Boost of Energy

After being out all morning running errands, I was so tired and so exhausted and I really wanted to go home to take a nap, but I hadn’t made it to the grocery store yet. While traveling in the direction towards home, I debated whether or not to stop and buy food at that time or wait until later in the day to go back out. Although it was OH-SO inconvenient to do any more shopping when I felt drained and not entirely or altogether with-it, it WAS convenient that I’d be passing right by the store on my way home, so I decided to stop. As I mentally reviewed the handful of produce, grains, and dairy I planned to get, I recalled an important ingredient to add to my list. 

On a prior grocery shopping trip, I purchased a main ingredient to make a specific meal, however, I didn’t think about getting the complimentary ingredient that would complete the meal. Needless to say, the meal was not prepared and the purchased item sat in the fridge untouched until I happened to notice the day of when it had reached its “best by” date. In not wanting the food to go to waste, it was a tender mercy I remembered to add the complimentary item to my list. In addition, considering my sluggish state, it was a tender mercy when I arrived at the store, I received an enthusiastic phone call from a loved one that woke me up some. I gained just enough energy to accomplish what grocery shopping I needed to do. 

When have you felt spent while out running errands and you experienced a boost of energy that helped you complete what you wanted to accomplish; and, while tired and exhausted, when have you remembered something important you needed at a very fitting time?


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Not long ago, I was asked by someone if I would help them in a way they very much needed. I felt compassion and recognized that their need was of great importance, however, I did not have the skill set to be able to help them.

Worried about taking on something that was not a natural ability for me but one that would require a lot of effort and time and would be extremely stressful, I was very concerned with how to gently turn them down without it causing concern or impacting negatively our association with each other.

I felt a lot of anxiety and pressure weighing on me. I didn’t quite know what to do. I fretted for days and prayed, seeking an answer to know what I should to do to maintain my health and happiness at the same time not creating any unfavorable distance between us when I was unable to individually fulfill their need.

It was a huge tender mercy when one morning while out, I was guided to an amazing person I have become acquainted, who has the essential skills. Why I didn’t think of them sooner, I don’t know, other than I believe the timing was not a coincidence.

I felt the stirrings of the Spirit prompt me to provide their information to the one needing help. I felt joy and relief. I was extremely grateful for this answer to my prayer and happy I was able to be a conduit in redirecting this individual to another person who was better able to give and provide adequately what was needed in a manner I could not. It felt good to be able to help them in some way while also not taking upon myself unhealthy stresses. 

When have you lacked a particular skill that was needed by someone asking for your help and you were able to be a conduit redirecting them to another person you had been guided to who had that essential skill?


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Unwavering Confidence

In taking my car into the dealership for a warranty covered routine maintenance, I did not anticipate and was unaware that one particular service within the “warranty window” would necessitate an out-of-pocket expense. Per my car’s mileage, when asked by a service advisor if I would like to also have this recommended precautionary annual service done that day, I reflected on an experience years earlier with a different dealership when I realized later a suggested service that was offered and I accepted was above and beyond what was essential and truly needed. Based on the excellent condition of my car less than 3000 miles since my last visit, I doubted the necessity of my car needing the service done on this day. 

And, if it did need to be done, I considered going instead to a reliable private owned automotive shop I’ve been to on many occasions and trust. I’ve been pleased with their quality, service, and pricing and prefer to take my car there for repairs when services are no longer covered by a dealership warranty. 

Drawing on these experiences, I was not quick to say ok. When given the dealership cost, I was certain the automotive shop pricing for the same quality service was less. When I asked if the dealership does price matching, I was told they do not price match with “mom-and-pop” shops. When I asked if my warranty would be voided if I had the service done elsewhere, I was told that as long as I had a receipt, it would not be voided. 

After declining the offer, I inquired with the automotive shop their pricing for the service and it was confirmed they were substantially less by 75% the regular dealership cost and 50% less than the sale price the dealership was offering that day. When my car was returned following the covered maintenance and multi-point inspection, it was also confirmed that my car did not yet need the additional recommended service. 

It was a tender mercy that with my prior dealership and automotive shop experience, I knew what questions to ask and I was not persuaded by skillful pressure sales to convince me to say yes on the spot to an unnecessary service and I was able to decline with an unwavering confidence.  

When have you declined a recommended offer with confidence knowing that a suggested service was unnecessary at the time presented and the cost for the equivalent quality service was less elsewhere?


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As of late, I have felt extremely overwhelmed and challenged by my limited capacity to reach out to more of my family and friends each day. In feeling stretched too thin and the shortage of more hours in a day, it has been a tender mercy that with a prayer in my heart, I’ve come to know, through promptings and impressions of the Spirit, who to reach out to on a given day. 

I’ve also been troubled, wondering with the various activities constraining my time daily, if the simple ways I’ve connected and reached out to those I care about and love have been too small and of little value. 

When I attended an evening session of a Stake Conference, a church meeting, I walked in feeling a heaviness questioning if the quantity and quality of what I give is adequate. Preceding the start of the meeting, I heard the word “grace” come into my mind. Subsequently, the following message also entered my mind. “Allow yourself some grace. You’re doing your best and all that you can. Your family and friends know that you love them. Give yourself grace.” These words from our loving Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost gave me comfort. 

As I sat and listened to the speakers collectively share a myriad of ways we can reach out and bless the lives of others, it was a tender mercy I had received the above message before the meeting began. I was able to recognize that my acts of charity and service were more widespread and had a greater positive impact than I had realized. Although my good deeds are often meager, I saw that my relatively simple acts of kindness are not insignificant. 

I believe the word grace entered my mind at the very beginning of the meeting so that when hearing the talks I would not have doubted further my efforts and good deeds as deficient, lacking, and not enough, but, rather instead, acknowledge the works and service I render are acceptable, adequate, and sufficient.   

When have you felt overwhelmed when you wanted to do more for others, but your capacity to do so was limited and you received comforting words that the good works you’re doing, which may seem small to you, are acceptable, adequate and sufficient?


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The Secret Ingredient Is Love

As my husband and I opened our Valentine’s Day card from each other, it was amazing how exact our messages and expressions of love were for the other when no coordinating between us took place.

From him I received a card, “BE MINE” and a container filled with chocolate chip cookie ingredients. When I asked which recipe I should use to make the cookies or if there was a recipe to go along with it, he replied, “The Secret Ingredient Is Love”. I smiled and verbalized my appreciation all the while I contained an explosion of joyful laughter I felt inside from becoming apparent. I held back my excitement until he opened up my card attached to a box of chocolates with the words “love” all over the outside and on the inside it read, “The Secret Ingredient Is Love”. He smiled and we both giggled together. It was pretty cool! 

Being on the same page, on the same wavelength as one another was a tender mercy. The love I felt for my husband when I picked out his card with the box of chocolates increased, magnified, and was of a greater immensity when his message was identical to mine. In that moment, I felt the gravity and strength of our love for one another in a more powerful way. The singleness of exchanging heartfelt cards with each other each year is always a sweet moment. This year was even sweeter as I felt a deeper connection and a gratitude for our love on our 23rd Valentine Anniversary. 

When has your love for another increased and magnified immensely after an uncoordinated identical message and expression of love for each other was exchanged with one another?


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Growth Beyond The Freeze

Growing season has begun. Spring is right around the corner. Less than a week after our family planted a flower garden and vegetable garden during our Family Home Evening, we experienced the coldest night of winter. I don’t regularly check the weather day to day so it was a tender mercy our family happened to be watching the news and saw the weather report the first evening of the cold front. When we heard the heads up of the cold front approaching, my husband covered our plants. A few days later, I noticed the seedlings coming up and assumed that in addition to having covered them, they were also protected while still in the dirt and not yet exposed above ground. Timing was perfect that they didn’t poke through too soon. It was a tender mercy that the plants were still growing even after some very cold days and nights.

When have you protected your flower garden/vegetable garden/plants in time from a winter freeze and they survived the cold front?


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Worst-Case Scenario

While traveling to an event I was attending for the first time in a part of town where businesses had barred windows, I felt uneasy and outside of my comfort zone. Even though the actual location of the event seemed ok, I did not feel completely safe. Being in a questionable environment, I was vigilant and cautious of my surroundings as well as conscientious of my desire to exude confidence and have faith that my time while at the event would be positive and valuable. 

Upon arrival, I backed in to the only available legal parking spot remaining on the property and closest to the building which was on the grass in front of a railroad track. Once out of my car, I was approached by a friendly, considerate delivery guy who expressed his concern for me being parked too close to the tracks and shared that if a train came through, he did not want rocks on the track to kick up and hit my car. I responded with gratitude and returned to my car moving it forward several feet away from the tracks. It was a tender mercy the fellow was there when I pulled up and provided that information with me as sure enough, partially through the event, while I sat near a window that overlooked where I had parked, I heard an approaching train and observed it go by.  

After my brief interaction with him, it was another tender mercy that as I did not know where to enter the building, another attendee who arrived shortly after I did showed me the way. She happened to be directly involved with the event and invited me to follow her via a shortcut, through a side door that opened right to the event. As I entered, I was warmly welcomed and greeted by others.  

When have you been in a place outside your comfort zone and the timeliness of kindness shown to you by another was beneficial and helpful? 

As much as I appreciated the timeliness of the acts of good will, I was, likewise, leery and apprehensive being in a new place and among individuals I was meeting for the first time. 

Once inside, within a few short minutes, I realized that I did not have my phone with me. I had last used it in the car when I turned off my phone navigation system after parking. As I always keep my phone on me when I am out either in a back pocket or in my purse, I became worried when it was not in either place. In one second I had my phone, and the next I did not. 

Aware of my heightened sense of feeling unsettled on top of having passed several people when I discovered my phone was missing, my mind went to the worst-case scenario that I had been pickpocketed. A part of me was skeptical and unsure who I could trust and ready to accept the loss of my phone, whereas, the other part of me was hopeful that I had simply misplaced my phone. Although I experienced a sudden panic, rather than allowing myself to dwell on the former possibility, I leaned in the direction of the latter taking a proactive “benefit of the doubt” approach while trying to not only appear calm, but also stay grounded and clear minded. Immediately, I backtracked my steps a couple of times and repeatedly checked all my pockets and my purse.  

As I stayed focused, prayed, and continued to search without giving up, it was a tender mercy when I went back to my car a second time and leaned over the driver’s seat to look inside the middle console, I saw my phone partially lodged between the console and front passenger seat.   

After finding my phone, I realized that in my hurried attempt to get back in my car to move it more so away from the railroad tracks and then get into the event as quickly as possible, I had set my phone down in the front passenger seat and only grabbed my purse when I got out. 

When have you experienced a troubling situation and the actual outcome was better than your worst-case scenario thought?


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Choosing Admiration and Love For Others Above Self Doubt

I looked forward to socializing and having real conversations with friends at a casual event one evening. Although I knew most everyone, I was surprised by my feeling awkward when a friend would stay only momentarily in our dialogue before stepping away to interact and mingle with other friends. When I was reached out to and asked how things were going, it was easy to respond with a deeper than surface answer because of the friendships I had with each, however, when the dialogues didn’t last long and were cut short, I was perplexed. 

Within a few minutes after I shared personal and monumental life’s happenings with different friends, they flittered away mid-conversation roaming elsewhere among the other guests and the food table. I didn’t know whether they were disinterested in what I was sharing or maybe preoccupied and just not fully invested in our conversation because their attention was split among the multiple other activities taking place.    

It was a challenge, yet I didn’t let it distract me. I remained happy and continued to smile. I was able to look past the broken conversations and an uncomfortableness I felt at one point when I observed whisperings and eyes on me, good or bad I wasn’t sure. I didn’t get caught up in the drama nor self doubt my worth or the friendships and connections I have with each one of them. I kept my head held high. Although I interacted with friends the entire time and had one meaningful conversation, I anticipated and expected I would have more-so connected with others than I actually did. 

I could have allowed my feeling lost and alone, even among so many friends, to sink me and turn away and walk out. Instead, I found myself admiring each person I knew, recognizing their individual qualities, their strengths and talents, valuing their personalities, and seeing them for the incredible people they are to me rather than telling myself and believing that no one was interested in me. 

It was a tender mercy I was able to transition from feeling a separation when the conversations ended abruptly to feeling love, admiration, appreciation, and gratitude for each of my friends. 

When have you found yourself moving from a place of self doubt when conversations with friends didn’t go the way you hoped and wanted to feeling an admiration and a love for your friends? 


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Low Fuel

After picking up my kids from school, I had one stop to make to get some food and nonfood items before heading home in rush hour traffic. Just before getting to the store, a message appeared on my dashboard indicating that my fuel was low and then I noticed the fuel light had come on. I had not been paying attention to my fuel gauge. It was near empty. With the mileage I had remaining and the distance I needed to travel back home in stop and go traffic, the timing of the warning was pertinent.

As we we got closer to the store, my children pointed out the gas station that was there too. It was a tender mercy I received the warning message when I did as the probability of my running out of gas in heavy traffic was high and it was a tender mercy there was a gas station right next to the very store we were stopping at to do our shopping. 

When has a warning message, alarm, or light helped keep you on top of attending to what was crucial and needed when you were not paying attention or lost track of a necessary and important status yourself?

And, when has your location at the time of the warning been perfect?


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A Well-Intentioned Thought Interrupted From Being Expressed

There have been so many times and instances while dialoguing with others that right before I speak a well-intentioned, loving thought, there is a distraction or disruption. Through the brief, or even split second interruption, I quickly become aware and realize as the other person resumes the conversation, following the disruption, and provides additional information and context, that my thoughts, though kind, if they had become words, would not have been applicable in a healthy or helpful way for them and would have done more harm than good. I would have been embarrassed and felt quite awkward. It has been a tender mercy on those occasions as I am about to open my mouth to say, albeit, loving and caring words, a sudden disruption has come between the thought and the immediate verbalization of the thought. In those times, I am glad and relieved for the timing of the interruption.

When have you almost shared a caring, well-intentioned thought with someone and an interruption came between your thoughts and verbalizing your thoughts, stopping what could have been a sorrowful, awkward moment for you and a painful, uncomfortable experience for the other person?


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