Willing To Give

One particular Sunday while at church, I was amazed at the number of different occasions I observed and witnessed others giving what they had, to help another in their time of need. I, too, was willing and wanting to help. With so many ready to jump in, it felt like a race. Having resources available right away and being in close proximity to the one in need was key.

As one woman in the library expressed a need for a band-aid, immediately a young mother standing close by hearing her request pulled out of her bag a brand new, not yet opened, first aid kit. I too, was close by to assist, however, the band-aids I had were in my car not as readily accessible.

During Sunday School class, a student was invited to share a personal experience. When his emotions surfaced, he sought for a Kleenex. Although I had Kleenex in my purse, I waited as I watched several others who were closer to him look for what they had and I saw a gentleman not far from the student place a travel size package next to him.

The opportunity for me to help came later when I overheard mention of a friend who was hungry and no one near her had any food with them. Initially, I shared that I had gum and Tic Tacs and then I remembered I had a snack in my bag. It happened to be the perfect snack for my friend who was not only hungry, but also had food allergies. I was grateful I had something to offer.

In addition, when leaving the last class with a couple of friends, they expressed concern and wondered why a situation in a story that had been shared in the lesson couldn’t have had a better outcome. I was able to provide information to a possible reason and explanation. They expressed appreciation for the insight.

Time and again as a need presented itself, many, including myself, were ready, happy and willing to assist where we could. It was neat to see how quickly so many went into action to help another and it felt good when I was able to give something I had, to help someone else.

When have you been touched by the service you’ve witnessed others render to one another and when have you been grateful for an opportunity you’ve had to help another in their time of need?


Interior Decorating

One summer afternoon as we were preparing to have guests over, our daughter cleaned up our kitchen table and changed out the centerpiece for a simple, modern look removing and replacing the spring decor. I was delighted and thanked her for having an eye for decorating and being able to gather up items throughout the house to put together a fabulous centerpiece. I loved it! It was like staging a home and rearranging what you already have for a look that was more appealing. I was quite impressed!

Have you had a friend or family member share their interior decorating skills to beautify your home and you absolutely loved and valued and appreciated their talent?



Although I was drawn to post a particular Tender Mercy Moment to my blog, I was contemplating whether I should.  I was hesitant and nervous about being vulnerable. I also felt a darkness and heaviness bear down on me to NOT post. I was confused by the feelings. I was debating whether posting the entry was the right thing to do or not and I considered setting it aside to focus on posting a different one, but I felt a pull to that entry.

I was questioning if my feeling nervous and reluctant was a message to not move forward posting the entry, therefore, the darkness was confirming that thought process. Or, was the nervousness, my feeling inadequate not knowing if the post would be an inspiration to someone else. I began to see it was the latter.

It is hard posting entries and putting myself out to lots of people uncertain how they will respond or react. Yet, I know my Tender Mercy Moments are meant to be shared with others. I have seen and heard many overcome personal fear, and their gift and light has blessed the lives of so many.

Over the course of several minutes as I prayed to know what I should do, the experience was intense. The feeling to not  post was more than I have ever felt before. In a matter of minutes, my mind shifted constantly back and forth wanting to do the right thing, but not knowing what was the right thing to do.

As I was trying to decide how I should proceed, I asked myself the question, “Is the nervousness I am feeling God wanting me to turn away from posting because it is actually a bad thing or is it Satan trying to stop me from doing something that will spread light to a lot of people?” As pressure was mounting to step away, one by one for every thought pulling me away from posting, there was a reassuring image of light, phrases, and stories also entering my mind. I focused my attention and hung onto what I knew and felt was true. The truth countered the lies.

It was a testimony to me that the goodness Heavenly Father has called me to do is significant enough that Satan wanted to stop me. I know now that the number of individuals the blog will bless is a force for good. I didn’t realize that at first as I was confused and trying to discern the right path to follow, but then began recognizing the source of the darkness and heaviness surrounding me. I know Satan wants to disrupt goodness and I felt his influence very strongly.

In this process, I was reminded of the Prophet Joseph Smith‘s experience in the Sacred Grove as he prayed to God seeking to know which church was true and if he should join any of the many churches that were in his area.  The answer to that question would bless the lives of many, many people. Satan knew this. Darkness overshadowed Joseph with such greatness he could not speak and then a bright light dispersed the darkness as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him.

I was able to break through the darkness pressing down on me because of small and simple messages and thoughts entering my mind through a still small voice. I knew what I was receiving was truth. Among the depths of the darkness surrounding me as Satan was trying to deter me from doing what Heavenly Father has inspired and prompted me to do, I was in a place of desire to hear through the Holy Ghost what Heavenly Father wanted me to know.

It is easy at times to listen to others as they discourage you away from doing good. I was teetering not knowing what direction I should go. During the conflict, as I was hugely consumed by darkness, I could see this tiny light. The light was only a flicker and as I made the decision to post the entry, the darkness lifted. I felt that the post was meant for someone. I chose to move forward grasping on to that flicker of light. It was a powerful moment for me. The smothering darkness is real and very influential in a strong and negative way, so much so, it is confusing to know what to believe. I am grateful I was able to hear the still small voice and as I listened, it became clear to me that posting the entry was the right thing to do.

When have you been in a quandary and felt enormous pressure pulling you away from putting yourself out there, yet what you were reluctant to do was the right thing to do?


A Child’s Whereabouts

It is summertime and it can be a challenge for my kids when they seem to have run out of ideas on what to do with their time and they resort to sedentary activities such as TV, computer time, and mobile phones. In our home, we have a limit on how long and when devices can be used during the day and a curfew for when all devices are turned in for the night.

During the summer, mornings are slow for us. We are night owls, not morning folk. I knew one of my kids has been looking forward to finishing the last few episodes of a favorite TV series and due to a time limit the prior day, they were not able to complete the remaining shows when they had wanted. This morning, I had an impression that this child was up watching TV prior to other family members getting up.  Although, I was aware that earlier they had completed a weekly chore of taking the trash to the street and thanked them, I was not happy to see them watching TV at the crack of dawn prior to other more productive activities I would like them doing, beyond the one chore, before screen time.

I asked them to turn it off and ponder ways they could be more active and redirected them to consider how they could better utilize their time before watching TV. Without any further dialogue and to remove myself from a debate I felt was coming, I stepped away to give them time to think about it for themselves.  It also gave me time to ask myself a similar question, “what could they do actively in the house when it is over a 100 degrees outside?” A couple of thoughts that came to mind was baking cookies and playing table tennis if the A/C or a fan is on. What are some things your kids have come up with or you have suggested they do?

I get the importance of down time—an appropriate and reasonable amount—to rejuvenate after a long hard day and the need to rest and relax if outdoors in the heat.   We are halfway through the summer and I feel that there has been a large amount of down time the last couple of weeks. They have enjoyed plenty of screen time, educational and entertaining, and when they have spent lots of time in this way sitting on the couch, it has adversely affected their behavior and mood. Although they have also been reading, playing the piano, and engaging in a hobby, it is more sitting.

I encourage my kids to be balanced in their activities and to break up their day with a variety of things they can do including first completing their chores. When a child starts complaining of body aches from sitting too long, I invite them to be productive and engaged in more active ways and ask them to consider what they can do to be up and moving between those times they spend sitting down. Often times, they choose to go outside and play basketball, ride bikes or jump on the trampoline. Knowing what to do inside that is active when it is hot, hot, hot outside is much harder.

What have you done when you have faced a similar summer experience with your kids?

When have you had an experience you were prompted to check on one of your children?


Friendly Guidance

I received a phone call today about some changes to an assignment that I’ve had for a length of time and I was not capturing the new direction that was being shared with me. I was stuck in the mindset of what has been the process in the past and not grasping beyond what I was used to doing.

I am embarrassed to say that it took me several minutes to understand, and essentially it wasn’t until I got off the call that I realized what was being shared. I may have come off as being set in my prior ways when I truly was not comprehending.  Once it clicked for me, I reached out to them expressing my gratitude for their clarifying what I was not seemingly getting.  While I clearly was not getting it at first as they were so nicely guiding me, I am thankful they were patient and kind.

When have you experienced challenges such as the one above and were grateful for the patience and kindness shown to you?


Heartfelt Emojis

There was a moment in the day that it entered my mind to send a love emoji to my husband and so I did. I noticed that minutes prior, he texted me love emojis. Somehow I had missed his when they came through, however, I thought it was neat that within that same approximate time frame not only was he thinking about me, but I likewise, was thinking about him.

When have you had experiences and moments where within a small window of time almost simultaneously, if not simultaneously, you were thinking of someone you love and likewise they were thinking of you?



Insurance and Rebates

Upon a couple of my children finishing an eye and contact exam, they learned that after the insurance covered a portion of their year supply of contacts, the remaining amount owed, out-of-pocket, was the same amount as a rebate offer. This was incredible news for them because they pay the difference after insurance for their year supply of contacts. Going into their annual eye appointment, they were concerned with what the amount remaining would be as they did not have the money and would need to wait to purchase the contacts until they did so.  Now they were able to afford them and get them sooner. What a blessing!

I think of those who do extreme couponing and how after purchasing food and nonfood, they spend practically zero or very minimal on their grocery bill.  I think that is so cool and amazing!

Have you experienced purchasing something and after insurance and coupons and/or rebates, you essentially spent nothing or very little? A happy day!


A Tote Bag

As I entered a store to purchase a few things, not enough to want to get a cart, but more than what my hands could juggle, I was looking for a basket and in that moment, in the front of the store I saw a tote bag.  It was ideal and a perfect way to carry and hold the items that I came in to get. It was fascinating to me that in the moment I thought about a basket, I immediately saw the tote bag which was much easier for me to carry the products in than even a basket.

When have you had a thought of wanting something that would be helpful for you to accomplish a task you are setting out to do and in that moment, right in front of you, is an item that will work nicely…not what you had in mind, but even better? 😊


A Loofah

For weeks my skin had been a disaster. It felt soft, yet there were areas of flakiness. And on my arms, I could roll and pull off the skin like dead skin after a sunburn, however, I did not have a sunburn and not being able to remove it all sufficiently was ever so frustrating. Even while showering and trying to remove the flakes, the problem remained. No matter the amount of lotion I applied, it did not smooth out or prevent the unwanted flakiness.

It had been a while since I had tried using a loofah which at the time didn’t seem to work so I resorted to using the palm of my hand to attempt to remove and rub off the flakes as I showered. I was not successful at all with that approach. It was really bothering me and one day the thought came to my mind to use a loofah. For whatever reason, this time, on this particular day, it worked. The flakes were practically gone and my skin was smooth. It felt and looked great.

I don’t know what made the difference. Was it that I did not lather the loofah with body wash or apply body wash to the skin first? This time I used only water with the loofah and then washed with body wash following. Was it seasonal? I’ve used the loofah in the winter time before when it didn’t work and now it’s summer. I don’t know if that plays into it, but all I know is I am grateful the loofah removed the unwanted skin and I was left with smooth soft skin.

When have you reached a point of frustration with your skin and a thought came to your mind to try something you had used before and when you did, it worked?


Olive Oil and Garlic Oil

One evening, while tucking one of my children in bed, they casually and gently mentioned their ear was hurting. I had not noticed their disposition and behavior during the day being different than usual and no complaints were heard. I imagine their being absorbed in various activities preoccupied their attention that they didn’t notice the discomfort until settling into bed for the night.

As I looked at the ear, I supposed that maybe they had rested their hand on it supporting their head while sitting in a chair watching television or they had laid on it to take a brief nap resulting in it feeling tender and sore.  As I shared with them this possibility, I asked them to keep me posted on how their ear was feeling in the morning.

All the while we were dialoguing and even after learning of their achy ear, I was still able to maintain speaking with them with my same sweet mom voice so as not to worry them, although inside I was concerned if something more was going on and if I should frequently check on them throughout the night.  I left the room telling myself that I should not get myself worked up and all will be fine. I was confident I would be alerted somehow if I was to be more highly concerned. The next morning no updates were shared, and frankly I forgot. I was grateful as a natural “worry wart” that during the night my mind was not consumed with worry and I was able to sleep.

While tucking them in bed the next night, once again, a casual and gentle mention of the ear hurting was spoken, to which I asked more questions and with no visible sign of a fever or any apparent physical or other concerns, I felt that what may help was an olive/garlic oil solution (better if at room temperature), 1/4 tsp each mixed together, and poured slowly into the ear canal. They agreed. The next day, I followed up and they said the pain had decreased and was minimal to that of the night before. By evening of that night all the pain was gone.

I learned about this home remedy when my older kids were young.  I am so grateful I had this knowledge from so many years ago come to mind and that I had the ingredients on hand which provided comfort and relief during a time of need that helped soothe and heal a tender, sore ear.

When have you been able to apply your education and knowledge to bless and help someone in need, particularly a health remedy, that provided soothing comfort and relief as well as healing?
