Come To Know The Why

With my intense anxiety on slick roads, being in a solid, secure vehicle with suitable tire traction for the projected conditions was a singular, come to know the why moment, a reason, if you will, our car randomly stopped working. 

Have you ever asked yourself these questions, silently or out loud, “Why do bad things happen to good people?! Why did this happen to me?! Why did this happen for me?!” Though the answers may remain a floating question, without an answer and elusive at times, other times you may, to a degree, come to know the why, the reason for the reason. One such time for me came the weekend of my dad’s unexpected passing. 

Each morning, after I drop off my youngest at school, I will back into a parking spot until about 15 minutes beyond the school start time, as vehicles coming and going can get pretty congested and crazy, which in turn spikes and intensifies my anxiety. While I wait out the time for a bit, I’ll turn off the car to conserve gas and either attend to various tasks on my phone, read a physical book, or listen to a podcast. 

On this particular Thursday morning, upon ready to head back home, as I turned on the car, it would not start. A slew of flashing lights appeared on the dashboard. Not only that, it was as if the car lost its grounding and was slipping away. It felt like the car was moving forward. Even with my foot on the brake pedal, I was concerned about the car rolling into the parked car in front of me, so I applied the emergency brake as well, which seemed to do nothing at all. 

Not knowing what was going on, I straightaway pulled out the dealership manual from the glove box to figure it out, and still, with no idea how to solve for what was going on, I reached out to my husband who came to my assistance. We ended up leaving the car in the school parking lot. Once home, I called the dealership and learned it was likely the battery. My husband returned to the school and jumpstarted the car, alone a tender mercy I had backed into the parking spot, and the car then sat in our garage, undriveable for several days before the proper installation of a new battery could take place. In the meantime, it was a tender mercy we had a backup vehicle to drive, a truck in particular.  

The next evening as my husband and I had just finished a dinner date, I received a text from one of my siblings that I was processing as we were leaving the restaurant. I wasn’t sure what to make of the message, if it was for real or not. We did not travel far before I elected we stop and pull into a gas station and I shared with my husband the message, “not sure if dad will make it through the night”. The validity of the message left me up in the air as to what to do. Though uncertain, as I had no preliminary knowledge of my dad being physically unwell, I decided it would be better to go see him than not. 

It was a tender mercy not only that the gas station we had stopped at was right next to the interstate that traveled directly up to my dad’s residence, but also that we were in the truck the evening of the first winter storm advisory of the season. With my intense anxiety on slick roads, being in a solid, secure vehicle with suitable tire traction for the projected conditions was a singular, come to know the why moment, a reason, if you will, our car randomly stopped working. 

Upon reaching my dad and visiting with him and getting updates from my siblings, I learned that one and half weeks earlier, my dad was vibrant, vivacious, and energetic, and it was shared that he could live another 20 years. And then, just like that, over a one week span, his bill of health declined. Though his physical appearance looked frail, he was coherent in conversation and mentally cognizant of his surroundings. As the evening hour waned and my dad expressed desire to rest, my optimistic self believed he would make a full recovery, which carried me through the night as my husband and I returned back to our home. 

The next morning I received a call from a sibling that had stayed with my dad through the night and attended to his care. As he observed my dad’s suffering in the early morning hours, before daybreak he took him to a hospital emergency room, upon where my dad passed the moment he was wheel-chaired inside. 

As my mom, no longer married to my dad, and many of my siblings were gathered around my dad’s emergency room bedside until they moved him to the morgue in the basement of the hospital, it was decided that we would all go back to his tiny apartment and move his minimalistic belongings from his place to one of my sibling’s place who lived nearby. The question was asked if anyone had a truck. Though a very surreal moment that my dad had in fact passed away, it was a tender mercy, with our car inoperable, my husband and I had come up in the truck. 

When our car randomly stopped working, I had no idea that two days later my dad would unexpectedly pass away and that being in the truck would be a tender mercy. In addition, my receiving the message and being with and conversing with my dad the night before he passed was a blessed tender mercy

As the weekend unfolded, I had come to know the why, the why my reliable car, without warning, had faltered a couple of days prior. 

When have you come to know the why something undesirable happened “for you”, which, the occurrence, in and of itself, was a provided tender mercy?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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A Cherished Season

When have you experienced throughout a cherished season of your life, the flow of incredible, enumerable tender mercies from Heavenly Father?

A cherished season of my life, one opportunity in particular, right here, right now, years in the making, a journey, yets, unknowns, and proactivity amidst yearnings. Varied encapsulated moments have led to this treasured gift I am extremely grateful and thrilled exists for me and for you! 

This divinely inspired chapter, a snippet and a cherished season of my life’s journey began over 15 years ago. 

Month’s back, I was interviewed by a producer of a website, The LDS Women’s Project, and asked about how my Tender Mercy Moments blog and Tender Mercy Moments Mini Retreats came to be. In a nutshell, the condensed version, here goes! 

As the second oldest of 10 siblings, I would be asked if my husband and I planned on having a large family too. After my fifth pregnancy, my third being an ectopic pregnancy, I received a very distinct and impressionable impression that my family was complete and Heavenly Father was preparing me for something else.

Days, weeks, months, years, I waited, not knowing, and curious. Along the way, ideas of what that something might be came to mind, of which I proactively acted on, however, one that stands out was short-lived as I quickly experienced burn out and realized it was not sustainable for me long term and the others faded away after no time. 

Fast forward 10 1/2 years, while volunteering at my youngest child’s elementary school as a Copy Pal Liaison, coordinating and organizing scheduling of parent helpers for all grade level teachers to assist them with their copy room needs, a position I had since the school’s opening a couple of years earlier, I was impressed during the first semester of my child’s second to last year there to invite another volunteer to take on the position. The impression, a tender mercy, was a distinct knowledge that what Heavenly Father had prepared for me was now. What it was, I didn’t know just yet, until a couple of months later, that came at the end of January 2018.

Years earlier, in 2000, while my two older and only children at the time were young, during the holidays I attended a progressive dinner. I was awed at each home, decorated so beautifully for Christmas, a season I love and is for me a magical time of year! It was there and then, a desire surged within me to one day host an event similarly in my own home. 

A couple of years later, not long after our family moved to a new home and location, it was a tender mercy an opportunity presented itself in the form of a sign up to host a Christmas Girl’s Night Out (GNO). I continued to host this Christmas GNO for many years to follow minus the year my youngest was born. I was ecstatic, giddy, and on cloud nine! I loved hosting and every minute of preparing a variety of multiple homemade parting gifts for the event months in advance. This event, in and of itself, was a treasured moment and a cherished season of my life.

It was also during my time in this location while attending a Ward Relief Society talent show I came to learn what talent Heavenly Father has given to me. As I sat watching others get up and share their talent of art and music, having neither, I wondered, “What are my talents?” It was a tender mercy it was given to me at that time that my talents are spiritual in nature. 

Back to the latter end of January 2018, I was inspired to start a blog, mind you, writing is not my forte and a skill I struggle with profusely! Nonetheless, I heeded the inspiration. Upon the inspiration to start the blog, I was extremely grateful for the tender mercy that my two utmost desires were fulfilled. The first being, whatever the name of the blog, that it be long lasting, indefinite, one I would never need to rebrand and a name I would love ongoing. And two, I did not want to come up with content. Being creative in that way would be a real struggle, cumbersome, and overwhelming for me. 

After six weeks of trying to figure out the name for the blog, having involved my husband and children, it was a tender mercy, at long last, a name that surfaced, Tender Mercy Moments, felt 100% right, and almost 5 years later, it still does. The fact that the domain was available, in and of itself, was a tender mercy and a testament to me of this, a cherished season of my life, had been prepared for me, for this time.

In addition, tender mercy moments exist and are present for each of us daily. Guaranteed! Heavenly Father is mindful and aware of each of us personally, individually, and uniquely 24/7! The question is, “Do we see His hand in our lives and daily recognize His awareness and mindfulness of us?” There may be one, two, multiple tender mercies, or more that we are not able to get a handle on from Heavenly Father in any given day! It is pretty remarkable! It is a glorious tender mercy there will never be a shortage or lack of content,  nor will I ever need to worry about coming up with content on my own, as content, tender mercy moments, show up every single day. Miracles have not ceased nor will His tender mercies.

After much trepidation, in the summer of 2018, as the blog was well underway, I stepped out of my comfort zone and began to share it with others.

Due to my massive struggle with writing, in the fall of 2019, it was an incredible tender mercy when the inspiration came to begin a Tender Mercy Moments Facebook page and post a daily Tender Mercy Moment Cue. I was elated as it relieved me of the hours I spend writing and publishing a blog entry! As each published post concludes with a question, “When have you … ?” to draw each reader to consider a relatable way they have recognized Heavenly Father’s hand in their own life, a Tender Mercy Moment Cue, a posed question, based on my own personal tender mercy moments in near real time, is posted daily for the reader to reflect on experiences of their own, associated with the cue. 

Combining my love for hosting and my talents that are spiritual in nature, it was a magnificent tender mercy when in the winter of 2019, the inspiration came to host a “Tender Mercy Christmas Girl’s Night Out”, and then the inspiration during COVID to host in February 2021 a virtual, pilot, Tender Mercy Moments “Sweet” Mini Retreat, followed by the subsequent inspiration to host the exceptional and phenomenal “Uncover Your Very Own Tender Mercy Moments” Mini Retreats that I began in June 2022 and I have been hosting every month since. The culmination of many treasured moments have led up to this now extraordinary season of my life, a cherished season of my life most definitely! I love every aspect of hosting and sharing my spiritual gifts with others! I love what I am doing and I am doing what I love! 

It has been a tremendous tender mercy that Heavenly Father has been by my side entirely, through the difficulty of writing and the technology aspect of blogging to my stepping outside of my comfort zone to reach out and share my gifts and talents through the tender mercy moments blog, daily social media Facebook Tender Mercy Moment Cues, and “Uncover Your Own Tender Mercy Moments” Mini Retreats.

When have you experienced a cherished season of your life, a divinely inspired chapter of your life’s journey, and the flow of enumerable tender mercies from Heavenly Father leading up to and during were incredible?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Circulation Of Blessings

As communities around our city rallied around the needs of a couple families who tragically lost a loved one, a circulation of blessings occurred, for the grieving families and for each who served them in one way or another.

As communities around our city rallied around the needs of a couple families who tragically lost a loved one, a circulation of blessings occurred, for the grieving families and for each who served them in one way or another.

Though the intent and focus of the service rendered was for the grieving families, I was awed while I partook in one of the many opportunities to give a little financially to these families, and joy followed upon what I realized was a circulation of blessings, as giving to these families, in turn, resulted in individual blessings for all, myself included. 

It was quite a remarkable moment as I considered the circulation of blessings taking place, how giving to the grieving families also blessed, in a variety of ways, those who gave, no matter how small or great their proceeds. From fundraisers such as donut sales, truck vendors, GoFundMe, a carnival covered overwhelming financial expenses, thoughtful and personalized art given provided emotional support and strength.  

These gestures of kindness were given out of love. At the same time, as residents came together to help the mourning families, I observed beautiful benefits that transpired for the givers as well, which included exposure to community member’s gifts and talents, fresh eyes on new businesses, and also, character growth and refinement such as compassion, etc. 

The circulation of blessings for me personally as our family provided a little financially, included multiple tender mercies, very simple, yet, meaningful. 

For one, feeling immense gratitude for the generosity of a food truck owner giving all proceeds to the two grieving families and joy for my willing desire to help, when I approached a food truck window to pay for what I had ordered and handed the cashier cash for the amount I owed, they adjusted the amount for less. What I did not know before then is that the food would have cost more if I had paid with a credit card. It was a tender mercy I had paid with cash versus a credit card as paying a tacked on credit card fee would not have gone to the grieving families and would have removed more out-of-pocket from our family budget that could be applied for other essentials.

Also, not only was it a tender mercy I was on top of when the food truck would open and the convenience of having a meal already prepared and ready to eat, as I was not up to making something, but also the timing of the food truck hours coincided as an escape to temporarily step away from existing chaos in our home.

Additionally, as I have an appreciation for eating at food establishments that are new to me, it was a tender mercy this was a great opportunity and reason to not only help the grieving families, but also become acquainted and support a startup local business. 

On top of that, as I went to the bottom of a hillside where I understood the food truck to be located and found no one there, it was a tender mercy I was familiar with a road up and around to the upper hillside versus cautiously reentering and driving back home via the main thoroughfare, as along the upper path I fell upon the food truck. 

When have you observed a circulation of blessings that came as individuals rallied around the needs of another and the extension of kindness bestowed and what you could give to help, in turn, brought about blessings for you, as well? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Rest Assured, All Is Well

Prior to receiving the impression, “rest assured, all is well”, concern enveloped my entire being as I observed what our puppy may have ingested.

Just like that, as my undivided attention turned momentarily away from our puppy, when I returned my focus to her, prior to receiving the impression, “rest assured, all is well”, concern enveloped my entire being as I observed what our puppy may have ingested.

While our family was hanging out watching TV, our four month old puppy was playing with her toys, when out of the corner of my eye I observed her chewing something suspicious. I quickly got up off the couch and knelt down by her side. When I looked in her mouth, I saw that she was chewing on some polyester stuffing from one of her toys that had ripped apart. I attempted to pry open her mouth, however, fear that she would clamp her teeth down on my hand as I reached into her mouth, I stopped any attempt and immediately called on one of my children, who has with such ease been able to sweep her mouth and remove a variety of questionable things she has been caught chewing on. Within the split second it took for them to get to her, they were unable to find the stuffing anywhere in her mouth. 

I was so frustrated with myself that I did not have the skill and courage to get it out of her mouth while I had an eye on it and I was very concerned she had swallowed it. What did it mean if she had? I sat back down on the couch, no longer engaged on whatever was on TV, but fully invested in researching and seeking to know what to do if she had swallowed it. I read of the possibility it could cause intestinal blockage and to get her to a veterinarian immediately OR it could come out in her poop within 24 hours and in the meantime to observe if she showed any signs or symptoms of illness. 

As a first time puppy owner, I was clueless and had no idea the seriousness, if any, I was up against. Do I lean towards a more assertive action and take her to the veterinary hospital, as the veterinary clinic was closed, or the passive approach to wait it out with hopes she had no digestive issues and it would come out the next morning?

While uncertain what action to take and not wanting to become anxious, it was a tender mercy I felt “rest assured, all is well”. Simultaneously, I was prompted to go where she had been chewing on the polyester stuffing and run my hand along our carpet, a color tone the stuffing blended in with easily. As I got down on my hands and knees and brushed my hand over the area, it was a tender mercy I found the polyester stuffing that had been in her mouth. I was relieved she had spit it out and not swallowed it. 

Several days later, I observed her biting a hole in the corner seam of a fabric covered sand bag, up against our back door to keep the winter cold air out of our kitchen. As a quick remedy, I tied off the hole with a twist tie and flipped the bag upside down to hide the corner from her and hoped she would not be able to access it. Unfortunately, one afternoon as I left her resting unattended in the kitchen while I took a phone call in another room with better reception, she managed to remove the twist tie and further increase the size of the hole. 

When I returned to the kitchen, sand was spilt out on the floor beside the bag and the wire twist tie was missing. Though I was concerned she may have chewed and swallowed the twist tie, I refrained from becoming panicked, just yet. As the thought entered my mind of whether or not to make an emergency call to a veterinarian to have her checked out, it was a tender mercy I felt a peaceful calm that it was not necessary. I felt confident and rest assured, all is well and that I would find the twist tie. 

After I swept up the spilt sand and continued sweeping in the kitchen where she goes to hang out and chew on the treats we give her, next to the towel she lies on while enjoying her treats was the twist tie wire. It was a tender mercy that though she had chewed some of the paper off of the twist tie, the entire wire piece had not been ingested by her. I was relieved and grateful that during these two health scare instances, I received the impression that rest assured, all is well. 

When have you experienced a health scare instance of a loved one and you received a much like impression that rest assured, all is well? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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What Is A Gift They Would Really Like?

When have you wanted to give someone who had no wish list a gift, but questioned what is a gift they would really like?

Has there ever been someone for whom you wanted to buy a gift, for any special occasion—birthday, valentines, anniversary, Christmas, etc. that did not come right out and express what they wanted nor share a wish list with you when asked directly, leaving you stuck with no idea what to get them and wondering what is a gift they would really like?

I have…. and just recently….until I focused on their from time to time, subtle communications in reference to specific gifts they would really like.  

I love Christmas and the magic of Christmas and the excitement on Christmas day of seeing loved ones open up the thoughtful gifts I personally select for them indicating that I see them and know them

This year was a lot more challenging as I struggled not only to find items for those who provided me with a wish list, but even more so when a list was not given. Nonetheless, I was up for the challenge. I just hoped I would figure it out before Christmas. To which I did. The weeks leading up to that anticipated day, my ears were honed into dialogues with whom I did not receive a list and I reflected on prior conversations I’ve had with them. Before too long, I had a number of ideas of what gifts to get for them between what I picked up on through observation for what they may appreciate getting to what I recollected they had in passing nonchalantly expressed they would really like.

Going from not having any idea to knowing a couple handful of gifts I could get for them was super exciting, though, I kept that knowledge and enthusiasm to myself. I did not want to give away that even though they didn’t come right out and tell me, I knew exactly what they wanted as well as what they may appreciate getting. I was looking so forward to Christmas day to see their reaction. 

One by one, it was a tender mercy that after hours of going in and out of many different stores all throughout the holiday season, I found each item. I was so happy and most especially giddy about one in particular. It was one they had seen on TV that was described to me with great interest when I returned home one evening from being out. 

Just three days before Christmas, as this particular gift item had been on the back of my mind, but I had not gotten around to researching about it, it was a tender mercy that in only going off of the description shared as I had not seen it myself, the exact product they had seen on TV came up right away when I google searched it. I saw that the item was carried in several stores near me which was a relief as my preference is in-store shopping and I was up against the wire, but each store I called was completely out of that item. 

When I returned to the product information online, there was another store I had missed and upon my calling them, it was a tender mercy there was one of that product remaining on their shelf. The employee offered to go get it and hold it for me. Oh, my excitement! I responded with an absolute and delighted yes! Within a 1/2 hour I was in the store picking it up. I marveled and felt such joy and gratitude I had this last minute and most important gift, that wrapped up my gift buying purchases, in my hand. Christmas was a success! Each gift was well-received and appreciated!

When have you wanted to give someone who had no wish list a gift, but questioned what is a gift they would really like and in paying close attention to their subtle mention here and there of ideas, you knew just what to get them?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Best-Laid Plans Even More So Improved Upon

And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed!

Strategizing and coordinating events in the most optimal and efficient way as possible from setting up large group rotation schedules to planning out the best routes to travel when running errands to multiple places all over town is something I thoroughly enjoy. And, when my best-laid plans are even more so improved upon, I am overjoyed! 

With Christmas only a week away and it being the last day of school for our kids before the winter break, I was concerned about not catching those I wanted to deliver gifts to prior to their possibly leaving town for the holidays. I connected with each via a text message asking if they would be around prior to a specific late afternoon time, allowing a cushion for me to pick up our newly spayed puppy from the veterinary clinic within the designated final two hours before they closed. Ideally, I hoped to arrive within the first hour as I was anxious to get to her as soon as possible and spend the rest of the evening providing her comfort and my undivided love and attention as she began the two week incision healing and recovery process.

As almost everyone, except for a couple, one-by-one, quickly responded to my message, the majority of them shared the same approximate time for me to come by. Their places of residence were in several different neighborhoods stretched out in my community. Strategizing the coordination of how to get to each home within the short available window was a fun, albeit bit tricky challenge for me. When delays transpired that extended the time longer to get from one place to another, I revamped my plan a few times to best optimize the distance I needed to travel and keep within the allotted timeframe. Along the way, when I knew I would arrive later than the originally planned time, I reached out to adjust the time. It was a tender mercy each one kindly obliged to the alteration and indicated they would still be home. 

My plan though well laid out, even so, with a couple homes left to go, it was a tender mercy an unexpected call I received from someone I thought was in a pinch and needed my help further refined my best-laid plan. Immediately, I rerouted and headed their way to assist them and learned just before reaching their place that they did not need my help. As a result of rerouting, I happened to pass a home I was going to deliver to last and saw that they were outside. It was a tender mercy I was able to drop off their gift lickety-split and from there able to deliver the remaining gift and pick up our puppy thirty minutes sooner than I had anticipated.

When have your best-laid plans been further refined and even more efficient and optimal than you had well-devised?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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How Did That Happen?

After decades of having a fear of dogs and declining my kids request for one year after year, our family now has a puppy. How did that happen?

What do you know! After decades of having a fear of dogs and declining my kids request for one year after year, our family now has a puppy. How did that happen?

As a youth, I was nipped from behind by an angry unrestrained dog as I was walking home one day. After that occurrence, I’ve pretty much stayed clear of dogs and avoided petting them. Though I have enjoyed observing them from a distance, I have not wanted them close by me. 

When our kids repeatedly asked for a dog each Christmas, I was giddy when I would come across a creative dog gift I could give them in place of a real dog. The most memorable gift was the “fur real dog” and an awesome dog book that was so relatable and spot on to the desires of our children and the concerns of mine. Another memorable gift came from our children to my husband and I, and it is one I use often. It is a cute dog print plush fabric they purchased and sewed around the edges and made it into a blanket. 

Though fear was the primary reason for my not wanting to get a dog, over the years I would also share with my kids the secondary reasons for my not wanting a dog such as their odor, chewing at furniture and stair railings, cleaning up vomit, poop and urine in the house and vomit and poop outside in the yard, veterinary appointments, the expense of boarding while traveling, etc. 

A couple of months ago, prior to visiting a loved one with a puppy, our children once again asked if we could get a puppy. I said that if I did well around the loved one’s puppy then I would be ok looking into our getting one when we got back home.  What? How Did That Happen? How did I go from not wanting a dog to now being okay with one? I don’t know, other than the timing felt right. 

Surprisingly, I did really well being around the puppy and I did not experience any fear at all. As such, upon our return home, my kids and husband began researching about different dogs. It was a tender mercy we all agreed on and liked the same kind of dog, a labradoodle. 

Once we decided on the breed of dog, our children then made a list of all the labradoodle breeders within a 4 1/2 hour radius of us. It was a tender mercy that though most of the breeders on the list did not have any puppies available, the second breeder on the list referred us to one of their breeder friends, not on our list and located less than an hour from our place, who had one puppy pick available in their litter of seven after a recent buyer cancelled and the puppies were exactly what we were looking for in size, color, and generation of breed. As labradoodle puppies are in high demand in our area, the timing of our contacting the breeder was a tender mercy as they had not yet updated their website to indicate the availability status for the last puppy and we were able to secure placement for the last pick.  

In my initial dialogue with the breeder, I expressed my fear of dogs as well as my excitement to have a puppy and that what was most important to me was that the puppy got along with every family member, especially me considering my longtime fear of dogs. Though there was no guarantee if the last puppy would be the best fit for our family, it was a tender mercy that all of the puppies in the litter were cute and based on that alone, we would have been pleased with any one of them, though their was one in particular we wanted the most. Fortunately, it was a tender mercy that the last puppy left was the very one we had wanted and the one the breeder felt would be a perfect fit for our family. And that she is. She is sweet, has a calm temperament,  and interacts so good with each of us. 

Upon bringing her home, it was a tender mercy that as she sat on a blanket in the car between our two youngest teenage children, throughout the two hour car ride that included a few stops along the way for my husband and I to purchase puppy supplies we did not want to get before we were sure we were bringing a puppy home, she did not have any accidents in the car or need to stop to go potty before we got home. 

Caring for a puppy has been quite exhausting, particularly puppy potty training and maintaining a vigilant eye on her all throughout the day. It has been a huge tender mercy that around the clock she has had a family member able to care for her as everyone has been home full time from my husband working remotely and our children doing virtual learning due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic precautionary measures in place.

It has also been a tender mercy that an opportunity to facilitate an Emotional Resilience class has coincided with the timing of when we picked her up from the breeder as there have been many doozy of days while potty training her and not being able to get ahead of her messes for which I have been able to utilize, apply, and implement the skills and tools I am learning each week in the class to not give in to believing that I am not cut out to be a puppy owner. 

Another tender mercy has been that I have not needed to take on the nerve-racking attempt to clip and file her sharp nails that grow out quickly as she files her front paw nails all on her own via our stone fireplace. 

Additionally, within the first week and a half of having her home, she has visited the veterinary clinic twice, once for her initial puppy exam and the other time for an ear checkup when she started whimpering upon her ears being touched and I noticed redness on the cartilage side of one of her ears. 

Due to the timing of both appointments, I took her by myself as no one else was available to go with me. Being alone with a dog would have before now made me extremely nervous and I would not have been able to do it, however, I was not afraid. How did that happen? How did I go from not wanting a dog near me to now having a dog in my lap and holding and stroking her fluffy hair? It was a tender mercy that as I visualized and imagined the joy of having a puppy, I was able to love on her and not panic or feel fear. 

Also, being a first time dog owner and not knowing what I was doing or how to do certain things related to her care, it was a tender mercy the veterinary doctor offered to show me how to give her a tablet for ticks and fleas and to put medicine in her ear for a mild yeast infection. Watching the veterinary doctor do it was a tender mercy as I am a visual learner and seeing it done gave me a little more confidence that I could do it on my own.

When have you gone from absolutely never wanting to have something, for whatever reason, to overnight being completely ok with having it and wondering, “how did that happen?”


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Conflict Of Interest

When faced with overlapping opportunities to separately bond with a couple of people I care about, as to a conflict of interest, I was not capable of effectively bonding with each of them individually at the same time.

When faced with overlapping opportunities to separately bond with a couple of people I care about, I opted to multitask and interact with them simultaneously. However, as to a conflict of interest, I was not capable of effectively bonding with each of them individually at the same time. 

During a call with one of them in whom I felt strongly impressed to reach out to that I had not phoned in a very long time, the other one followed up with me about a place they had asked earlier if I would take them to that was closing soon. In that instance, I was faced with a conflict of interest. 

Both individuals are important to me. On one hand, I was not ready just yet to end the pleasant and engaging phone conversation I was having with the one and on the other hand I wanted to take the other, sooner rather than later, to where I had previously agreed I would take them. So, I decided to stay on the call with the one via earphones at the same time as taking the other where they wanted to go.  

Not knowing the call would last as long as it did before saying our goodbyes, most of my undivided attention all the while out and for a time after returning back home resided with the one on the call while only split second moments of dialogue here and there were had with the one I was with in person. 

Although it was a tender mercy I acted when I did on the prompting I received to reach out to the one per a phone call, I felt horrible that in my decision to multitask, I was not then fully present with the other. Internally, I felt such sorrow and remorse.   

All throughout the call, I observed the countenance of the one I was with and sensed they had concerns. Upon the close of the call, I reached out to them and asked about their experience while we were out. The emotions they expressed I gathered as much. Though it hurt deeply to hear them verbally share them out loud, I did not hedge or skirt around my actions when called out for it

It was a tender mercy that as I took personal accountability and ownership for my actions and apologized to them as well as expressed my own frustration and disappointment for not being solely present for them, a distance between us that was created as I tried multitasking was lessened. 

When have you experienced a conflict of interest that involved people you care about and your expression of sorrow and remorse to the one you let down by not being fully present for them helped heal a distance that had been created as a result of your actions? 


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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Discovering A Happier Path For Me

As I set my sights on pursuing what I thought I would love doing, I came into discovering a happier path for me.

For years, I have had a strong desire and interest to do what I thought I would absolutely love doing. As I have set my sights on pursuing this endeavor, along the way, doors of opportunity have opened up and I have come into discovering a happier path for me.

In my first semester of college many, many  years ago, I took an accounting class. I liked accounting and I thought I would enjoy it as a career, however, one day during a question and answer session with several accountants who came to our class, it was shared that within five years it was not uncommon for accountants to feel burnt out. It was a tender mercy I learned this beneficial information in the beginning of my college years. As I wanted to get a degree in an area I would love long term as well as one in which I could financially support my future family if necessary, I decided right then that going into accounting was not in fact the career for me.

I eventually went on to study and graduate with a degree in Family Science to which I am to this day passionate about and drawn to continuously educate myself on various areas within this field. With a great love for all people, who they are and their individual backgrounds, I have always been inspired by messages and stories shared by speakers at firesides, conferences, Time Out For Women, TED Talks, etc. and have one day wanted to be a speaker myself. The ability to be a light to others and impact the lives of so many in a positive, uplifting way on a stage in front of a lot of people is what I thought I would absolutely love to do.

Along the way of aspiring to become an inspirational speaker, I have had numerous opportunities to interact with individuals one-on-one and in small groups through various church callings, time as a copy pal liaison and a backup Mindful Parenting coach, to hosting social gatherings in my home. It has been a tender mercy that through these experiences, I have come into discovering a happier path for me where I thrive and my personality comes alive. If that translated on a stage, it would be great! 

I imagine outside of being on the stage, a large aspect of being a speaker also involves a lot of correspondence via writing. For me, keeping up with it all would be too much at this time!! I am not ruling out that I’ll be an inspirational speaker one day, but as of right now, I am discovering a happier path for me and it is working with individuals one-on-one or in small groups—teaching, coaching, and facilitating discussions where I am able to be a light and a positive influence in the lives of others for good without being inundated with what for me, at least at this particular time in my life, would be overwhelming and cumbersome. 

When have you pursued what you thought you’d love doing and you came into discovering a happier path for you?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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You Are Doing Something Right

The joy you feel as you come to know that you are doing something right as a mom.

“Yes, Yes, you are doing something right!” As a mom, parenting can be a real struggle. I absolutely love being a mom, however, often I question if I am parenting the right way. Today, I received an affirmation of one thing in particular to which I was immediately overjoyed, so much so, I clenched my right hand as I raised it above my head and quickly brought it back down by my side in a victorious manner all the while resoundingly expressing to myself in second person, “Yes, Yes, you are doing something right!” 

On my way to picking up one of my children from early morning church seminary, I was listening to an episode of Real Talk. One specific quote, “The gospel of Jesus Christ should be caught not taught” mentioned non verbatim by one of the hosts referencing something spoken of by Elder David A. Bednar captured my attention. I looked up Elder Bednar’s broadcast talk and the words resonated with what I’ve done with my kids ever since they were little. 

When they would ask me for answers to questions—general life questions, homework questions, where they could find such and such, etc. I would often reply with “What do you think?“ Although they would get frustrated with this response, I did not want to just give them the answer outright. I wanted them to process through and consider the answer for themselves first. Most often, as I guided them, they would come to the correct answer all on their own. I absolutely love the phrase/proverb, “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” 

Hearing first the quote and then reading the talk by Elder Bednar was a tender mercy as it provided me a thrill of affirmation that “Yes, Yes, you are doing something right!”

When have you questioned if you were parenting the right way or not and you received a form of affirmation that indeed, “Yes, Yes, you are doing something right!”?


“How have you noticed Heavenly Father’s awareness and mindfulness of you today?”

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