Do Not Panic

I held on to the comfort I felt as I heard these words, “Do Not Panic”.

Hearing news that naturally would lend to panic, it was a tender mercy as the onset of this emotion flooded and enveloped my being, I leaned into the words, “Do Not Panic”, that instantaneously entered my mind. Though worry and concern still existed, in each instance the panic resurfaced, I held on to the comfort I felt as I heard these words, “Do Not Panic”, reiterated. 

Upon leaving our residence, as I headed to the car to pick up one of our children from school, a 45-minute drive away, I listened to a voicemail message I missed come through just moments earlier from their school. At the time of day it came through, I thought it to be a general school-wide message, instead it was an auto-generated personalized message during their current class time indicating our child had been marked absent. 

With no known reason why they would not be in class, my mind immediately went into panic mode, consumed with the thought of where could they be and quickly concerned with the possibility that something terrible had happened to them. As I sought to confirm their location per a family shared Find My Iphone App, their last identified location was at home the evening prior. At a time when I needed to know exactly where they were, with their present location unknown, as panic surfaced, it was a tender mercy I received in that moment, words of comfort, “Do Not Panic”, followed with an impression there was a reasonable explanation and all was well. 

Once inside my car, panic again set in as I noticed a bag my child had placed in the car that morning, with everything needed and important to them for an after-school function, was missing from its placement behind the front passenger seat. Concern that our car had been broken into, though everything, other than the bag, appeared to have been untouched, as my whole being began to sink with devastation that of all things taken, it was what meant a great deal to our child, it was a tender mercy the words of comfort, “Do Not Panic”, reentered my mind, along with a peaceful impression that my foremost thought a theft had occurred was not what it seemed

Along the 45-minute drive to the school, it was a tender mercy I did not deviate my focus away from the “Do Not Panic” words of comfort that entered my mind and I held onto and chose to trust and believe the impression that “all is well” and “it is not what it seems”.

As I arrived to the school and awaited for our child, who promptly entered the car, unaware and oblivious of what I experienced on my way to pick them up, in our dialogue about their day, I learned the reason they had been marked absent was that they had remained in their prior class longer to ask their teacher a question and the absence they had received would be removed. And, as for their bag, without my having noticed when I dropped them off, they had taken it to school with them. 

It was a tender mercy, All Was Well! Not only that, it was a tender mercy that despite my physical health ailing me, head pressure included, I heard the message, “Do Not Panic”. 

When have you experienced a worrisome moment and you heard the words, “Do Not Panic” enter your mind, and what on the onset got your heart pumping was not actually as it appeared and all was good and well?


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This Too Shall Pass

Amidst the time period of nerve-racking worry and concern, it was a tender mercy I felt comforted “this too shall pass” and relieved once it did.

Here we go again! Another first-timer puppy owner scare! And, like the ones before, once again, a surety all was well came. On this occasion, it was when the phrase, “this too shall pass” entered my mind.

Our 6 1/2 month old puppy is notorious for eating paper products—napkins, paper towels, receipts, book covers, etc. out of the trash and off of countertops. 

In an instance, while preoccupied and not solely focused on her, it was a tender mercy an out-of-the blue, spontaneous alert to check on her and check on her now popped into my mind. In rapid succession came the question, “where is she?”; acknowledgement she was missing; another similarly posed question, “where did she go?”; an instinct that she had gone into our master bathroom; and a prayer while in immediate route there that I would get to her in time before she ate something she was not to eat.   

Sure enough, she had gone into the bathroom. However, by the time I got to her, per the evidence of small remnant pieces on the bedroom floor next to the bathroom of an item that had been thrown out, it appeared she may have eaten some of it, though I was not for certain if she had.

I was really concerned. And especially so because it was her bedtime. I questioned, “Do I keep her up or put her in her crate for the night?” I wrestled profusely with what to do. I read up on google about various options to handle what she may have ingested—from giving her hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting within 15 minutes of ingesting a foreign object, or if that time had passed giving her straight pumpkin for the fiber to help in removal of it within 10-24 hours, or feeding her rice in place of her regular diet until she pooped it out. 

Being that the veterinary office was closed and I did not know until the day after that a veterinarian was on call after hours, the only person I knew to reach out to was Heavenly Father. As I knelt in prayer desiring to hear an answer to my prayer, one by one I asked about each option and the response for each was a no. Rather, the answer I received for what to do was “you do not need to do anything”. 

I questioned if the dialogue between Heavenly Father and I was actually me giving myself the answer. Urg! So frustrating! I have come to recognize His voice and yet here in this important moment, I was not sure whose voice I was hearing, my own or Heavenly Father’s. I did however feel a peace to do nothing, but I was not content. I wanted a surety that the answer I received was from Heavenly Father, so once again I turned to Him in prayer for help to know with certainty  if the answer came from Him. 

Through my desire to undoubtedly hear Him and faith I would receive that clarity, I decided to read a random article in the Liahona. A few paragraphs in, I stopped at a paragraph that began with the word nothing. I questioned if that was the confirmation I needed. Though I still felt a peace and comfort to do nothing, I was not settled and sure that I was hearing the answer from Heavenly Father or from my own thoughts. 

After I kept our puppy up for a time and saw no signs of her having any issues, I placed her in her crate. She slept well all night long. Sometime during the night, as my mind was in rest and relaxed mode, I awoke to these words, “this too shall pass” in reference to all the other questionable items that she had before ingested and pooped out and that it would be the case this time as well. It was a tender mercy these words solidified and confirmed that I did not need to do anything. 

Once up for the day, I continued to research all I could to educate myself regarding every concerning question I had. I also reached out to a veterinarian and received concurrence that I did not need to do anything unless our puppy showed signs of having problems which she had not up to that point behaved any different than her normal self. She ate, pooped, and peed like clockwork. Eighteen hours later, it was a tender mercy a portion of what she had ingested did pass and a couple hours after that, the rest, I assumed, came out. Amidst the time period of nerve-racking worry and concern, it was a tender mercy I felt comforted “this too shall pass” and relieved once it did. 

When have you been concerned about what to do in an unsettling situation you had experienced before and you received a confirmation that like the prior similar instances, “this too shall pass” and all would be well?


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Rest Assured, All Is Well

Prior to receiving the impression, “rest assured, all is well”, concern enveloped my entire being as I observed what our puppy may have ingested.

Just like that, as my undivided attention turned momentarily away from our puppy, when I returned my focus to her, prior to receiving the impression, “rest assured, all is well”, concern enveloped my entire being as I observed what our puppy may have ingested.

While our family was hanging out watching TV, our four month old puppy was playing with her toys, when out of the corner of my eye I observed her chewing something suspicious. I quickly got up off the couch and knelt down by her side. When I looked in her mouth, I saw that she was chewing on some polyester stuffing from one of her toys that had ripped apart. I attempted to pry open her mouth, however, fear that she would clamp her teeth down on my hand as I reached into her mouth, I stopped any attempt and immediately called on one of my children, who has with such ease been able to sweep her mouth and remove a variety of questionable things she has been caught chewing on. Within the split second it took for them to get to her, they were unable to find the stuffing anywhere in her mouth. 

I was so frustrated with myself that I did not have the skill and courage to get it out of her mouth while I had an eye on it and I was very concerned she had swallowed it. What did it mean if she had? I sat back down on the couch, no longer engaged on whatever was on TV, but fully invested in researching and seeking to know what to do if she had swallowed it. I read of the possibility it could cause intestinal blockage and to get her to a veterinarian immediately OR it could come out in her poop within 24 hours and in the meantime to observe if she showed any signs or symptoms of illness. 

As a first time puppy owner, I was clueless and had no idea the seriousness, if any, I was up against. Do I lean towards a more assertive action and take her to the veterinary hospital, as the veterinary clinic was closed, or the passive approach to wait it out with hopes she had no digestive issues and it would come out the next morning?

While uncertain what action to take and not wanting to become anxious, it was a tender mercy I felt “rest assured, all is well”. Simultaneously, I was prompted to go where she had been chewing on the polyester stuffing and run my hand along our carpet, a color tone the stuffing blended in with easily. As I got down on my hands and knees and brushed my hand over the area, it was a tender mercy I found the polyester stuffing that had been in her mouth. I was relieved she had spit it out and not swallowed it. 

Several days later, I observed her biting a hole in the corner seam of a fabric covered sand bag, up against our back door to keep the winter cold air out of our kitchen. As a quick remedy, I tied off the hole with a twist tie and flipped the bag upside down to hide the corner from her and hoped she would not be able to access it. Unfortunately, one afternoon as I left her resting unattended in the kitchen while I took a phone call in another room with better reception, she managed to remove the twist tie and further increase the size of the hole. 

When I returned to the kitchen, sand was spilt out on the floor beside the bag and the wire twist tie was missing. Though I was concerned she may have chewed and swallowed the twist tie, I refrained from becoming panicked, just yet. As the thought entered my mind of whether or not to make an emergency call to a veterinarian to have her checked out, it was a tender mercy I felt a peaceful calm that it was not necessary. I felt confident and rest assured, all is well and that I would find the twist tie. 

After I swept up the spilt sand and continued sweeping in the kitchen where she goes to hang out and chew on the treats we give her, next to the towel she lies on while enjoying her treats was the twist tie wire. It was a tender mercy that though she had chewed some of the paper off of the twist tie, the entire wire piece had not been ingested by her. I was relieved and grateful that during these two health scare instances, I received the impression that rest assured, all is well. 

When have you experienced a health scare instance of a loved one and you received a much like impression that rest assured, all is well? 


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The Underlying Source Of My Anxiety Fully Came To Light

For more than two decades, I have dealt with intense anxiety while traveling here and there in a car with no idea why or from where it originated. It was not until recently that the underlying source of my anxiety fully came to light.

For more than two decades, I have dealt with intense anxiety while traveling here and there in a car with no idea why or from where it originated. It was not until recently that the underlying source of my anxiety fully came to light. 

I have racked my brain for years desiring to pinpoint any occurrence from whence I acquired the anxiety. Repeatedly, the same multiple memories of driving incidences would come to mind—the time during my childhood days while in the backseat in our family station wagon when our car was one of several vehicles abruptly tapped forward at a traffic light…to a time as a passenger in a vehicle with a road rage driver…to a time in high school as an occupant in a small car with friends and the friend who was driving drove through a stop sign at a main thoroughfare and crossed several lanes of traffic…to when my mom almost ran a red light at an intersection when she misheard my siblings in the backseat say a word that sounded like go…to the time as a teenager on a family trip when I drove through a mountain pass at night and the lights of a diesel truck blinded my view momentarily as the driver rounded a bend heading downhill from the inner lane next to the mountainside and I was climbing uphill in the outer lane alongside a cliff‘s edge. 

Though all were scary moments and it was a tender mercy no one was scathed, I would shake my head and say “nope, none of those feel like the source of my anxiety” and I would continue to wonder and ask the question, “why do I have this anxiety and from where did it originate?” No doubt I have been impacted by each incident, yet nailing down the underlying source of my anxiety has alluded me, until recently when I was back in the city where my first driving accident occurred 30 years ago.

As I was driving home on a parkway during rush hour traffic, I received a premonition I would be in an accident. Moments later, the car in front of me exited the lane and entered a middle lane to turn into a shopping center and then the driver changed their mind and came back over into my lane right in front of me, at which time my front bumper hit their back bumper. Fortunately, it was a tender mercy no physical injuries to either of us or visible damage to our cars occurred. That being the case, the driver was satisfied all was well and we went on our way. 

The year or two following and for a number of years after, while attending college and serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I did not have a car. I either walked, biked, or used public transportation to get around. My first recollection of the apparency of my anxiety was while my husband and I were driving in highly congested areas on our honeymoon six or so years after the accident. From that point forward, my anxiety has surfaced every time I am in a car, yet I have not been able to put my finger on the underlying source until now.

Throughout my entire stay upon my return to this surrounding area where the minor accident occurred, I felt an overwhelming anxiety, greater than usual while driving from place to place. Then suddenly, one evening as I was out and about I had an aha moment, an epiphany. It was a tender mercy it became clear to me right then that my anxiety resulted from the accident 30 years prior. 

Interestingly, I have on many occasions shared the facts of the accident as it comes up in a dialogue from time to time with a purpose to express my gratitude for the head’s up warning, our safety, and that I was not ticketed. Where I was not physically injured, I had not connected nor realized that the accident had mentally impacted me and has shown up each time I am in a car and want for there to always be a conservatively safe distance kept between my car and the vehicles ahead of me in the event a driver quickly pulls in front of my car. It is when that safe distance is breached, I experience intense anxiety, which happens frequently. 

Though this knowledge did not eliminate my anxiety, it was a tender mercy that the underlying source of my anxiety fully came to light and I now know the why and from where my anxiety originated. In addition, it was a tender mercy when one evening as I was close by the very spot the accident occurred, I felt a peacefulness. 

When have you experienced bouts of anxiety to any degree of any kind and not known the why and from where it originated and you felt a comfort when the underlying source of your anxiety fully came to light? 


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Struggling With Something That Is Really Hard

Struggling with something that is really hard.

I have been struggling with something that is really hard. I have been struggling with writing. 

Why is writing so hard for me? Even though I’ve been blogging for two years now, (my first published post) writing for me has not gotten any easier, if anything it seems to have become more difficult. Why do I blog? Because I have tender mercy moment experiences that I have felt strongly impressed and guided to share with others and the means I have felt impressed to do it is through a blog. 

I definitely appreciate and value each finished blog post, however, what it takes to get to that point is super hard, hours of editing so that my description of my experiences are concise, cohesive, and coherent. Though it takes me a long time to come to a place that I feel comfortable publishing most post entries, I am pleased with the end result, albeit imperfect. 

As I have been struggling a great deal writing out my tender mercy moments, it has been a tremendous tender mercy that I have received divine help.

For days now, despite there being no shortage of tender mercy moments, personal and sacred in nature, I have experienced a lull in not having a tender mercy moment I felt impressed to blog about publicly and considered that maybe my time and season after two years of blogging was coming to an end.

While being in this unusual space of abeyance, it was a tender mercy an impression to post an earlier published entry entered my mind. As I wondered which entry I should repost, it was another tender mercy that of all of my published posts, I was drawn to one in particular from a year and half ago. I don’t know the reason why it was that specific one other than I felt an assurance that it would touch and bless at least one reader. 

Although it felt strange to repost an earlier entry, at the same time it felt right. Ironically, after reposting it, I began listening to a Virtual Couch Podcast episode by Tony Overbay in which it so happened the episode I selected was one he originally recorded eight or nine months earlier and was replaying it for the reason that the relevancy of the message was applicable just as much today as it was back when it was first recorded and there were now new listeners to his podcast whom may not have heard the episode when it first came out, me being one of them.

In addition to that amazing tender mercy, I then recalled how grateful I have been when Jordan Page of has reposted her grandma’s banana bread recipe here and there on her blog. As both Tony and Jordan have been sharing content online for much longer than I, knowing that they too repost prior entries to their site was a comforting tender mercy. 

On this day, it was another tender mercy as a family member reached out to me asking about something they hoped I could send to them, that while looking for it, I came across a book on a shelf in our home that I didn’t even know we had from a class one of our children had taken some time ago entitled, “Mindful Writing”. 

As I browsed through the first chapter, it was a tender mercy I felt additional comfort when I came across several sentences by the author, Brian Jackson, relaying the struggle and challenge it is to write, “Learning to be a good writer is a lifelong process that will challenge you in every new rhetorical situation. I’m still learning how to write, after thirty-five years of doing it and fifteen years of teaching it.” … “Writing—and I ain’t tellin’ you anything new here—is hard. It’s a challenging task.” … “As I said, I’ve been writing and studying writing for a long time, and I still struggle to get my writing where I want it to be.” 

Why did his words bring me comfort? Because for the past two years of blogging I’ve been waiting for my weakness in writing to become a strength and realizing that other writers struggle with writing too was comforting.

When have you been struggling with something that is really hard, waiting for the day when you’ll master it, only to realize and find comfort that others with seemingly more experience than you in a similar discipline struggle too?


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It Didn’t Make Sense, Nonetheless…

Upon receiving a spontaneous prompting to purchase raspberry lemonade, though it didn’t make sense, nonetheless, the impression to go and do was acted on.

It Didn’t Make Sense, Nonetheless…

As much as I did not want to go to the grocery store this evening, I was grateful for the deliberate focus I had on what all I needed to get and that the menu items for the meals I had planned out for at least the next couple of days all fit in a mini shopping cart. As I was ready to check out, I felt impressed to go all the way to the back of the store in the cold section and get some raspberry lemonade. I did not know the reason for the prompting and though it didn’t make sense, nonetheless I went ahead and followed through with it. 

Typically it is not a food item that I purchase on a regular basis, only on a rare occasion if there’s a coupon or it’s on sale. Remarkably, in conjunction with the impression, it was a tender mercy that the lemonade happened to be on sale. As I purchased two bottles along with our other groceries, brought them home and placed them in our fridge, one of my children noticed and they were pleased. I wondered if maybe it was meant for them, but it didn’t feel like it and so again I still didn’t know the reason for purchasing the raspberry lemonade.

The following night, it seemed fitting to have one of the bottles of raspberry lemonade as just part of our family meal. It tasted delicious and was enjoyed by everyone, however, there was nothing significant that stood out answering the why I felt impressed to specifically purchase the raspberry lemonade and so I was still curious as to the reason. 

Later that evening at the close of the night I received a text message from a friend expressing concern about a mutual friend who was struggling and reaching out for connection. 

Earlier in the week, I felt prompted to message the struggling friend prior to coming to know that they were going through a hard time, but received no response back. As this friend continued to be on my mind for days, I prayed for them and asked Heavenly Father what I could do for them. I was impressed to place their name on a prayer roll inside one of the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so that not only myself, but others as well could pray for them too. However, that would have to wait a couple days until the temple was open to be able to do so. 

In the meantime, when I received the text from the friend about our mutual friend, I once again reached out and asked the struggling friend if they would like to get together. Despite their desire for connection, they replied back that per what they were going through, the timing was not good. I then asked what would help them the most right at that time. They quickly responded that they were in much need of prayers to which I replied that I would definitely do that and at the end of the text message I added a hug and a prayer emoji. 

After our correspondence, it became clear to me that the other bottle of raspberry lemonade was for this struggling friend. However, a part of me felt a little uncomfortable giving them the raspberry lemonade as I was concerned that their perception would be that I was sending a message for them to turn their “lemons into lemonade” and to just get over what they were going through rather than the pure compassion and empathy I felt for them. 

That concern was short lived as I knew I was guided to specifically get the raspberry lemonade for reasons I did not know as well as the thought that when food has been brought to me, I have felt comforted and happy that somebody had thought of me and took the time to bring something to me especially at a time when I’ve been hurting.

The following afternoon I stopped by their home and though it appeared they were there as their family cars were in the driveway, I did not expect them to come to the door. After knocking and waiting a short couple of minutes, I placed a grocery bag with the raspberry lemonade inside on their door knob and texted them to let them know I left it. 

Although I didn’t know anything about my friend’s circumstance or situation, only that they were struggling and going through a very hard time, I knew there was a purpose in getting the raspberry lemonade and though initially it didn’t make sense, nonetheless as I acted on the impression, it was a tender mercy I was able to bless them during their time of need. 

I learned later through a thank you text from the struggling friend a couple of primary whys behind the raspberry lemonade in particular, one being that it is a favorite drink for most of the family members in their household.

When have you received a spontaneous prompting to purchase a random item, which at the time it didn’t make sense, nonetheless, you acted on the impression to go and do and later came to know of the inspirational reason why?


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Special Occasion Celebration Was Postponed

A special occasion for celebration was postponed when not feeling well on the actual day.

Though my birthday coincided with a national holiday this year and it was not only exciting that my kids would have the day off of school, but also that I was looking forward to it being an extended weekend of birthday fun and relaxation, sadly, due to my not feeling well, my birthday celebration was postponed. 

Traditionally, as a family, when it’s a member’s birthday, we all go out to eat at their favorite restaurant. I planned to go out, but my state of being was not aligned with the day’s agenda. The number of times I tried to get out earlier in the day, I couldn’t do it. It was futile. Each attempt was fruitless. My body just wasn’t having it. Finally, I conceded to not going out at all. 

I loved that it was a sunny day, and though from inside my house it appeared to be warm outside, it was actually a bit chilly which for what my body was experiencing, mostly heavy head pressure, I didn’t want to leave the warmth and comfortableness of my home. 

I imagined and envisioned that holding my head upright while sitting in a booth on a chilly night with the cold going right through me would be quite unpleasant and miserable. So, rather than push myself to do what I originally desired as it would be too much of a strain, I made the decision to stay home. It was what it was and I accepted it, though an absolute bummer that on the one day a year to celebrate me, I was not up to it. 

However, as soon as I relinquished my plans of going out, a weight I didn’t know I was feeling was lifted. I lowered my expectations of what I hoped would happen throughout the day, so much so that by the end of the day I didn’t realize how much I had accepted my circumstances and dissociated from not celebrating my birthday until I was asked by one of my children if I would be blowing out any candles. Though I was surprised that this tradition had completely slipped my mind, the mention of it caused my head pressure to magnify and was a definitive no-go. 

The day was not a complete disappointment though as I had wanted to finish a book I had started weeks back and being able to rest and read the book on this day was wonderful! Not only that, it was a tender mercy when the thought entered my mind that although this day was my actual birthday, I could still celebrate on any other day and it would be just as special. Upon this acknowledgement, my low countenance quickly boosted to happy anticipation of being able to celebrate when I felt better. 

When have you felt unwell at a time of celebration on your behalf and the special occasion celebration was postponed until you felt better?


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One For Me And One For You

With most all shopping carts being used by other patrons, it was a tender mercy that when you and another shopper not far behind you entered the store, there were still two available carts, “One For Me And One For You!”

“Yay, one for me and one for you!” was my quiet expression of gratitude when walking into a store full of shoppers and seeing that the only cart left by the entrance/exit was available for me as well as spotting an unattended cart nearby for another shopper that came in not far behind me whom was also desirous of having a cart. 

Post Christmas and New Years as the holiday break was coming to a close, I went to a particular store to return a couple of Christmas presents that did not work as intended and to purchase a few end-of-season clearance and regular priced gift items. Once inside, I noticed a long checkout line and the number of available carts had dwindled down to one. It was a tender mercy that when I arrived, there was at least one remaining shopping cart by the entrance/exit. 

As I settled my personal belongings and returns into the cart and was preparing to step away, I observed another shopper that had come in soon after I did looking for a cart. Though I could have kept the last cart for myself as per the phrase “first come, first serve”, I was willing to give it up to them, however, I too needed a cart. 

With a very sore shoulder from overextending one of my arms a few days earlier, carrying anything caused uncomfortable pain so going into the packed store and being able to snatch up the last available cart near the entrance/exit was a welcomed tender mercy for me. 

Yet, I didn’t want the much older shopper than I to be without a cart so I scanned the area from where I was standing and it was a tender mercy I saw an isolated cart close by in a section between racks of clothing and shelves of merchandise. I turned to the other shopper with an expression of elation, optimistic that we would each have a cart, “one for me and one for you.” 

However, not knowing if the cart with an article of clothing on the seat was being used by someone who may have gone into a nearby toilet room, as I approached the restroom to see if it was vacant or not, an individual stepped out and did not claim the cart when asked and no one else was nearby so it was assumed it had just been randomly left behind. It was a tender mercy we each now had a cart. 

When have you gone into a store and there was a limited quantity of something you and another shopper desired and you were grateful that with what remained there was “one for me and one for you”, meaning one for each of you? 


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Reflections After All Was Said And Done

Reflections After All Was Said And Done

When the dynamics among associations I have had with individuals I dearly love and care about changed due to life’s circumstances, I felt a devastating loss. The reflections that came after all was said and done caused my heart to ache and I felt a wrenching void. In one moment life was great, my interactions with them were superb, and then just like that, ever so quickly, everything was different and I didn’t know what to make of the abrupt “overnight” changes. Getting a handle on and processing how my relationships with each would now be moving forward was excruciatingly hard. 

Preceding the fading connections that transpired in just over the course of one week, I had spent valuable and memorable time with each individual on separate monumental occasions.  

With one of them, I knew following a whirlwind of events and the adrenaline rush leading up to their life-altering festivities, I would experience a drop as I supposed our interactions would be less, but I didn’t know the degree or fathom the emotions of loss I would feel. I was happy for the new chapter in their life they were embarking and sad for me at the same time. Another loss came as a total surprise, unexpectedly out-of-the-blue, and another was less shocking, yet still very difficult.  

Would my relationships with any of them ever be the same? Had I truly lost the bond I had with each of them prior to that point? Navigating these waters I had never been through before would have been more rough if I had not had others to help me through it by opening up and being vulnerable in sharing my raw, authentic emotions of hurt and pain. I was supported through my grief and I had an outlet to release off my heart and mind what I had considered and contemplated keeping to myself. Cognitively, I understood and acknowledged that suppressing my feelings would not have served me well. 

In recognizing the discomfort and state I would remain if I stayed closed up and knowing the source of who would have me suffer, I courageously stepped out of my typical default of remaining private and keeping my personal cares and concerns to myself. Through sharing and opening up my feelings with others whom I trusted, I felt an immediate comfort. By doing so, it was a tender mercy that others who have gone before me, been where I am, and have experienced the particular losses that are new to me were present to help me, not just family and friends alone, but also the overall concept shared on a podcast entitled, I See You, and a message shared during an in particular episode.  

This recent hardship was a reminder to me of years ago learning from others the challenge of raising teenagers. When I came into that phase with my children, I had a sense of humor and familiarity of what was happening because of watching and learning from others who had gone through it before me.  

Although I was more so prepared for the teenage years unlike my late experiences, receiving help to navigate through difficult challenges from those who have “been there, done that” was a real blessing and tender mercy!

When have life-altering circumstances separated you away from those you love and care about deeply and as your reflections after all was said and done left you feeling great sorrow and sadness, others who have gone before you and experienced what you were going through were there to help and support you through your pain?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Responding To An Impromptu Impression That Felt Awkward

While spending time with a new friend a couple of days earlier, they had shared with me an important upcoming therapeutic meeting they would be attending. As evening approached on that specific day, out of the blue I felt inspired to reach out to them and inquire how the meeting went. My initial reaction to the impromptu impression of asking such a personal question was a feeling of awkwardness. I wondered if they would think I was prying into their privacy or if they would know it was coming from a place of genuine care and heartfelt concern. 

I ignored the prompting and it came right back. I knew the feeling I was having was one not to resist or push aside. Over the years I have come to recognize impromptu impressions are promptings to act. With not more than a few minutes of back and forth, “should I or should I not” and knowing better than to second guess the prompting, I went for it and messaged them.

On numerous occasions in the last few weeks I’ve been inspired to visit with them. As I have done so, a friendship and connection has formed and their feeling comfortable to open up to me about the difficulties they are going through has transpired. Our positive interactions, I believe, led to the reason why my text was well received. 

It was a surprising tender mercy that the news and information provided them during the meeting to the possibilities of what they may be facing and the trying times up ahead, understandably overwhelming, I have familiarity and firsthand knowledge of the struggle and am able to provide them varying help along their journey. 

Ironically, at the time of the prompting and right before I sent the text, I was listening to an inspirational message about how our challenges and trials can bless and help another. 

When have you felt awkward about following through with an impromptu impression to reach out to a friend, yet, you knew with certainty it was a prompting to act; and, of no coincidence, your background experience was a blessing to them as they much needed support and help navigating a scary uncertain path?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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