home was all dry and well inside, but rather I thought water from the neighbor’s home was rushing over and pooling up against the exterior of our home. That was not the case. A pipe overhead in our garage had separated and water was gushing down from the ceiling. As we were completely unaware of the happenings in our garage, it was a tender mercy that in addition to the contractor coming over to let us know about the flooding he observed, the damage to the ceiling wall and the objects below the downpour were minimal, and the living quarters of our home were unaffected. 

Upon our seeing the “waterfall” for ourselves, right away, my husband shut off the water main to our home and though once again we were without running water, it was a tender mercy it was short lived as our waiting on a plumber to come turned out to be unnecessary. The next day as I went into our attic above the garage to assess any water damage that may have occurred there, it was a tender mercy there was none. Also, it was a tender mercy I saw the pipe that had separated and it was in an accessible unfinished open space. Not only that, it was a tender mercy my husband had the tools and skills to repair it himself rather quickly, and in no time our water was back up and running. 

When have you received a much appreciated heads-up alert that prevented or reduced greater impact that could have occurred during circumstances you had no control over?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Peace From Within Came In Due Time

A peace from within came in due time after a number of consecutive tender mercy moments.

Nearly a year and half ago, I received a distinct impression that a big change would occur for our family. And, it was clear to me the time for the change was not right then. As to when I did not know until a few months back. It was a tender mercy it was then I received a confirmation over and over again that the time had come, however, there was a component associated with the change to which I felt unsettled. With a desire to be fully on board with this component as I was with the overall change itself, I sought to feel peace. A peace from within came in due time after a number of consecutive tender mercy moments. 

The process to my eventual feeling a peace regarding that component started off with a late night prayer before I read my scriptures with a hope that a peace would come by way of something I read. Amidst the words I read and reread as I desired to capture the gist of every verse, a very specific question of concern popped into my mind. I was enlightened to bring it up to my husband the next morning. When I did, he shared that it had not crossed his mind, however, it was a tender mercy he had received information that morning, unrequested by him, in his email inbox that directly corresponded to the question of concern and ruled out that undesirable circumstance I would not want to face. It was a tender mercy I felt of Heavenly Father’s awareness of me to provide an assurance all was well in regards to this critical detail of good to know importance associated with the component that may not have come up on my radar. Unfortunately, though I was grateful, I still did not feel the peace I desired to feel. 

The following evening, I drove to a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to seek for a peace the rest of my family and members of our extended family already felt regarding the component. While there by myself in the parking lot looking up towards the temple that was closed at the time, it was a tender mercy I was impressed to share immediately with a number of family members before they, who in that very moment were gathered together in the same place, returned to their own residences this statement that came to my mind, “Though I still do not feel the peace I desire to feel and I am continuing to seek it, I am willing to join you all on the journey.”    

And then, it was a tender mercy that back-to-back, I came across this verse in my daily scripture reading, 

2 Nephi 11:3 “And my brother, Jacob, also has seen him as I have seen him; wherefore, I will send their words forth unto my children to prove unto them that my words are true. Wherefore, by the words of three, God hath said, I will establish my word. Nevertheless, God sendeth more witnesses, and he proveth all his words.”

And, right after this scripture, Proverbs 3 verse 5 entered my mind, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Each tender mercy moment was impactful. Even though I still struggled to feel peace after each one, a peace from within came in due time. The tender mercy moment that clinched it for me and the desired peace came was when I had an aha moment of realization that the opportunity to expand and do more with a hobby of mine would be available to me by means of this component. It was this tender mercy that impacted me the most in a very personal way. As I sought for peace, though it did not come immediately, I was grateful peace from within came in due time. 

When have you known that an inspired change in your life was right, but unsettled about a component of the change you desired to feel good about also, and specific to that, peace from within came in due time? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Stay Put

Uncertainty if I had come to the right place, I considered going elsewhere instead, yet an impression led me to stay put.

Once I reached my planned destination to purchase a gift for an incredible person’s momentous occasion, due to inclement weather and uncertainty if I had come to the right place, I considered going elsewhere instead, yet an impression led me to stay put. 

As in-person gatherings have become sparse due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, my connection with those I used to see on a regular basis has changed some, in the sense I am not as aware of their to date interests and happenings in their lives. 

When I was invited to attend a special occasion for one of them, I wanted to give them a gift, however, as I pondered what to get them, I was completely blank of ideas. Until, early one morning, it was a tender mercy the perfect gift idea came to me in a dream. 

Days prior to the event, it was a tender mercy an evening opened up for me to be able to go out and buy the gift, to which I was grateful as I did not want to procrastinate up to the day. 

Upon arrival to the store I assumed had the gift item, I paused before exiting the car as doubt struck me that perhaps the store I had come to did not actually have the gift item and where it was a rainy night, I did not want to step out of the car into the rain, go inside the store, and walk aimlessly around looking for it if they did not have it. As I considered driving to a different store, I was impressed to stay put and first look up on my phone whether the item was carried in the store where I was at already, and if not, what stores around me carried it. 

It came up on my search that the store I was at did carry the item, however, at a more expensive price then a couple of other stores in the area. Before deciding to go to one of the other stores, it was a tender mercy I recalled the store I was at had online coupons whereas the other main retail stores near me did not. When I looked up what online coupons may be available, there was a 20% off coupon which would bring the price of the gift item down to a comparable price of the item in the other retail stores. 

With this information, I decided to stay put and go inside the store. As I walked around, I came across a similar, even better, more ideal version of the product I sought to purchase, however, it cost quite a bit more than I had budgeted. Yet, with the online coupon, it was more affordable and an amount I was willing to pay. Before going to the register to check out, being that I had not been in the store for awhile since the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced, it was a tender mercy I decided to roam the aisles as I came across a display rack on the complete opposite side of the store with the exact same item as the one in my hand at a discounted 60% off. I was thrilled. At that price, I went ahead and picked up a second of the same item. 

When I arrived at the register and asked for a price check, the item came up full price, however, when I shared with the cashier that the item was in two different locations in the store, on one side at full price and on the other side at 60% off, an employee, a manager I presume, went to the discounted display rack and approved the purchase at 60% off. Woo hoo! It was a tender mercy I did stay put and not only did the store have the gift, they had an even more ideal and better version of it, and I was able to get two of them, a double gift, for a final price close to equivalent the regular price it sold for in other retail stores.

When have you questioned if you had arrived at the right place for something in particular and as you considered going elsewhere, you felt impressed to stay put and further information confirmed you were in the right place?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Compensated For The Substantial Oversight

Despite the ordeal that ensued upon our realizing our online order we had picked up was incomplete, without any hesitation from the restaurant manager, we were more than compensated for the substantial oversight.

While on a family trip visiting loved ones, it was decided one evening that we would all have dinner together via carryout from a local restaurant that was between both of our places of residence. Despite the ordeal that ensued upon our realizing our online order we had picked up was incomplete, without any hesitation from the restaurant manager, we were more than compensated for the substantial oversight.

Shortly after we pulled into the curbside takeaway parking spot upon our arrival at the restaurant, an employee brought out our food in a large paper bag with handles and additional bread upon our request. Before leaving, we scanned over the items in the bag to confirm it was our order and off we went. Approximately 20 minutes later, we arrived at our loved ones home excited to spend quality time together all the while eating warm and delicious food.

Well, it so happened that when I removed all the food from the bag and placed it on the kitchen countertop, only half of our order was in the bag. I looked over each item laid out multiple times just to be sure. Yep, we were missing half of the food we had ordered. 

Right away I called the restaurant to let them know what all we were missing and to ask if there was a second bag with our name on it that was not brought out to our car. The employee that answered the phone was as shocked and surprised as we were about our only receiving half the order and nope, there was not a second bag. 

As the employee then transferred me over to speak to a carryout employee, while on hold, my call was dropped. This happened several times. Eventually, after calling back again and again, I was transferred to a manager who more than compensated us for the substantial oversight of our not receiving all that we had ordered. Together with the food we had not received that was reordered, it was a tender mercy the half of our order that we had already received was also reordered, on the house. 

As I headed back to the restaurant to pick up our full order, it was agreed that while I was away the food I had just laid out and was still warm would be consumed as the round trip and wait time for the reordered food to come out would be a length of time, which ended up being about an hour and a half post the time we had initially picked up what we thought was the entire order. Also, on my way out, a family member suggested I ask the manager if they would be willing to compensate us dessert for our troubles.  

While driving back to the restaurant, I was super frustrated that we had not realized we were missing the other half of the order before we left the restaurant and that we were now not able to eat all together at the same time. Urg! I was not happy! I wanted to unleash my unhappiness at someone, fortunately, it was a tender mercy I worked through my heightened emotions in the car and was able to appropriately communicate what I was irritated, annoyed, and bothered about with my husband over the phone upon my arrival at the restaurant and I did not take my anger and lash out at anyone. Rather, what I did was express my gratitude  for the substantial compensation we were given. 

Once back at the restaurant, I went inside to speak to the manager in person. It was a tender mercy that when I asked about their compensating us with dessert, they did not hesitate to do so. Not only was it a tender mercy that we received all over again, on the house, the half of our order we had initially picked up, but it also didn’t hurt to ask about dessert not only once but twice when what was first given only accommodated a third of our party and when I asked if we could get a quantity for our whole party, they graciously obliged, as well as when the food was brought out the second time and in addition to a side dish that was missing, which the carryout employee went back inside and brought it out, another item that mistakenly appeared to be lacking was generously compensated for with double that item. 

When have you placed an order that arrived incomplete and the business more than compensated you for the substantial oversight of what all had been missing upon delivery? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published which includes an audio version of the posts as well, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Freedoms In The Midst Of Restrictions

Despite orders on a state and national level precluding certain activities from taking place for the time being due to the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many freedoms in the midst of restrictions to which I have enjoyed and valued very much.

For years, I have heeded the spiritual counsel given by modern-day prophets to prepare, alongside with my husband, for any number of potential catastrophic circumstances or devastating situations that may come our way. As such, although schools, churches, parks, and businesses have most recently closed temporarily due to the coronavirus pandemic, I have not felt any anxiety, stress, panic or fear. I have felt at ease. Despite orders on a state and national level precluding certain activities from taking place for the time being, there have been many freedoms in the midst of restrictions to which I have enjoyed and valued very much.   

~It has been a tender mercy that although state and local parks have closed, the nature preserve directly behind our house has been open, where our family has spent time outdoors many of days riding numerous bike trails and leisurely enjoying the walking paths, there and in our neighborhood as the spring temperatures and weather this year have both been ideal and beautiful. 

~Even with church buildings closed, it has been a tender mercy we have been able to continue to worship and have a Sacrament meeting in our home as a family each Sabbath Day.  

~In the wake of many products for weeks being hard to get because of the insufficient supply ratio to the sudden overwhelming demand for them, it has been a tender mercy that all of our essential needs have thus far been adequate due to our efforts to have consistently prepared ongoing for times like now long before the outbreak of the coronavirus.

~Before the stay-at-home order, when I frequented stores on a regular basis as I prefer in-store shopping, I would make frivolous and unnecessary purchases here and there to which the minimal costs for each item pulled together would add up quickly. For me, the money I have saved with “nonessential” businesses currently closed has been a tender mercy. 

~On days preceding the stay-at-home order when family members went off to school and work and the house was very quiet, I wanted to be out and about constantly. With our home now filled with family togetherness 24/7, it has been a tender mercy I have surprisingly not become stir crazy and had the itch to get out of the house. 

~Also, during this timeframe of enclosure, I’ve learned I am more so an introvert than I had ever thought myself of being and it is a tender mercy how content I have been days on end without being phased and feeling any disruption to my core being.

~In addition, it has been a tender mercy that for the first time ever I have not been constantly on the go. The stay-at-home order has opened up a lot of time for me to relax and enjoy so many of my at-home hobbies and the treasured opportunity to spend priceless quality time together as a family.  

When have you treasured the many freedoms in the midst of restrictions that were present for you during times like these? And, what have been those freedoms in the midst of restrictions that you have valued during these times?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Almost Burnt To A Crisp

The cookies were expected to be almost burnt to a crisp after being forgotten about while they were baking, however, once returning to the oven after being reminded of them, the cookies were only slightly overcooked.

It was a close call. The last batch of cookies I was baking almost burnt to a crisp when I stepped away for a time and completely forgot about them.

What would normally be a structured, planned out day gathering together with a congregation of families, just like that, due to an unprecedented turn of events, the day became very casual and laid back.

As Spring Break was coming to a close, I received word that not only would school be out for another week as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, but also that all church worship and other activities held in our church building would be cancelled for sometime to come.

With the hype of the virus spreading and crowds of people going to the store for supplies, it seemed a great opportunity to assess where our family stood with what food and nonfood items we had on hand.  

As I organized our fridge to better see what all we had in it as well as to rearrange and place all fresh items in the back and any older food items to be used up first in the front, I came across a couple of ready-to-bake cookie packages to which the sell-by date on them had recently passed. Not wanting to waste what I considered was still good food, I baked up all the cookies.   

Minutes after placing the last batch in the oven, per my desire to have myself and our children join my husband who was outside prepping our seasonal vegetable garden, I observed how much time remained till the cookies would be done and noted that I had plenty of time to help some before the timer went off. 

I stepped away for what I intended would be only for about 15 minutes. But, as I became fully engrossed in planting seeds with the family, I lost track of time and completely forgot all about the cookies. And, being that I was outside, I unfortunately never heard the oven timer go off. However, it was a tender mercy a random thought reminded me that the cookies were still baking. 

As I quickly ran back inside to remove the cookies from the oven, I was prepared to see the entire batch almost burnt to a crisp, but it was a tender mercy that when the timer went off, the oven automatically turned off as well and the cookies were only slightly overcooked. 

When have you completely forgotten about food you had in the oven as you became engrossed in another activity while it was baking, yet before it almost burnt to a crisp, a random thought reminded you of the food and upon your quick return to the oven, the food was only slightly overcooked? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Help From Someone In An Earlier Time Zone

When my car shut down completely while out one evening, help from someone in an earlier time zone was the “key” to getting my car up and running again sooner rather than later.

With no warning, when I was ready to leave our church building just over an hour after arriving, all electronic functions in my car shut down completely and it would not start. Prior to that point, my car had never had any issues starting up. It was a tender mercy that help from someone in an earlier time zone was the “key” to my getting it up and running again. 

On this evening, after dropping off one of my children at the church for a youth activity, I remained there in my car with it turned off and spoke to a loved one on the phone until the activity was over. 

Upon my child’s return to the car following the activity, when I turned on the ignition to leave, my car would not start. Instead, diagnostic messages and other warning indicators flashed and lit up the dashboard.

My first response was to remove the owner’s manual from the glovebox and troubleshoot the problem based on the diagnostic message. However, the steps I followed, did nothing. And, with each attempt to start up the car, in a matter of minutes, the dashboard went blank, the remote doors ceased to work, lights would not turn on, everything was out. 

At this point, I prayed to know what to do. Immediately, the thought to call the dealership that services our vehicle came to mind, yet due to the particular hour, their service department was closed for the evening along with all other local dealerships specific to our vehicle and they would not reopen until the next morning. 

It was then that a remarkable and brilliant impression to call a like dealership for help from someone in an earlier time zone entered my mind. I was excited and hopeful they would to be able to provide me with a way to get my car up and running again without needing to leave it overnight in the church parking lot, calling for roadside assistance, or having it towed. 

Upon my calling the out-of-state dealership right away, I was told by a sales associate that the service department had closed just two minutes prior, fortunately, upon my request to speak to someone in service before all employees were gone, it was a tender mercy my call was picked up and the one who took my call answered all of my questions which led to 1) learning that a manual key, I never knew existed, was attached to my remote car opener as I expressed concern of not having the ability to get into my car if all of my doors were locked due to the electrical outage and 2) narrowing down that the problem was most likely a dead battery. 

Throughout the approximate two hours we were still at the church beyond the time the activity had ended, it was a tender mercy that on this very night the church building was still open for those playing adult basketball which was a wonderful blessing as it was a safe place for my child and I to hang tight temporarily, go the restroom as needed, and be able to charge my phone that had a low battery. Not only that, during that timeframe, it was a tender mercy the ease and calm I felt throughout the entire experience and that we were not in a rush or hurry to be elsewhere. 

It was also a tender mercy that someone exiting the building had jumper cables with them and when they jump started the car, it slowly started back up and began functioning once again. In addition, while troubleshooting under the hood in the dark and when the car was being jump started, it was a tender mercy the winter night’s weather was beautiful. And, as a bonus, through observation, I relearned how to use jumper cables.

And the tender mercies continued. When the battery was tested the next day at a dealership near us, it was determined that what happened to our car was a fluke and the battery was still a good battery that did not yet need to be replaced. 

Which on top of that, it was a tender mercy I came to learn that a replacement battery for my vehicle is a specific and quite pricey type that can only be purchased through the dealership. This heads up information has prepared me for what will be a necessary, huge, out-of-pocket expense at some point down the road, hopefully further out than sooner.   

When has an impression led you to reach out for help from someone in an earlier time zone who was able to troubleshoot a specific immediate need you had when a local business was closed?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.