An Uneasy Feeling Brushed Aside

While at the grocery store, as I selected a specialty food item that caught my eye, had a coupon attached, and was a product I had never before tried, I had an uneasy feeling about getting it, but I ignored the strong impression that I should not purchase it.

I countered the validity of the feeling and convinced myself to buy it anyway, believing it would be a great substitute for something else I really wanted that was not within my budget. It seemed a ridiculous impression as I chalked it up to and attributed the reason for the uneasiness being associated with my OCD mannerisms to compare like products and question which one is better. In trying to overcome my tendencies of being very particular in my selection process related to quality, I brushed aside the feeling I have become accustomed to recognizing time and time again as a prompting to not being certain if it truly was a prompting or not.

Once I brought it home and before eating some of it prior to going to bed, another specific impression that it would not be good for me to consume any of it, I ,too, disregarded. The next morning, soon after I got up and jumped into taking care of household chores, I suddenly felt flushed, sweaty, and as if I would throw up. It was apparent to me then why I should not have bought it.

Not only was it a tender mercy the experience solidified that I had indeed received an actual impression, but also the importance of following promptings and not ignoring them even when it seems ridiculous. In addition, the symptoms were short lived and I was able to return the food item to the store and purchase something else in its place. 

When have you disregarded an uneasy feeling that seemed ridiculous and the outcome helped you recognize that what you brushed off as insignificant, was, in fact, a real prompting?


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Responding To An Impromptu Impression That Felt Awkward

While spending time with a new friend a couple of days earlier, they had shared with me an important upcoming therapeutic meeting they would be attending. As evening approached on that specific day, out of the blue I felt inspired to reach out to them and inquire how the meeting went. My initial reaction to the impromptu impression of asking such a personal question was a feeling of awkwardness. I wondered if they would think I was prying into their privacy or if they would know it was coming from a place of genuine care and heartfelt concern. 

I ignored the prompting and it came right back. I knew the feeling I was having was one not to resist or push aside. Over the years I have come to recognize impromptu impressions are promptings to act. With not more than a few minutes of back and forth, “should I or should I not” and knowing better than to second guess the prompting, I went for it and messaged them.

On numerous occasions in the last few weeks I’ve been inspired to visit with them. As I have done so, a friendship and connection has formed and their feeling comfortable to open up to me about the difficulties they are going through has transpired. Our positive interactions, I believe, led to the reason why my text was well received. 

It was a surprising tender mercy that the news and information provided them during the meeting to the possibilities of what they may be facing and the trying times up ahead, understandably overwhelming, I have familiarity and firsthand knowledge of the struggle and am able to provide them varying help along their journey. 

Ironically, at the time of the prompting and right before I sent the text, I was listening to an inspirational message about how our challenges and trials can bless and help another. 

When have you felt awkward about following through with an impromptu impression to reach out to a friend, yet, you knew with certainty it was a prompting to act; and, of no coincidence, your background experience was a blessing to them as they much needed support and help navigating a scary uncertain path?


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What Should I Do?

As I was looking forward to and expecting a call from a loved one late one evening, I sought earlier in the day to find out from them via a text message what time specifically was best for them. I had anticipated getting a response back from them right away, but I did not. Initially I was not concerned. I felt a peace and a calm. Hours later, I still had not received a reply back from them. 

Even though I did not know why I had not yet heard from them, I continued to feel the same peace and calm. I was optimistic and told myself comforting explanations as to the possible reasons why I felt that they were just fine—1) I don’t always get back to others right away when they text me 2) my friends don’t always reply back to me right away when I text them. And, neither is an indicator that something is wrong, only that our schedules are varied and we will get back to each other as soon as we can. I also considered that maybe the loved one had lost their phone, and even so, if it were the case, it didn’t change the fact that I felt they were just fine. I tried to stay out of the worry zone. 

Before the close of the evening, I reached out again, one more time, via a phone call, desiring to touch base. Still no response. And, then first thing the next morning, I messaged them again. By this time, the natural worrier in me started creeping in. As it did, I contemplated what I would do if they were in harm’s way or injured and who I knew that was close to them I could call and ask when they last had contact with this loved one. With a geographical distance between us, the only contact I had to the loved one was by phone. Without communication, I had no idea or visibility as to what was happening or going on with them. However, I knew one person that did, Heavenly Father

I reached out to Heavenly Father and asked, “What should I do?” The answer I received to stick to the peaceful feeling I felt from the beginning was a tender mercy. I felt comfort and went on with my day without being consumed with worry or deterred away from the feeling of peace and calm that they were ok.

Mid morning, I received a reply from the loved one that they were well and all was good with them. They also shared that they had called the evening prior, but for some reason when their call came in, it was not seen. When I checked my “recents” call log, (which I had a subtle thought to check the night prior, but it was so fleeting I completely forgot all about it until I received their reply) sure enough, they had called. It was a bummer I missed their call, yet I was grateful for the peace and calm I felt right off the bat when I didn’t first hear from them and the comfort extended beyond when I could’ve easily been in worry and panic mode. 

When have you been unable to reach a loved one at a time you were expecting to hear from them and you were able to keep your worries at bay when your initial feelings regarding their safety and well-being was one of peace and calm?


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When I Went For The Deletion

Not long after installing a new application recommended by another blogger for the primary purpose of enhancing the visibility of my blog, I questioned whether it was actually beneficial for me to have done so or not. Once downloaded, the feature I was most excited about didn’t seem to provide the intended value I had envisioned.

As the tool was completely foreign to me, I searched different websites to figure out and learn how to use it. Even with finding supposed easy step-by-step instructions, I could not make sense of most of the technology lingo or terminology and I didn’t know anyone I could reach out to for help. After much effort of trying to understand and comprehend the tool but not getting the results I had anticipated when I assumed I knew what I was doing, I was ready to deactivate the application. 

With my limited technology know-how, I prayed to know if I should keep the application up and running or delete it. Not having a clear answer what I should do and being content to go back to the simple and basic way I had been publishing my blog, I decided to remove the application altogether. 

In the moment I was ready to go for it and shut it down, it was a tender mercy a friend with technology experience called right then and offered to provide me help later that day. During our conversation and in the process of waiting to meet up, I realized I hadn’t given this new tool adequate time to truly see its full potential nor was I using the functions effectively. Turns out the tool was more useful and better than I had expected.  

When have you been prepared to deactivate a tool that didn’t seem to be working in the manner you intended, and in the very moment you were going to press delete, support came to your aid and you realized the resource you had installed was valuable after all?


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I Tweaked It Slightly

In remaking my bed with freshly laundered sheets and a comforter, I was struggling to get the fitted sheet to fit snugly around each of the corners of the mattress. Even after smoothing out the wrinkles and attempting to remove the excess gathering at the top and bottom of the bed, no amount of tugging at the sheet was helping it to form fit properly over all of the corners. 

I thought I lacked strength and arm muscles necessary, but at the same time I was thinking it shouldn’t be so difficult to make my bed. After all, I’ve made my bed countless number of times with greater ease. I was determined to have the sheet fit, even if the stitching at one of the seams ripped in the process. 

As I was about ready to pull the sheet over one of the mattress corners more tightly, it was a tender mercy that before yanking the sheet back with all my might, I realized that perhaps the direction of the sheet was not aligned correctly with the dimensions of the mattress. In appearance, all sides of the mattress looked like the same measurement. I assumed that no matter which way the sheet went on, it should fit, however, that was not the case. When I shifted the fitted sheet 1/4 rotation from one mattress corner to the next, it was a tender mercy that with the slight tweak, the sheet fit snugly. 

This experience got me thinking about other life’s challenges and how a slight tweak may be all that is needed to fit things back into place nicely without forcing or breaking anything in the process such as an object, or relationship, etc?

When have you experienced the frustration of something not fitting properly and a slight and simple tweak solved the problem?  


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Seeing The One That Was Out Of Place

My intent when entering a supercenter was to quickly purchase in the shortest amount of time possible only a handful of specific items, one being a quantity of three of the exact same product. I gathered up in my arms this product first. They were vertically lined on a shelf one behind the other. I scooped three up all at once, without looking at them individually, and then went on to get the other items on my list. 

The last item I needed had a variety of brand options to choose from. In wanting the one that was the least expensive, but not finding a price for some of them to compare, I went to a nearby price scanner attached to a post in an aisle to check the cost of a select few. Before I scanned each unpriced item, I set down the other products I had been carrying throughout the store. It was then that I noticed the product I had multiples of and had assumed each were identical and exactly the same, one was not and had inadvertently been placed among the ones I had picked up.

Although a similar product, it was a tender mercy I saw that they were not all the same prior to getting to the register and checking out. 

When have you picked up, all at once, several identical items you needed from off a shelf, assuming they were exactly the same, and realized before getting to the register to check out that they were not? 


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Shading From The Heat Of The Sun

Mid-afternoon, on this blazing summer day, a friend of mine and I enjoyed a day together with our children at a park. As the sun was beating down, I was constantly wiping sweat droplets from my chin and along my cheek bones and frequently drinking water to stay hydrated. Although the bright sun among the white puffy clouds in the blue blue sky was of a sweltering degree, it was a tender mercy that the park had a covering to shade the playground and bench area from the scorching heat of the sun. 

When have you been to a park, a pool, the beach, a sporting event…on a very hot day and were extremely grateful there was a covering (pavilion, awning, umbrella, trees, etc.) you could sit under that provided some or full shade from direct exposure of the sun’s rays?


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Questioning Whether To Offer Help Or Not

While waiting to watch one of my children drive away and head off for a several days long, summer adventure in company with many, many other kids all around the same age, I became aware that one of the members of the group was reluctant, hesitant, and nervous to go. As a result, they backed out of attending and no matter what efforts and encouragement was given from others, it didn’t convince them to change their mind prior to the group’s departure.  

Per their decision to stay behind, I considered offering to take them back home, but the idea remained a question, a stupor of thought, with no real clear, definitive and absolute, answer to do so. As I regarded and respected what I imagined the young person may have been going through and knew that arrangements had already been made for a family member to come pick them up, I was not feeling certain whether I should even propose the kindly act or intervene, so I said nothing. Although I was ready and prepared to serve and able to provide transportation to get them back home, I was confused at the reason for the stupor of thought and why extending myself did not feel completely right.  

After everyone left, including myself, another parent stayed with the young person to ensure they were taken care of until their family member picked them up. A couple of days later, I reached out to the parent to follow up on how everything went.  

It was a tender mercy that as I heard the rest of what happened relayed to me, I understood the why I had a stupor of thought. Through a miraculous course of events, totally unexpected and not foreseen by anyone, the nervous participant ended up, several hours after, rejoining the group. Heavenly Father was keenly aware of this individual’s struggles and helped them in a remarkable way to be a part of an incredible summer experience!    

When have you been available and willing to help someone in need, but due to a stupor of thought you held back and learned later the reason why it was not clear whether to have offered them assistance or not?


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Why Am I Struggling So?

While writing up a blog entry, I couldn’t figure out why my post was not coming together and it was troubling me…until I stepped away to take a much needed break. In part, it made sense since writing is not my forte, however, it is something I do on a regular basis and many days I do fine, but today was extremely challenging and a struggle for me.

It was a tender mercy that immediately as I set it aside and moved away from it, one of my children came to me with the exact same question I was stewing over, “Why Am I Struggling So?” only from the flip side. I was intrigued and delighted. 

For them, it was with basketball. On this particular day, they were very pleased with their basketball accomplishments, yet, they brought up how interesting it is that on some days they do well and on other days they don’t do so well. I was curious…what makes the difference? Such as, a bad hair day versus a good hair day, a bad writing day versus a good writing day, a bad workout day versus a good workout day and on and on… 

Per our conversation, these various thoughts came to mind. 

1.  What I was writing was a significant post that had potential to bless the lives of many, and as such, the adversary was working full force to prevent and thwart my efforts from it getting posted. 

2. Einstein had many a bad days, but he didn’t give up and kept going and great things came from his perseverance. 

3. How often do we tackle a project like a renovation and think it’ll be easy, but once we get into it, we find issues—rusted out pipes, mold, termites… etc. Although the repairs and fixing it up is tedious and frustrating, the effort extended results in an amazing finished product. 

4. Perhaps, it opens the door for other good things to happen redirecting and focusing our energy, for the time-being, elsewhere. For instance, in basketball, rather than practicing 3 point shots that, for whatever reason, are not sinking like usual, improving upon lay ups instead. With writing, maybe setting it aside and engage in a completely different activity and area of interest for an essential breather to clear one’s mind. Or, with bad hair days, trying a different hairstyle that may result in discovering an amazing new style that only came to be because of a bad hair day. 

5.  In addition, another family member shared a reminder that there is opposition in all things

As I reflected on each of these points, I had an enlightened perspective when I returned later to my writing. Even though it took longer than most to write up the specific blog post, I did not give up and eventually it came together. 

In a nutshell, my takeaway was that things of great importance and worthwhile may require more painstaking effort and to not give up when something isn’t working out in the moment(s); and, that struggles and “bumps in the road” do not necessarily mean stop doing what valuable thing you are doing, particularly, when it doesn’t feel right to do so, and “throw in the towel”, but rather step away to do something else for a time and then come back and try again.  

When have you been at a point of contemplating giving up on something beneficial you were working really hard on that wasn’t coming together and a conversation with another, right at that time, inspired you to keep going and pressing forward? 


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Check It First

As I arrived at our church building to voluntarily help clean on this particular Saturday, I signed up to vacuum the chapel. When I selected the first vacuum in the cleaning closet, it was a tender mercy a prompting to “check it first” came to mind. I acted on the impression and when I found the nearest outlet to plug it in, I discovered that one of the prongs was recognizably bent. Although I tried fixing it, I couldn’t straighten it out. 

It was a very good thing I checked it first before taking the non-functioning vacuum all the way up to the chapel on the opposite side of the fairly large building and another tender mercy that there were several other available and working vacuum cleaners to choose from in the cleaning closet. 

When has your time been most efficiently utilized as you followed a prompting to check the function of an item you were going to use, or possibly buy, before transporting it elsewhere; and upon realizing it didn’t function properly, it was a blessing there were other like items available that did? 


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