What Should I Do?

As I was looking forward to and expecting a call from a loved one late one evening, I sought earlier in the day to find out from them via a text message what time specifically was best for them. I had anticipated getting a response back from them right away, but I did not. Initially I was not concerned. I felt a peace and a calm. Hours later, I still had not received a reply back from them. 

Even though I did not know why I had not yet heard from them, I continued to feel the same peace and calm. I was optimistic and told myself comforting explanations as to the possible reasons why I felt that they were just fine—1) I don’t always get back to others right away when they text me 2) my friends don’t always reply back to me right away when I text them. And, neither is an indicator that something is wrong, only that our schedules are varied and we will get back to each other as soon as we can. I also considered that maybe the loved one had lost their phone, and even so, if it were the case, it didn’t change the fact that I felt they were just fine. I tried to stay out of the worry zone. 

Before the close of the evening, I reached out again, one more time, via a phone call, desiring to touch base. Still no response. And, then first thing the next morning, I messaged them again. By this time, the natural worrier in me started creeping in. As it did, I contemplated what I would do if they were in harm’s way or injured and who I knew that was close to them I could call and ask when they last had contact with this loved one. With a geographical distance between us, the only contact I had to the loved one was by phone. Without communication, I had no idea or visibility as to what was happening or going on with them. However, I knew one person that did, Heavenly Father

I reached out to Heavenly Father and asked, “What should I do?” The answer I received to stick to the peaceful feeling I felt from the beginning was a tender mercy. I felt comfort and went on with my day without being consumed with worry or deterred away from the feeling of peace and calm that they were ok.

Mid morning, I received a reply from the loved one that they were well and all was good with them. They also shared that they had called the evening prior, but for some reason when their call came in, it was not seen. When I checked my “recents” call log, (which I had a subtle thought to check the night prior, but it was so fleeting I completely forgot all about it until I received their reply) sure enough, they had called. It was a bummer I missed their call, yet I was grateful for the peace and calm I felt right off the bat when I didn’t first hear from them and the comfort extended beyond when I could’ve easily been in worry and panic mode. 

When have you been unable to reach a loved one at a time you were expecting to hear from them and you were able to keep your worries at bay when your initial feelings regarding their safety and well-being was one of peace and calm?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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From Impossible To Possible

After I dropped off my kids at the place where they were departing from and carpooling with others for an outdoor youth activity on a breezy, summer night as the sun was setting and the hot temperatures of the day had subdued slightly, I decided to stay at the drop off/pick up location and remain in my car to soak up and embrace the time I had available to read until my children returned from their outing a little over an hour later.  

While I waited, as a friend walked by my car, I felt inclined to not just wave as she passed by but to open my car door and say hello. As I began our dialogue with a casual inquiry, she was vulnerable and courageous in opening up to me fears and hardships she was facing and challenges that were hindering a family member’s participation in an upcoming summer event and as such they decided prior to the registration deadline to opt out of attending. 

When I asked my friend if she had considered the family member receiving a priesthood blessing, she responded that she hadn’t thought of it and expressed that it was a good idea. As she further opened up to me about her situation, I felt compassion and had empathy for what she was going through and understood the emotions she was describing as years earlier I had experienced similar difficulties and could relate and connect with what she was shouldering. 

It was a tender mercy that as we chatted, I sensed she felt greater peace, comfort, and ease, particularly, with what seemed an impossibility, due to circumstances and struggles, could be a possibility after all with Heavenly Father’s help through the power of a priesthood blessing, and that there was still ample time for the family member to sign up for the summer event if after having a blessing they felt good about going.  

When have you imparted helpful information to a friend who was struggling and the timing of your conveying it to them blessed them? And, when have you been in a bleak situation and received a priesthood blessing that reversed what earlier seemed impossible, to being possible? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Another Side Of The Story

As one of several speakers during a congregational meeting, I did not anticipate my message would extend right up to the close of the hour and be the concluding talk leaving no time for the final speaker. I walked away embarrassed and in dismay. After some time had passed, even though I didn’t know what or how I could have changed anything, I recovered and accepted what had happened and focused on what I had gained from the experience.  

A week later it was a tender mercy when I learned from a member of our congregation their story leading up to that meeting. With information from this individual and others that had been in attendance, the reason for how it went the way it did came together and made sense. I could see clearly that all worked out the way it was supposed to work out. Their was no coincidence. What was an awkward and uncomfortable moment for me I recognized was part of something bigger. As the member shared their experience with me, it provided a clarity I had not fully seen or comprehended and I felt an increased comfort that my talk was intended to go the way that it did.  

When have you experienced a time when the outcome of something you were participating in didn’t go so well and when you later learned from one or more attending the event their personal story, everything made sense and fell into place why things happened the way they did? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Giving Up My Jacket

Before leaving the house to take our boys to an overnight youth camp out, last minute I was prompted to grab my hooded jacket. Initially, I attributed my receiving the prompting to my tendency to feel cold when outdoors at night. I was happy I had received the thought and that I’d be prepared in the event I needed it while out.  

Upon arrival at the campsite, it was a short time till dusk. As the temperature had slightly dropped, one of my boys expressed feeling a bit cold upon my noticing that it appeared he was and asking him. Because it had been warm outside all day he had not brought with him a jacket or long sleeve shirt. I felt impressed to offer up my jacket so he could stay warm through the night.

It was a tender mercy I had my jacket in the car available when he needed it and not just for the warmth, but also, being unaware and not anticipating that the weather would change so drastically the next morning with a torrential downpour and intense hailstorm that came through our area, the hooded jacket covered his head from the rain and protected him. 

When have you felt prompted to grab something on your way out the door assuming it was for your use later on and, after all, it was intended for someone else with a greater need than your own?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*


While being spoken to by another, I took offense to how I thought they perceived me. I reacted with an escalated tone to defend my character of being a good and thoughtful person. In that moment, I messed up. Having been traumatized by what I assumed and believed they were saying, my heightened response triggered a reaction from them and our dialogue snowballed into a mode of each person protecting and defending oneself. 

I felt a deep hurt and pain for hours and struggled to reconcile the variance in what I heard them saying versus what I was told were their actual words. As I turned my focus and attention on the other to see where they were coming from, I felt sadness and sorrow that I had not sought the true nature of their words and more so frustrated and upset that I took offense and reacted. 

For some time, I’ve been working on not taking offense to what I have felt as negative attacks, jabs, teasing, joking, sarcasm, and harsh criticism towards me from others as personal. And, when I’ve been presumably ridiculed, I have strived to maintain my dignity and composure when I respond and own what is mine—my thoughts and my actions. 

When the skills and tools I’ve learned and have worked hard to implement and apply to best respond when I felt attacked came crushing down in an instant, I was devastated. I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling of despair for what was no longer a feeling of love, peace, and connection. When I tried so much to do it right and still did it wrong, I felt shattered. 

Over time, after repeatedly owning my response and reaction and apologizing, it was a tender mercy I was told I was forgiven. Upon hearing those words, I was surprised I felt a stillness. It was also a tender mercy when one of my children observed my sadness and they brought me a flower to cheer me up. 

When have you tried so hard to do and be better in an area of individual development and you were devastated and felt shattered after falling short and comforting words and an act of kindness from another picked you back up?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*


As of late, I have felt extremely overwhelmed and challenged by my limited capacity to reach out to more of my family and friends each day. In feeling stretched too thin and the shortage of more hours in a day, it has been a tender mercy that with a prayer in my heart, I’ve come to know, through promptings and impressions of the Spirit, who to reach out to on a given day. 

I’ve also been troubled, wondering with the various activities constraining my time daily, if the simple ways I’ve connected and reached out to those I care about and love have been too small and of little value. 

When I attended an evening session of a Stake Conference, a church meeting, I walked in feeling a heaviness questioning if the quantity and quality of what I give is adequate. Preceding the start of the meeting, I heard the word “grace” come into my mind. Subsequently, the following message also entered my mind. “Allow yourself some grace. You’re doing your best and all that you can. Your family and friends know that you love them. Give yourself grace.” These words from our loving Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost gave me comfort. 

As I sat and listened to the speakers collectively share a myriad of ways we can reach out and bless the lives of others, it was a tender mercy I had received the above message before the meeting began. I was able to recognize that my acts of charity and service were more widespread and had a greater positive impact than I had realized. Although my good deeds are often meager, I saw that my relatively simple acts of kindness are not insignificant. 

I believe the word grace entered my mind at the very beginning of the meeting so that when hearing the talks I would not have doubted further my efforts and good deeds as deficient, lacking, and not enough, but, rather instead, acknowledge the works and service I render are acceptable, adequate, and sufficient.   

When have you felt overwhelmed when you wanted to do more for others, but your capacity to do so was limited and you received comforting words that the good works you’re doing, which may seem small to you, are acceptable, adequate and sufficient?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.*

Weathering The Storm

Recently, our family took a one-day trip, leaving early in the morning, driving several hours, to attend a registered event and we returned home the same day, late evening. While traveling bright and early, hours before the crack of dawn, we drove through a rainstorm that was going in the same direction we were headed. We left during heavy downpours that had flooded roads at low points. In the darkness of the hour, the areas on the road that were flooded were unknown until we actually drove into it, literally plowing through the water to make it out the other side without getting stuck. It was pretty scary and nerve-racking. As the driver, I was able to steady our car and maintain a forward direction without veering into a concrete wall or losing control later on the road.

Before we left, we had a family prayer together and throughout the drive, I continuously maintained a prayer in my heart. I felt a calm and peace. I knew all would be well and I was confident we would arrive to the location unharmed. The weather didn’t change, however, I was vigilant, gauging conditions, closely paying attention to what was ahead of me and my surroundings as well as watching the vehicles in front of me and around me.

While driving, I thought of the many challenges in life we experience that we have no control over and can not stop, but through prayer, we can receive help to get through the trying times. I did not feel impressed to turn around and go home avoiding driving in the rain. What I did feel and received was strength, comfort, support, and a peaceful assurance we would be ok.

Along the way, I implemented what I felt would be the best course of action to protect our family, staying in the middle lane where the road sat higher and was dryer, changing lanes to avoid and stay clear of puddles, remaining focused and alert, relying on light from other cars to see beyond my own visibility in the dark, slowing down as needed and speeding up when necessary for momentum to not get stuck. As the sky was darkened, I was grateful for the city lights, truck lights, and cars lights that assisted my ability to see large pools of water in our path.

There was rain the entire way to the event, heavy in the beginning and intermittent throughout with occasional light rain and brief moments of no rain. I was grateful when the sun rose and I could see more. I was also grateful for short periods of time when there was light to no rain when I could relax and release the tension in my shoulders and hands from overall having maintained a tight two-handed grip on the steering wheel to not lose control if we hit a bad spot.

We arrived safely as I knew we would. I was grateful for multiple tender mercies from having light along the way, moments of being able to relax, getting to the place on time, and the peaceful assurance that we would be ok while driving through the storm.

When you have experienced the storms of life that you could not control, change, or alter and with divine help you received a comfort and strength that helped you get through it with a feeling of peace and confidence?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

**To receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com**

Wendy’s Half and Half Frosty

I was anticipating a smooth first day of school. After all, we’ve been through the first day many, many times. All went well initially as our older children left and I drove the youngest to school. The moment I returned home, my plans for the day began to be altered. By mid-morning I was exhausted and felt defeated, but was determined to not give up on my original plans. I pressed forward, yet made no progress. No matter how hard I tried to salvage what I could, I was making no headway. I felt like a chicken with its head cut off and I was going in circles. I was a bit frazzled, but still not willing to give up. I had much I wanted to accomplish during the hours our kids were in school.

My day was just not going well and the way I had planned. In the middle of it all, it was a tender mercy I felt impressed to reach out to a friend and in so doing I was encouraged to get out of the house and go get myself a treat. I agreed it would be a good thing for me. After reevaluating what little I was really accomplishing in the house, I saw that stepping away and coming back to the things that were not needing to be done immediately was best.

I had plans in the afternoon to buy school lunch items from Sam’s Club so what a better time than ever to leave the craziness of my morning behind and also getting a parfait sounded really good. I don’t often treat myself. I will pass up treating myself for one reason or another—not wanting to take the time to stop what I am doing, too many calories, costs money, etc. etc. As I considered all of the reasons to not treat myself, I also gave myself reasons why I should.

Do you ever have those thoughts running back and forth, “should I, should I not? Yes, treating myself is a good thing so I should but…” I really don’t know why I do that. I should be ok with treating myself, right? Are you the same? I mean, the parfait was only $1.59 and the calories were equal to what I’d eat for lunch. It was well past lunch and I could compensate at dinner. The inner battle for me is real. Is it for you too?

In the end, I ran out of time to get a parfait. The line was long and I needed to start picking up our kids from school. The fact that I made it to the store was happiness because it was part of my daily plans so I felt somewhat better and partially fulfilled, yet still overwhelmed thinking about all the “mom” homework I would be up for hours completing after our family’s evening activities.

Before I left home, I quickly ate one handful, two handfuls of Peanut M&Ms, one M&M at a time, more than I usually would. I told myself I needed the protein for energy. Does that count as treating myself? I counted it. Not exactly healthy. Well kind of—peanuts are healthy, chocolate is too. I was definitely reasoning my way into accepting this as a way of treating myself and then I saw it as stress eating, which is the opposite of how I actually eat when I am stressed, not eating at all. I was not yet allowing myself to slow down, separating the challenges of the morning to enjoy a relaxing moment for me to regroup.

As my plans were going awry, I needed to take a necessary break. I was doing my best and all that I could and the outcome I wanted was not happening so stepping away to regroup and come back to it later was great advise.

After leaving Sam’s Club and picking up our kids, it was a tender mercy they suggested we stop and get a 50 cent Wendy’s half and half frosty. This was a fabulous idea! Not only was it a great after school treat for their first day, it was also a wonderful treat for me to enjoy while pausing and removing myself for a time between the rough morning and the sure to be long night ahead. Double bonus! 😊😊

When have you had a discombobulated day and getting out of the house to regroup and enjoy a sweet treat was a nice picker-upper?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

*If you would like to receive an email when new posts are published, please send your name and email address to tendermercymoments@gmail.com.

Stand By Your Feeling

I was facing a conflict, a dilemma to what I was going to do and what decision I was going to make at an annual well exam visit for one of my children. I was sure they had swimmer’s ear, and I knew there was a possibility that immunizations were given at their age. I was not only concerned about my child’s ear discomfort, but also if getting shots now was a good thing or not. I questioned if other problems or side effects would arise and complicate things if I didn’t keep the two separate and deal with one thing at a time. There was some leverage between now and a year from now to receive the state required school vaccinations.

I did not know what I should do, so I did the only thing that I knew to do and that was to pray. As I prayed about the decision to wait, I felt a peace to not have the vaccinations done that day. I had received the answer prior to going to the appointment and was prepared if I felt pressure to have my child get them while in the office. Although it was shared that my child was of age to have them and they were available, surprisingly, the pressure I felt didn’t come from the staff or the doctor, but rather from within myself wanting to ensure I was doing the right thing for my child.

When my child learned about the vaccinations, they were concerned it would hurt. I offered them the option of doing it that day, waiting a few months, or next year and allowing them to weigh in on the decision and choose what they wanted to do. They, too, felt good about waiting. The staff respected our decision.

I am grateful for the peace and comfort I felt proceeding the visit in knowing what I needed to do and I was prepared if I was potentially “put on the spot”. A few times, I did consider and contemplate for a second if what I felt earlier had changed. It had not. I was reminded of the peace I felt to wait. I stood by the original feeling and the answer I had received after prayer and was able to remain unwavering in the conclusion to hold off for the time being.

When have you received an answer to a prayer and you were able to remain unwavering in your decision when you felt pressure or when you were “put on the spot”?


Black Trash Bags

As we were returning home from a beach trip, it was not long after the sun set and with two hours still to go, we saw a lightening show in the horizon fill the dark sky. It continued the duration of our drive back home. It was only a matter of time we would be in the path. With threatening rain at any moment, we exited the interstate as quickly as we could to find a lit location where we could stop to cover our belongings in the back of the open truck bed with black trash bags, brought in the event we encountered showers.

With the scent of rain in the air and a gentle gust of wind, we all worked fast to cover our bags and then we continued moving onward towards home. Each minute we remained “in the clear”, I was grateful. I also felt a surge of excitement that if we drove through a downpour, our possessions would stay dry. It was more or less a feeling of comfort that we came prepared. The phrase, “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear” came to my mind during the experience. Not only did we have sufficient black bags to protect our exposed luggage and belongings from getting wet, which did occur 15 minutes before getting home, we were able to stop with adequate time to cover what we wanted to keep dry.

What are the blessings you have received when you have been prepared?
