After I dropped off my kids at the place where they were departing from and carpooling with others for an outdoor youth activity on a breezy, summer night as the sun was setting and the hot temperatures of the day had subdued slightly, I decided to stay at the drop off/pick up location and remain in my car to soak up and embrace the time I had available to read until my children returned from their outing a little over an hour later.
While I waited, as a friend walked by my car, I felt inclined to not just wave as she passed by but to open my car door and say hello. As I began our dialogue with a casual inquiry, she was vulnerable and courageous in opening up to me fears and hardships she was facing and challenges that were hindering a family member’s participation in an upcoming summer event and as such they decided prior to the registration deadline to opt out of attending.
When I asked my friend if she had considered the family member receiving a priesthood blessing, she responded that she hadn’t thought of it and expressed that it was a good idea. As she further opened up to me about her situation, I felt compassion and had empathy for what she was going through and understood the emotions she was describing as years earlier I had experienced similar difficulties and could relate and connect with what she was shouldering.
It was a tender mercy that as we chatted, I sensed she felt greater peace, comfort, and ease, particularly, with what seemed an impossibility, due to circumstances and struggles, could be a possibility after all with Heavenly Father’s help through the power of a priesthood blessing, and that there was still ample time for the family member to sign up for the summer event if after having a blessing they felt good about going.
When have you imparted helpful information to a friend who was struggling and the timing of your conveying it to them blessed them? And, when have you been in a bleak situation and received a priesthood blessing that reversed what earlier seemed impossible, to being possible?
“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”
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